What are you currently reading? Post here!

Almost finished with Stephen King's The Stand; great book so far. Next I'll be reading his latest book, Under The Dome.

I'm a big Stephen King fan. :razz:
[quote name='menikmati']Just finished "The Contortionists Handbook" by Craig Clevenger...[/QUOTE]

Clevenger's other novel, "Dermaphoria", is a really good read, as well.
Finally finished R.A. Salvatore's Demon War series. In all it was pretty good. A bit predictable, and defintely not as good as his long running Dark Elf/Drizzt series, but worth reading if you like those books.

Still reading The Tipping Point on the crapper etc.

Trying to decide what to read next on the Kindle. Probably either go with the Mass Effect books, or some non-fiction. Don't want another series for a while, and don't really want any "page turner" books that I end up reading longer than I intend at night. Have a bunch of samples, will probably just skim through a few of those and pick something tonight or tomorrow to start up.

EDIT: Went with the Mass Effect book, as it late and I was too tired to think about reading any non-fiction. So I'll read those two, then pick up something serious! :D
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Finished The Waste Lands by Stephen King. Currently reading Wizard and Glass and an
Air Force white paper on the feasibility of various proposed advanced propulsion techniques. its very cool and surprisingly understandable for the layman. I found the link to it from an article on Dailytech.com.
I'm finally finishing up Youth In Revolt. I finally got my Moreno Valley library card on Saturday and got the Ric Flair autobiography along with Catch-22 by Joseph Heller.
Finished Pebble in the Sky and on to A Walk Across America:

Just finished Stick by Elmore Leonard. Typical Leonard book. Double crosses, murders, betrayals, racism and femme fatales.
[quote name='crr_1119']Almost finished with Stephen King's The Stand; great book so far. Next I'll be reading his latest book, Under The Dome.

I'm a big Stephen King fan. :razz:[/QUOTE]

Are you reading the original, or new version with added stuff? I just started the new version and I'm digging it so far.
What is the stand like? I never thought I liked King because I don't like horror. I read the Dark Tower and loved it. Sounds like the Stand is post appocalypse. Is that accurate or is it still horror?
Have you read Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett? That might be my favorite post-apocalyptic novel.

I remember enjoying The Stand when I read it in high school but, like most Stephen King stories, it seemed to fall apart in the final act.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']What is the stand like? I never thought I liked King because I don't like horror. I read the Dark Tower and loved it. Sounds like the Stand is post appocalypse. Is that accurate or is it still horror?[/QUOTE]

Leans more towards Post appoc than horror. Also it ties in heavily with the dark tower. Granted almost all of his stories have a little bit of a tie in.
Just finished Revolting Youth. Not as good as Youth in Revolt but an entertaining read none the less. I want to read the rest of the Journals of Nick Twisp but the bookstore and library don't have any.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']What is the stand like? I never thought I liked King because I don't like horror. I read the Dark Tower and loved it. Sounds like the Stand is post appocalypse. Is that accurate or is it still horror?[/QUOTE]

It's not horror. It's definitely post apocalypse.

It's about a biological weapon (essentially a deadly cold virus) that gets out of a military base and kills most of the world. There's a handful of people left, who start having dreams about either some bad dude that wears a Canadian tuxedo, or some old black lady that lives out in the middle of corn country. Then everyone kinda picks sides and I don't want to spoil any more. It's pretty fucking good. As was said up above, the end does drag just a tiny bit after the finale, but you can power through it easy enough.

I recommend the TV miniseries on DVD too if you can find it cheap.
Finished The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. Another easy enjoyable read, though I liked Outliers better.

I'm about 2/3rds through the first Mass Effect book on my Kindle. It's alright, nothing great but worth a read if you're a fan of the games. I've heard the 2nd one is better and will read it next.
Just finished off The Dark Tower series. I really enjoyed the first books in the series (2 is my favorite) but found every book just got worse and worse as it went, and books 6 and 7 were really poor compared to the others.

Starting into Michael Connelly's The Scarecrow. I have read and own all of his books, I am a big Harry Bosch fan, this one isn't in the Bosch series but is a sequel to "The Poet". Should be good. I need a nice easy read of plowing through the Dark Tower.
Starting to read Chuck Klosterman books, starting from Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs which should be waiting in my mailbox when I get home tonight.
[quote name='Pavel6969']Just finished off The Dark Tower series. I really enjoyed the first books in the series (2 is my favorite) but found every book just got worse and worse as it went, and books 6 and 7 were really poor compared to the others. [/QUOTE]

Same -- I loved 2 and the first half of 3. I thought 4 was just too long. And 5,6,7 were all decidedly different in tone than the first 4 I thought.

If you enjoyed it (or want a better version (shorter) of Book 4), check out the Dark Tower graphic novels.

I just read Patient Zero by ..... can't recall. Good zombie/action read. More to the book than the standard zombie fair.
Redwall - Brian Jacques
Through The Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll
L Change the WorLd
Meditations - Marcus Aurelious
I just finished Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. It was ok, but I felt it kinda fell apart by the end, and I guess the whole thing felt kinda pointless. I think I liked the musical's ending better. Not sure if I want to continue with Son of a Witch.

Anyway, I'm going to start on Husain Haddawy's translation of The Arabian Nights tonight. We'll see how that goes.
[quote name='Frankski']Same -- I loved 2 and the first half of 3. I thought 4 was just too long. And 5,6,7 were all decidedly different in tone than the first 4 I thought.

If you enjoyed it (or want a better version (shorter) of Book 4), check out the Dark Tower graphic novels.

I just read Patient Zero by ..... can't recall. Good zombie/action read. More to the book than the standard zombie fair.[/QUOTE]

Ya I am going to probably pick up the graphic novels, I have heard they are good.

Funny you mentioned Patient Zero, I actually read that between books 4 and 5 of the Dark Tower series to give myself a bit of a break. I too can't remember the authors name, but if you enjoyed it I know that he is going to be writing a series of books following Patient Zero.
[quote name='Pavel6969']Just finished off The Dark Tower series. I really enjoyed the first books in the series (2 is my favorite) but found every book just got worse and worse as it went, and books 6 and 7 were really poor compared to the others.

Agreed. I really liked the first 3 books, but thought it was all down hill from there. Book 4 was ok, just too long when it wasn't advancing the main plot. Book 5 just ended up seeming like a waste since the Wolves weren't very important to the main story. 6 and 7 were ok, but just plodded along to a pretty weak ending and the
deaths of Flagg and Mordrid where pretty anticlimactic after all the build up.

In all the series was ok, but when I was done I didn't feel it was worth the time investment.
The General Theory - John Maynard Keynes (Ive only ever heard his arguments summarized in other works, but I figured I should hear them first hand) interspersed with Death by Black Hole by Neil deGrasse Tyson (the Keynes book is pretty dry so I mix this in, in between chapters).

I also just finished The Manual of Detection by Jedediah Berry. It was pretty good for a detective novel, some great characters although the plot got a little out there it was overall pretty good. I dont normally read detective stuff aside from Sherlock Holmes, but it was only $3 at Borders. Id recommend it if you can find it for cheap.
Finished the two Mass Effect books. Pretty disappointing, even with low expectations. Not terrible, but pretty bland and did little to flesh out the plotline/universe IMO as they were just pretty pointless little side stories.

Haven't decided what to start up next.
Just started "And Another Thing . . " by Eoin Colfer.
The sixth book in the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy.

So far it's ok. I didn't have high hopes.
[quote name='Pavel6969']Ya I am going to probably pick up the graphic novels, I have heard they are good.

Funny you mentioned Patient Zero, I actually read that between books 4 and 5 of the Dark Tower series to give myself a bit of a break. I too can't remember the authors name, but if you enjoyed it I know that he is going to be writing a series of books following Patient Zero.[/QUOTE]

I'm actually reading Patient Zero at the moment. Pretty good so far,I really enjoy the protagonist, Joe Ledger. Real badass with a smart ass attitude which i totally dig. The author name is Jonathan Maberry and his follow up to Patient Zero, The Dragon Factory was just released.
Finally sat down and finished The Fall, by Camus, then also blazed through The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker. Now it's on to The Duplicated Man, by James Blish and Robert Lowndes.
Finished "Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe...", and decided to try "Candide" by Voltaire. It's somewhat disappointing so far. Thinking of either Kafka or Terry Pratchett next.
Reading "The Great Gatsby" now. Read it in high school and don't remember much about it. Really liking it so far, it is a pretty light read and surprisingly funny.
Started The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky last night. Figured I should read some real literature after reading nothing but fantasy/sci fi lately.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Started The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky last night. Figured I should read some real literature after reading nothing but fantasy/sci fi lately.[/QUOTE]
Tell me how it is. I'm working my way through some canon, and need to pick something for after Kafka, but the length of TBK is daunting.
About 200 pages into The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. Not a big fan so far, but I am not really a fan of any of his work, but I have read all of his stuff because my wife likes it.
Finished Pride, Prejudice & Zombies. I thought about 3/4th into the story it got a lot of less 'actiony' and more 'pile on the romance/story'. I haven't read the original Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austin...but I might watch the movie to see what similarities there were between the two. Definitely excited at the pending movie.

I just started Euclid's Window The Story of Geometry from Parallel Lines to Hyperspace
I'm about halfway through "The Hardcore Diaries" by Mick Foley and so far it is pretty meh. Nothing compared to his first 2 wrestling books.
Finished Lost Symbol by Dan Brown today. I am not a huge fan of his, but this is by far his worst book. I just couldn't get into it at all, it just felt like he was spinning his tires the entire time. A good concept with poor execution.

Now I am stating Blaze by S King (Bachman technically). Doesn't sound to promising, but I got 15 SK books for $15 so I am in the process of reading them all. Probably go for Under The Dome next.
I read A Daughter of Han by Ida Pruitt. Gives a good look of what life was like for Chinese people back in the late 1800s and into the 1900s.

I'm going to start up The Dragon's Village by Yuan-Tsung Chen this week.
Reading Century Rain by Alistair Reynolds. Maybe when I take the little girl to the library for story time this week I'll pick something up by that Malcolm guy (Freaknomics, Blink, Tipping Point) I've been meaning to read one of those for a while. I really need to get off genre fiction too.
bread's done