What are you currently reading? Post here!

[quote name="Maklershed" post="10858428" timestamp="1372202809"]
It was decent but nothing to write home about imo. I absolutely loved the LA Quartet - the stories, the setting, the characters. But I didn't *love* much about this book. I thought it was schizophrenic, with a very cynical tone and unnecessary body count. Having said that though, its competently written and I can see why some people would really like it. I might be judging the book unfairly though because what I wanted was more LA Quartet and this is not that.[/quote]
Thanks for the response! I'll have to adjust my expectations since I was thinking it would be similar to the quartet too. If I do read it it'll be awhile after I finish the 4.
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Finished World War Z the other day.  Liked it, but didn't love it.  Well written, but I like books with a more unified story.

Now reading:


After watching Quiz Show I decided to read an account of the scandals that took place in the 1950s.  Redford decided to focus solely on Goodwin and Van Doren, when the real story was so much more.  It was not a crime that the quiz shows of the 1950s were rigged, since that was an ethical issue.  What was the real crime is that most people interviewed about this subject matter in front of the grand jury LIED, and that can lead up to perjury.  The movie stirred enough feelings to know that the entire system is rigged, as government and business are definitely in bed with each other, hasn't changed since the 19th Century, certainly still the same here, and it's evident in the book.

I plan on starting reading this at work tonight.


i actually don't have much hope for it. It advertises itself as more of a "thriller" and there's a line on the back about someone "Penetrating the icy barrier aronud his heart".   :roll:

If I'm going to be reading a mystery novel I perfer it to be in more of the noir direction.  this just looks like a mass market paperback beach read type book. 

I'll give it one try.

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Finished Philosphy In The Bedroom on the bus today (fucking finally).  Decided to finally finish the Hitchhiker's series and started over again with The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams.  Stopped midway through the series last time I tried reading it, but I was also 9 or so.  Hoping to actaully be able to get through all of it for once.

Decided not to start Chemistry of Death.

Started Sweet Deal instead.

Finished nearly 2/3 rd of it during a slow night at work.


I am currently reading Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling

Bret Hart gives a lot of insight in regards to not only his life as a professional wrestler at the top (during his time), but also to himself as a brother, husband and father.

I'm about 3/4 of the way through it, and let me tell you, am I glad I never got into pro wrestling as a career!

Any Michael Crichton fans around? SIL dropped off a bunch of Crichton's books for me to read, but I'm not sure what's best. Next, Prey, and Disclosure looked the most interesting.
Finished Moonraker on Friday.  Was going to start Magician: Master but it turns out I don't have that on my Kindle so I decided to pick up Forever Free by Joe Haldeman instead.  My friend said it's not as good as Forever War but it's not too long so I'll give it a shot.

After trying and giving up on the Summer Tree by Guy Gavriel Kay.

I started the Outback Stars by Sandra McDonald.


Not bad, some pretty decent characterization, although a little slow to get going. The first 100 pages has been nothing but the adventures of a Space Navy General Stores crew. And if you ever wondered, could General Stores and supplies be exciting? (It's not.)

Although just reading about the characters attempt to shape up her 'misfit, ragtag crew" is entertaining enough.

Another Terrry Pratchet book.

I thought I had read this one before, but perhaps not.  The city watch ones do tend to run all together.


I'm trying to get through Inheritance by Christopher Paolini. Was anxiously awaiting its release but then I realised I didn't remember much of the plotline from the past three books, so I kinda stalled reading it up until now.


Finished up Forever Free on the bus this morning.  As much as I loved Forever War this was really unnecessary.  Went from build up to build up with no conclusions to everything, and one hell of a literal deus ex machina ending.

Couldn't decide what to start next so I just jumped into The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester.

Finished up The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami. Fantastic read. A brilliant blend of postmodern magic realism and mind-behind science fiction, all set in a genuine world, with some fantastic down-to-Earth characters and problems. I'd say it's right up there with Midnight's Children as one of the best Postmodernism books out there.

Currently about a third of the way through Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks. So far, it's pretty damn good.

Probably going to start 

The Precipice by Ben Bova tonight


I'm sort of anal/OCD in that I usually read my novels in this order fantasy, then sci-fi, then mystery/noir.

This breaks that pattern but my current bookshelf is heavily tilted towards fantasy & sci-fi so breaking the order is necessary.

On the Kindle side, I finished These Is My Words and started Neuromancer. Still on a cyberpunk kick.

Neuromancer by William Gibson
I'm about half way finished with this. It is great so far. I'm going to run through the Sprawl Series. Next, I'm going to read John Carter: Barsoom Series & a few non-fiction history pieces.

Since my last post I have finished several books. I'm still working through The Looming Tower.

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Excellent)


Dracula (Excellent)


This Side of Paradise (Good)


David Copperfield (Very Good)


The Jungle (Very Good)


Her (Meh)


Silas Marner (Good)


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I finished Neuromancer (Excellent). I wonder if Gibson received any royalties from the Wachowski brothers.

I'll start Count Zero this evening.

Also, I'm interested in reading a L.Ron Hubbard novel. Can anyone recommend either Battlefield Earth or Mission Earth? Thanks.

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Finally picked up from where I left off with the first half of Game Of Thrones and working through the rest of the books, as I had received the five book set on Kindle as a gift.

Currently about halfway through Clash of Kings and it's interesting to see what was compressed/dropped/changed between the HBO series and the book.

Finished up The Stars My Destination a few days ago (abrupt ending much?).  Grabbed my copy of Magician: Master by Raymond Feist on the way to the bus.  Still trying to remember all of what happened in Apprentice.

Mainly because of all the buzz in here I read Ready Player One and ended up really liking it. Like a futuristic dystopian video game da vinci code

Anybody got any recommendations on similar books?

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I recently finished reading Questlove's memoir "Mo Meta Blues" which was pretty cool.  Nice insight into a major music player and some behind the scenes goodies as well.

Also read for what seems like the millionth time, Mario Puzo's "The Fourth K" which is one of my all time favorite books. 

Set in present day when the fourth Kennedy is elected President, "Francis Xavier Kennedy".  On Easter Sunday the Pope is assassinated and the President's daughter is kidnapped and flown to a fictional Middle Eastern country.   Everything just goes crazy from there. lol.

Currently I'm in the early going of this book here which is not a fun book to read, due to the content, but I think is an important one.


About to start reading Drawing of the Three by Stephen King. I been hype about starting this because I enjoyed the first book in the epic series.
That whole series is fantastic. The 1st book, to me, was a bit slow and plodding. Probably because it was almost entirely two people involved in a chase. The other books all involve more characters and are more interesting. Drawing of the Three is definitely one of the best of all of them.

I really liked the first 4 books in the Dark Tower series, but was pretty underwhelmed by the last 3--though I did like the ending.

On a related note, I finished Under the Dome last week--thought it was just ok.  Well written, decent characters, but the plot really didn't go anywhere.

Now reading:


Finished Magician last week and picked up The Thief Of Always by Clive Barker.  I had read it when I was much younger but wanted to go through again.  I actually ended up finishing it entirely while waiting in lines at PAX.  Started on Siddhartha by Herman Hesse.  Slow going to far.


Great book. I saw the trailer for the movie and didn't like Strike's look, as opposed to how he's described in the book. Then again, nobody's thinking Rocco Klein would be Harvey Keitel either.
Finished Siddhartha on the bus this morning and picked up my copy of The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea by Yukio Mishima.  I bought it on a whim years ago and finally decided to get through it.

bread's done