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[quote name='crunchb3rry']I couldn't even make it halfway through Wizard's First Rule. Probably because I read Martin's books first. They really spoil you. It's like trying to get into a cop show after you've already watched The Wire.[/QUOTE]

i read wizards first rule over a year ago, and subsequently the whole series and really enjoyed the first and most of the others.

i think goodkind might be a slightly better storyteller (so far) but martins characterization is superior. im about 50 pages into a clash of kings, trying to sneak in a few pages here and there while im at work.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']
i think goodkind might be a slightly better storyteller (so far)[/QUOTE]

Oh that will change. You'll see. It's so hard not to spoil anything. Grrr!
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Oh that will change. You'll see. It's so hard not to spoil anything. Grrr![/QUOTE]

yeah i already had one friend say something. he didnt use the characters name, but after reading the first book im fairly certain i know who he was talking about. so, hopefully its not them, and if it is, oh well. i had to cut him off and say i wasnt done yet.
Im currently reading "Go Ask Alice" it's a true story, and in dairy-written form.
It's about a teenage girl who gets into hardcore drugs and dies in the end.
It's very interesting.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']yeah i already had one friend say something. he didnt use the characters name, but after reading the first book im fairly certain i know who he was talking about. so, hopefully its not them, and if it is, oh well. i had to cut him off and say i wasnt done yet.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't rely too much on your own suspicions though. I can't count how many times I tried predicting what would happen and was proven so very wrong. Especially in regards to who will live or die. The third book has an "event" that will just blow your fucking mind and you'll probably stop reading for a few minutes just to process what happened. I get goosebumps imagining how it's going to transition to the screen for the HBO series.
[quote name='crunchb3rry'] I get goosebumps imagining how it's going to transition to the screen for the HBO series.[/QUOTE]

thats the main reason i started reading it now instead of the many other books waiting on my shelf to be read. originally i was going to wait for the 5th book to be released, but seeing as how its been delayed so many times and the HBO series officially being picked up and in production i decided to start.
Done with The Brethren and on to The World Made by Hand

Just finished Why E=mc2 (and why should we care?). Its a great book for non-physicists to get a grasp on why light is a constant and how time dilation works. Concepts like Minkowski space, Higgs Fields aren't covered to heavily which is why its not too difficult to read. You don't really need to know much mathematics to get through the book, Pythagorean Theorem is good enough. The latter half of the book goes over gauge theory and the Standard Model which may turn off some people but the first half is a very easy read.

Now to decide between The Road, The Picture of Dorian Gray, or one of the audiobooks many audio books on the hdd.
After years of harassment from some friend who are die-hard fans, I started on the Wheel of Time series yesterday. Even thought the books are huge, they seem like easy enough reads.
Blood Pact by Dan Abnett
12th book in the guant's ghosts series
after that probably the authorized ender companion or the sequel to the sparrow but we shall see, also going to get a hold of batman knightfall part 3 from the library
[quote name='Maklershed']Done with The World Made by Hand (which was fantastic) and on to Ender's Game


One of my favorite books ever. I hope you know nothing going in, it will make it so much better.
[quote name='plasticbathmonki']After years of harassment from some friend who are die-hard fans, I started on the Wheel of Time series yesterday. Even thought the books are huge, they seem like easy enough reads.[/QUOTE]

i just bought the first 3 in a box set, those are next up on my list after i finish the first 4 of a song of fire and ice.
sneaky - Did you watch his two specials on Discovery last night?

[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']One of my favorite books ever. I hope you know nothing going in, it will make it so much better.[/QUOTE]

I just so happens I don't. :)
[quote name='Maklershed']sneaky - Did you watch his two specials on Discovery last night?[/QUOTE]

I was going to, but they looked like they took everything I had just read, dumbed it down even further, and added all shiny CG and science fiction ideas to make it easier to digest for the layman. Pass, I'd rather just go read my physics textbook and get actual equations.
on to a storm of swords.

finished a clash of kings last night, the reading went a little slow due to playoff hockey and various family events. hopefully this goes a little quicker.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']How did you like Clash?[/QUOTE]

a mixed bag, i definitely thought thrones was better. i got weary of a couple characters in clash (catelyn & sansa) and thought that a couple others were under developed (theon & davos). hopefully those 2 get more play in this book otherwise it seems like their chapters were only there to move the story along, which could be the case. im mostly interested in whats going on with bran, jon and tyrion at this point.
Enjoy Bran, Jon and Tyrion in Storm. Because they are MIA in Crows. George's next book covers their POVs, after the infamous book four split that pushed the series from 6 books to 7.

One major reason I'm pumped about the HBO series is that it theoretically could recombine book 4 and 5 and split them again, but chronologically instead of by characters.
Crows is the weakest of the series IMO. The POVs in it are not compelling. As crunch points out, all the good ones are supposed to appear in Dragons, which George seems to be reasonably close to finishing (80%) based on his blog posts.
I liked Crows' POVs fine. I don't think it was weak storywise. Brienne's character development was much needed though. I hope they get Robin Weigert (Calamity Jane from Deadwood) to play her. That would be the cat's ass. She's becoming one of my favorite characters.
Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman - Richard P Feynman was a theoretical physicist and one of the more eccentric and out going people of his time. His adventures are pretty ridiculous from going to Brazil to play music in the streets to Los Almos with the Manhattan Project & lock picking the filing cabinets and safes there.

Black Holes and Baby Universes - Stephen Hawking
Just started Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. So far, Excellent.

Recently finished Monster Island, another zombie novel, pretty good too.
Currently reading Wasteland book 1 by Antony Johnston. Not bad so far, though a little boring at times. Ordered the first Walking Dead book from Amazon, should be starting that series next week.
Finished The Name of the Wind. Now I haven't read this George RR Martin you kids are always going on about, but this was one of the best damn fantasy novels I've ever read.

On to The Whalestoe Letters by Mark Z Danielewski. Should be a fairly quick read.
Just finished Alas, Babylon.

Most people find the ending lackluster but I thought it was perfect.

Going to finish God's Crucible now.
Just finished Stormrage by Richard A. Knaak. By far the best Warcraft book I've read.

Starting Night of the Dragon by Richard A. Knaak.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Finished The Name of the Wind. Now I haven't read this George RR Martin you kids are always going on about, but this was one of the best damn fantasy novels I've ever read.

Fifty bucks says you like George's books better. I got the book you mention, haven't read it yet. I'm hesitant because the next one has missed its publication. Something about the author having a family tragedy that indefinitely delayed it, although he claimed to have already written all three and just set them to be released one year apart. I'd like to start it knowing I can jump right into the next one, and then into the third after that. Then again, I've been waiting ages for George's fifth, so I might as well say "fuck it" and start Name of the Wind.
As of 4/28, it's "Confirmed for March 1st, 2011" Long wait even if the date holds, but I had to read Wind now since I bought it brand new. Going to take a break from fantasy so they don't all get jumbled together, but I have the first three Martin books, I'll probably start later this year.
Accelrando by Charles Stross. One of the best Sci-Fi books I've read in years. It's filled with crazy meta-concepts and is sort of written like Warren Ellis writes planetary where you just throw thousands of ideas at the wall and see what sticks.
Just wrapped up the Sword of Truth series. It was awesome, I did not put it down through all 13 or so books. If you have seen Legend of the Seeker, that show is loosely based on these books, but the books are way more violent than the show.
Reading The Zombie Survival Guide for shits and giggles.

I read Staked by J.F. Lewis a while back, and thought it was a fantastic book. Big fan of the whole paranormal vampire/werewolf type of deal, and since then I haven't been able to find a book quite like it. Just found out, 10 seconds ago, that the book was part of a series. Might have to order them off of Amazon sometime soon.
I found Pride and Prejudice and Zombies at a flea market for $.50 and then got Pride and Prejudice at the same place. Should I read the 'original' to get a better understanding of the Zombie version?
I didn't bother with the original, but after reading ...and Zombies, I feel I effectively did. The addition of kung fu and zombies is actually pretty small in the story.
Went to the library and got myself a copy of The Count of Monte Cristo. It's a big monster of a book physically, but the first few chapters are such an easy and fascinating read. I can't wait to really sit down and dive headfirst into it.

Last novel I really sat down and finished before that was South of the Border, West of the Sun by Haruki Murakami, who is one of my favorite authors. I also highly recommend his memoir, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running.

I recently went to my cousins's house. ( we have been friends for a long, long time. we were born literally 2 weeks apart ). Well anyways since me and him were about 5 we always tried to see who could get the closest to this guys house, the guy was very scary and mysterious. I always won the test of who could get the closest because my cousin was always too scared to even get 30 feets away from it. * keep in mind this is a very, very, very small town in AL called Springville * . Now that I am a grown man with 2 children I had forgotten all about the scary and mysterious man who lived next to my cousin. While at my cousins house me and my daughter were playing with a boomerang ( I make boomerangs as a hobby ), My daighter threw the boomerang and it went soring through the sky and landed with a thump on the scary man's porch. I walked over and picked it up, and as I did he starred out the window just watching me as if I couldnt see him. He them moved away from the window and I heard a creeking noice and slowly the door opened. He peeked his head out of the house and told me I had grown A LOT since he last saw me and was glad I was okay * all the while I was think, How in the hell does he remember me ?? * He then said " Hey give me a second I have something for you" minutes later he came back with a book. He handed me the book and told me that I could keep it, I then said thanks and asked who wrote it. He replied " I wrote it, and I thought you might enjoy it so I have held onto an extra copy for many years for you to read it " . I then thanked him and picked up my daughter from his front yard and walked over to my cousins house, I was kinda scared and shook up that he wanted to give me a book that I never knew existed.

After opening the book and reading about half of it, I must say this person I always thought was a very scary and mysterious man has some of the best writing talent ever. But here is the catch, the book is based on a true story about HIM. throughout the book he says he was kidnapped by aliens when he got diagnosed with brain cancer and that is how he has lived for so long * I would say he is in his late 60's *. He also said he had 3 sons which I had never seens while growing up. Then out of nowhere it said he had killed his wife in a brutal accident when he was 37 years old, I got chills down my spine and could'nt read anymore. I gave the book to my cousin to read and he couldnt even get past the first 5 pages because of all the crazy stuff he talked about ( alien abductions, government test on him, etc. )

So even though that stuff I just typed was very unwell written, I wanted to share something wierd that went on the other day.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Finished Monster Island. What an amazing pile of meh. Likely won't pick up the rest of the series.

I agree. Started off good.
Then the who Gary/Druid psychically controlling the other undead bs started.
bread's done