[quote name='moop2001']I scored a major haul again today. I love thrift stores! Pics are incoming....
- 2 Wavebird Dongles -$1
- 1 Official Gamecube Component Cable - $3
- Complete Atari Flashback 2 - $5
- D-Link Xtreme N Gigabit Router - $12
- Fatal Frame 2 Crimson Butterfly Xbox Complete - $5
- Tron 2.0 Xbox Complete - $5
- Unopened Narnia Stratego - $6
- Unoped MOC Sorceror's Stone Snape Action Figure - $6
- Complete Green N64 Limited Edition Donkey Kong w/ Yellow Cart Donkey Kong, Goldeneye, and Ocarina of Time - $19 (WOW!!!)
And the ultimate mother load, a box of about 3,000 Pokemon, Yugioh, and Chaotic playing cards. - $7
This isn't just throw away commons either. Ton's of holos and ultra rares. I know shit about Pokemon and those other games, but so far I've gone through about 1000 of the cards and am looking at wholesale value of about $100. If anybody wants some cards let me know, as I'm willing to make some deals.[/QUOTE]
The one SA store here had 3-4 boxes loaded up with baseball cards a while ago. Either a store went out of biz or some collector died and their family donated them. The boxes had to hold about 1-2k cards each, but they wanted $20 a box for them.
Otherwise I would've grabbed all dem shitz and resold them for $5 for a certain number of cards.