Tonight is the night - YOU DOWN FOR SFII?

lag is to be expected, but good lord e honda + lag is instant death. Im going to resort to waiting to see what character the other guy chooses. This one guy chose e honda so i switch and pick honda. Match over in 30 seconds cause i press punch better than he does.
[quote name='peterhql']lag is to be expected, but good lord e honda + lag is instant death. Im going to resort to waiting to see what character the other guy chooses. This one guy chose e honda so i switch and pick honda. Match over in 30 seconds cause i press punch better than he does.[/QUOTE]


That's horrible.
I seriously CANNOt connect to a ranked match without getting "Timeout" before the match begins. It sucks, I want the 30 ranked wins achievement, I know I could get it easily if only it would let me play the damn ranked games.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']fuck!!!!!!!

My mom's credit card is expired!!

Looks like I'm goign to stick to the trial for tonight.
I'll pick it up in the AM. *Sigh* spent all this time waiting for it and i have to wait some more...[/QUOTE]

It's good to hear I'm not the only one that found Arcade mode difficult. Quarter match it a lot of fun if you know the other guys. I've also had problems getting ranked matches going because it keeps saying 'timeout.'
A (non-game) feature that I like is the video adjustment option. I was able to stretch the screen to fit my the entire viewable area of my widescreen TV. This was great because not only can I play the game in full 16:9 widescreen (it doesn't look bad at all) but I was also able to compensate for a minor overscan issue my tube has. Now I can see the entire interface without any cutoff. I wish all games had this.
[quote name='daphatty']A (non-game) feature that I like is the video adjustment option. I was able to stretch the screen to fit my the entire viewable area of my widescreen TV. This was great because not only can I play the game in full 16:9 widescreen (it doesn't look bad at all) but I was also able to compensate for a minor overscan issue my tube has. Now I can see the entire interface without any cutoff. I wish all games had this.[/QUOTE]

No kidding, I never understood why consoles don't build in a screen adjustment feature like that. Every TV is slightly different and being able to change the viewable area dimensions just seems like a natural thing you should be able to adjust.
add me (Myke Vermin) to your friends list if you want some SFII action. I'll try to get some games in this afternoon or tomorrow.

I'd say I'll school ya, but, well...I'm not as good as I used to be.
I dont have xbox live but is there a way to find out what your opponent's ping is before you attempt a match?

Everyone is at least using broadband so i dont know why lag would be that much of an issue unless the other guy is in germany or somthing.
[quote name='jasonlives13']Has anyone tried playing SF2 with the DOA4 Arcade Stick yet?[/QUOTE]

Yes, it's the ONLY way to play. 360 pad blows.
[quote name='peterhql']lag is to be expected, but good lord e honda + lag is instant death. Im going to resort to waiting to see what character the other guy chooses. This one guy chose e honda so i switch and pick honda. Match over in 30 seconds cause i press punch better than he does.[/QUOTE]

jab > hundred hand slap

try it yourself
I downloaded it around 12 and have been playing for awhile. I think ive got blisters on my thumbs now and i have to go to work in like 20 mins. Suck.
[quote name='jimfoley16']Yes, it's the ONLY way to play. 360 pad blows.[/QUOTE]

Joystick works well then huh? I've heard other people say that sucks too.
[quote name='jimfoley16']I seriously CANNOt connect to a ranked match without getting "Timeout" before the match begins. It sucks, I want the 30 ranked wins achievement, I know I could get it easily if only it would let me play the damn ranked games.[/QUOTE]

Have you tried creating a match? Whenever I tried to join a quick match it kept timing out on me! So far everytime I create a match I get one going in seconds. As for lag, it's been about fifty-fifty. Quater mode is almost unplayable for me. Every ten seconds or so the reconnecting message keeps popping up.
Christ, I just wish someone would make a USB-to-XBox controller adapter already. I've got a SF Anniversary stick begging to be used here. I'm certainly not going to gut it just to use it on this one game, when there are half a dozen games I'd rather use it on XBox (that aren't BC).
Yeah the Dpad is very crappy. And it seems the DOA4 stick is out of stock everywhere. So those of us that don't have one are out of luck. Funny thing is I was beating people that were clearly using a doa stick with my pad. Zanfief users note: use the analog stick it works wonders
I wish they just had regular 6 button controller I prefer the sega aniversary controller over an arcade stick.
[quote name='defiance_17']Yeah, I can't pull off shit. Nine out of ten times, dragon punches turn out as a forward jump, while hurricane kicks result in jumping backwards.

I haven't played SFII in a couple years, but this is ridiculous. I'm on battle 37 in Arcade Mode, and I've defeated six characters.[/QUOTE]

I only downloaded the trial to see how the D-Pad works since I don't have an arcade stick. I could pull off fireballs, dragon punches and hurricane kicks fine, but man, the charge motions are waaaaaaaaaaaay too hit and miss.
[quote name='Roufuss']So is this E.Honda thing true? Can he really bring the game down to its knees due to lag?[/QUOTE]

Maybe, but the best way to avoid any lag when playing ranked matches, is to go to custom matches so you can see the ping of the other player before starting. ALOT of people have red/yellow ping so choose wisely cause there are usually like 3-5 people with green ping.

EDIT: Just played like 4 matches in a row and YES it's freaking true. Just about every person I played picked E. Honda.
62 games later and 36 wins I can say this has been worth my time.
But maybe only because the fact SF:AC is dead on XBox Live, so this is pretty much the only real choice for anyone to get into 2d fighting online without having to fight too many leet players.

The D-Pad is pretty bad, but I played SFA3 on a PS1 controller for a good year and got use to that shitty D-Pad (Opinions, the PS2 D-Pad blows ass for 2d fighting games but was still better then the XBox d-pad,and in this case the 360 d-pad, but still) and was able to pull off moves pretty easily. So I'm sure with alot of practice anyone can become good with the D-Pad. It's justa learning curve.

I mainly use Zangief. I can honestly say that the analog is pretty well done for 360 (as in people who want to pull off 360's) players so I had fun with beef. I was able to pull off SPD's 75% of the time and I'm sure that will be higher down the road.

The main concern I'm sure on everybodys mind is the LAG. There is little to no lag in 95% of my matchs. I hosted about 70% of the time and I wouldn't get lag. When I went to look for another match I would only get lag if I decided to play against someone with less then a green bar. There is little to no lag in this game compared to SF:AC was over Live. Some very good news indeed. You can debate this, but as long as you follow the green bar rule there is no lag. Either that your connection to Live blows ass.

Another concern there seems to be is E.Honda. Yeah, he's cheap when lag comes to play, and sometimes theres little way around him. He was one of the best players to abuse with and that isn't going to change.

One other little gripe (can be major depending on youre view) is your NOT able to play RANKED Quarter Mode matchs. This kinda sucks.

Achievements? They are pretty easy to get with the exception of winning single player without losing a road/match .Even at 0 star difficulty the computer can still be tricky.

Lastly, the other issue is 800 points that everyone (myself included at one time) has groaned about. Let me repeat what I first said: This is the only MAJORLY ACTIVE 2d fighting game out there. You may be able to still get KOF or SF:AC games over XBox Live, but finding new people and moderate skill is RARE. Newbie or Pro you will your home here by fighting people of various skill, and I'm sure this will remain the same for the 360's life span till they decide to release more 2d fighters on Live. This game is easily worth 800 points for the lag free gameplay (most of the time) and enviroment alone. The only thing that can be worked on imho is a adaptor so we can use better controlers, or for them to release another SF:AC arcade stick.

Thats my two cents, any questions feel free to ask.
[quote name='Daywalker']Maybe, but the best way to avoid any lag when playing ranked matches, is to go to custom matches so you can see the ping of the other player before starting. ALOT of people have red/yellow ping so choose wisely cause there are usually like 3-5 people with green ping.

EDIT: Just played like 4 matches in a row and YES it's freaking true. Just about every person I played picked E. Honda.[/QUOTE]

Nobody has tried a standing jab to counter the move like somebody suggested? It's been a long time since I've played but I remember there was always a move that would counter it.
SF II is an old antiquated game. Plays like cardboard compared to the more evolved fighters. Is it an important game in history? possibly. Is it worth buying AGAIN? Hell no.......
Well you clearly no nothing about fighters to say that this game plays like cardboard. It's actually really deep but casual players will miss that.

Edit: WIth E.Honda it's something you're going to have deal with. He's been tops in lag since CVS2 on Xbox and it's no different here. Just wait till people start being cheap with Bison. Psychocrusher-Block-Throw ftw
K. Even tho the d-pad doesn't respond well sometimes, this game was still worth the $10. LOTS OF FUN. If you wish to play, add me!

Panda Owning Em
I like it. Its classic. Although I do wish it was the version with Cammy andsome of those later characters. I know this is the classic version, but would it have been so bad to expand the roster? Who knows, maybe in an expansion down the road?
Also, I like to play E. Honda. Not because of the lag thing, I actually like thecharacter, sucks that he has to be associated with the problem.
[quote name='ryanbph']i got the doa stick on ebay for $40 brand new[/QUOTE]

I think I'm going to get one. Not being able to pull off the occasional fireball is one thing, but when the d-pad cannot register low blocking it's a serious control issue. Nothing's more frustrating that losing a match due to someone doing nothing but leg sweeps when you were holding the d-pad in the correct direction the entire match.

Is that a common problem for anyone else here? I think my d-pad may be broken, but if more people have this problem than I can rule that out.
[quote name='apokalipze2']I think it's the Dpad man. I also have trouble blocking sweeps and jump ins[/QUOTE]

Thanks. At least now I don't have to worry about a broken controller.

This brings me to another question - how fucking hard is it for Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo to put a decent d-pad on their controllers?
yeah the DPad is killing me here..I can't do anything with Vega now! Awesome game though..only two complaints are the DPad and random loss of connection.
[quote name='darkrage']Also, I like to play E. Honda. Not because of the lag thing, I actually like thecharacter, sucks that he has to be associated with the problem.[/quote]
Same here. He's been my gamerpic since they came out. I've always ha d a soft spot for his fat sumo ass.
Either my thumb is going to fall off or my wrist is going to explode. I can't determine which is going to happen first. I'll be stick hunting tomorrow.
I can't find a single arcade stick on ebay right now. Amazon cheapest is $99.99. wtf? I'm prolly going to browse EB/GS down the road. Do CC's or BestBuys carry it as well? Dang it. I'll just stick with the analog for now.

Edit: Add me and own me plz.
bread's done