Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception coming 2011

[quote name='Rig']I can't believe how nobody is mentioning the fucking aiming in the SP on here (CAG). The aiming in this game is atrocious! Completely broken. I'm stopping at Chapter 7 until ND (hopefully) patches this shit. Even with aim sensitivity cranked up to max, it still isn't resolved.

The ND forums are blowing up over the aiming, as are a couple others (NeoGAF/GameFAQs though I don't venture over to either of those).
What's stranger is that I don't think any one review even mentioned it. Baffling. Noticed it the *instant* they handed me a gun. :(

MP plays like a champ, and I will be sticking to it strictly for a while until ND gives us a patch (if they can).[/QUOTE]

when it comes to problems with their games nd pretty much ignores it until they feel they have to address it. and even then dont expect much. damn shame sp has issues too i figured itd just be in mp oh well.
I don't think the SP issues are that bad.. it's just that it the gunplay feels off compared to the last game, where they felt perfect.

I could honestly play the SP for hours on end though. The character development in this game is astounding and the story is very engrossing.
Are there no medals/unlockables for SP? That would be a huge disappointment since all of those extras and bonus content were a big part of the previous games for me.
^Doesn't seem like it. I see nothing, but treasures and statistics.

Just beat the game. Clocked in at just under 8 hours. On hard, mind you.
Just got an email from PSN saying thanks for playing the beta, heres your code to claim your rewards. Anyone know what rewards they're talking about? I don't think I played more than 10 matches is the beta, so I doubt I unlocked anything exclusive.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']Just got an email from PSN saying thanks for playing the beta, heres your code to claim your rewards. Anyone know what rewards they're talking about? I don't think I played more than 10 matches is the beta, so I doubt I unlocked anything exclusive.[/QUOTE]

I just got that same email. :)

Redeeming it gets me:
-UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™ Beta Decal Pack #1
-UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™ Beta Tester Avatar
-UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™ Cash Reward
-UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™ Beta Decal Pack #2
[quote name='Tsel']^Doesn't seem like it. I see nothing, but treasures and statistics.

Just beat the game. Clocked in at just under 8 hours. On hard, mind you.[/QUOTE]

hope it doesnt end up as dlc.......
Yeah. I got an email. It had a d/l for 4 things as well... among them were cash reward, avatar, decal... not sure about the fourth. I didn't think I did all that, so maybe you get everything for just playing it.
I got an email with a code but I didn't even play the beta. I tried but it wouldn't let me connect that time. *shrugs.*
[quote name='freakyzeeky']I just got that same email. :)

Redeeming it gets me:
-UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™ Beta Decal Pack #1
-UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™ Beta Tester Avatar
-UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™ Cash Reward
-UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™ Beta Decal Pack #2[/QUOTE]

Yeah you can get all those + a treasure pack if you got 4 treasure sets done in the beta.
[quote name='WakYasuk']Yeah you can get all those + a treasure pack if you got 4 treasure sets done in the beta.[/QUOTE]

That's what my 4th was... I didn't get all decals, but I got a treasure pack.
All I got was the beta tester avatar. Only played the first night when it was a laggy clusterfuck. Next thing I know the beta was over and I hadn't tried to play it again. Oh well, I could care less about the decals anyway, although more cash would be nice.
I've noticed a glitch in the multi-player during the beta and during the Subway thing. I assume they would have fixed it, but still haven't. It shows a mic icon like I'm talking, but I don't even have a mic or anything plugged up for that matter. :roll:
I just got these:

Treasure Pack
Beta Decal Pack #1
Beta Decal Pack #2
Beta Test Avatar
Cash Reward

Am I missing anything or was that all that they promised?
* Exclusive UNCHARTED 3 PSN Beta Tester Avatar – for simply downloading the Beta.
* Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 1 – for completing 10 matches in every mode of Competitive Multiplayer.
* Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 2 – for completing 5 matches in every mode of Co-operative Multiplayer.
* Treasure Hunter’s Starter Pack – for completing 4 Treasure Sets in the Beta.
* Handsome reward of in-game cash on day one – for ranking up to level 25 in the Beta (the level cap in the Beta).
I knew I should have tried beta for like a minute because there might be rewards. Oh well, not like I'd use them anyway since I don't care about MP.
Good video. There definitely is a difference between U3 and U2 and that video highlights a lot of the frustration. I have had plenty of time to play this the last few days and I only about a third of the way in. The shine is beginning to come off the series.
videos like that make me glad i decided to wait on this of course the subway beta played a big part in that decision too. btw is that dlc pack from the first beta or the second?
Just finished the game, and I'm left with a pretty sour taste in my mouth. I played it on normal and died a lot more than I ever had in the previous two games. I'm not sure whether to blame it on the gun controlling or enemies coming at me from all angles or a combination of the two. Some areas just felt unnecessarily frustrating.

There were some great oh my gosh platforming moments that left me with my mouth open and the cinematics remain arguably the best in the industry; however, I feel that the core gameplay in this series is becoming tired.
^The enemies were ridiculous this time around. Normally there are points where you can sit back behind cover and pick off the enemies. This time, they'd come at you from every side. I beat it on hard and there were times where I died probably 40-50 times in one spot.
The more I'm playing this game, the more I'm loving it like Uncharted 2. I'm not sure why but maybe because I'm getting used to the new mechanics.

[quote name='Tsel']^The enemies were ridiculous this time around. Normally there are points where you can sit back behind cover and pick off the enemies. This time, they'd come at you from every side. I beat it on hard and there were times where I died probably 40-50 times in one spot.[/QUOTE]

I feel like that's the reason why a lot of people think the game is hard. Last time around, the enemies were a bit too easy so I'm glad they made them smarter this time around though the enemies still do some pretty dumb things.

And some of the puzzles are a lot tougher this time. The light-up mural one took me a while (I knew what to do, just couldn't figure it out).
[quote name='Vinny']The more I'm playing this game, the more I'm loving it like Uncharted 2. I'm not sure why but maybe because I'm getting used to the new mechanics.

I feel like that's the reason why a lot of people think the game is hard. Last time around, the enemies were a bit too easy so I'm glad they made them smarter this time around though the enemies still do some pretty dumb things.

And some of the puzzles are a lot tougher this time. The light-up mural one took me a while (I knew what to do, just couldn't figure it out).[/QUOTE]

This. I seriously felt the same way. I loved the game and wished it was longer so I'm going just do more play throughs and get a platinum on this game
[quote name='Tsel']^The enemies were ridiculous this time around. Normally there are points where you can sit back behind cover and pick off the enemies. This time, they'd come at you from every side. I beat it on hard and there were times where I died probably 40-50 times in one spot.[/QUOTE]

So far, I am having the opposite problem. I think I have only died due to enemy AI once so far, but again, I am only on Chapter 10. And I am playing on Hard. I think the issues I am having with the aiming is making me play more conservatively and ironically, is probably keeping me alive longer.
I had major problems in the desert, specifically during the sandstorm and with those damn fire demons
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[quote name='Tsel']I had major problems in the desert, specifically during the sandstorm and with those damn
fire demons

Spoiler that whole thing.
I finally beat it in just under 11 hours. Beyond awesome in the end. Hard to say if I prefer UC2 or UC3, but definitely my favorite game all year.
[quote name='Swift900']I played it on normal and died a lot more than I ever had in the previous two games. I'm not sure whether to blame it on the gun controlling or enemies coming at me from all angles or a combination of the two. Some areas just felt unnecessarily frustrating.
[/QUOTE]Enemies are a bit harder. A few melee punches won't kill them this time, since the combat involves counters and such. Plus the enemies seemed to be a bit more aggressive overall.
[quote name='gbpackers94']Spoiler that whole thing.[/QUOTE]

I did, but I fail to see how that is a spoiler. The cover of the game is in the desert and damn near every preview of this game shows scenes taking place during the desert.
I just cant wait for the CE to get cheap somewhere. I really want that steelbook but cant see myself paying full MSRP when it seems to be available everywhere still. And we all know what has happened with every other CE lately.
Holy hell, this game just keeps getting better. Just made it chapter 14 and the physics in this game is incredible! I've become a lot better a gunfights now that I don't always try to go for headshots and instead, concentrate on the fact that if you don't take out enemies quickly, they will overpower you with their sheer numbers. Headshots are fine when you have a clear shot and there's only a few enemies around.

[quote name='wrencrest']I just cant wait for the CE to get cheap somewhere. I really want that steelbook but cant see myself paying full MSRP when it seems to be available everywhere still. And we all know what has happened with every other CE lately.[/QUOTE]

I picked up the CE full price and honestly, the steelbook isn't all that nice. The design is very well done but paint job (at least on mine) is pretty shoddy. There's a few tiny spots created by air-bubbles and another tiny spot where the color is off... minor details but still, noticeable to me. The ring is made of some really solid plastic... seriously, it probably would have cost 10 cents of metal to make. But buckle, I'm never going to wear but it's there. The figure is very nicely done, but kinda looks odd at some angles. The best part though is the cabinet. Yeah, it's made of the cheap but really solid cardboard (real wood, no matter how thin, would have been nicer) but it's very classy and neatly designed. I don't regret paying $100 for it but that's probably because I've been so hyped for this game.

I'm sure it'll drop to $60 (or less) within a few months. Like you said, everybody still has it in stock.
So I rented it and I've played it for about 90 minutes or so. Whoever decided that while you're over/near a guy while aiming that the cursor should fucking slow to a standstill and go ass wild otherwise is a complete moron.
Minor update over on ND's Blog Post comments:

Posted by: arne on 11-03-2011
Just an FYI update - this post wasn’t meant to say that you’re all crazy, but we wanted to clarify what has changed with guns in SP and MP.
We’re still looking into this.
I'm fucking stuck in the burning chateau. The part where you try to help sully up and then you fall and the fire spreads. HALP. I've been stuck here for 15 minutes.

Nvm it was a glitch.
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Does Sony have a patent on close-ups from behind in games or what?

EDIT: I'm up to Chapter 8, and I dunno, but the game feels rushed to me.
I've been involved in roughly 4 chase sequences, and there's a lot of times where I have to move at a snail's pace because the game demands it. Also, that tile puzzle fucking sucked. I mean, it was easy to figure out, but it was too easy to fail because of the weird movement controls. Also, the gameplay is fucking horrible. I guess this is the problem with Naughty Dog and their 2 year development cycle of these games. Less and less time to polish and make things right.
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No, but they seem to have a patent on close-ups of guys squeezing through tight spaces.

I really like how varied the game's events so far have been through 12 chapters, as I haven't really had to do the same thing for that long before the next part of the story changes it up again. The first two games seemed to have mostly two types of sequences (puzzle/platforming and shooting). The melee is great with the contextual attacks adding a lot of strategy to the fights and stealth is a lot better this time around.

I'm still having trouble getting used to Elena's new look, which mostly has to do with her new eyes.

^Yea- the tweaked Chloe and Elena's models. Chloe looks better for it- the slimmed her face a little and made her eyes look less like she should be playing bass for Limp Bizkit.

Elena looks more... Asian, and the bones in her eyebrows seem oddly shaped. I honestly wondered if they skinned her wrong (like the texture wasn't in the right spot or size or something.. i don't know..

Anyway- she was the most "cartoony" looking character in the series in the first 2 games(something about the bridge of her nose to her forehead)- so I guess they were just trying to make her look more realistic.
[quote name='Rig']Minor update over on ND's Blog Post comments:

Posted by: arne on 11-03-2011
Just an FYI update - this post wasn’t meant to say that you’re all crazy, but we wanted to clarify what has changed with guns in SP and MP.
We’re still looking into this.

Oh man, I hope they listen and fix this.

[quote name='nbballard']^Yea- the tweaked Chloe and Elena's models. Chloe looks better for it- the slimmed her face a little and made her eyes look less like she should be playing bass for Limp Bizkit.

Elena looks more... Asian, and the bones in her eyebrows seem oddly shaped. I honestly wondered if they skinned her wrong (like the texture wasn't in the right spot or size or something.. i don't know..

Anyway- she was the most "cartoony" looking character in the series in the first 2 games(something about the bridge of her nose to her forehead)- so I guess they were just trying to make her look more realistic.[/QUOTE]

I don't like what they did with either character. I thought they both looked fine... they weren't super hot/perfect females and their personalities were great contrasts to one another. Chloe looks more like a supermodel now and her personality is basically non-existent. Elena looks Asian... if she was Asian, I wouldn't have an issue with it but she just looks wrong, though her personality is perfect.

I do like that they fixed everyone's extra shiny eyes though.
I wasn't going to say anything, but I think they made Elena look more
I don't know why either. It seems like they changed her eye color, too.
I loved Uncharted 3. It got back to its roots with puzzles. Part 2 was lacking in that department. Really glad a sequel wasn't a letdown with it's storytelling like Batman was.

The story keeps you interested throughout. The only thing left is to polish the controls.
Beat the game on Hard and the hardest part for me was...
The ballroom/casino on the cruise ship. Probably took me about 10-15 tries from various checkpoints to get through the whole thing. It never frustrated me though like say, Dark Souls. Once I realized I had to take out the guys on the ledge above then make a dash for the Hammer to take out the armored enemies, it went much more smoothly. No stupidly frustrating end boss like in UC2 which was appreciated. :D

I can see where people are coming from with the aiming issues but it didn't stand out to me during my playthrough. It is a little sluggish though and is definitely different in the multiplayer.

Anyway, I wasn't blown away like I was with UC2 but I still think the game is very solid. Probably not going to get my GOTY but I'd give it a 9/10.

By the way, the multiplayer really needs a "mercenary" style playlist for the team modes with no parties allowed. 4 other randoms and I got destroyed 50-6 by a full party of 50+ guys earlier tonight. Just quit the game before a match started to avoid another mismatch like that. I was the highest at 30 and I don't think 1 other person on my team was above ten. We were matched against a full party of high level guys once again.
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[quote name='Se7en69']I loved Uncharted 3. It got back to its roots with puzzles. Part 2 was lacking in that department. Really glad a sequel wasn't a letdown with it's storytelling like Batman was.

The story keeps you interested throughout. The only thing left is to polish the controls.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I got to chapter 20 just now and decided to stop for the night. I've come to the cold realization that there's only two chapters of Drake's real adventures left.:whistle2:( I know the Vita game's coming and I'm sure there will be side-stories/spinoffs but it just won't be the same because it's unlikely that ND will lead development.
i wouldnt dismiss golden abyss. im sure it will be a high quality game that will live up to the uncharted brand.
Played through around 6 chapters in one sitting today, felt like I can do the gun combat a lot better when in the water for some reason.
I'm up to Chapter 12 right now. It's getting slightly better than before, but that's because
it wasn't very gun heavy in 10 and 11.
I hope I don't have much more in order to beat the game at this point. I haven't been spoiled or anything, but I feel like I already know what's going to happen in the end. I felt that way at the beginning, and I feel that way moreso after what I've just played.
[quote name='Vinny']I agree. I got to chapter 20 just now and decided to stop for the night. I've come to the cold realization that there's only two chapters of Drake's real adventures left.:whistle2:( I know the Vita game's coming and I'm sure there will be side-stories/spinoffs but it just won't be the same because it's unlikely that ND will lead development.[/QUOTE]

Why wouldn't/aren't they planning on making Uncharted 4? I don't really follow gaming news a ton, prefer to concentrate on games once they actually come out, so I likely missed something. ND is walking away similar to Bungie with Halo?
[quote name='Yanksfan']Why wouldn't/aren't they planning on making Uncharted 4? I don't really follow gaming news a ton, prefer to concentrate on games once they actually come out, so I likely missed something. ND is walking away similar to Bungie with Halo?[/QUOTE]

They will keep making them as long as people keep buying. Money motivates everyone. ND pretty much doesn't have to do anything besides come up with a new story and polish the controls.

Judging by their schedule, if they do make one, it'll probably come out in '13.
[quote name='Yanksfan']Why wouldn't/aren't they planning on making Uncharted 4? I don't really follow gaming news a ton, prefer to concentrate on games once they actually come out, so I likely missed something. ND is walking away similar to Bungie with Halo?[/QUOTE]

Well, there's no direct answer from ND but their last two series have only been 3 games, Crash and Jak & Daxter. Sure there were other games in the series but not part of the main story. I'm not saying there wo't be other Uncharted games, but there's a good chance there won't be any more games as part of the main series.
bread's done