Transformers Toys - Deals & Discussion


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Zmonkay said:
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Latest Transformers news:

  • Dark of the Moon toyline to be released at retail on May 15, 2011
  • Transformers Prime toyline to be released at retail in October 2011
Latest Transformers figures available at retail now:

  • Generations Warpath, Kup, and Scourge
  • Dark of the Moon Preview Pack Cyberverse Optimus Prime
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What, you mean I was the only kid with an army of B.A.T.S.? :D

4 figures, 2 per case. That would make too much sense :)
[quote name='mickeyp']I can get the prime first edition bumblebee at MSRP online?
Maybe I should do that?[/QUOTE]

You may want to wait.

In Canada, we just got the second Entertainment Pack. It's FE Bumblebee and FE Starscream, both very slight (but improved) repaints. Comes with a DVD and some humans. It's in RiD packaging, so I can't imagine it won't hit the US if it hasn't already (we don't seem to have Cyberverse Commanders, so not everything is timed the same).

If you don't already have Starscream, this is the way to go. It's $35 here at Wal-Mart, which means it should be even cheaper there.
[quote name='blandstalker']You may want to wait.

In Canada, we just got the second Entertainment Pack. It's FE Bumblebee and FE Starscream, both very slight (but improved) repaints. Comes with a DVD and some humans. It's in RiD packaging, so I can't imagine it won't hit the US if it hasn't already (we don't seem to have Cyberverse Commanders, so not everything is timed the same).

If you don't already have Starscream, this is the way to go. It's $35 here at Wal-Mart, which means it should be even cheaper there.[/QUOTE]

That's already been confirmed to be Canada and Asian exclusive, sadly.
I don't understand screwing over the US of all countries with these FEs. What's the reasoning behind it?
[quote name='animalspinners']
And you were definitely rare among children, haha. Most kids could care less about troop building. Trust me, I collect among a lot of different lines and the troop builders are always the pegwarmers. Collectors cried out for Hasbro to give them more troop builders and then they all sat on the pegs while the more unique characters got bought. I can only think of one or two troop builders that have ever flown off the shelves and that's more because of distribution than anything.

I think, in this one instance, it'll be okay to limit the troop builder. It sucks for fans initially but after everyone buys what they wanted, all you'd see on the shelf is Vehicons and we'd all be complaining. I see it with every single line Hasbro does troop builders in... they just don't sell at retail compared to unique figures. Hell, Hasbro threw fans a bone and repackaged Scourge into future waves for people to troop build, and he ended up pegwarming a ton, so did Scrapheap.

I think the problem right now is more that Hasbro is trying to cram too many figures into too many waves so all figures get shorted. I'd personally like to see four figures per wave, two to a case, everyone is happy.[/QUOTE]

I know a ton of GI Joe and Star Wars collectors who would love to know what city you live in. Your area may be an abberation. I belong to a couple different boards and have friends who collect a lot of different lines and clones, BATs, etc are always highly sought after. Seeing the pegs at the stores and hearing what my buddies and what other people on forums are after certainly reflects that.
Army building for TF's is a bit new relative to SW and Joe. There have always been people who bought multiples of a figure for repaints and such but we've never really had drone figures to build like vehicon before. I had never heard of people army building Scourge but I guess its likely. The closest situation we've had to it before is Wreckgar and Junkheap. The latter was a bit hard to find in my area, only saw him two or three times. I know there are collectors out there who were still looking for him pretty recently.
I am not collecting Prime but I help out fellow collectors locally and let them know what I see when I go out to a store. Some people are still looking for SW, Arcee and Ratchet, figures who are one per case while Hasbro is still flooding cases and pegs with a sea of yellow. (Yes I know all the BB, mascot, kids don't want Con's arguments) But its all too common a story for frustrated collectors who make up just as much of the market as the kids.
[quote name='jbz']What, you mean I was the only kid with an army of B.A.T.S.? :D

4 figures, 2 per case. That would make too much sense :)[/QUOTE]

My brother and I would try to find "cobra men" with different colored eyes/hair (they did have different ones) when we were kids. Same thing with cobra officers. We would also buy multiples of Vipers, HISS tanks, Crimson Guards, etc.

It would take a whole day to set up the battle. We would use cardboard tubes (from wrapping paper, paper towels, etc) to set up elaborate bases. We would also build fences and roads and make this huge set up. I would imagine someone would describe it as an epic battle nowadays.
[quote name='jbz']I don't understand screwing over the US of all countries with these FEs. What's the reasoning behind it?[/QUOTE]

I don't understand this one at all. RiD packaging, carried at Wal-Mart here so not even a store exclusive. Apparently Hasbro hates you.

It also makes little sense to release the set here since we did get Bumblebee and Starscream. TRU has more FE Bumblebees than they can possibly sell. I had no intention on getting the set because while the recolors are nice, I already have the originals and don't need both. Though I think I'll pick up one before I come back to the states.

If you can't get this set, then by all means get a FE Bumblebee from HTS.
I wrote this awhile back but didn't think anyone would find it useful. Here's a comparison of FE Prime Bumblebee vs RiD Bumblebee

I originally wasn't planning on getting RiD Bumblebee, but when I walked to TRU it was all they had and it was on sale. I wasn't leaving empty handed.

The good news for anyone who isn't getting both is that they are quite similar. The transformations share a lot of elements, although they have some surprising differences. RiD Bumblebee's automorph was unexpected and kind of neat, considering FE didn't have one. Unfortunately, it added some complications, too.

RiD Bumblebee is about 25% smaller. It's similar to the difference between the first two movie toylines and DOTM. RiD Bumblebee comes with two guns, but they're small. Unlike DOTM, there's no MechTech excuse for where all the plastic went.

Another major difference is what happens to the roof. On FE Bumblebee, it splits and folds into the doors. There's no back kibble, except for the door wings. On RiD Bumblebee, the roof becomes a cape-like cover. FE Bumblebee's torso is small, but RiD Bumblebee needs that roof cover because without it his backside looks insubstantial.

Some people complained about wonky shoulders on FE Bumblebee. I apparently won the QA lottery on mine, as they are fine. In fact, FE Bumblebee's shoulders are leagues better. They cover up the shoulder area. If you look at RiD Bumblebee from either side, you can see right into his hollow chest. It also looks worse from straight on.

FE Bumblebee also has painted wheel rims, front and rear painted lights, and an Autobot symbol. RiD Bee has none of this. His head is also less detailed, and while it has a little charm of its own, it's hard not to look at FE Bee and see all the extra details. It's also hard to look at RiD Bumblebee and feel that it's either unfinished or a KO.

FE Bumblebee
+ Superior paint and decos
+ Bigger and more substantial in both modes
+ Articulated waist
+ Better head
+ More complicated yet elegant transformation
- Tiny torso

RiD Bumblebee
+ Clever automorph
- Back kibble
- Dopey-looking panel behind head
- Gappy sides
- No wrist or waist articulation

The easy conclusion to make is that FE Bumblebee is head and shoulders better than RiD Bumblebee. This is true, though it sells RiD Bumblebee a little short -- it's not that bad. On it's own, without any comparison, it's a decent version of the character, though I really hate that thing behind his head. I am at a loss, though, to explain why it is both smaller and less detailed. For their flagship character, it's like they stopped caring.

At this point I was going to make some conclusions about FE vs RiD, but then I got the two Cliffjumpers and it was a completely different story.

Addendum: The new Entertainment Pack has a recolor of FE Bumblebee. The yellow is a little darker, the highlights are a little different. I like the new yellow better as it's a little darker and a little less Playskool toy. I'd classify it as better than the original FE, though not so much better that it's necessary to have both. Either one, though, is a much better choice than RiD Bumblebee if you have the means to get one.
[quote name='slowdive21']My brother and I would try to find "cobra men" with different colored eyes/hair (they did have different ones) when we were kids. Same thing with cobra officers. We would also buy multiples of Vipers, HISS tanks, Crimson Guards, etc.

It would take a whole day to set up the battle. We would use cardboard tubes (from wrapping paper, paper towels, etc) to set up elaborate bases. We would also build fences and roads and make this huge set up. I would imagine someone would describe it as an epic battle nowadays.[/QUOTE]

yeah man, that's what I'm talking about! I would set up massive battles like that too and in the end there would be 4 guys standing. Sgt Slaughter, Serpentor, Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes. :lol:
This is a good review, I think I saw it somewhere else. My FE Bumblebee shipped from HTS today so I should be getting it soon. Now I just need to get a cliffjumper.
[quote name='blandstalker']I don't understand this one at all. RiD packaging, carried at Wal-Mart here so not even a store exclusive. Apparently Hasbro hates you.

It also makes little sense to release the set here since we did get Bumblebee and Starscream. TRU has more FE Bumblebees than they can possibly sell. I had no intention on getting the set because while the recolors are nice, I already have the originals and don't need both. Though I think I'll pick up one before I come back to the states.

If you can't get this set, then by all means get a FE Bumblebee from HTS.[/QUOTE]

I actually have FE Bumblebee, Starscream and Arcee. I was lucky enough to grab them all from HTS for free shipping during the holiday season. I do like the repaints though. I had the chance to buy this set from TFSource before they sold out, but passed. Do you still see FE Cliffjumpers in the stores in Canada?
[quote name='mickeyp']This is a good review, I think I saw it somewhere else. My FE Bumblebee shipped from HTS today so I should be getting it soon. Now I just need to get a cliffjumper.[/QUOTE]

and a Bulkhead, Prime and Megatron :)
Starting on Sunday in the US, Wal-Mart is selling Deluxes for $7 and some change and Voyagers for $15 even -- includes all Prime figures.

For $15, I'll probably get an Optimus Prime, even though I like the FE more.

I also picked up Ratchet and Arcee from a small Internet store for $9 a piece, should be here Friday! Promptly cancelled my BBTS preorder haha.
[quote name='animalspinners']Hasbro's reasoning is that kids don't buy Decepticons, and they probably don't really care about nameless troop builder Decepticon, hence one to a case. Knock Out is two to a case because he is recognizable and an actual character on the show.[/QUOTE]

But "Hot Shot" isn't even in the show! And he's 2 to a case. Why? Of all the RiD molds, this one is by far the worst and not only do we get more, we get two more? It makes no sense. Making Vehicon (of all things) scalper bait while putting more of the most overused and worst mold on the pegs is a double-disservice.

[quote name='animalspinners']And with Knock Out, he's mistransformed in all the pictures hes in, which is typical Hasbro.[/QUOTE]

It's not just that. The colors are both off and awful, combining a paint color which is not only wrong but ugly and bright red plastic which looks like a KO. Except for the paint fade, it looks like something you'd see at Big Lots under the Super Transforming Robot line for $2.

[quote name='animalspinners']
I gotta disagree here... he's different from the FE version but he's not good at all. Horrible face, hollow arms... just a horrible representation of the character. I got mine for $2 and even then I felt I overpaid. The only redeeming quality I found was the hammer weapon. I don't even own the FE and I figured that the Prime one would be good enough but I'm seriously considering dropping the $40 to pick one up now. Cliff was such a disappointment to me even after I tempered my expectations for him.[/QUOTE]

Well, I don't know what to say other than differing opinions. I have them both side by side. RiD Cliff is smaller, but unlike Bumblebee, not 25% smaller. Paint apps are about equal, though in different spots. I prefer FE Cliff's blue windows, but they're remarkably similar in vehicle mode. The only real downside for RiD is that you can see the feet from the side.

Transformation is completely different for each. That's pretty amazing to me. FE and RiD Bumblebee are variations of the same scheme, but the two Cliffs could not be more different.

What's really remarkable is that when I find something I think is better on FE Cliffjumper, I then find something on RiD Cliffjumper I like better. The perfect figure would be a hybrid of the two.

I think overall FE Cliffjumper looks more finished -- the paint apps and the black give it a more polished and less toy-like feel. RiD Cliffjumper looks cheaper because of the unpainted plastic and color choices.

Unlike Bumblebee, though, this is selling RiD Cliff short. He's got a lot of character and is better proportioned overall -- he's less tubby, articulated at the waist, and his legs are both beefy and well shaped.

FE Cliffjumper
+ Very clever transformation
+ Arms and legs appear solid
+ Black/red color scheme pops, nice paint accents
+ Slightly darker red
+ Bigger head with better expression
+ Paint on the roof/chest makes it appear glossy
+ Hands can be replaced by cannons
- Waist articulation is impeded by pegging
- Legs are blocky

RiD Cliffjumper

+ Feet rockets are cute
+ Chest is better proportioned; less blocky
- However, it's a false chest
+ Chest/torso details are better and more visible
- Mix of greys is distracting; gunmetal would be better
- Arms and legs are hollow
- Arms are blocky
- Bit more backpack

If I had to pick one, I'd go with FE Cliffjumper but I would miss some of the things of RiD Cliffjumper. I like RiD Cliffjumpers proportions better and he's a really good robot figure. Also unlike RiD Bumblebee, RiD Cliffjumper did not get the short end of the paint or plastic stick. He's got lots of paint apps, painted wheel rims, and plenty of detail. And while he's smaller, it's not nearly as much. Without a FE Cliff to compare, I think it would be hard to dislike him too much.

Also unlike FE Bumblebee, FE Cliff is harder to get a hold of. He wasn't easy to find here, where he was released. That makes it harder and more expensive to track one down. Is it worth it?

If you hate RiD Cliffjumper, then yeah. Otherwise, enjoy RiD Cliff for the charms he has, which I think are pretty considerable. I was expecting to dislike him and was looking for where Hasbro cut corners, since it's pretty dramatic with FE/RiD Bumblebee. But I ended up liking RiD Cliff. It helps that he's completely different and not, like RiD Bumblebee, pretty much the same but less in every department.
[quote name='animalspinners']Starting on Sunday in the US, Wal-Mart is selling Deluxes for $7 and some change and Voyagers for $15 even -- includes all Prime figures.

For $15, I'll probably get an Optimus Prime, even though I like the FE more.

I also picked up Ratchet and Arcee from a small Internet store for $9 a piece, should be here Friday! Promptly cancelled my BBTS preorder haha.[/QUOTE]

too bad my Wal-mart has had an empty wall of Transformer Deluxes for like 3 weeks. How is this even possible? :cry:
[quote name='jbz']and a Bulkhead, Prime and Megatron :)[/QUOTE]

I got voyager Megatron already.
I don't have any prime yet, maybe $15 for him next week would be good and what size bulkhead are you talking about? I did get cyberverse bulkhead yesterday. I will need a bigger bulkhead to go with the rest of them.
well I will finally pick up RID cliffjumper next week, blandstalker made him sound good and I like his car mode. Anybody get starscream or megatron cyberverse size and have an opinion?
[quote name='mickeyp']I got voyager Megatron already.
I don't have any prime yet, maybe $15 for him next week would be good and what size bulkhead are you talking about? I did get cyberverse bulkhead yesterday. I will need a bigger bulkhead to go with the rest of them.[/QUOTE]

I thought you were talking about getting all the FE ones. They made a Voyager size Bulkhead for that.
[quote name='mickeyp']well I will finally pick up RID cliffjumper next week, blandstalker made him sound good and I like his car mode. Anybody get starscream or megatron cyberverse size and have an opinion?[/QUOTE]

yeah animalspinner and a few others did I believe. They raved about em. I'm on the hunt myself for them
[quote name='jbz']I thought you were talking about getting all the FE ones. They made a Voyager size Bulkhead for that.[/QUOTE]

No I just wanted the FE bumblebee, I'll stick with the ones I can buy in the store now.
[quote name='jbz']yeah animalspinner and a few others did I believe. They raved about em. I'm on the hunt myself for them[/QUOTE]
I got bulkhead and left megatron and starscream and optimus on the shelf.
[quote name='jbz'] Do you still see FE Cliffjumpers in the stores in Canada?[/QUOTE]

No. FE is pretty much past it now. TRU had a sale up here last week and they actually got a bin full of FE deluxes, but either there were no Cliffjumpers or someone had taken them all. I haven't seen any FE Cliffjumpers since January, and even then they were not common. I saw them three, maybe four times over the entire time they were out and that was it.

There are still plenty of Bumblebees :roll:
[quote name='blandstalker']But "Hot Shot" isn't even in the show!

Well, to be fair by Wave 3 they've kind of run out of characters to make. A lot of upcoming characters aren't in the show: Ultra Magnus, Ironhide, Dreadwing, Kup, Rumble, Hot Shot. Maybe they'll show up later but I doubt it, I think Hasbro / Takara blew through the main cast too fast and now are struggling to fill waves. :lol:

I'm glad they are going this route because you know what I wouldn't want to see? What they did in Animated where they just started doing straight up repaints en masse. I definitely don't want to see cases filled with "Speed Attack Bumblebee" or "Dark Energon Ratchet" or anything else. Change the paint, give it a new head and I'm fine with it. Don't turn Ratchet green and try to sell me a new figure though, forget that, I'd rather have Hot Shot.

Also unlike FE Bumblebee, FE Cliff is harder to get a hold of. He wasn't easy to find here, where he was released. That makes it harder and more expensive to track one down. Is it worth it?

Everything I want right now is expensive to track down, $40 almost seems cheap. :lol:

You're talking to the guy who paid $40 for United Bumblebee and $30 for a head to make him Goldbug ;)
Also: HasbroToyShop is running a 20% off sale on a lot of Transformers stuff. The only things Prime on sale are RID Bumblebee and a case of 8 Deluxes but its a good time to pick up any DOTM or Generations figures you missed.

Figures end up being $9.60, I ordered Generations Scourge and Cliffjumper Monday, got them today! Would have had them already but BBTS messed up my pile of loot slightly... no big deal though.

Now I own the complete Generations line to date! Now the most expensive part comes, going back to get the Classics I missed :lol:
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I got my Prime First Edition Bumblebee today. I sort of don't want to open it because the package is so nice. LOL I will give it to my son soon.
I am going to open him for sure, that makes no sense you can't really enjoy it in the box. My son plays with all of them.
I save the card back of all the transformers though.
I got the last transformer toys from McDonalds tonight.
hey guys i need some advice. im looking to get rid of most, if not all, of my transformers. what would be the best (easiest, fastest, most profitable) way to do so? all of my figures are from the last few years. i started collecting when i bought 25th anniversary optimus prime at the toysrus i was working at during winter '09.

i have most of them safely packed away, but the ones i have displayed right now are:
ROTF leader optimus prime
ROTF leader megatron
ROTF leader jetfire
DOTM leader ironhide
DOTM leader sentinel prime
ROTF HA barricade
ROTF HA bumblebee
ROTF HA skids
ROTF HA mudflap
ROTF HA jazz
ROTF deluxe ice cream truck skids and mudflap
GENERATIONS WFC optimus prime
you could sell to us :) Seriously.

Ebay for a bigger audience. craigslist for a local/quicker sale. Looking at completed sales of some of those, you should do pretty well. Especially with some of those ROTF HA ones. Especially the Barricade and Mudflap ones. The Generations ones won't fetch you that much, maybe hold on to those until their price goes up a bit.
[quote name='jbz']you could sell to us :) Seriously.

Ebay for a bigger audience. craigslist for a local/quicker sale. Looking at completed sales of some of those, you should do pretty well. Especially with some of those ROTF HA ones. Especially the Barricade and Mudflap ones. The Generations ones won't fetch you that much, maybe hold on to those until their price goes up a bit.[/QUOTE]

well id love for them to go to a good home :). id love to sell to fellow CAG's. if anybody wants to make me an offer on the figures ive already listed, feel free. just no lowballs please. im gonna go into my storage and get my other figures so i can list them here. and all of mine are loose but 95% are complete and in great shape.
[quote name='masterchief2291']hey guys i need some advice. im looking to get rid of most, if not all, of my transformers. what would be the best (easiest, fastest, most profitable) way to do so? all of my figures are from the last few years. i started collecting when i bought 25th anniversary optimus prime at the toysrus i was working at during winter '09.

i have most of them safely packed away, but the ones i have displayed right now are:
ROTF leader optimus prime
ROTF leader megatron
ROTF leader jetfire
DOTM leader ironhide
DOTM leader sentinel prime
ROTF HA barricade
ROTF HA bumblebee
ROTF HA skids
ROTF HA mudflap
ROTF HA jazz
ROTF deluxe ice cream truck skids and mudflap
GENERATIONS WFC optimus prime

You could also send an email and get an offer from them. They will somtimes buy up collections.
[quote name='masterchief2291']hey guys i need some advice. im looking to get rid of most, if not all, of my transformers. what would be the best (easiest, fastest, most profitable) way to do so? all of my figures are from the last few years. i started collecting when i bought 25th anniversary optimus prime at the toysrus i was working at during winter '09.

i have most of them safely packed away, but the ones i have displayed right now are:
ROTF leader optimus prime
ROTF leader megatron
ROTF leader jetfire
DOTM leader ironhide
DOTM leader sentinel prime
ROTF HA barricade
ROTF HA bumblebee
ROTF HA skids
ROTF HA mudflap
ROTF HA jazz
ROTF deluxe ice cream truck skids and mudflap
GENERATIONS WFC optimus prime

Those ROTF Leader Jetfire and Megs are worth roughly $100 each, FYI. Very in demand at the moment.

I'd try to sell all five of the WFC deluxes together. Throw em on ebay and start it at $50.

Ironhide and Sentinel separately, obviously. The ice cream twins are worth nothing. I don't know much about HA's., but I think one of those (Barricade?) is hard to come by and the rerst are pretty much worth what you paid for them.

Also, don't sell to TFSource. They will not pay you what your TFs are worth. Sell yourself!
[quote name='slowdive21']There is a Transformers $4 off $10 coupon in Sunday's paper. Hasbro has its own coupon insert.[/QUOTE]That's just for Target, correct?
I know it's been a while since they been out but what are the chances of stores carrying Power Core Combiners? Specifically the Grimstone and Dinobots 5pk? I really want to get my hands on one but can't find it anywhere online for a reasonable price. I also heard they were on sale during Black Friday but I guess I was too busy on the video games, haha.
[quote name='slowdive21']Nope it is the "play saver" hasbro insert. Read through it and I don't see anything specific about target or target logos.

Here you go! Only click the link if you are ready to print the coupon!!!![/QUOTE]

All TRU locations got these coupon packets as well. I think 100 to each store. Look for them at the service desk if you happen to be in one.
[quote name='Screwhead281']I know it's been a while since they been out but what are the chances of stores carrying Power Core Combiners? Specifically the Grimstone and Dinobots 5pk? I really want to get my hands on one but can't find it anywhere online for a reasonable price. I also heard they were on sale during Black Friday but I guess I was too busy on the video games, haha.[/QUOTE]

Grimstone was hard to find even when he came out; at this point, good luck.

If you're lucky, you can find one at discount stores like Ross or Marshalls, because that's where most of them ended up. You're not going to find any PCCs in any large retail store at this point anymore.
For the most part, they are pretty cool. Finding some of them can prove to be difficult. The last few pages have posts by some of us bitching about how Hasbro distributes the figures in their case shipments. Basically if your son loves Bumblebee, you are in luck. The Cyberverse ones are easier to find (in my experience anyway) and they are pretty good considering their small size. My son loves his Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Vehicon and Starscream ones and I think they look great.
[quote name='Screwhead281']I know it's been a while since they been out but what are the chances of stores carrying Power Core Combiners? Specifically the Grimstone and Dinobots 5pk? I really want to get my hands on one but can't find it anywhere online for a reasonable price. I also heard they were on sale during Black Friday but I guess I was too busy on the video games, haha.[/QUOTE]

I've seen the Power Core Combiners at the local PriceBuster stores here multiple times. All of them except the Dinobots one. That's the only one my kids wanted too so I had to buy it on Ebay. Paid $25.

I've got a brand new sealed Autobot Jazz Mighty Muggs if anyone would be interested in it. I'd be looking for paypal. Send me a PM if interested. Thanks!
Hi all, I am preparing to move, and looking to cut most of the post G1 stuff (and a little G1 stuff) out of my collection. Any interest? I've got a pretty broad range of stuff. Currently in front of me are C-310 God Ginrai reissue, C-307X Nucleon Quest Super Ginrai, loose complete Monstructor, Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus, Beast Machines Tankor, and Tidal Wave (Shockwave) from Armada/Micron Densetsu the Japanese version, so he's actually purple as in the show. If anyone has any interest in stuff like this and beyond (it's a pretty expansive collection, that's just what I'm in the room with), I will start getting some pictures or links to pictures up. Obviously, some stuff is worth a good amount (Monstructor), others less so. I'm not looking to blow everything out, but I will beat ebay prices, since I won't have to pay them fees to sell on here. Any special requests? I don't have any movie toys, and I believe Animated is the newest I have, and I only have Starscream and Skywarp from them (both MISB, though it looks like a ball jointed foot of Skywarps has come out and is floating around the box).

PS-I am based in Brooklyn/NYC, and would generally be happy to do local meetups.
I got voyager prime Megs and optimus prime yesterday at Walmart, they were on sale for $15 and I had a $4 coupon. Let me tell you the cashier made a big project out of this transaction. The toy rang up $20 I tell her it is 15 in ad front end girl says to her to price match I said it is not a price match it is in your own ad. Looked at me like I was criminal, I give coupon she said it will not scan and it is for the wrong toy, I said it is not, it is for any transformer purchase over $10/ she says I had to pick out a different toy this was not the right one as it did not match the picture, she also said the box did not say TOTAL transformer on it. I told her that the coupon was stating it has to be total transformer purchase over $10 and that total is not the name of toy. Manager finally came and did it for me after girl was making it look like I was trying to cheat them/ manager was nice I showed her ad at front of store and even showed how it says to use the playsaver coupons right in the ad. So I got them both for $11. I returned the megs that I had gotten at Target and got $21 back in my pocket. I wasted a lot of time but stayed calm. The security guard became interested in coupon and was laughing bec. he saw it was th ecorrect coupon. He seemed happy to know about sale and coupon and said he was going to look at the transformers after work.
ha, what an idiot that cashier was. But it's Walmart, they aren't picking from the best of the best there.
My wife was awesome enough to preorder A Prime Prime for me since she saw something in a flyer about him coming with a bonus Micron Arms robot with preorders.
He just came today. Very nice!

in case anyone cares, I found a lone RID Ratchet at TRU, and HE. IS. AWESOME! Serously, other other than seriously lacking in some paint apps (needs red on the arms, they're just all white) I wouldn't be surprised to learn he was supposed to be a First Edition at one point, that's how impressed I am with him.

Very clever and unique engineering. Partly reminds me of Classics ratchet in concept (especially the arms folding/panel integration), but has a much better execution. I also LOVE how he comes with knife weapons he can hold, but they designed him in such a way that you can rotate his hands 90 degrees and the knives are notched perfectly so they they look like they replaced his hands (like in the show, or how in G1 Prime/Megs hands swapped out for the energon axe/flail).

Only complaint? The knives are possibly the softest rubber I've ever seen on a TF. I completely understand (safety reasons) but it's still strange. BUT unlike many Prime figs, they store hidden in vehicle mode. (Like Wheeljack, this feature is not mentioned in the instructions for some reason, but there are tabs on the underside of the door panels and slots on the knives for them to peg into)

IDK who designed him, but I want more from that engineer and less from whoever designed RID Bee.
bread's done