[quote name='animalspinners']Hasbro's reasoning is that kids don't buy Decepticons, and they probably don't really care about nameless troop builder Decepticon, hence one to a case. Knock Out is two to a case because he is recognizable and an actual character on the show.[/QUOTE]
But "Hot Shot" isn't even in the show! And he's 2 to a case. Why? Of all the RiD molds, this one is by far the worst and not only do we get more, we get two more? It makes no sense. Making Vehicon (of all things) scalper bait while putting more of the most overused and worst mold on the pegs is a double-disservice.
[quote name='animalspinners']And with Knock Out, he's mistransformed in all the pictures hes in, which is typical Hasbro.[/QUOTE]
It's not just that. The colors are both off and awful, combining a paint color which is not only wrong but ugly and bright red plastic which looks like a KO. Except for the paint fade, it looks like something you'd see at Big Lots under the Super Transforming Robot line for $2.
[quote name='animalspinners']
I gotta disagree here... he's different from the FE version but he's not good at all. Horrible face, hollow arms... just a horrible representation of the character. I got mine for $2 and even then I felt I overpaid. The only redeeming quality I found was the hammer weapon. I don't even own the FE and I figured that the Prime one would be good enough but I'm seriously considering dropping the $40 to pick one up now. Cliff was such a disappointment to me even after I tempered my expectations for him.[/QUOTE]
Well, I don't know what to say other than differing opinions. I have them both side by side. RiD Cliff is smaller, but unlike Bumblebee, not 25% smaller. Paint apps are about equal, though in different spots. I prefer FE Cliff's blue windows, but they're remarkably similar in vehicle mode. The only real downside for RiD is that you can see the feet from the side.
Transformation is completely different for each. That's pretty amazing to me. FE and RiD Bumblebee are variations of the same scheme, but the two Cliffs could not be more different.
What's really remarkable is that when I find something I think is better on FE Cliffjumper, I then find something on RiD Cliffjumper I like better. The perfect figure would be a hybrid of the two.
I think overall FE Cliffjumper looks more finished -- the paint apps and the black give it a more polished and less toy-like feel. RiD Cliffjumper looks cheaper because of the unpainted plastic and color choices.
Unlike Bumblebee, though, this is selling RiD Cliff short. He's got a lot of character and is better proportioned overall -- he's less tubby, articulated at the waist, and his legs are both beefy and well shaped.
FE Cliffjumper
+ Very clever transformation
+ Arms and legs appear solid
+ Black/red color scheme pops, nice paint accents
+ Slightly darker red
+ Bigger head with better expression
+ Paint on the roof/chest makes it appear glossy
+ Hands can be replaced by cannons
- Waist articulation is impeded by pegging
- Legs are blocky
RiD Cliffjumper
+ Feet rockets are cute
+ Chest is better proportioned; less blocky
- However, it's a false chest
+ Chest/torso details are better and more visible
- Mix of greys is distracting; gunmetal would be better
- Arms and legs are hollow
- Arms are blocky
- Bit more backpack
If I had to pick one, I'd go with FE Cliffjumper but I would miss some of the things of RiD Cliffjumper. I like RiD Cliffjumpers proportions better and he's a really good robot figure. Also unlike RiD Bumblebee, RiD Cliffjumper did not get the short end of the paint or plastic stick. He's got lots of paint apps, painted wheel rims, and plenty of detail. And while he's smaller, it's not nearly as much. Without a FE Cliff to compare, I think it would be hard to dislike him too much.
Also unlike FE Bumblebee, FE Cliff is harder to get a hold of. He wasn't easy to find here, where he was released. That makes it harder and more expensive to track one down. Is it worth it?
If you hate RiD Cliffjumper, then yeah. Otherwise, enjoy RiD Cliff for the charms he has, which I think are pretty considerable. I was expecting to dislike him and was looking for where Hasbro cut corners, since it's pretty dramatic with FE/RiD Bumblebee. But I ended up liking RiD Cliff. It helps that he's completely different and not, like RiD Bumblebee, pretty much the same but less in every department.