[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Keiji Inafune leaving Capcom is a bit of a surprise. I hope he has new goals to reach.

Maybe he'll join Platinum Games or Mikami's new company?

Sounds like Inafune needs a break and would be happier at a smaller, more creative studio.
[quote name='benjamouth']I was tempted to grab Shrike's avatar and tell him to shut up but that probably is a banning offence.[/QUOTE]

Oh man, fucking do it. I will die laughing.
XP is just what you get for playing multiplayer. Mostly the only real reason you'd want levels is because certain achievements require it. I'm just a sucker for experience multipliers. :lol:
[quote name='gunm']Ok I missed it--what did everyone think of the Majin demo?[/QUOTE]

I was actually pleasantly surprised by the game. Based on the demo, I'd probably get the game for $40 or so.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']It's the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus of this generation.[/QUOTE]

It didn't remind me of those games at all. The only similarity that I can see is that you have a partner throughout the game. But Majin is pretty much the polar opposite of Yorda, so even that similarity is very minor. Tonally the game is completely different as well.
[quote name='ihadFG']It didn't remind me of those games at all. The only similarity that I can see is that you have a partner throughout the game. But Majin is pretty much the polar opposite of Yorda, so even that similarity is very minor. Tonally the game is completely different as well.[/QUOTE]

It was a joke. :bouncy:
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']That new DLC for Read Dead looks pretty interesting.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I'm tempted to pick the game up again to play it. I probably would too if not for the fact I have a backlog again.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Yeah, I'm tempted to pick the game up again to play it. I probably would too if not for the fact I have a backlog again.[/QUOTE]

I'll probably get it after I get my 800 points. I've been looking for a reason to pick it up again.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']I'll probably get it after I get my 800 points. I've been looking for a reason to pick it up again.[/QUOTE]

I want to get it, but I'm waiting to see if it goes on sale, since I have RDR on PS3... there are higher things on my 'could drop a small amount of cash on' list -- like Malicious.
Random question:
Both Devil May Cry 4 and Resident Evil 5 are on the cheap this weekend on Steam (UK). I was just wondering if these were the Games for Windows Live versions or different ones? I'd imagine they aren't the GFW ones, but I'd appreciate an official answer before I buy them. Thanks!
For RE5 it would have a GFW Live login in all that, even from Steam, so you would earn cheeze.
If DMC4 is also GFW Live, then probably the same. Though I can't recall.

EDIT, Hank beat me.


Since there are not as many videos of Malicious out there, here's what one level is like.
It starts in the "level select world", he seems to mainly focus on the boss but you can go and fly anywhere, and play it like you want.

I just played the Need For Speed Hot Pursuit demo and loved it. I've never liked the Need For Speed games, but this one feels a lot like Burnout (unsurprisingly since it's Criterion). I think I'll preorder the game on amazon since it has a $20 credit and I haven't played a racing game in a while...probably since Burnout Paradise actually.

[quote name='hankmecrankme']It was a joke. :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

#-oWhoops. Thought you were serious because I've heard some other people make the claim seriously before.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']RE5 is GFW Live, DMC4 isn't.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Hank/Dallow! I'll pick up RE5 shortly. I think I'll try to hunt down a cheap wired 360 controller. If I did that, I'd be able to play RE5 with the controller yes?
He got tired of the GGT making fun of his shitty and flip-floppin Opinions, so he ran to Neo$$$ with his dick tucked betwixt his legs.
[quote name='ninja dog']DMC4 PC is the best version though and has extras that aren't in the console versions.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm, I remember the achievements being insanely hard to get anyway, I'd imagine its worth $10 USD?
[quote name='Azumangaman']Hmmm, I remember the achievements being insanely hard to get anyway, I'd imagine its worth $10 USD?[/QUOTE]

yeah, I paid full price and didn't regret it. It's all worth it for Turbo Mode + Legendary Dark Knight mode. Plus, if you don't want to go through the hassle of unlocking everything, you can just download a save. It's also optimized like crazy and looks great. It's a perfect port that didn't get much love (1up complained that there was no mouse+keyboard control...WTF??????)
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']lol, apparently a certain member is blowing a mod.[/QUOTE]

That was supposed to have been kept a secret
[quote name='manthing']He got tired of the GGT making fun of his shitty and flip-floppin Opinions, so he ran to Neo$$$ with his dick tucked betwixt his legs.[/QUOTE]At least dallow_bg hasn't gone hollywood on us.

[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']lol, apparently a certain member is blowing a mod.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='manthing']Is there any point to the $/red orbs in Enslaved?


In B4 'Is there any point to playing Enslaved?' loloololololool[/QUOTE]

Upgrade/unlock new abilities, fighting moves, etc.
[quote name='ninja dog']yeah, I paid full price and didn't regret it. It's all worth it for Turbo Mode + Legendary Dark Knight mode. Plus, if you don't want to go through the hassle of unlocking everything, you can just download a save. It's also optimized like crazy and looks great. It's a perfect port that didn't get much love (1up complained that there was no mouse+keyboard control...WTF??????)[/QUOTE]

dude, my mouse+keyboard dodge offset combos are insane! :cool:
bah, I missed my chance to get those ME2 character lithograph... but that probably wouldn't have been a good idea anyway.
You guys weren't kidding, this last case in Justice for All is so good. I beat SW: TFUII yesterday, I'll eventually go back and get the rest of the trophies, I have a feeling it wont be too difficult since I can just do the whole "level select" feature and keep all my upgrades.

Also, I finished the Firefly series including Serenity and I absolutely LOVED IT!!! I really like Morena Baccarin, she's like one of the most beautiful women in my book. Now that I watched it all, I don't know what to start next :( I was thinking of watching the last seasons of Stargate since Morena is in those, and so is Claudia Black. Or maybe the Stargate Atlantis since Kaylee's actress is in that. Or Battlestar Galactica. GAH! I have no clue.
bread's done