U.S. to disintegrate by 2010, says Russian professor

Living in New England I speak for everyone on the fact we don't want, Tenn, Ky, WV, and SC. Plus TN and SC would go to the south, and NM would go to the west and Texas would become it's own country again.
[quote name='captainfrizo']I'll one-up the professor and provide the exact date the U.S. will start to deteriorate:

January 20th, 2009[/QUOTE]

[quote name='musha666']Yea, I think he can do in a year what others couldnt do in eight.

Good bye USA, we hardly knew thee.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='prmononoke']Fact.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='jousley']Damn straight.[/QUOTE]

Wow you guys are morons, grow up elections are over.

Going on topic..Canada absorbing Central states..possible, Eastern states goto Europe..possible..Texan states goto Mexico?? LoL unlikely, Western states being under China? Yeah right.

Yes the economy is bad, but other countries are in much deeper shit than us. That russian dude just want attention, he is a fuking celebrity now. We all know the cold war never ended, its just in hibernation.
[quote name='FlipSide']Wow you guys are morons, grow up elections are over.[/quote]

Not that I was a Bush supporter, but I definitely heard a lot of people complain about him for the eight years after he was elected.

So are those people morons?
[quote name='farmecologist']I think some of you have been playing too much Fallout 3..including the Russian Professor! :)[/quote]

That's no way to talk about Professor Zangief.
Dear anyone in the future Texas Republic:

Do you want to trade Tennessee for Georgia and Florida? I'll throw in Kentucky to sweeten the pot.
The professor is foolish in thinking that we'll be annexed.

We're *the* core nation in modern industrial and post-industrial capitalism. Countries may survive without the US's involvement in trade and commerce, but not all.

We'll go Mad Max before we split up the way the professor has predicted. And, I should say, I personally have said before that I expect food shortages by the end of the year. Not crops output due to drought, but the economy falling so far apart that people riot into their local grocer to grab all they can (think post-hurricane katrina scavenging on a national level), and the stores fail to replenish over time. After (not during) that, the shit will hit the fan.
Now, when Sarah Palin says she can see Russia from her house, she'll mean the embassy they built on her back porch.

What's scary is the plausibility of Mexico 'conquering' the southwest of the U.S. :cold:
The Mexican government just has to send the message "execute order 66" and all the seemingly harmless Mexican immigrants will turn on us.

For the humor impaired, the preceding was a joke.
[quote name='pete5883']Dear anyone in the future Texas Republic:

Do you want to trade Tennessee for Georgia and Florida? I'll throw in Kentucky to sweeten the pot.[/quote]

fuck no
[quote name='tgk2044']Son of a bitch I'm gonna be a Canadian within 365 days, eh.[/quote]

Then you better learn to speak Canadian...

"Son of a bitch I'm gonna be a Canadian within 365 days, aye."

[quote name='JolietJake']The Mexican government just has to send the message "execute order 66" and all the seemingly harmless Mexican immigrants will turn on us.

For the humor impaired, the preceding was a joke.[/quote]

Sadly that's probably will not turn out to be a joke.

However if that happened Mexico would get the south east, like AZ, and NM, and most of CA. The guy's break up of the country is stupid, and not thought out, nevermind the whole idea in general.

And no want wants Florida, it will be given back to Spain along with some usless USA money. :)
I would be okay with selling Florida and parts of California so long as we're still able to harness their best resource: Their orange juice.

[quote name='prmononoke']Not that I was a Bush supporter, but I definitely heard a lot of people complain about him for the eight years after he was elected.

So are those people morons?[/QUOTE]

In those 8 years..Bush gave people reason to complain about him granted some of those people are also morons who were just bitter Gore or Kerry lost, the people I'm calling a moron and to grow up are people who are shooting down someone before he even takes office.
Nothing but swamps and gators in Florida anyway. Oh and the Dolphins, but they suck.
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[quote name='bigdaddy']Then you better learn to speak Canadian...

"Son of a bitch I'm gonna be a Canadian within 365 days, aye."

Haha thanks for the grammatical correction, I was not aware, maybe I needed to pick up a Canadian Language class before I graduated. :)
Well shoot, with all the traveling back and forth into Canada that us Michigan folks due to get into Casino Windsor and drink before age 21, we mind as well consider ourselves Canadian!!!

Ahhh no that's not right. Time to leave the country before all hell breaks loose.
If Florida became part of Mexico I would be moving up to the Atlantic states or New Canada. But this guy is a joke, wasn't there a PC game with this same scenario that came out last year. And I didn't bother looking at the link but did he give a reason why the U.S. would became a land grab for Europe, Canada, Mexico, and China?
[quote name='FlipSide']Wow you guys are morons, grow up elections are over.

Lord forbid anyone have a different viewpoint from you Obama supporters and dare venture out to take a shot at the guy (figuratively, not literally, you can stop reporting me to the FBI, CIA, and Secret Service now).

I would have said the same thing if McCain had won as well. Both candidates were promising much more than they could possibly hope to achieve in one term and probably even two. I honestly feel both are frauds and we'll quickly discover that (Obama more than McCain because he'll be much easier to keep tabs on). I just made the sarcastic remark of tying the winner (Obama) to the end of the U.S. as we know it like this Russian professor claims.

Bottom line is Obama did win and he may or may not have been the better choice over McCain. However, he's now going to be the target of many sarcastic political remarks (like mine), just like Bush has been for 8 years and McCain would have been if he won. It comes with the territory and you need to grow thicker skin if you're going to get all pissy over someone making a smart-ass comment about your candidate of choice.

So, if anything, you need to get off your high-horse, find a sense of humor, shut the fuck up, and deal with it. You'll find people will like you a lot more.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']:roll:


Which states outside of Hicksburg are going to secede?[/QUOTE]

Oh I get it..you are one of those people that are all for freedom of speech..as long as it goes along with YOUR opinion, eh?
[quote name='FlipSide']In those 8 years..Bush gave people reason to complain about him granted some of those people are also morons who were just bitter Gore or Kerry lost, the people I'm calling a moron and to grow up are people who are shooting down someone before he even takes office.[/QUOTE]

FlipSide...I notice you are from Illinois. You'll have to forgive me for not taking any political advice from you, pal. Get back to me when your state finally sells that senate seat.
Good thing none of these people are still alive. It's just us left. Just us and our Y2K bunkers. It's good to see none of you opened yours yet either. Don't step outside.
[quote name='jousley']FlipSide...I notice you are from Illinois. You'll have to forgive me for not taking any political advice from you, pal. Get back to me when your state finally sells that senate seat.[/quote]

I guess you missed the news, it was announced it was sold yesterday around 3pm.
The real question is what will happen to Guam? That's all I'm concerned about.

EDIT: And really, Western New York is a lot more like Canada, I'd rather have Buffalo go to them.
NO!!! He's got the date wrong by a couple years but soon the squirrels are going to take over not just the US but the world mark my words. OH NO I think I hear something at the door.
[quote name='FlipSide']We all know the cold war never ended, its just in hibernation.[/quote]

Now that's something I can agree with. Once the squirrels were struck down they hide till the oppurtune moment.
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A couple of years ago there was a mentally retarded kid in several of my classes who insisted that there would be a second American Civil War soon. He dropped out though, I don't know what happened to him.
[quote name='Maklershed']Yeah, it's gonna be terrible when that no good Obama gets us stuck in a Vietnam-esque quagmire of a war, passes an act in to law that allows for torture, search and seizures without warrants and wire taps, and then takes us from an economic surplus to the largest deficit ever. I can smell the failure now.[/QUOTE]

Your joke might work if any of that had happened but it didn't. What part of 'projected surplus canceled by dot.bomb' do people have difficulty comprehending? The surplus went poof before Clinton left office.
[quote name='FlipSide']In those 8 years..Bush gave people reason to complain about him granted some of those people are also morons who were just bitter Gore or Kerry lost, the people I'm calling a moron and to grow up are people who are shooting down someone before he even takes office.[/QUOTE]

When someone is in such a hurry they announce their wretchedly bad policy plans before taking office, why should I wait to react?
[quote name='DesertEagleXIX']James Cameron predicted Sky-Net would become active on Aug. 29th, 1997, fire nuclear missiles at Russia, who would then retaliate. Fortunately, that was narrowly avoided when the CPU at Cyberdyne systems was destroyed by Sarah and John Conner. At the time,some predicted the t-1000 would become our leader.

For Californians, it has all became true.[/QUOTE]

The incredible cosmic power of marketing has generated new timelines in which Skynet achieves sentience at a much later date. Attempts to stop Skynet's creation have only severed its reliance on causality and made it independent of any logical course of events. The only timelines that can avoid Skynet are those that give up technological advancement, losing also any benefit of the technology.
[quote name='tgk2044']Haha thanks for the grammatical correction, I was not aware, maybe I needed to pick up a Canadian Language class before I graduated. :)[/QUOTE]

Reenact the aversion therapy scene in 'clockwork Orange' using the Bob and Doug McKenzie movie, 'Strange Brew.'

That'll fix ya, hoser.
[quote name='jousley']Oh I get it..you are one of those people that are all for freedom of speech..as long as it goes along with YOUR opinion, eh?[/quote]

I didn't see your sarcasm tags. Did you intend to put some in?

Are you "damn straight" in believing the US is going to disintegrate in less than 3 weeks?

Are you "damn straight" in believing that a country with 200+ years of history will come to a grinding halt on the day the White House's occupant gets a little darker?

Just so we're on the same page: :roll: does not equal censorship.

We have freedom of speech, not freedom from criticism.

It's OK. You aren't the first person to make that mistake.

[quote name='Cao Cao']Meh, I think this map would be far more accurate:

Should I consider getting a dirigible?[/quote]

Meet you on the Pandora with the rest of the air pirates. Should be very profitable!
[quote name='PhrostByte']I just want to say this guy is a good representation of humans. Yeah.. we're crazy.. yeah, all of us.[/quote]

Fixed that for you.
[quote name='VioletArrows']Fixed that for you.[/quote]

Good point... still, I think people that live up North are crazier.

North = Russia, Canada, Ireland, Scandanavia, etc = cold = drink :D
[quote name='Kaijufan']A couple of years ago there was a mentally retarded kid in several of my classes who insisted that there would be a second American Civil War soon. He dropped out though, I don't know what happened to him.[/quote]

He moved to Russia.

And epobirs, do you think you could figure out the edit button? I know it might be too hard for you to figure out, but I'm sure people here will help you.
[quote name='bigdaddy']

He moved to Russia.

And epobirs, do you think you could figure out the edit button? I know it might be too hard for you to figure out, but I'm sure people here will help you.

Not necessary. Separate replies to separate posts are entirely intentional.
And all this time, I thought it was going to look like this.... :lol:

bread's done