UFC Undisputed 3: CAGFC - Iiit's Tiiime! CAGFC41: KNOCKOUT! (Fights due by 8/18!)

All right, guys. The card for CAGFC31: ONSLAUGHT is now up! As I mentioned before, I'll be going out of town next week, so getting these fights done by Monday night (so I can post the next card on Tuesday) would be the only way to not have a big gap in events. That would really help me out, and I think it would be the best thing to keep us moving along. I hope it's something we can all make happen. Also, just want to point out, this event features our first "Jack Off": Jack Ryan vs Jack Jackson. Between that and Gail Pennyfeather's new "YAY ANAL!" tattoo, I'm excited! Maybe I should have just named this event "YEAH BABY!!!" haha.
Big Business | Ronald Mcdonald | TKO | Round 5 at :54

Amazing fight with moojuice... I hope he recorded the fight because I didn't have my stuff out. Very technical battle...I really tried to work the body the first few rounds...I think in the third I dropped him and should've kept punching but I went for a sub and missed it. In the fourth I got dropped but survived and I managed to rock him at the very end of the round. I was able to drop him early in the fifth and finish it with punches.

The stats for the fight make no sense.. I only had 25% head damage.. im certain I should've had more then that...and his body damage was 0% even though I punched and kicked to the body alot..espeically in the first few rounds.
[quote name='shotgunshine']Big Business | Ronald Mcdonald | TKO | Round 5 at :54

Amazing fight with moojuice... I hope he recorded the fight because I didn't have my stuff out. Very technical battle...I really tried to work the body the first few rounds...I think in the third I dropped him and should've kept punching but I went for a sub and missed it. In the fourth I got dropped but survived and I managed to rock him at the very end of the round. I was able to drop him early in the fifth and finish it with punches.

The stats for the fight make no sense.. I only had 25% head damage.. im certain I should've had more then that...and his body damage was 0% even though I punched and kicked to the body alot..espeically in the first few rounds.[/QUOTE]

Confirming this post.

Definitely a very good a technical fight, a little bit of everything in that fight. Disappointing that I went down so quick in the 5th, but I ate a lot of damage in the 4th, so it makes sense.

And yeah, the stats make absolutely no sense; you can see the red marks on the side of the body throughout. Also it seemed like your stamina bar was higher than mine at the end, yes stats indicated I had more. *shrug*

I'm going to upload the video when I go to sleep. Because of how long the fight was, the video is 711mb converted, so yeah, I'll let youtube do it's thing overnight.
To my other two opponents...i'll be available most of the weekend...just send me a message here or on xbox live when yall want to play.
[quote name='Fearia']Matt, I'm free tonight if you are.[/QUOTE]

I am going to a hockey game tonight. Tomorrow, I will be at a friend's place watching WrestleMania, but if you (and/or my other opponent, shotgunshine) can play before 6 P.M. Eastern tomorrow, I can do that.
[quote name='Matt Young']I am going to a hockey game tonight. Tomorrow, I will be at a friend's place watching WrestleMania, but if you (and/or my other opponent, shotgunshine) can play before 6 P.M. Eastern tomorrow, I can do that.[/QUOTE]

Sounds good for tomorrow.
Okay, cool. Any particular time in mind?. Right now, I'm waiting for my Madden league opponent to get online, and if he doesn't sign on soon, I'm going to do my fight with shotgunshine.
Corky Buchek | Matt Domoracki | KO | 3:36 of Round 1

Yeah good fight. I felt good with my approaching mixing some kicks in and you were pushing your stamina, but I was just allowing too many shots to come through and I got caught. I look forward to the rematch down the line.
[quote name='wezzul']Can't do tonight but can do tomorrow night.[/QUOTE]

Okay but I start a new job on Monday, so I won't be up late. I will be home around 5 PST so anytime around then would be great.
Just bought the game! Would love to join the CAG ranks but I don't have an online pass, got it used for like 35. Maybe I can find one on the trading forums or ebay. Hopefully I'll be fighting (and losing to) you guys soon. lol
[quote name='kburns10']Okay but I start a new job on Monday, so I won't be up late. I will be home around 5 PST so anytime around then would be great.[/QUOTE]

That works. 8:15EST/5:15PST would work for me.

I think we could take the Gold in the Synchronized Swimming event! We touched gloves at the beginning of the round and touched calves at the end of the round. What classy gentlemen!

I still love that missed sliding knee bar attempt. It was just like "ahh...shit...I've got nothing..." lol
hey shotgunshine, im available to play today if you are

edit: just send me a PM on cag if you can play today. I'll be checking to see if you're XBL from time to time on my laptop but will not be in front of my tv so the best way to reach me would be through a PM
[quote name='Matt Young']Okay, cool. Any particular time in mind?. Right now, I'm waiting for my Madden league opponent to get online, and if he doesn't sign on soon, I'm going to do my fight with shotgunshine.[/QUOTE]

No time in particular, really. 5ish maybe?
Troy Alvarez | Conrad Silva | Tapout | Round 3 at 4:49

Good fight. Your height, reach, and overall aggression was giving me problems...especially in the first round. I tried to mix it up with takedowns to try to keep you off balance. Im finally getting decent at the reversals. I used to never attempt them because I couldn't pull them off...that ended up making the difference at the end.
[quote name='shotgunshine']Troy Alvarez | Conrad Silva | Tapout | Round 3 at 4:49

Good fight. Your height, reach, and overall aggression was giving me problems...especially in the first round. I tried to mix it up with takedowns to try to keep you off balance. Im finally getting decent at the reversals. I used to never attempt them because I couldn't pull them off...that ended up making the difference at the end.[/QUOTE]

Confirming the fight. Yeah your reversals were killing me. I need to practice some more because I feel like im getting rusty. Good fight shotgun
I just want to say I really appreciate the fact that shotgunshine has been so dominant at this game without being a complete douche or spamming one thing the entire fight. Long-time members are well aware that we've had some asshats in CAGFC who don't have any interest in fun and just want to win by any means necessary. It's nice to see a guy with a lot of skill who still approaches the fight like a real fight, and not like a game that can be exploited...especially when he remains humble after winning. No shame in losing to a guy like that.

Honestly, I think everybody has been great with that this year. I think it's the reason the belts have changed hands so much. You can just see it watching the fight videos. Many of the fights look pretty damn realistic. I'm not sure if that's a credit to us or to the game, but I've really been enjoying CAGFC this year.
I agree with everything Nate said there.

Fearia has contacted me and we should have no problem playing today ,either before or after my fight with shotgunshine.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I just want to say I really appreciate the fact that shotgunshine has been so dominant at this game without being a complete douche or spamming one thing the entire fight. Long-time members are well aware that we've had some asshats in CAGFC who don't have any interest in fun and just want to win by any means necessary. It's nice to see a guy with a lot of skill who still approaches the fight like a real fight, and not like a game that can be exploited...especially when he remains humble after winning. No shame in losing to a guy like that.

Honestly, I think everybody has been great with that this year. I think it's the reason the belts have changed hands so much. You can just see it watching the fight videos. Many of the fights look pretty damn realistic. I'm not sure if that's a credit to us or to the game, but I've really been enjoying CAGFC this year.[/QUOTE]

Thank you. I never understood people wanting to play like that. I get no enjoyment out of finding the cheapest way to win. That was a problem in 2010 as there was several ways to exploit the game online. Its kind of why I didn't play as many matches or try to ''master'' the game. I'd rather lose a good, fun competitive fight then win by exploiting.

There has been some great fights in this league. Im glad I saw this thread... this is my first league ever online for any game and everything has been ran really well and everyone is a blast to play with.
Pablo Garcia| Gail Pennyfeather | KO | Round 2 1:08(I think that was the right time)

Match was pretty even the first few minutes...then I got dropped with a punch and then when I got up I managed to land a flying knee that rocked him..then when he got out of the rocked state I put him back in it with a head kick that dropped him...so I got lucky there since that did pretty big damage.

Second round I got a takedown and when he pushed me off to get up I landed a big flying knee that finished the fight.

I'll have this fight up later or tomorrow...I recorded the fight with urmom but my device started acting all wacky and most of it cant even be used so I probably wont bother uploading it.

Edit: Fight

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Justin Kane | Matt Young | Submission | Rd 2 (1:09)

Another good fight with Matt Young. I felt like I really had to make up for my last loss against him, and I think that helped me a lot. That loss really made me think out my strategy, and made me realize I don't switch things up enough. Albeit, I will say he didn't make switching things up easy! Good fight, sir!

[quote name='MillerTime2523']Just bought the game! Would love to join the CAG ranks but I don't have an online pass, got it used for like 35. Maybe I can find one on the trading forums or ebay. Hopefully I'll be fighting (and losing to) you guys soon. lol[/QUOTE]

Just wanted to say we'd love to have you! I'm pretty sure you can just buy the online pass in game. But yeah, I don't know if you could get a better deal. We've been having a lot of fun with CAGFC though...especially with all the fights that get recorded. Really shows how much a spectator mode is needed.
Scorch, I can play right now but I'll be getting ready for work in about 50 minutes. After that, I can play tonight after I get home from work which will be sometime after 10:00 PM CST.
How can I add a new fighter to this? Wanna start up a guy in a new weight class.

Also, I want to find a weight class that shotgunshine isn't in :). I think I could hold a title forever if it wasn't for him. We had some awesome exhibition fights last night though. Late 3rd rd knock out and a few that went to decision. Real fun time.

[quote name='wezzul']How can I add a new fighter to this? Wanna start up a guy in a new weight class.

Also, I want to find a weight class that shotgunshine isn't in :). I think I could hold a title forever if it wasn't for him. We had some awesome exhibition fights last night though. Late 3rd rd knock out and a few that went to decision. Real fun time.


Yeah that was fun...the first match..where I was Jens Pulver and you were Kenny Florian..that was seriously one of the best matches i've had. I wish I would've recorded it ...we rocked each other like 3 times each... I knew the last time I got dropped that was it for me so I was trying to catch your punch..it didnt work out to well for me.
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']Just wanted to say we'd love to have you! I'm pretty sure you can just buy the online pass in game. But yeah, I don't know if you could get a better deal. We've been having a lot of fun with CAGFC though...especially with all the fights that get recorded. Really shows how much a spectator mode is needed.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I've been playing UFC since the first game in 09 but this is my first time getting into CAGFC. Just bought an online code for $1.50 on ebay which was nice.

So what now? I read pretty much everything in the OP but just to double check.. Make a CAF from the main menu (not career mode) and just post the name, gamertag and weight class? Which would you recommend, LHW?

Look forward to this, but you guys might have to show me the ropes. I'm alright at the game but my ground game is kind of weak.
I'd like to start this post off with a declaration that I'm not withdrawing from fights.

With that being said, I'm going to ask for the support / patience of the CAGFC league. I've been waiting patiently for a response from U.S. Customs and Border Protection for the position of Border Patrol Agent since taking my initial test 4 months ago. Today I received my Tentative Letter of Selection. What this means is I'm now moving onto the next stage of testing. I'm eager, yet apprehensive.

It's a big step towards getting a job that I dream of. However, when I say I'm apprehensive, I mean I still don't feel ready for part of the physical exam. Specifically, the step test. So, I'm going to be exhausted for a long time as I will be doing nothing but testing for the step test repeatedly each day on top of my normal job. I will still be scheduling for my fights and doing my best to accommodate, but if you see me on and I'm not responding, chances are, it's because I'm just using the 360 for music or cadence while I step my ass off.

For those curious, this is what I have to do for the physical fitness test:
1) Pushups - 20 in under a minute, going to 4 inches off the ground (CAKE!)
2) Situps - 35 in under a minute. (Also cake!)
3) Step test - Using a 14 inch aerobic step. Step up left foot, step up right foot, down left, down right. 120 steps per minute for 5 minutes straight.

Last one doesn't sound too difficult, untill you factor in that it's 2 steps a second, at 14 inches. At around 3:30, I want to die.

Long story short, if you wanted to skip the top story, if scheduled to fight me, please post here and/or PM me to setup the matches. If I'm on the 360, there's a good chance I'm not paying attention to anything but music.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']Yeah, I've been playing UFC since the first game in 09 but this is my first time getting into CAGFC. Just bought an online code for $1.50 on ebay which was nice.

So what now? I read pretty much everything in the OP but just to double check.. Make a CAF from the main menu (not career mode) and just post the name, gamertag and weight class? Which would you recommend, LHW?

Look forward to this, but you guys might have to show me the ropes. I'm alright at the game but my ground game is kind of weak.[/QUOTE]

You got everything right..just make sure your fighter is created in the caf menu and not from career mode...you can pick any weight class but since everyone is in either welter weight, light heavyweight, and heavyweight...its probably best to pick from those.
[quote name='Fearia']I'd like to start this post off with a declaration that I'm not withdrawing from fights.

With that being said, I'm going to ask for the support / patience of the CAGFC league. I've been waiting patiently for a response from U.S. Customs and Border Protection for the position of Border Patrol Agent since taking my initial test 4 months ago. Today I received my Tentative Letter of Selection. What this means is I'm now moving onto the next stage of testing. I'm eager, yet apprehensive.

It's a big step towards getting a job that I dream of. However, when I say I'm apprehensive, I mean I still don't feel ready for part of the physical exam. Specifically, the step test. So, I'm going to be exhausted for a long time as I will be doing nothing but testing for the step test repeatedly each day on top of my normal job. I will still be scheduling for my fights and doing my best to accommodate, but if you see me on and I'm not responding, chances are, it's because I'm just using the 360 for music or cadence while I step my ass off.

For those curious, this is what I have to do for the physical fitness test:
1) Pushups - 20 in under a minute, going to 4 inches off the ground (CAKE!)
2) Situps - 35 in under a minute. (Also cake!)
3) Step test - Using a 14 inch aerobic step. Step up left foot, step up right foot, down left, down right. 120 steps per minute for 5 minutes straight.

Last one doesn't sound too difficult, untill you factor in that it's 2 steps a second, at 14 inches. At around 3:30, I want to die.

Long story short, if you wanted to skip the top story, if scheduled to fight me, please post here and/or PM me to setup the matches. If I'm on the 360, there's a good chance I'm not paying attention to anything but music.[/QUOTE]

Good luck!
bread's done