Thor Movie Thread

[quote name='bmulligan']Who the hell is Brian Best as Odin? That's a picture of Anthony Hopkins.[/QUOTE]

He was odin originally but was replaced by hopkins some time ago. He was not replaced by hopkins in the Op until just now... Oops! Fixed.
[quote name='camoor']
Now as for Thor - just what we need, another thinly-veiled Christ figure. Perhaps after that we could do a movie about a "hooker with a heart of gold" or how about "smalltown USA boy saves world". Give it one of those twist endings too, the audience will never see it coming!

Big budget Hollywood, where the scenery changes but the story remains the same.[/QUOTE]

Where did you get a link between Jesus and the God of Thunder?
Thor is a great, bearded, angry, rather simple deity known for crushing the skulls of giants, occasionally cross-dressing and going fishing for giant serpents with bloody oxheads for bait.

There actually is a Jesus-like figure in norse mythology, the gentle and beloved god Baldur that is slain by Loki's trickery, and revives after Ragnarok to rule the new world in an age of peace and prosperity. In one story Odin undergoes something rather like a crucifixion and revives too. But Thor, he dies and stays dead(after kicking much ass). He couldn't be further away from Nazarene imagery(Though I think Jesus would be a much better god if he too could scratch out sparks of lightning from his beard).
If the movie makes Thor anything like Jesus of Nazareth it's a complete failure.

Incidentally, there was a great competition between Jesus and Thor as Christianity was spreading through the Germanic lands. A single smith would churn out both crucifixes and thor's hammers for his customers. I read a hilarious quote once, from a stubborn pagan insisting to a Christian missionary that Jesus must come and defeat Thor in single combat before she would consider submitting to the new religion. :lol: There's a fight I'd like to see.

Reading that plot description provided by Lice, it sounds like the writers ripped not just a few pages out of a Superman book.
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It's gonna suck. Thor is a Niche character at best. They'll take the Thor mythos and dumb it down for the public. coupla lame buddy jokes, Stan Lee as Odin's Man servant, Lotsa Yeliing.....another marvel suckfest.
[quote name='5of9']It's gonna suck. Thor is a Niche character at best. They'll take the Thor mythos and dumb it down for the public. coupla lame buddy jokes, Stan Lee as Odin's Man servant, Lotsa Yeliing.....another marvel suckfest.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't underestimate his popularity. Currently Thor is Marvel's 6th most subscribed comic. Out doing Deadpool & X-Men. Among non-comic readers he's probably not as popular. Unlike Daredevil, Punisher & FF he's not had their amount of exposure in movies, cartoons, & video games.

This movie will be a challenge. It has the potential to be either really shitty or really cool. Marvel's movies from the last several years (besides Iron Man) have been crappy.
Full shot of Thor concept art:

Yeah I dont know... looks like they designed the whole thing and then got to the pants and boots and said "Just grab whatever"

Probably will look much better when its actually on him.

(Thanks for the heads up. Updated)
Yeah the trailer renewed my interest in the movie. I was fearing it was heading towards a Daredevil/Elektra quality.
The Destroyer armor was an awesome surprise. It looks exactly like it does in the comics and translates well into a movie. In fact the same can be said for the entire Thor cast. Nothing looks cheesy.
Damn, looks like I missed out on catching the trailer. Either way, seeing pictures of the Destroyer armor makes me smile. Looks bad ass.
Am I the only one that was let down from this? I was expecting a little more. I don't know what but that didn't really do much for me.
[quote name='sendme']Am I the only one that was let down from this? I was expecting a little more. I don't know what but that didn't really do much for me.[/QUOTE]

yea a 5 minute trailer is too longer... it kinda felt like it was a mix of two trailers.

The movie looks complete...yet we have to wait til next year :bomb:
Was a good movie, the character designs were great, even had a few in jokes from the comics. Also,
made a quick cameo appearance as a shield agent, look for him, you can't miss it.
Yeah, the movie was alot better then I was expecting (which was on par with The Incredible Hulk originally, but it exceeded). That and I don't know why, but that movie REALLY makes me have a crush on Kat Dennings. I Don't know why since she was a minor supporting character, maybe the hipster glasses?
She had some of the funnier parts in the movie. Who else can say that they
the god of thunder?:lol:
Saw it last night, I think they pulled it off fairly well.

Wish there was more thor and Jane time to build that relationship a bit more. A bit to much of the large cg panning shots, would of appreciated more character building. The movie is called thor, seemed like it should of been called "Asgard"

Costumes were great. fit really well in asgard and stood out in the real world as looking a bit odd. As it should.

A few to many goofy moments. Warriors three needed more lines.

The final fight was very similar to Iron man 1. All of this build up for a final show down and it was over before it began. Kind of a let down.

Bring on the avengers!
What that guy on the roof said about Siph and the warriors 3 was pretty funny. I had just looked over at a friend and said they looked like renn fair rejects.
just came back from it..

It was alright. The ending was was meh. The post credit scene felt like something was cut from the original film that may have made it confusing for people... One comic chick was bitching that she was the only one in the theater who knew what the cube was....well not exactly. If I didn't read the spoilers on wiki a few days ago I wouldn't have understood that either. As for Jane and company.... I honestly felt that they didn't have a good role in the story. They didn't really do anything special.

Captain America has one final chance to throw in a post credit scene for the build up for the avengers....because right now I find no reason to get excited over that movie.

btw in the scene where Loki tries to pick up the hammer, did anyone's theater have some weird distorted sound? I don't know about you guys, but in my theater that sound effect was so bad it sounded like the speakers were about to blow...this could be a concern for home theater releases as home theater speakers might not be able to handle such frequency without damage.
[quote name='Lice']Saw it last night, I think they pulled it off fairly well.

Wish there was more thor and Jane time to build that relationship a bit more. A bit to much of the large cg panning shots, would of appreciated more character building. The movie is called thor, seemed like it should of been called "Asgard"

Costumes were great. fit really well in asgard and stood out in the real world as looking a bit odd. As it should.

A few to many goofy moments. Warriors three needed more lines.

The final fight was very similar to Iron man 1. All of this build up for a final show down and it was over before it began. Kind of a let down.

Bring on the avengers![/QUOTE]

I completely agree. I liked the film but I thought it was a little bit undercooked. I give it a B grade. Still a good time at the movies. I think Thor 2 will be better though.
bread's done