If you are playing on Normal difficulty it really isnt that hard, there are just some tricky sections that require a couple plays to memorize enemy patterns. I am not even great but I beat this game on Hard difficulty with not too much difficulty. I am sorry but dont remember enough specifics to help you more. Just try and watch you tube vids of the section or go to ps3trophies.org for help. Just watch out for spoilers.
And I disagree with the guy above, I didnt think their were many problems at all with the gameplay in 1 or 2. I never experienced anything buggy control wise. I have yet to play 3 but apparently aiming was wonky before a patch. But Uncharted is also one of my fav series of all time so I could be biased.
And I disagree with the guy above, I didnt think their were many problems at all with the gameplay in 1 or 2. I never experienced anything buggy control wise. I have yet to play 3 but apparently aiming was wonky before a patch. But Uncharted is also one of my fav series of all time so I could be biased.