UFC Undisputed 3: CAGFC - Iiit's Tiiime! CAGFC41: KNOCKOUT! (Fights due by 8/18!)

TJ Taylor | John Dinglez | Unanimous Decision (29-28 by all judges)

Not real sure how I lost this one. I did more damage to every limb. However, a few well timed high kicks rocked me, so it's very possible it's based on that. In any case, good defensive fight by Kburns. Couldn't get going on offense, and he was stopping my g&p from being as effective as I would have liked.

KBURNS10 | Wezzul | Unanimous Decision | Rd 3

Weird fight overall. Definitely got hit a lot more, but I guess I rocked him enough the judges felt I won. Hate to win that way Wezzul :whistle2:(
Ok, guys, the card for CAGFC32: VENDETTA is now up! My trip got pushed back a day, so I just decided to let the deadline sit and see if that last fight would ever happen. Unfortunately, it looks like it didn't. So, we're moving on! Should be some really great fights this week, with two brand new champions defending their titles for the first time! Fights are due by 4/11! Good luck to everyone!
Hey Matt, I can play today if you want. I'll be free all the way up to 1:00 PM CST. If that doesn't work for you just let me know which days you are available and we can work out a time from there.
Pablo Garcia | Matt Domoracki | KO | Round 1 at 4:32

A weird win. Matt was coming out swinging so I was trying to not get caught up in a fire fight with him. Trying to use my height and reach advantage...Matt was working over my legs and body. Round is going decent when I got a flash knockout off a counter...they happen in real life but it still felt kind of like a cheap win...his overall head damage was only 37%...kinda rare too..i've played 100's of matches and i've maybe gotten like 5 flash knockouts....gg though.
Pablo Garcia | Matt Domoracki | KO | Round 1 at 4:32

Yeah good fight. I came out wanting to mix my strategy up after my recent losses and was doing good I thought, but then got hit with the flash KO.

Also, my reach is 72 if you want to add it to the first post n8rockerasu.
shotgunshine, I should be available this weekend. I may be able to play tonight, or Friday night. If you give me a time, I can try to make it for our fight :)

Just saying, I want to end this streak you're on. I'm coming for youuuuuu!
John Dinglez | Ronald McDonald | TKO Rd. 3 (1:54)

I was pretty sure I was going to lose this one after a while. Wasn't fighting very well, and figured I'd get caught with a couple and get rocked, and then lights out.

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[quote name='wezzul']John Dinglez | Ronald McDonald | TKO Rd. 3 (1:54)[/QUOTE]

Confirming post.

I gotta break this recent habit I've been developing of losing fights in the last round.

Video to come.
[quote name='Fearia']shotgunshine, I should be available this weekend. I may be able to play tonight, or Friday night. If you give me a time, I can try to make it for our fight :)

Just saying, I want to end this streak you're on. I'm coming for youuuuuu![/QUOTE]

Sent you a friend request! Im on now but if its too late then we can do it tomorrow. I'll be on tomorrow throughout the day and at night probably around 11:pm ET.
Devin & Alan: I can schedule our fights pretty much whenever today up until 7:30 P.M. Eastern. If that doesn't work, I can play tomorrow til about 6:30 P.M. Eastern. I have ECHL playoff games to attend both nights, however. I think you both have my number, so if I'm not on and you want to play right away, feel free to text me to check availability.
Sorry, Feria. I had some last minute plans and wasen't on. i'll be available most of the afternoon until like 7pm ET. Just send a message here when you want to play.
Troy Alvarez | Justin Kane | TKO | Round 5 (0:53)

Brutal fight. There was a lot of back and forth. Usually, I do a lot better on the ground game but he really was able to keep my advances at bay there, so I ended up having to exchange with him. His body blows are just devastating, and in the end, did me in. All in all, great fight!
[quote name='Fearia']Troy Alvarez | Justin Kane | TKO | Round 5 (0:53)

Brutal fight. There was a lot of back and forth. Usually, I do a lot better on the ground game but he really was able to keep my advances at bay there, so I ended up having to exchange with him. His body blows are just devastating, and in the end, did me in. All in all, great fight![/QUOTE]

This was a fun fight...alot of back and forth...first round I got rocked and it wasen't looking good. I decided to hone in on a body attack since it was a five round fight...it started to pay off in the third round. I was crushed when I missed the kimura attempt.. I was sure I had you...your very good at defending subs...at the end of the fight I briefly thought of a rear naked choke when I took your back...im glad I decided to just punch instead because that would have been foolish to do. Great fight and im sure we'll be having a rematch soon.

Edit: Oh and it is actually is the challenger that has to set up the fights. I couldn't remember but when I won I was announced as the new champion.
[quote name='Matt Young']Devin & Alan: I can schedule our fights pretty much whenever today up until 7:30 P.M. Eastern. If that doesn't work, I can play tomorrow til about 6:30 P.M. Eastern. I have ECHL playoff games to attend both nights, however. I think you both have my number, so if I'm not on and you want to play right away, feel free to text me to check availability.[/QUOTE]

Hey Matt I had to work yesterday and I'm working tonight as well. I can play tomorrow night anytime after 8 PM CST. So just let me know if there's a time that works for you and I'll hop on.
Ah, then we have to update the main post I think?

*Title fights should be set up by the defending champion and set for a length of 5 ROUNDS

Unless I misunderstood that part.

Either way, good fight and congrats on that win! I hope you recorded it :)

Domingo Ayala | Gail Pennyfeather | TKO | RD 3 (4:33)

Another clinch heavy fight that went into the third. Stamina seemed to play a big part as when Matt seemingly had me in the 2nd, he couldn't punch anymore.

Can't really tell from the video since you cant hear us, but a lot of Matt's sub attempts were accidental lol
Im back, I've had no computer for the past several weeks now im back sorry fellas.

New fighter:
Buster Hyman
Heavy Weight 220lb's
[quote name='moojuice']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnQja_6Dvjo

Domingo Ayala | Gail Pennyfeather | TKO | RD 3 (4:33)

Another clinch heavy fight that went into the third. Stamina seemed to play a big part as when Matt seemingly had me in the 2nd, he couldn't punch anymore.

Can't really tell from the video since you cant hear us, but a lot of Matt's sub attempts were accidental lol[/QUOTE]

LOL...why does it say his name is Blue Corner?

Edit: Just finished watching...entertaining fight. Moojuice, have you always been that good at the clinch? Very nice work. It ended up making the difference in the fight. Matt, i've definitely seen some improvements...even though you didnt win you fought a good fight for the most part. You stayed patient, used your height and reach advantage, and hit some nice body kicks. I would say to mix in some dash punches or push kicks to the body every once in a while
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[quote name='shotgunshine']LOL...why does it say his name is Blue Corner?

Edit: Just finished watching...entertaining fight. Moojuice, have you always been that good at the clinch? Very nice work. It ended up making the difference in the fight. Matt, i've definitely seen some improvements...even though you didnt win you fought a good fight for the most part. You stayed patient, used your height and reach advantage, and hit some nice body kicks. I would say to mix in some dash punches or push kicks to the body every once in a while[/QUOTE]

Yeah, for the corners, it was weird. Matt also noticed I was "Red Corner" on his game. We think it was because the UFC servers were "down" at the time.When I went in the menus, I noticed Ranked match wasn't an option, but Player was, and it let us fight.

As for the clinch, not a knock against Matt, but he said himself he isn't too experienced with it after our match. I don't really play much UFC outside CAGFC Matches, but it is possible I'm getting better at it too as I've been trying to utilize it more every match. I used to use the crap out of it in the first 2009 UFC league as all my guys were Muay Thai guys.
Big Business | Tj Taylor | TKO | Rd 3 | 1:46

Good fight! You are definitely holding the title well. I really need to take a day and practice counters and mixing up my blocking.
Big Business | TJ Taylor | TKO | Round 3 at 1:46

First match was going fine then in the third round it cuts off...those wacky THQ servers. Played again and I was a bit more reckless and not as patient since I just wanted to get the fight over since it messed up the first time. I ended up rocking him in the first but you adjusted pretty well after that... I got hit way more then I should've but ended up getting the W.....good game KBURNS.
[quote name='moojuice']Yeah, for the corners, it was weird. Matt also noticed I was "Red Corner" on his game. We think it was because the UFC servers were "down" at the time.When I went in the menus, I noticed Ranked match wasn't an option, but Player was, and it let us fight.

As for the clinch, not a knock against Matt, but he said himself he isn't too experienced with it after our match. I don't really play much UFC outside CAGFC Matches, but it is possible I'm getting better at it too as I've been trying to utilize it more every match. I used to use the crap out of it in the first 2009 UFC league as all my guys were Muay Thai guys.[/QUOTE]

Damn, your pretty good for not playing that much.
I need to work on the clinch game. Its still kind of akward to me...its hard to hold a position to be able to punch or knee someone. Unless im using it for double underhooks to get a takedown or sometimes i'll try to pin someone on the fence to punch or knee them... then im just trying to get out of it.
Thanks for the tips, shotgun. Like moojuice, I haven't been playing outside the CAGFC, so I know I still need practice. I'm glad someone is willing to watch the fights and give suggestions.
Jack Jackson | Matt Young | KO | Round 2

I missed the time sorry. I'll watch the replay here in a little while and edit the post with the time.
I believe it was 4:42 of round 2. I was so frustrated with your clinch since I was definitely winning the standup game before you pinned me against the cage and punched the shit out of me. Seems impossible to escape once you're pinned against the cage standing.
[quote name='Matt Young']I believe it was 4:42 of round 2. I was so frustrated with your clinch since I was definitely winning the standup game before you pinned me against the cage and punched the shit out of me. Seems impossible to escape once you're pinned against the cage standing.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I would say its alot easier then UFC 2010. That was a huge problem and one of the reasons I didn't get crazy into the game as once you were put on the fence it was pretty much game over.

What you want to do here is first try to just transition spam out of it. I dont really like spamming transitions but if someone has the muay thai or collar elbow tie clinch and your against the cage..then thats the time to spam get out of there.

If that doesn't work and there dropping punches/knees on your noggin then block..even with the muay thai clinch you can block and deflect part of it. Also, I dont know if this helps it but I do it and it seems to work... while blocking I hold the left stick up or down and usually after 2-3 hits you'll automatically break off the clinch and circle off the cage.
Going to try to get my match in with scorch tonight. We tried Monday night but it was really late and we just kept missing each other.

Edit: Sent him two pm's today. Havent heard back. I'll try to stay up as long as I can (no pun intended)
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I was supposed to play "urmomlikesme" but between his schedule and mine, we just couldn't work out a time Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.

Go ahead and give him the win and me the loss.. That's what would've happened anyway :p I don't want to hold the brackets up or anything.
[quote name='Scorch']I was supposed to play "urmomlikesme" but between his schedule and mine, we just couldn't work out a time Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.

Go ahead and give him the win and me the loss.. That's what would've happened anyway :p I don't want to hold the brackets up or anything.[/QUOTE]

If you guys can get it done today, feel free. DarkTower and I have been on opposite schedules the past couple days, so we're still trying to get our fight in as well. Since this was a bit of a weird week, as long as it's done by tonight, I'm fine with it.
[quote name='Matt Young']You're so fucking lucky, urmomlikesme. I'm envious of your evening plans.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! Just got the tickets from a friend. Don't live too far from the UC. On my way now
Corky Buchek | Borat Sagdiyev | KO | Middle of Round 2

Fight went both ways. I had a good first round and Nate came storming back and controlled round 2. Got a KO because of the accumulated head damage. Good fight Nate.
[quote name='DarkTower80']Corky Buchek | Borat Sagdiyev | KO | Middle of Round 2

Fight went both ways. I had a good first round and Nate came storming back and controlled round 2. Got a KO because of the accumulated head damage. Good fight Nate.[/QUOTE]

Corky Buchek | Borat Sagdiyev | KO | 4:22 of Rd 2

Yeah, definitely a good fight. I knew I got hit with way too many good shots in the 1st round. Your ground and pound was brutal. There were a few I thought I blocked, but I got rocked anyway. I was hoping I could catch you with a flurry in the 2nd round and find a way to end it. It almost worked...lol. After the two knockdowns, I tried to get that damn diving punch to work, but Borat just wouldn't do it. I guess he needs more incentive to go down on a man, haha. Oh well. I'll have video of the fight...as well as the next card up in the morning.
[quote name='shotgunshine']Edit: Oh and it is actually is the challenger that has to set up the fights. I couldn't remember but when I won I was announced as the new champion.[/QUOTE]

In case no one figured this out while I was gone, the reason it does this is because this year, they made all 5 round fights not involving the actual UFC champion be "interim title fights". No matter who wins, he'd be called the "new" champion. But at least the champion still gets to walk out second and is introduced second...as it should be.
All right, guys. The card for CAGFC33: CHAMPIONS is now up! Sorry for the delay. It's been a long week for me with all the traveling and baby wrangling, but things should slow back down to the sweet boringness of "normal" for awhile. Should be a very interesting card, as shotgunshine looks to put a stranglehold on all 3 divisions. If he keeps this up, I may have to "Joe Rogan" him into retirement, lol. Anyway, lets try to have the fights done by Wednesday, 4/18 so we can get back on schedule, if at all possible. Thanks!
moojuice and Scorch, if either of you are around now I can get a fight in. If not I'm fairly open throughout the weekend just let me know how your schedule is.
[quote name='Matt Young']Why don't I have a welterweight fight when I'm ranked higher than others who did make the card?[/QUOTE]

It's not because of ranking. Ultimate Matt X added a new fighter. New fighters are always ranked at the bottom, but also always get a chance to fight right away (so I know where they should be ranked). When there's an odd number of fighters in a division, I try to sit somebody who has another fighter so nobody just doesn't get to fight at all that week.

In the Welterweight division, the only other option would have been shotgunshine...and he's the champion. Obviously, I won't be able to do that every week, and somebody with only one fighter will have to sit out (Scorch has already sat out a week when we had an uneven number for CAGFC27). But I try to keep it as balanced as I can.
[quote name='Pure Apathy']Hey Fearia, how does your schedule look for the weekend?[/QUOTE]

Looks fairly clear. Name a time and I should be available, assuming the wife doesn't have plans that I'm unaware of :)
bread's done