Ultimate Warrior memorial wrestling thread 1959-2014

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So since Rey is pretty much retired, Sin Cara was an epic fail, and Del Rio is fired, is WWE just waiving the white flag for Mexico/Latin America and just making the German announce team the new Spanish team?
Not to mentioned they just tried to sign a gold medalist wrestler for the US (who is Hispanic) and he turned them down to go to UFC.

They'll keep Sin Cara around for a while for merch purposes, although if Kalisto comes up and heaven forbid becomes popular, who knows.
So since Rey is pretty much retired, Sin Cara was an epic fail, and Del Rio is fired, is WWE just waiving the white flag for Mexico/Latin America and just making the German announce team the new Spanish team?
I kind of assumed they decided to have them around for Raw since the return trip to Germany is so long and expensive. A return flight to Mexico isn't bad, but that return flight to Germany from LA is about 12 hours.

Getting caught up on some NXT.

Eva Marie trying to sex up every single move she does is something else.  Off the top of my head Maryse was the only one who was ever decent at that.

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Brooke Hogan is auditioning people for a country band.  


If these 3 are in it, shut up and take my money.


That seemed apparent to me. While I wish Bryan had remained healthy and kept the belts til SS, Lesnar did gain a lot more from destroying Cena than he would have from beating Bryan. The whole dynamic would have changed, too. Brock wouldn't have gotten cheered nearly as vociferously had he battled Bryan.
I would have liked to hear that crowd...curious if they would have had him against someone other than Kane in the months leading up to SS if he didn't get hurt. 

Are any of you guys into trivia? I am new to mobile gaming in general, so I just discovered QuizUp today. It's the most addicting thing ever. I went to the Pro Wrestling category and ended up edging out the #1 ranked player in the world in my first game. Later, I crushed the German champion. However, it would be much better to play with people I know or am at least acquainted with.
If it had been Bryan I could see them going for the Rocky III story of him losing his confidence, getting someone to motivate him and then come back at regain the title.

With cena, it feels more like Rocky IV.
if they use the rocky 3 story line, who would been the one who got killed. So cena is going to russia to train to defeat the mighty beast :)

is it just me or does cody seem to be acting more gay as stardust (also isnt stardust a name for cocaine)

and whatever happen to adam rose have not seen him on raw in weeks

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Are any of you guys into trivia? I am new to mobile gaming in general, so I just discovered QuizUp today. It's the most addicting thing ever. I went to the Pro Wrestling category and ended up edging out the #1 ranked player in the world in my first game. Later, I crushed the German champion. However, it would be much better to play with people I know or am at least acquainted with.
Sure, I'm in. Bhk1.
If it had been Bryan I could see them going for the Rocky III story of him losing his confidence, getting someone to motivate him and then come back at regain the title.

With cena, it feels more like Rocky IV.
I dont know, I think it would have been more like Rocky IV if Bryan was the one Lesnar destroyed. He would get "killed" and then Bryans "best friend" John Cena would end up being the one going against all odds to beat Lesnar. I think what will happen now is Rocky III, where Cena will feel defeated, go away for a little bit, come back remotivated and ready to beat him, doing so and FINALLY winning his 239879387494th world title!

WWE SuperCard superkicks 1.5 million downloads


too bad they just did not bring back

With authority game  instead of this crap.    

Man i miss that game, used to be a very nice money maker.  Sucks  when it went out of business i had over  1,000 bucks at  3  Ebrokers  and probally a  good  2 to 3k in cards  that  was earn just flipping.

I remember the best way to make money on that game was offering  6 boosters or a booster box (12 boosters) for the  WM promo or the  Y2J promo and then flipping them to others for  double what you paid for.  Dont know if people was just too lazy to look for the items themself or what. I remember one night   i  did that flip 5 times.   Started the day  with 5 cases  and ended up with  over 10 of them  that night.   

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I am so friggin high, and this goddamn bella twins segment is making me feel like i need to go buy tampons

wtf is this days of our lives sop opera but with 1000 time worse acting bullshit on me tv...

Brie Bella is a fucking terrible actress.

Also, that could have easily been a match between Fandango and Adam Rose, Xavier Woods, R-Truth, Zack Ryder, or one of the other talents who constantly get shafted for bullshit wastes of time like this.

The hall of fame forum bit was just awful. The writing crew found a way to make Flair, Hogan, and HBK seem boring. Cena came out after stupid banter WITHOUT ANY DAMAGE AT ALL. Shouldn't John have A SCRATCH on him after being murderkilled by Brock 8 days ago? Swagger-Rusev really felt like something special at times, but didn't click as a full match. Hyped to rewatch some of the '95 and '96 Nitros next week, and hopefully they pick some top-notch Raws for the Attitude week too. Nattie-Paige III was a bit odd. If she beats the champion THREE TIMES, she might get a shot. Might. They had a fun match leading to a Paige win and more Paige-AJ stuff. Weird to have Roman go against Rollins now. So it's okay to crush Dean's head - just don't start talking about him! STTAAAAAAHHHHHHDDDDUUUUSTTTT can fuck off. Dust Busters vs. Usos was good-ish, but the crowd was absolutely dead for it. A countout loss on THAT!? Ugh. Hot damn! It led to a good heel turn for the Dust bros - largely due to Stardust having go away heat.

The Brock-Cena hype video was just amazing. Dolph-Mizdow was nothing, but Miz saying "well, he's fired!" about Sandow was glorious. WWE's countering TNA programming with a Jeff Hardy doc. LOL. Bellas acted. They used SHOOT NAMES. They had more mic problems, and Nikki said that BRIE WAS HOLDING HER BACK IN THE WOMB! I would say that this feud could suck a dick, but fellatio is enjoyable and this isn't. I. HAVE. NO. SISTER. YOU ARE. DEAD. TO ME. This was so very very very bad. Then Roman had a nothing handicap match with Seth and Kane that culminated in MORE CINDER BLOCKS, but now Roman chucked one at Seth, so...yay or something.

Slater Gator lost to the Matadores in a nothing match. THE STREAK ENDED! Bo faced Kofi in a nothing match. Bodog won. Swagger attacked Bo afterwards FROM BEHIND LIKE A COWARD and got booed for it. I liked Cena playing the role of Brock against Bray here. Shame it just led to a #hollaholla6manplaya. This was really fun though, with Show kicking ass, Henry playing a great face in peril, and Cena cleaning house. Their goal way to make Cena seem like a threat to Brock, and did so - big-picture, the show did what it needed to. It wasn't very exciting though - you can basically get the best stuff in maybe half an hour.


Screens -


I would have liked to hear that crowd...curious if they would have had him against someone other than Kane in the months leading up to SS if he didn't get hurt.
I think the storyline would have been Triple H had thrown everything at Bryan but nothing worked. Then he had to "make a deal with the devil" in Lesnar.
Just a very strange Raw overall.  Happy Cesaro's actually getting a program at least.

No Triple H, no Steph, no Orton, Reigns getting thrown in with Rollins/Kane, no mention of Rusev/Henry, random Goldust/Stardust heel turn.


Lesnar is ridiculous in his intimidation factor.

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Brie Bella is a fucking terrible actress.

Also, that could have easily been a match between Fandango and Adam Rose, Xavier Woods, R-Truth, Zack Ryder, or one of the other talents who constantly get shafted for bullshit wastes of time like this.
I have liked all those guys at some point, but here's how I see it:

Adam Rose- Great entrance and nothing else. Promos quickly went from amusing to annoying. Matches have been terrible.

Zack Ryder- The only one on the list who ever really made the company any money. Could have been solid upper midcarder and was extremely popular. I was on that bandwagon before most. But WWE buried him to the point where he could never recover and stopped selling his merchandise.

R-Truth is just too old to invest anything in at this point.

Xavier Woods- Too small and black for WWE to get behind now. Hopefully he will be given another chance.

Fandango- I love Johnny Curtis. I have ever since NXT. Fandango is fucking awesome, but at this point, I'd rather not see him on TV if he's merely going to get humiliated by midgets, whores, and matadores.
So that was nice to see Bo Dallas getting the win.  That shot of Kofi giving Bo the stink eye during his entrance was well played.  BOlieve baby. 
Jack Swagger attacked Bo Dallas from behind! How dare he - that bastard. 
With a comment like that, I'm almost willing to bet money that you haven't even tried it.
lets see if it last i say 6 months from now it be long gone.

still sort of shocked wwe did not try to bring back or sell the rights off to bring a With authority game type game back. (i know its still there until a smaller company but i would not trust download anything from that company into my pc

I have liked all those guys at some point, but here's how I see it:

Adam Rose- Great entrance and nothing else. Promos quickly went from amusing to annoying. Matches have been terrible.

Zack Ryder- The only one on the list who ever really made the company any money. Could have been solid upper midcarder and was extremely popular. I was on that bandwagon before most. But WWE buried him to the point where he could never recover and stopped selling his merchandise.

R-Truth is just too old to invest anything in at this point.

Xavier Woods- Too small and black for WWE to get behind now. Hopefully he will be given another chance.

Fandango- I love Johnny Curtis. I have ever since NXT. Fandango is fucking awesome, but at this point, I'd rather not see him on TV if he's merely going to get humiliated by midgets, whores, and matadores.
Agreed with Adam Rose; hell, most of NXT is just good gimmick/entrance and shitty in the ring. Obviously there are the good wrestlers that come from the Indies, that thanks to the help of Bill Demott, have been putting on great matches, but those are the exceptions.

Ryder.. I never got it. I didnt really get into his internet stuff and I think that might be the only place he was over, there and his home town. Every time I saw him on Raw all I heard was crickets, so it wasnt just me. I think he was an internet sensation more-so than over with the WWE audience.

Fandango fits in with the Adam Rose deal, his entrance is over more than he is. I doubt anyone singing his song even realized there was a match going on after it ended.

I do think R Truth and Xavier both should get a real shot though. I was hoping WWE would have seen some heat about how racist they are with the Del Rio stuff, but doesnt seem to be happening. But race aside, both guys have a ton of talent in and out of the ring and deserve to be on tv more than any of the divas.

lets see if it last i say 6 months from now it be long gone.

still sort of shocked wwe did not try to bring back or sell the rights off to bring a With authority game type game back. (i know its still there until a smaller company but i would not trust download anything from that company into my pc
What don't you think will be gone in six months? You also thought the WWE Network would fold and go to a TV channel or something by this time.

What don't you think will be gone in six months? You also thought the WWE Network would fold and go to a TV channel or something by this time.
never said they would fold i said they would go back to cable and more and more its looking like They will. Comcast (at here locally has a section already on demand for wwe (yea you get an error when you try to open it)

Maybe it's because his matches are short, but Adam Rose doesn't look that bad in the ring. I suppose it would explain why I haven't seen him on Raw lately.

Speaking of seeing people, I'm sad to hear Ambrose will be gone for a while. He should be pushed more than Rollins and Reigns IMO.

When is the next time WWE announces the number of subscribers for WWE Network? I'm curious to see what kind of boost (if any) international subscribers give.

Now that I am in a new place with better internet, I'm thinking of buying a month subscription for Survivor Series as long as they actually have at least one elimination match. Hell, I almost bought that one Lesner-HHH PPV for $50 when Heyman said "old school steel cage" thinking the blue bars would come back.

I miss the blue bars.

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The blue bar cage looked cool but was a lot more dangerous than the chain link; just thick steel bars with no give. I believe the WWF only introduced that cage around WrestleMania II to support the mass of King Kong Bundy trying to climb.

When did they use that cage last- Breakdown 1998 triple threat? Technically, I think they used the same cage, just painted black, for St. Valentine's Day Massacre in 1999.
never said they would fold i said they would go back to cable and more and more its looking like They will. Comcast (at here locally has a section already on demand for wwe (yea you get an error when you try to open it)
Or they never bothered to remove the WWE On Demand section that used to be there.

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