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Oscar Wao was an OK book. I found his writing style very confusing at times and the fact that he doesn't translate any of the Spanish in the book really pisses me off. The lengthy footnotes just ramble on sometimes over 2 pages and are tiring.
finished a feast for crows a few days ago.
reading batman: son of the demon its like 60 something pages also started
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club by Charles Dickens for something different, definitely a change of pace ah the wonders of the bookshelves that were sitting in my room for ages.
Reading Dan Simmon's Flashback and it has been excellent so far. It seems with his last books he has been just trying to challenge himself by creating difficult novels. This one snaps from the beginning and has been a fast read so far. It has great characters too
Just finished the Cabal series by Jonathan L. Howard.

Johannes Cabal the Necromancer Jonathan L. Howard - really good, funny, dark, and smart
Johannes Cabal the Detective Jonathan L. Howard - good book, not as good as necromancer but still very entertaining. The short story at the end is not to be missed. Cabal is a great character.

Currently reading:
Feed Feed (Newsflesh, Book 1) - Mira Grant - great premise and spin on the zombie apocolypse idea, so far pretty good I am about a quarter thru it.
Finished The Death of Promises by David Dalglish and on to book 4 in the series.


Book 3 was good, but probably a bit of a step down from book 2. It was mainly just battle sequences which were entertaining but not a lot of new plot development.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Finished The Death of Promises by David Dalglish and on to book 4 in the series.


Book 3 was good, but probably a bit of a step down from book 2. It was mainly just battle sequences which were entertaining but not a lot of new plot development.[/QUOTE]

I just started reading the first book in the series and its pretty good so far. Its a nice easy read and a good break from the four Fire and Ice books I just read.

On a sidenote how do you use amazon credit to buy Kindle books? Everytime I go to buy a book it wants to use one-click purchasing and a credit card. Is there any way around this?
[quote name='noone13']I just started reading the first book in the series and its pretty good so far. Its a nice easy read and a good break from the four Fire and Ice books I just read.

On a sidenote how do you use amazon credit to buy Kindle books? Everytime I go to buy a book it wants to use one-click purchasing and a credit card. Is there any way around this?[/QUOTE]

You have to go into your account and apply your credit to your account (assuming you have a code to enter--be it a gift card or Amazon visa reward certificate etc.).

Then it will use that credit balance to pay for Kindle books until it's exhausted--at which time it goes back to your default credit card.
[quote name='dmaul1114']You have to go into your account and apply your credit to your account (assuming you have a code to enter--be it a gift card or Amazon visa reward certificate etc.).

Then it will use that credit balance to pay for Kindle books until it's exhausted--at which time it goes back to your default credit card.[/QUOTE]

I do that, I think I have around $100 in credit, but it still charges my credit card. I thought maybe I was doing something wrong. I guess I will contact Amazon because something seems wrong.

Brandon Sanderson 1200 pages. At about 200 pages in it's not so bad. But if this is the first book in a 10 book series. Ugh, I can't imagine ever finishing that much. But it's more about the journey than the destination.
[quote name='noone13']I do that, I think I have around $100 in credit, but it still charges my credit card. I thought maybe I was doing something wrong. I guess I will contact Amazon because something seems wrong.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, as long as you have gift card balance, that should automatically get used first.

So something is messed up if you have gift card balance and it's not getting used on Kindle book purchases.
[quote name='Lyricsborn']Can anyone recommend any books along the lines like Fallout or Bioshock?[/QUOTE]

A Canticle for Leibowitz and The Postman for Fallout. And Atlas Shrugged for Bioshock.
[quote name='Lyricsborn']Can anyone recomend any books along the lines like Fallout or Bioshock?[/QUOTE]

I haven't read it yet, but maybe the Road?
The Road is along the lines of Fallout in that it's in a post apocalyptic setting.

I didn't like it that much personally as I didn't care for the writing style. I though the movie adaptation was great though!
Just finished Contact by Carl Sagan.
My Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide arrived today from Borders, so I think I'll start on The Restaurant at the End Of The Universe tonight. (I read the first one a bunch of times before I knew there were sequels :p)
I wanted to start Master and Commander and read all of them but the author died, so I'm not sure if there's any real closure to the series, so I skipped it.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I wanted to start Master and Commander and read all of them but the author died, so I'm not sure if there's any real closure to the series, so I skipped it.[/QUOTE]

Ah don't worry about that. The first one would be great even if you didn't know there were more books.
There was a really nice set of all of them on Amazon, I might pick them up. Or at least try and get the first one on Kindle.
Just finished Flashback by Dan Simmons best book I have read in years. Now waiting on Martin's book to download to my Nook tomorrow night hopefully
Just finished reading "Pillars of Creation" by Terry Goodkind (excellent book with a whole different perspective from the rest of the series). Before that though I got into the "A Song of Fire and Ice" series because of the show. I'm going to dig into the next Goodkind book "Naked Empire" tonight. I haven't been on this big of a reading kick in awhile :)
Finished The Shadows of Grace by David Dalglish and on to the final book in the series.


Enjoying the series, but need to finish it up so I can start A Dance with Dragons soon--Kindle book will get delivered overnight since I have it preordered. Have been skimming through the chapter summaries of the earlier books on www.towerofthehand.com as well to refresh my memory before reading it.
Reading The Kite Runner and getting ready to start Y: The Last Man (book 2). I just finished book 1 and enjoyed it.

After I'm done with the second Y book, I'm going to read Proficient Motorcycling: The Ultimate Guide to Riding Well...Signed up for a class in October.
about 100 pages into Dances with Dragons. Splitting the books was just retarded. I like it so far but it is off putting in parts where things that have already happened have not occurred yet.
[quote name='jlarlee']about 100 pages into Dances with Dragons. Splitting the books was just retarded. I like it so far but it is off putting in parts where things that have already happened have not occurred yet.[/QUOTE]

That is possibly the most confusing sentence ever.
[quote name='eldergamer'][/B]

That is possibly the most confusing sentence ever.[/QUOTE]

What he means is a lot of the events in this book (book 5 in the series) are things that happen before (or during) events in book 4 as the two books focus mostly on different characters in different places.

That's because when he decided to split the book into 2, he did it by characters rather than just splitting it in the middle chronologically (i.e. chopping it in the middle of what he had at the time), so the characters could have pretty much their whole stores (during the time frame of these books) told entirely in one volume rather than split across two books.

Not sure I worded that any less confusingly!
Haven't read much in ages, but I just started reading Juliana Hatfield's memoir When I Grow Up. Was reading Sarah Thyre's (Strangers with Candy, Andy Richter's wife) Dark At The Roots a while back but never finished it. Need to get back to that one.
[quote name='dmaul1114']What he means is a lot of the events in this book (book 5 in the series) are things that happen before (or during) events in book 4 as the two books focus mostly on different characters in different places.

That's because when he decided to split the book into 2, he did it by characters rather than just splitting it in the middle chronologically (i.e. chopping it in the middle of what he had at the time), so the characters could have pretty much their whole stores (during the time frame of these books) told entirely in one volume rather than split across two books.

Not sure I worded that any less confusingly![/QUOTE]

Yeah, I knew what he meant. Basically events that are happening sequentially are not happening chronologically. Or vice versa.
[quote name='eldergamer']Yeah, I knew what he meant. Basically events that are happening sequentially are not happening chronologically. Or vice versa.[/QUOTE]

Yep. They could have been chronologically organized if he would have simply split the book in the middle.

But by dividing it by characters instead, with the new book we have parts of this set of book 5 characters events happening before or during important events that happened to the book 4 characters.

I haven't started reading it yet, so I can't say how off putting I find it personally yet. But I generally prefer when stories are told in straight chronological order. Especially a big series with a huge cast of characters like this one where it's already a bit taxing to keep everything straight! :D
Yea I worded that quite badly. There is one POV in particular that I find it real irritating in. The other ones so far haven't been that bad.
Finished A Sliver or Redemption so I'm done with Dalglish's 5 book half orc series now. In all I enjoyed it a lot. Great battle scenes, and good story and characters overall. I'll definitely read the two prequel books in the near future.

Now on to:

[quote name='dmaul1114']Yep. They could have been chronologically organized if he would have simply split the book in the middle.

But by dividing it by characters instead, with the new book we have parts of this set of book 5 characters events happening before or during important events that happened to the book 4 characters.

I haven't started reading it yet, so I can't say how off putting I find it personally yet. But I generally prefer when stories are told in straight chronological order. Especially a big series with a huge cast of characters like this one where it's already a bit taxing to keep everything straight! :D[/QUOTE]

Well, there's always a slim chance George will hire an extra helper to maybe go through those two books and reorganize them. Then just put out new ones. That's really nothing he would have to put much work into. Other than check out the chapter order and say "Okay, that's good, print it." At least the HBO show should fix that mess, giving the show more value to fans.
I just finished the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, very good and I plan to read the entire series.

Currently reading The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells, so far it's good.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Well, there's always a slim chance George will hire an extra helper to maybe go through those two books and reorganize them. Then just put out new ones. That's really nothing he would have to put much work into. Other than check out the chapter order and say "Okay, that's good, print it." At least the HBO show should fix that mess, giving the show more value to fans.[/QUOTE]


The only place I've found it off putting so far is with Jon's part since it starts with Sam and Gilly still with him so you have the bit with him sending them, along with Maester Aemon, away again when that was already covered through Sam's POV in book 4.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Well, there's always a slim chance George will hire an extra helper to maybe go through those two books and reorganize them. Then just put out new ones. That's really nothing he would have to put much work into. Other than check out the chapter order and say "Okay, that's good, print it." At least the HBO show should fix that mess, giving the show more value to fans.[/QUOTE]

Someone on Reddit already did this.

[quote name='dmaul1114']Yep.

The only place I've found it off putting so far is with Jon's part since it starts with Sam and Gilly still with him so you have the bit with him sending them, along with Maester Aemon, away again when that was already covered through Sam's POV in book 4.[/QUOTE]

I just got to this part this morning. At first I didn't think of it and then I was like "wait a minute .. what is Sam doing at the wall? I thought he went on that voyage to maester training?" :lol:

Also - I'm having trouble remembering the story behind Qyburn and where they're going and what they're doing.
Hopefully finish off the last 150 pages of Way of Kings at work tonight. Ugh. I like the world setting and characters but it seems like 2/3 of the book is just the characters asking themselves the same moral questions/dilemmas over and over and over again.
bread's done