UFC Undisputed 3: CAGFC - Iiit's Tiiime! CAGFC41: KNOCKOUT! (Fights due by 8/18!)

[quote name='n8rockerasu']http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix782Uap7Qo[/QUOTE]

That was a fun fight...im sure we'll be facing off again.

Also, I already know your thoughts on the sub issue but I wanted to test this out to make sure I was right. I picked Nogueira against Pat Barry since he has bad sub defense and had Barry in Nog's guard. I held the right stick back for Barry and spammed subs to see if Nog would get the sub and he was never able to. I thought it might work like when you block a transition where you'll eventually get it if you do it enough times...I even did it when Barry was gassed and still nothing....so I guess holding back on the right stick will block subs 100% no matter how many times someone spams it.
Like Fearia, I haven't seen a video, so my opinion is just in general, but a lot of it is very situational.

If, and only if, you were practically gassed and went for the takedown, then it would seem like a legitimate move to go for the sub off the back. Sure, clicking the stick is easy, but at the same time, if someone is gassed and about to get rocked, holding the left trigger and pushing forward on the right stick is just as easy to do as well to escape the stand-up. Another thing is it sounded like he tried it once and happened to get it. It would be a totally different story if he kept doing to over and over like Meaty did in the past.

As much as I hate saying it (NHL guys will know what I mean), it's in the game, so we have to adapt. If you (in general, not just Nate), are low on stamina, the best is to engage in the standing clinch (not the single collar clinch though) and grab on while your stamina regenerates. At that point, you run the risk of getting tripped/slammed/thrown, but you can't get knocked out or subbed from that position.

Again, these are just my two cents, and each side has a valid point, but also a valid counter-point.

Like I said earlier, it's in the game, but short of outright banning certain techniques, they next best thing is to learn to adapt it.

Edit: Serves me right to start typing a response, walk away, then finish- A vid gets posted in the mean time. I'll check out the video and update my view on the fight itself once I watch it.
I'm still calling it gutless. If anybody is at the point in this league that they worry about getting the win more than just enjoying the fight, then they need to re-evaluate their intent here. I hate to say it, but this point is ESPECIALLY relevant for shotgunshine...a man that no one has beaten in a long ass time. All I'm saying is, it's one thing for one guy to be controlling all 3 titles and have a winning streak in the double digits...but if he needs cheap subs off his back to keep it going, then the league isn't going to be fun anymore. Again, I'm not saying to just lie there and get pounded into oblivion (unless you enjoy that sort of thing), but REGAIN a dominant position and finish the fight like a man. If I was "so gassed", what was there to be worried about being in full guard? I don't care what you want to call it. It was a lame ass finish to a good fight.
Its cool...you have your opinion on it and I have mine...like I said its not a big deal to me...I wont go for subs anymore off my back. I can also assure you I play solely for fun...Of course I want to win but if I lost to the better man then so be it. I still don't find it cheap due to all you have to do is either watch your stamina, and if it is low then hold back on the right stick and your 100% fine.
Jack Jackson | Nick the Grip | Tapout (Guillotine Choke) | 4:58 of Rd 1

We almost had a stoppage from a really bad cut Nick the Grip gave to me. This was a really fun back and forth match. I may make a video of it sometime. GG Matt!
[quote name='Pure Apathy']Jack Jackson | Nick the Grip | Tapout (Guillotine Choke) | 4:58 of Rd 1

We almost had a stoppage from a really bad cut Nick the Grip gave to me. This was a really fun back and forth match. I may make a video of it sometime. GG Matt![/QUOTE]

Good fight, the commish needs to give us a rematch sometime soon though. I think Nick was screwed. :)

Yeah I was surprised by the stoppage, that's the first time I've seen it. I thought I was doing really good, but got too aggressive and the tapped easily. I thought I was almost out of it too.
Hey fearia, looks like we are fighting. I sent you a PM with my availability.

I got a question for all you guys. When the title says fights due by 5/3 does that mean the fights should be completed by 5/2 or do we still have the entire day of 5/3 to complete the fights? I never understood this when I read coupons and their expiration dates :lol:
[quote name='urmomlikesme']I got a question for all you guys. When the title says fights due by 5/3 does that mean the fights should be completed by 5/2 or do we still have the entire day of 5/3 to complete the fights? I never understood this when I read coupons and their expiration dates :lol:[/QUOTE]

LOL...excellent question. As with coupons, I usually intend it to mean by the end of that day. If I were to be more specific, it would be by 11:59 PM EST on 5/3, haha.
Defeated Matt Young in the 2nd round. Very back and forth fight, thought he had me in the first round after he knocked me around. I managed to (somehow) avoid getting taken down and got out of his submission attempt.
Justin Kane | Conrad Silva | KO | Rd 2 (1:43)

Our first attempt ended in a d/c as the 3rd round started, which made me pretty ticked at the servers. In the first attempt, we had some good exchanges. He dominated the ground game, while I was landing some serious blows standing. It could've went either way.

The second attempt, I managed to defend myself a bit better on the ground. When he went for a submission attempt, it turned around and I got some brutal elbows in on the ground. From there, I was able to get some big head kicks in and finish the fight. He had me worried a couple times where he got full mount, but luckily I had some good sways that kept the damage from landing.

All in all, a good fight. Not sure where he went though after the fight. He just signed off and disappeared without a word.
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Corky Buchek | Domingo Ayala | TKO | RD 2 0:41

Good fight. Dark Tower pretty much had it in the bag from the get go, just couldn't find my range in that fight
[quote name='Fearia']Justin Kane | Conrad Silva | KO | Rd 2 (1:43)

Our first attempt ended in a d/c as the 3rd round started, which made me pretty ticked at the servers. In the first attempt, we had some good exchanges. He dominated the ground game, while I was landing some serious blows standing. It could've went either way.

The second attempt, I managed to defend myself a bit better on the ground. When he went for a submission attempt, it turned around and I got some brutal elbows in on the ground. From there, I was able to get some big head kicks in and finish the fight. He had me worried a couple times where he got full mount, but luckily I had some good sways that kept the damage from landing.

All in all, a good fight. Not sure where he went though after the fight. He just signed off and disappeared without a word.[/QUOTE]

Confirming the fight. Sorry I had to be a dick and leave right away but I have finals this week and that fight was just a short study break.

I really felt that I had a better chance of winning in the first fight. In the second fight my guy took too much damage to the head quickly so that really effected my performance. Good couple of fights though.
I would like to formally request to move Gail Pennyfeather to the heavyweight division. I would also like to add my new fighter, Tabasco Smothernuts, to the light heavyweight division.
Guys, sorry about this, but I'm going to have to go on hiatus. Work is just getting too hectic, and I have very little time where I can commit to anything scheduled as far as video games go.

Sorry about the late notice.

Hey n8 can you reply to my private message please.

Also the kimura from closed guard bottom is not a cheesy video game move, the whole ground game is exploited. I think the sub system is cheese prone not just one specific subs. My 2 cents, BJJ Blue Belt champion of New York. ;)

Also if you follow Amy, and smaller org's Kimura's from closed guard are more frequent than you think. As the fighters get to the UFc they dont get fooled by these blue belt moves.

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[quote name='Can Huntin']Hey n8 can you reply to my private message please.[/QUOTE]

I'll let the consensus decide this one. If anybody else in the league feels that you deserve yet another chance, I'll give you one. But I'm not going to waste time arguing about it.
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']I'll let the consensus decide this one. If anybody else in the league feels that you deserve yet another chance, I'll give you one. But I'm not going to waste time arguing about it.[/QUOTE]
All im asking for is another shot, im not making any more excuses because i fucked up. Im a fair nice guy now i can be more active you will see this.
As long as your going to make sure to schedule your fights and get them done on time...also to be more active which you say you are then I see no problem in giving you another chance.
Just saying, when a majority of people *DON'T* want you in the league . . . well, why are you bothering? There's plenty of other choices out there.

Personally, I'm all against having flakes in the league.
[quote name='Fearia']Just saying, when a majority of people *DON'T* want you in the league . . . well, why are you bothering? There's plenty of other choices out there.

Personally, I'm all against having flakes in the league.[/QUOTE]

LOL...I was kind of thinking the same thing...if it was me I would've just not even bothered trying anymore...gotta love his tenacity though.
Honestly, i'm leaning towards no, simply because of how you blew your first chance right off the bat. If the majority doessay yes though, you really gotta do a complete 180 pretty darn fast
I'm interested in joining, however, my CAF is only 67. Pretty lousy and I feel I'm going to get rocked. I tried reading the thread for tips at increasing but oh well.

XBL Gamertag: Sturmgeist781
Name: Chris Jordan
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 205lbs
Don't take this the wrong way, but it's pretty clear you didn't read the OP in it's entirety.

We use fighters from the Non-Career portion of the Create a Fighter, so we all have the same base set of points to assign moves to. We then also used equalized stats and simulation stamina (equalized stats so fights are based on skill, rather than who can "milk" career mode better than the other; simulation because, well, less spamming).
[quote name='moojuice']Don't take this the wrong way, but it's pretty clear you didn't read the OP in it's entirety.

We use fighters from the Non-Career portion of the Create a Fighter, so we all have the same base set of points to assign moves to. We then also used equalized stats and simulation stamina (equalized stats so fights are based on skill, rather than who can "milk" career mode better than the other; simulation because, well, less spamming).[/QUOTE]

I did read the OP in it's entirety.

I did create a CAF via main menu (non career). I didn't see anything in the OP about keeping base points for the entire "season".
[quote name='Calipso']I did read the OP in it's entirety.

I did create a CAF via main menu (non career). I didn't see anything in the OP about keeping base points for the entire "season".[/QUOTE]

Ok, but where do you think extra points would come from? (it's not like you can earn them like in career mode...where some people have made CAFs up to the 100's again) Yeah, regular CAFs are going to look terrible because of the small amount of points that are available to them. But when we use equalized stats, it bumps everything up to 90. You could leave his stats at a 10 and you'd still be fine. That way, the only thing that really matters is choosing your moveset.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Ok, but where do you think extra points would come from? (it's not like you can earn them like in career mode...where some people have made CAFs up to the 100's again) Yeah, regular CAFs are going to look terrible because of the small amount of points that are available to them. But when we use equalized stats, it bumps everything up to 90. You could leave his stats at a 10 and you'd still be fine. That way, the only thing that really matters is choosing your moveset.[/QUOTE]

I've never participated in a UFC league. I read through OP and didn't quite get the equalized stats thing. I'll be the first person to admit I don't know it all. :D
[quote name='Calipso']I've never participated in a UFC league. I read through OP and didn't quite get the equalized stats thing. I'll be the first person to admit I don't know it all. :D[/QUOTE]

Not a problem. We just want to make sure you understand how it works. Over the years, this game has become highly exploitable, but thankfully, THQ put in some measures this year to at least TRY to put everybody on a more even footing. As moojuice explained, using equalized stats and simulation stamina make the game as fair as it probably can be. As long as you understand the basic rules, I'm happy to include you on this next card.

Speaking of...
In honor of Cinco de Mayo, Fearia's Border Patrol Test, and our esteemed Hispanic champions, I decided to go all out with this one. I give you, CAGFC36: !VIVA MEXICO! PRESENTED BY CORONA!!! Lots of good fights on this card. 3 title matches, and a battle of newcomers in our Light Heavyweight division, with Tobasco Smothernuts taking on Chris Jordan. Fights will be due by 5/10! Good luck to all!
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']Not a problem. We just want to make sure you understand how it works. Over the years, this game has become highly exploitable, but thankfully, THQ put in some measures this year to at least TRY to put everybody on a more even footing. As moojuice explained, using equalized stats and simulation stamina make the game as fair as it probably can be. As long as you understand the basic rules, I'm happy to include you on this next card.

Speaking of...[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the patience and understanding. I've participated with Madden and NHL leagues on other sites and you generally know what you're getting when you pick a team. CAF's are much more complicated.

Look forward to my first match.
Hey shotgun I haven't been on Xbox much lately. Wanna try to do our match tomorrow evening? I'll get on for a bit to get our fight done.
Hey Pure apathy, when are you available to make our fight? I'll be available today and tomorrow until about 3 pm central. Or later at night around 11. Wednesday late afternoon and night works for me.
[quote name='shotgunshine']Yeah, that'll work. Around what time?[/QUOTE]

I'll try to be on also!

BP update: Test was postponed for a few weeks due to medical concerns. Figures. Corona time anyways! Ha.
Borat Sagdiyev | Matt Domoracki | KO | 3:49 of Rd 1

Good fight, Matt! As I said, I was just trying to utilize my reach advantage, and was fortunate that the timing of those kicks worked well. You hit me pretty hard when you got inside, so I tried to keep my distance and time you coming in. That message you sent me after the fight had me cracking up though. "i think you killed me", lol. It did look like your guy was out pretty hard lying there on the mat, haha. I'm sure he'll be back to fight again.

I'll try to post the fight video later tonight.
Calipso has been proactive and messaged me about our fight on XBL. Looking like we should be able to get it in tomorrow, so I'll PM Scorch and Alan about possibly doing those around the same time.

EDIT: Not sure if I made an error when listing my fighter or not, Nate, but it's "Tabasco" rather than "Tobasco". ;)
[quote name='Matt Young']Calipso has been proactive and messaged me about our fight on XBL. Looking like we should be able to get it in tomorrow, so I'll PM Scorch and Alan about possibly doing those around the same time.

EDIT: Not sure if I made an error when listing my fighter or not, Nate, but it's "Tabasco" rather than "Tobasco". ;)[/QUOTE]

Good to hear that he's jumping right into the swing of things. As for the misspelling, I'm sure I screwed it up. As I've told everybody, my attention to detail has been completely lost since my daughter was born. Between the lack of sleep and having my attention constantly divided, I'm lucky if I put my shoes on the right feet, lol.
[quote name='urmomlikesme']Hey Pure apathy, when are you available to make our fight? I'll be available today and tomorrow until about 3 pm central. Or later at night around 11. Wednesday late afternoon and night works for me.[/QUOTE]

I can play later tonight, tomorrow night after 8 PM CST, or Wednesday morning/afternoon.
Big Business | Tj Taylor | KO | ? | Rd 2 (Sorry missed the time but will cosign whatever Shotgun puts)

I'm surprised I wasn't headless after that knockout! One of the nastiest I've seen so far.
Big Business | TJ Taylor | KO | Round 2 at 3:47

Fight was basically a technical slugfest if that makes sense. I got rocked in the first and ended up rocking him at the end of the round. Second round I rocked him again but didn't finish... I have a bad habit of really just going wild when I have my opponent rocked a couple times. Didn't get the finish and was getting hit going to wild...ended up landing a right hand that stunned him and was dropping him to his knees but then I landed a left hook that put him out cold...it was a pretty sweet knockout.
I just now actually created Tabasco Smothernuts. His height is 6'4" and his reach is 78".

EDIT: And he's from Guadalajara, Mexico. Age 24.
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