This guy was banned from - i'm just passing it on *SPOILER inside*


18 (100%)
I've had my own doubts about Halo 2 after beating the game.
earlier today i was browsing through our xbox community forums and i found this thread. now, i know... i'm not alone.


Make of this what you will, but maybe I said something a little too close to the truth and someone nervous. My original post on the bungie forums got 42 replies within 50 minutes and then the topic was locked. Shortly after that I was blacklisted (banned) from the forums. Keep in mind the bungie forums are automatically censored, so curse words appear as "-blam-", so I know I wasn't banned for language. I'll try to restate this word for word as best as possible, but I can't reference my original post because it has since been removed.

The game of Halo 2 as it exists now is not what bungie initially intended for it to be, nor is this close to the final product they worked three years on to complete. Lets start with the Halo 2 cinematic trailer (released in september of 2002). MC is on a ship and you can hear random chatter over his comm as he walks down a corridor: notice you'll hear things like "that's not enough to stop an assault carrier" and "its like the god damn apocolypse". They have called for reinforcements and the reinforcements are MC alone -- one man, exciting enough that it still gives me goosebumps. So then master chief ejects from the ships air lock and makes his dive towards earth. What do you see? A whole continent saturated with fire and nuclear explosions. That does seem pretty apocolyptic.

Now lets move on to the E3 demo (released in may 2003). MC flies into New Mombasa on a pelican with the sarge and a few ODSTs. When he exits the pelican, yes, it would appear to be a full-scale invasion of earth. Wounded soldiers all around, huge covenant artillery blasting buildings, etc... exciting! He makes his run through the city and then mans the gun on the back of the gauss hog. He rolls through New Mombasa with a couple marines, you see a few other hogs rolling around, streets intersecting in and out of one another, passages that lead to other areas... its a battle on a pretty large scale. A convenant invasion of earth.

Compare these situations to the actual game of Halo 2. Where is the "god damn apocolypse"? Earth isnt even being invaded. A few small covenant platoons go to earth for one reason or another and thats it. There isnt even a hint of earth being invaded in halo 2 until the very end, then the game ends. You can see earth from space station cairo and its untouched. When it comes to all this missing storyline, what went wrong? What changed? Who intervened?

The -single- level that does take place on earth is -OBVIOUSLY- a last minute change. Notice some similarities between this earth level and the new mombasa level from the E3 demo. MC still flies in on a pelican with the sarge and some marines, not ODSTs this time. If you really pay attention you can see the marines in the pelican doing the exact same movements as the ODSTs in the E3 demo -EXACTLY-. one marine shoves a clip into his rifle while another puts on his helmet, the same as the ODSTs in the E3 demo. Sarge even says the same stuff except this time he has a little monologue about 'regret'. Also notice at the start of this level, there is no text on screen telling you where you are headed. No mention of the city name, date or location. How odd is that? When the game starts and you see the opening cinematic, you get a date and you are told exactly what you are seeing; the covenant high charity. Even in the new mombasa level on the E3 demo, you are given the same information. Strangely enough this information is missing in the actual game. Minor inconsistencies like this can only mean a handful of things. This level was added at the last minute to replace the new mombasa level because the direction of the game had taken a serious change in direction because of something or someone. Load up the outskirts level and point your view to the rooftops and tell me what you see. You might not be looking for them but you'll see power lines. You have got to be kidding me. Its the year 2552... Power lines?! Things like this, the inconsistencies and missing -important- cinematic information just do not happen when you spend three years developing a game. It simply does not happen. You do not "hype" a game up to be an awesome showdown on earth between the humans and covenant and then make the -single- earth level in the game complete garbage. My god is that level ever so linear and boring. From point A to point B. Its not the "god damn apocolypse" its a god damn conspiracy.

Simply put, Microsoft is greedy. Microsoft made bungie change the direction of the game and gave it that awful cliffhanger ending. They ran out of time because they had to take out a lot of the content that was already in the game and replace it with whatever they could. Propbably why you end up playing as the arbiter so much. Its all filler for the missing content. Watch the limited edition DVD and check out the segment on the mongoose (the human atv). They say it was buggy and didnt handle properly, watch the video and decide for yourself, it was perfectly fine. There are a few misleading statements from bungie employees in this dvd. Its not their fault, they are just covering for microsoft. Like when they say that the new mombasa E3 level was the first thing they worked on. That is utter BS. All the vehicles had their physics and mass properties already. The character models and animations were finished. There were cinematics and scripted dialogue from all the real voice actors. There was an entire level designed. Don't tell me they spent the next year and a half to design the 6 other awful levels we got. Even with all the bug testing and all that, is not reasonable. 60+ people were working on the campaign mode while 4 people worked on the multiplayer. Too many things just dont add up. Nothing about it makes any sense at all. If there is truth in the fact that the E3 new mombasa level was the first thing they worked on... which already had so many features already implemented, what in the **** did they do with all that time in between may 2003 and november 9th?

Read any publication online or in real life dealing with halo 2 before its release. Whenever someone from bungie spoke about the game, the focus was earth. The cinematic trailer, focus: earth. The E3 demo, focus: earth. It was all supposed to be about earth. Would bungie intentionally mislead us to think that is was going to be all about earth and then smack us in the face with an awful game like this? I dont think so. You cant say that what i expected halo 2 to be was just what i had in my head. It is what we were -lead- to believe and what we were told it would be. This isnt me being disappointed because I believed too much hype -- this is me being disappointed because for one reason or another, "we" didnt the the game of halo 2 that was "promised" to us.

Think about it... the E3 gameplay demo was released in may of 2003, almost a full year a half before the release of the game. The new mombasa level was brilliant. They didnt have to keep the scripting for the level, just the level itself. Why take it out? Why not put as much as you can into halo 2 including that level, because it definitely had a place in the game. Oh, im sorry. It had a place in the game as it was originally conceived, but not the greedy stripped down micro$oft half-assed version that we got.

In conclusion... what do you think went wrong? You're a fool if you think they just couldnt fit one more level into the game, they could have put the game on two discs and added 20 (we wish) more levels very easily, and microsoft has the money for that. Don't tell me it was because of hardware issues, because its only a map. And dont tell me that you cant include a rocket hog or a personnel transport hog in the game because of hardware issues either, if you can support one vehicle, you can support another. You're being mislead in a number of ways to hide the fact that you've been shafted out of $55 for a game that is shorter than the original and far less enjoyable (aside form the multiplayer which is spectacular). Bungie wanted to give us everything we had hoped for, its just a shame we'll never get to see the godliness of what they had in store for us.

Go to and look at the title for the halo 2 forums. They are called new mombasa. A level that doesnt even exist in the game (now). What kind of reasoning is there for that? Should that be reserved for halo 3 *cough* when you -might- actually get a chance to catch a glimpse of the city. Rubbish. Bungie said many times halo 2 would bringe closure and there would be no halo 3. Bungie also said they would "never specify a release date for halo 2 until we are certain we could release a finished product." That statement was on their main website the day that the release date was accounced. So why would they set a date for themselves where they knew they wouldnt finish in time and be forced to take out all kinds of content? They wouldn't.

I think he is right. I got Halo2 on the day it was released with visions of the E3 demo in my head. Never saw any of it when I played through the game. I then looked through back issues of EGM and XBN and half of the vehicles that they talked about were not in the game. WTF? I was a little disappointed, but it still is Halo2 and I am still looking forward the release of Halo3.
Check out the reponses his thread recieved when he reposted it at I'm so glad CAG isn't 95% stupid people as so many other game sites are.
I'd be more outraged if I cared about the game. As it is...with how hard it is to prove something like this true, I've just come to accept such things as a part of life.
Good read.

Now I'm even less enthused about finishing up the campaign. I was so looking forward to maybe getting back in our atmosphere.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Good read.

Now I'm even less enthused about finishing up the campaign. I was so looking forward to maybe getting back in our atmosphere.[/quote]

You still on the floor bleeding out? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I can totaly understand how he feels about the game.
It was a big disapointment to me as well. The trailers promoted this huge war and in the end all we got was a weak battle.
[quote name='Ledhed']Check out the reponses his thread recieved when he reposted it at I'm so glad CAG isn't 95% stupid people as so many other game sites are.[/quote]

Word son, word.
it seems to me this guy has some good points but he worries too much about smaller things. yeah, halo 2 is not what everyone thought it would be, just like the original halo. my guess is that it isnt microsoft thats telling bungie to take stuff out so they have room for another sequel, i think it was bungie who purposefully took out content like vehicles and the campaign on earth because that way microsoft will pay them assloads of money for another game in the future. think about it, if microsoft already knows bungie is working on this and already has some of this content made, that means the next halo will arrive faster aka, faster turnaround for income. bungie also probably took out some of this stuff because they were going all gung ho for this halo and didnt want the next one to dissapoint because they have run out of ideas for vehicles, campaigns, what have you, so they took it out to use it next time as selling points for halo 3, that way they dont shoot themselves in the foot when it comes time to make halo 3 and theres nothing left to do. honestly, i think bungie had an incredible game on their hands and watered it down to leave room for the future, its just smart business.

but thats just me :D
well, two things could be happening. its possible we may have to download some of the missing vehicles through xbox live( FOR A FEE OF COURSE). as far as halo 3 goes, it will be a launch title for xbox 2. thats the reason for the open ended finish. microsoft isnt stupid. they know we'll buy the new system just for that game. all of the missing levels and vehicles will be there. guaranteed!
I think they banned him because he's full of crap.

Are there not cliffhanger endings in other things? Hasn't anyone ever seen Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back?

E3 02 was two years before the game came out. They probably just slapped something together that would look pretty with no concern for what it would have to do with the game. This guy is obviously upset because the game was different than he wanted it to be.
Good read. Very valid points. Interesting conspiracy. Makes sense throughout the post. Also makes sense why they would take it down off of their website and ban him. I would take this to ign and gamefaqs and neoseeker and any other reputable game site and post it. Really I wasn't goign to get this game but as I did for an eralier gift, I was expecting some of the stuff that I had read in the magazines/seen in trailers tha actually made the game look good. All in all it is better thant he first but only slightly. Maybe that's the rason why there are no bots in multiplayer for those of us that don't have Live/can't have a LAN party everyday.
yeah after that trailer i sort of expected Call of Duty scale battles between the humans and coveent, and we ended up getting dark corridors and a few decent vehicle based levels.

oh well, i would have paid $50 just for the multiplayer, so im not complaining much.
[quote name='thagoat']well, two things could be happening. its possible we may have to download some of the missing vehicles through xbox live( FOR A FEE OF COURSE). as far as halo 3 goes, it will be a launch title for xbox 2. thats the reason for the open ended finish. microsoft isnt stupid. they know we'll buy the new system just for that game. all of the missing levels and vehicles will be there. guaranteed![/quote]

It really is a good strategy when you think about it. Make Halo 2 -JUST- good enough for everybody to still buy it, and then you have a system-selling Halo 3 with little effort. Devious, yet smart.
Microsoft exists to make money. That guy needs to buy a clue.

If Halo3 got released this week, it would sell almost as many copies. As much as it pains people-

Repeat- I'm microsoft's B-E-A-T-C-H, I like it, I love it.

It'll make you feel better.

P.s. I have not bought Halo 1 or 2 for the X-box.
the multiplayer is great! but we did get a watered down version of a masterpiece. its a shame when money and polititics get in the way of sh^t. so instead of having the best game ever created, we have a decent game that we'll have to buy the sequel for.
I'm starting to think that Halo 2 is basically a small expansion of the first one with some extra features (a few new vehicles and dual wielding) that make it slightly more enjoyable. The first one (I don't know if you've read my other posts but I will say it again) was a game that deserved a 7.5 to about an 8 (I say this because back than it would have garnered an 8 but the overall linearity of it docks off points so I'm not sure.). This game is an improvement over the first but only slightly. I guess I would have to give it an 8.5 to maybe it could even slide by with a 9, but come on this game took 3 years to concieve with an already mostly finished graphics engine (I'm sure they made a few tweaks here and there to it as is evident.) but it feels that so much was left out of it. The minute they started telling me that bots were left out I started to think that either Microsoft said "We need mroe people on Live and to subscribe and to pay, We need more money (which is fine by me but give us the product that you were supposed to)" or that they didn't give a shit to fans requests and did it purposefully.
I agree with your assesment, but you can know why? Why was it not as originally conceived. It is my guess (thought I haven't yet played the game) that Killzone may acutally be the FPS single player mission that you are hoping for. I personally bought Halo 2 for the multi-player. Its why I loved the first one. In the 3 years I've been playing the first one with my friends, I only played the single player mission twice (once only and once with a roommate).

Ulitmately, the convenant mission are in many ways a little tighter than the Master Chief missions. However, global warfare it is not. There seems to be little interest in Earth and its battles.

Killzone mimics many of history's famous battle on earth. REAL STRATEGY. I will eventually buy it solely for the single player. We may find it to be the FPS Halo 2 could have been.

However, nothing beats the multi-player. I'm sure I will enjoy it for years to come.

Oh and Microsoft is a company in the business of making money. Remember that. They are not trying to give you the best game ever. That is the goal of the designers. Don't be surprised by Microsoft and their moves as a global power. We made them that way.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I'm starting to think that Halo 2 is basically a small expansion of the first one with some extra features (a few new vehicles and dual wielding) that make it slightly more enjoyable. The first one (I don't know if you've read my other posts but I will say it again) was a game that deserved a 7.5 to about an 8 (I say this because back than it would have garnered an 8 but the overall linearity of it docks off points so I'm not sure.). This game is an improvement over the first but only slightly. I guess I would have to give it an 8.5 to maybe it could even slide by with a 9, but common this game took 3 years to concieve with an already mostly finished graphics engine (I'm sure they made a few tweaks here and there to it as is evident.) but it feels that so much was left out of it. The minute they started telling me that bots were left out I started to think that either Microsoft said "We need mroe people on Live and to subscribe and to pay, We need more money (which is fine by me but give us the product that you were supposed to)" or that they didn't give a shit to fans requests and did it purposefully.[/quote]

"It's true. It's true"
[quote name='diggityjones']I agree with your assesment, but you can know why? Why was it not as originally conceived. It is my guess (thought I haven't yet played the game) that Killzone may acutally be the FPS single player mission that you are hoping for. I personally bought Halo 2 for the multi-player. Its why I loved the first one. In the 3 years I've been playing the first one with my friends, I only played the single player mission twice (once only and once with a roommate).

Ulitmately, the convenant mission are in many ways a little tighter than the Master Chief missions. However, global warfare it is not. There seems to be little interest in Earth and its battles.

Killzone mimics many of history's famous battle on earth. REAL STRATEGY. I will eventually buy it solely for the single player. We may find it to be the FPS Halo 2 could have been.

However, nothing beats the multi-player. I'm sure I will enjoy it for years to come.

Oh and Microsoft is a company in the business of making money. Remember that. They are not trying to give you the best game ever. That is the goal of the designers. Don't be surprised by Microsoft and their moves as a global power. We made them that way.[/quote]

I bought Killzone at launch and it's pretty boring. At first you are dazzled by the graphics in the first stage, but then they get worse as the game progresses. Theres not much story or anything to get you immersed in that world.

Also, the game get's pretty boring as you just kill Helgast after Helgast with no end in sight. All they keep saying is: "Keep firing" every 2 minutes with that same Helgast voice. It's not enough to hold your interest.
Since MS is all about making money I believe this could be true.

MS knows that they have to have the greatest launch title ever if they want to win the console war next time around. Halo is clearly the "Mario" of Xbox.

MS already knew they were going to sell a lot of Halo 2 copies even if it is only mediocre. They needed to save the best for their new game system and spend the next year updating the graphics for the new hardware.
I only played the original Halo for the first time this year. When I heard about the sequel I was hoping for "Halo" with new stages. That's what I got. I love the single-player campaign. It's really fun.

But, I can understand the people that are dissapointed have been waiting three years. I only waited 7 months, so I enjoyed the sequel.
The single-player campaign in Halo 2 sucks just as much as Halo's.

Not news to me.

But yes, the E3 trailer looked awesome.
I don't know, I just don'y buy into conspiracy theories. This guy seems a little.......weird. Think about it, would ban this guy for posting this no matter what the game was like. He is ripping the company apart and then he reposted it. I would have banned him too.
Sartori, The E3 trailer is what had me sold on it back then that maybe they could do enuogh improvements to the gameplay (which they have done a little) and story that maybe, just maybe it would be better than the first. I truly was optimistic and actually spoke about it to my family and that sadly why is how my present came about, my family remembered me speaking about it and thought that it would be a good gift. It's alright but seriously, 3 years to make and this is it. Some first generation games (meaning the launch titles) take that long fromt he minute that the devlopers receive the kits and through out the gen get improvements and tweaks (i.e. SSX 3, came out as a lauch title and 3 was just amazing).
[quote name='greendj27']I don't know, I just don'y buy into conspiracy theories. This guy seems a little.......weird. Think about it, would ban this guy for posting this no matter what the game was like. He is ripping the company apart and then he reposted it. I would have banned him too.[/quote]

As long as he wasn't cussing or anything like that, you can't just ban someone and take away their freedom of speach. He has a right to say what he wants.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction'][quote name='greendj27']I don't know, I just don'y buy into conspiracy theories. This guy seems a little.......weird. Think about it, would ban this guy for posting this no matter what the game was like. He is ripping the company apart and then he reposted it. I would have banned him too.[/quote]

As long as he wasn't cussing or anything like that, you can't just ban someone and take away their freedom of speach. He has a right to say what he wants.[/quote]

So noone has ever gotten banned for saying something derogatory towards another person on a website? Or for making repeatedly annoying posts? It happens all the time. He can say what he wants, but Bungie does not have to allow him to post that at their website. Actually it might be classified as defamation on the posters part.
Yeah, pretty much...message boards aren't exactly forums for freedom of speech. The person who owns the board has every right to restrict it as he or she sees fit.
[quote name='Indiana']Since MS is all about making money I believe this could be true.

MS knows that they have to have the greatest launch title ever if they want to win the console war next time around. Halo is clearly the "Mario" of Xbox.

MS already knew they were going to sell a lot of Halo 2 copies even if it is only mediocre. They needed to save the best for their new game system and spend the next year updating the graphics for the new hardware.[/quote]

I totally agree with what you're saying. I think Microsoft may be putting the "real" Halo sequel until Xbox Next and have it ready for launch.

I haven't really thought too much about the videos from E3, so I've thoroughly enjoyed the campaign mode. But now after reading that guy's post, I see that Bungie really misinformed us with the way they were taking the franchise.

It was one thing to have Master Chief fighting a war on a different planet, but to have him fighting off the Covenant to defend our own planet with them invading us would have been the best storyline in a game in a long, long time.

I'm currently pretty far into the game and I have really no idea where Bungie's going with the storyline. As I see it now, MC is basically in the same spot he was in the first game - trying to destroy another Halo. What's up with that?

I'm just hoping that the story picks up, but I have a feeling after what some of you guys have said that I shouldn't expect too much.

I've been totally enthralled with playing Big Team Battle with my friends. It's pretty much the only online mode I play.
[quote name='greendj27'][quote name='Grave_Addiction'][quote name='greendj27']I don't know, I just don'y buy into conspiracy theories. This guy seems a little.......weird. Think about it, would ban this guy for posting this no matter what the game was like. He is ripping the company apart and then he reposted it. I would have banned him too.[/quote]

As long as he wasn't cussing or anything like that, you can't just ban someone and take away their freedom of speach. He has a right to say what he wants.[/quote]

So noone has ever gotten banned for saying something derogatory towards another person on a website? Or for making repeatedly annoying posts? It happens all the time. He can say what he wants, but Bungie does not have to allow him to post that at their website. Actually it might be classified as defamation on the posters part.[/quote]

So are you saying the whole point of a forum is to only voice positive things about the company or whoever owns it?

I realize that Bungie owns the forum and they can do as they please with the members who go there. It's one thing if you're flaming a fellow member or if you're just spamming up the boards. This guy had a real gripe that is pretty much the same as the majority of gamers out there.

Banning a guy for voicing his complaints about a game is extremely lame.

I think this guy hit a nerve with Bungie and they quickly wanted to take it down before too many people read it. I know of several companies that let negative comments stay on their forums, most notably Sega and Infinium Labs.

I definitely would like to know what really went on behind the scenes between Bungie and Microsoft, because how the storyline is going now it seems that there was a major overhaul in the story and the game in general.

I just smell fish that's all.
yeah i just watched the trailer again and the guy talks about tons of low level covenant infantry backed with a whole mess of elites that have stormed earth. Halo 2 def seems like Halo 1.5 to me. Its fun but also way over hyped
[quote name='Grave_Addiction'][quote name='greendj27'][quote name='Grave_Addiction'][quote name='greendj27']I don't know, I just don'y buy into conspiracy theories. This guy seems a little.......weird. Think about it, would ban this guy for posting this no matter what the game was like. He is ripping the company apart and then he reposted it. I would have banned him too.[/quote]

As long as he wasn't cussing or anything like that, you can't just ban someone and take away their freedom of speach. He has a right to say what he wants.[/quote]

So noone has ever gotten banned for saying something derogatory towards another person on a website? Or for making repeatedly annoying posts? It happens all the time. He can say what he wants, but Bungie does not have to allow him to post that at their website. Actually it might be classified as defamation on the posters part.[/quote]

So are you saying the whole point of a forum is to only voice positive things about the company or whoever owns it?

I realize that Bungie owns the forum and they can do as they please with the members who go there. It's one thing if you're flaming a fellow member or if you're just spamming up the boards. This guy had a real gripe that is pretty much the same as the majority of gamers out there.

Banning a guy for voicing his complaints about a game is extremely lame.

I think this guy hit a nerve with Bungie and they quickly wanted to take it down before too many people read it. I know of several companies that let negative comments stay on their forums, most notably Sega and Infinium Labs.

I definitely would like to know what really went on behind the scenes between Bungie and Microsoft, because how the storyline is going now it seems that there was a major overhaul in the story and the game in general.

I just smell fish that's all.[/quote]

I never said that forums should only have positive messages. My point was that Bungie had every right to ban the guy for posting very negative things about the company. It is their forum, and ultimately they can decide what stays and what goes.
for starters, how many demo's have we seen, that either never look like the final version...the adult link anyone before for the story, in the books, the first book led right up to the start of the game...the 2nd book was the entire second game, and the third book pick up right where book 2/or halo left off....the end of the third book


has just had master chief and a few other soldiers, and admiral take out over 3/4 of the convenant fleet that is amassing to strike earth, they took out the command ship as well...they had just entered into slipspace, came out and were on final approach to earth, they had 35 hours until they reached earth

I have yet to start the campaign...but if it starts off with you in space, it makes sense to well as playing as the arbitrar...the books cover the convenant side quite a bit....according to the 2 authors, they were welcomed by bungie, to help create the halo story...were things left out so you can download them later, without a doubt...and to say that microsoft is all about money, is crazy, last i checked every for profit organization was out to make money...
All I can say from this experience is that I won't be mouthing off about another game to friends or family and that I will never buy into hype again. i also learned you cant trust one single magazine out there (I never fully trusted them but a few most of the time I agreed with). Ever since the Game Informer Paper Mario 2 debacle I was trusting magazines and websites less and less. After reading only and mostly positive reviews, I must say that something smells fishy like grave said. It sounds like a buy out or something. I have a few friends that work retail at EB and have said that Microsoft specially took them to their Redmond Washington site to test out and play some Halo 2 so to hype up the game even more, without demos etc.
Basically, Bungie has a right to shut you up on their own forums, but it doesn't reflect too kindly on them.

They could care less though. They figure the negativity he could generate with his posts compared to the negativitiy of banning him would put them ahead by getting rid of him.

Anyways, I could care less about the story or whatever about cashing in .... everyone knew there would be a Halo 3. I just want to play online without having to use XBC :p
All of this guy's pieces seem to fit together. I didn't really like Halo much, and I don't really care for Halo 2 either. The campaigns in both are repetitive and dull, IMO. However, when I saw that E3 trailer, knowing I would fight on Earth, I was ready for one of the best stories ever. And, well, then Halo 2 got released... :puke: The only saving grace is the XBL multiplayer.
[quote name='ryanbph']for starters, how many demo's have we seen, that either never look like the final version...the adult link anyone before for the story, in the books, the first book led right up to the start of the game...the 2nd book was the entire second game, and the third book pick up right where book 2/or halo left off....the end of the third book


has just had master chief and a few other soldiers, and admiral take out over 3/4 of the convenant fleet that is amassing to strike earth, they took out the command ship as well...they had just entered into slipspace, came out and were on final approach to earth, they had 35 hours until they reached earth

I have yet to start the campaign...but if it starts off with you in space, it makes sense to well as playing as the arbitrar...the books cover the convenant side quite a bit....according to the 2 authors, they were welcomed by bungie, to help create the halo story...were things left out so you can download them later, without a doubt...and to say that microsoft is all about money, is crazy, last i checked every for profit organization was out to make money...[/quote]

Don't know about the books, haven't read them maybe I mihgt later if I'm really bored but your statement about money is wrong. Nobody said that they are against any corporation or Microsoft making money just that we all want the product that we were promised. It's like you bought a lemon from a car dealership, you didn't want that and it sure wasn't what you were expecting. Halo 2 is not a lemon persay but a fully working game, just some of us wish that Bungie would give us the game that we saw and that they continually speak of. What they are saying now makes it look like a cover up or something to the actual game/product that was supposed to have been made.
You know, people are still looking for the relevance of ilovebees with halo2. Maybe the new countdown is related to february 9 date that is shown in legendary ending credits ...


it's a countdown to the year 2552, the year Halo 1 & 2 take place in.

Take the number of days it says are left on the countdown and divide that number by 365... the number you're left with is the number of years till the count down ends (548).

548 + 2004 = 2552

I love bees is actually the story about how the ark got to earth (floating in space - picked up by a human ship), how the covenant were able to track it (attached a "virus" to it before it got to earth), and how a group of people came together to stop it activating (and, i know understand, thereby stopping it from activating one/some/all of the other halo's).

The ark, from memory of i love bees looks like a halo, except (much) smaller (someone mentions that a spartan found a larger version of the 'artifact' [ark] that was the size of a planet).

what the countdown is for? who knows? lets wait for feb 9th... hehe :D
Say it with me everyone:
"Expansion packs" and "Downloadable content"

Bottom line Halo 1 and 2, are great party games.
Halo 2 is prettier than 1.
I wouldn't be so quick to blame any problems on Microsoft. Yes, MS is a huge company, and thus a huge target. However, I speak from experience...

Asheron's Call was initially published and run by Microsoft. Whenever there were major game killing bugs, content-lite updates (AC receives major story and content updates every month), or other problems, the players almost unanimously blamed MS. Earlier this year, AC's developer Turbine bought the game from MS and began to run it on its own. Guess what? Same problems occurred with the same frequency, including stretches of days where the game was unplayable. Didn't have an MS to blame then.

The point is Bungie might be at fault here, if there is a fault to be had.

Regardless, I'm questioning whether or not there will be paid DLC for Halo 2. Yes, people would complain, but that DLC would sell pretty solidly all the same. At the same time, it will burn up any goodwill that exists for Bungie/MS.
[quote name='gdw3877']I think he is right. I got Halo2 on the day it was released with visions of the E3 demo in my head. Never saw any of it when I played through the game. I then looked through back issues of EGM and XBN and half of the vehicles that they talked about were not in the game. WTF? I was a little disappointed, but it still is Halo2 and I am still looking forward the release of Halo3.[/quote]

I'm not one to worry too much about the story while playing video games but this guy makes some excellent points.

Very interesting....
bread's done