What are you currently reading? Post here!

[quote name='c0rnpwn']I need to pick up something to read over my college winter break...
Moby-Dick (never was assigned it in high school and it seems so metal \m/) or
Paradise Lost (wasn't disciplined enough in high school to pay attention to it well, also I hadn't discovered my love of ancient Classics then, from which Paradise Lost is heavily adapted)

Anyone else got some good mythological-based suggestions?[/QUOTE]

The obvious greek/latin mythology suggestions would be The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Aeneid, Metamorphosis by Ovid.

If you meant classic works then I would recommend the Prince, Brothers Karamazov, Walden, The Art of War, Don Quixote, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Devine Comedy, anything by Shakespeare...etc.
Well, I've read all those ancient books, but thanks for the recommendations anyways. I've never read the Brothers Karamazov, so I'll keep that under consideration. Or the Divine Comedy...but I'd want to read that in Italian, we'll see how that goes.
If you've not read Crime and Punishment, I'd recommend that over Brothers Karamazov if you want to read Dostoyevsky (I read both over the past year or so).
Re-reading Atlas Shrugged (or should I say, having it read to me via audiobook). I've always wondered why people would re-read books, but I have to say I just really liked the story. Got through about 33 of the 55 hours so far and I think the next audiobook I listen to (I like reading books but these help me get through the day at work) will be something more off the beaten path.
I just read Apathy and Other Small Victories by Paul Neilan in two nights. It had me laughing out loud nearly every chapter, which was suprisingly refreshing.

Just started House of Leaves after being pestered to read it for a few years.
Thanks to the free classics from Barnes & Noble on the Nook I'm going through Pride and Prejudice at the moment. Needs more car chases. Gulliver's Travels is up next and I'm definitely looking forward to that one.
Post-Secret: Confessions on Life, Death, and God. I borrowed it from my friend Stephanie, and it's a bit depressing, but uplifting at the same time... Thinking of these people who were able to get these secrets they've kept to themselves their entire life, being able to get them off their chest... It's wonderful. Next up is another go at The End of Alice. That's a pretty tough book...
I just finished Birth of a Killer: The Saga of Larten Crepsley. Maybe I had my expectations really high, but I found it average and rather uneventful. I will still read the second book because Crepsley is my favorite character from Cirque du Freak after all, but I really hope it's better than this one.
[quote name='Maklershed']Congratulations and be prepared for a grotesque amount of reading. You probably won't be doing it for fun for the next 4 years. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yea congrats bro.. although "Gopher" is not exactly the type of mascot name that instills fear in the hearts of your opponents. :lol:
[quote name='PhrostByte']Yea congrats bro.. although "Gopher" is not exactly the type of mascot name that instills fear in the hearts of your opponents. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I know! My friend has wanted to go since freshman year, and I made fun of him consistently for the mascot. Kind of hypocritical, but eh...
[quote name='ian1418']I would recommend the "Monster Hunter" books by Larry Corriea, the "Nightside" and "Secret History" books by Simon R. Green, and, possibly, the "Sookie Stackhouse" books by Charlotte Harrison or anything by Laurel Hamilton or Kim Harrison.[/QUOTE]

Just wanted to say thanks, much belated, for recommending the Nightside books. I am on the 3rd one right now and really liking them. So thanks again.
neat thread....that I apparently posted in before haha. I just re-read Purpose For The Pain (Collection of journals from Renee Yohe), and I have no idea what I am going to read next. Possibly the next Alex Cross novel I am on.
Santa brought me the Mozipedia for Xmas. It's pretty amazing, if you're a fan.

[quote name='Mr Dude65']:DMy University of Minnesota acceptance letter and booklet!!!!:D


If you're not from here, be prepared for some messed up weather. As in temp swings of 60 degrees F in two days. The snow and cold isn't as bad as people make it out to be, it's just the abrupt change to it that throws people off. Case in point, Thanksgiving had a little bit of snow on the ground and was quite mild, three days later was a weird day that was almost 50F, three days after that was the first day below 0, and then it warmed up again to dump record snow amounts in the span of two weeks. Supposedly going to rain on Thursday and Friday, but with overnight lows in the 20's. Basically, the campus will be a really big ice rink!
[quote name='nasum']If you're not from here, be prepared for some messed up weather. As in temp swings of 60 degrees F in two days. The snow and cold isn't as bad as people make it out to be, it's just the abrupt change to it that throws people off. Case in point, Thanksgiving had a little bit of snow on the ground and was quite mild, three days later was a weird day that was almost 50F, three days after that was the first day below 0, and then it warmed up again to dump record snow amounts in the span of two weeks. Supposedly going to rain on Thursday and Friday, but with overnight lows in the 20's. Basically, the campus will be a really big ice rink![/QUOTE]

I used to live up by the campus, and now live in south-central WI, so I kind of have experience. Everyone I talk to always gives me the snow stuff....

I'm seriously super excited, and hope everything works out!!!
Got a Nook for Christmas and I am very happy. I have decided that the first thing I have bought and will read on it is the complete collections of Sherlock Holmes. Never got through the entire series and now seems as good a time as ever.
Finished Juliet, Naked by Nick Hornby. Really liked, probably my 2nd favorite of his books after High Fidelity (haven't read Slam--wasn't interested after reading the sample on Kindle).

Haven't decided what to read next. On that note, I got a Kindle 3 today after having passed my Kindle 2 on to my parents. Happy with the upgrade, the screen contrast is MUCH better and it's a good bit smaller and lighter while having the same size screen. Only cons are not having physical number keys anymore, and I liked the larger page turn buttons on the K2.
Just finished a Study in Scarlet and the plot was fantastic and it had that slow build I like. My only complaint was that it was concluded rather quickly and I would have enjoyed a little bit more in the description of Holmes and Watson area, but not a bad book on any accounts.

First thing I'm reading on the Kindle 3 I got for Christmas. Always looking for more quality fantasy to help the wait for Dance With Dragons and this isn't disappointing so far.
Not one person has posted here all year? Odd.

Anyway, I'm reading this

But it's pretty slow going and after about 150 pages in I'm tempted to just move on. Next in line is probably a :shudder: Star Trek book.
Got distracted from Sherlock and read a couple of other books instead.

Last Exile and Day by Day Armageddon and J.L. Bourne, both of which are the best zombie books I have ever read.

In Fifty Years We'll all be Chicks by Adam Corolla. This was okay, whiny but still funny. I would say if you like Adam Corolla from Love Line to pick it up and read it. Basically a written version of his rants from back then.
The second book in the ST: Destiny Trilology. It's not that bad, aisde from the fact that the author feels I need to be reminded that Piccard is still haunted by the borg every 30 pages.

Finished To Light a Candle by Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory. Am currently reading The 5000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen.
A People's History of the United States, by Howard Zinn. Just finished The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. Before that I read Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky.

I'm not bragging either, I'm just a smart motherfucker.
Just finished the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I'm not much for mystery but picked it up from all the buzz it was getting. I don't really think I liked it, but on the other hand, I couldn't really put it down. Can't quite put my finger on why. That being said, should I go for the other two books in the trilogy?
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Just finished the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I'm not much for mystery but picked it up from all the buzz it was getting. I don't really think I liked it, but on the other hand, I couldn't really put it down. Can't quite put my finger on why. That being said, should I go for the other two books in the trilogy?[/QUOTE]

Usually a bunch of buzz is reason to stay away from the book. I would dread reading ths book in public and then having someone come up to me saying "oh, I read this too.."
[quote name='eldergamer']Usually a bunch of buzz is reason to stay away from the book. I would dread reading ths book in public and then having someone come up to me saying "oh, I read this too.."[/QUOTE]

Well I'm not an elitist that thinks it's cool to hate what other people like just based on the fact that other people like it.
Another benefit to e-readers like the Kindle--people can't tell what you're reading in public.

I'd definitely read the other two if you liked the first at all. The 2nd one is best IMO. I loved the series--don't give a shit if it's popular. It was a damn entertaining read after the first 30% or so of the first book which is a bit slow.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Well I'm not an elitist that thinks it's cool to hate what other people like just based on the fact that other people like it.[/QUOTE]

I'm not trying to be elitist, just isolationist.
Well, if you're truly an isolationist, you wouldn't be reading in public in the first place. :D

Again, e-readers are great--though you still get bugged sometimes by people asking questions about them. But I don't get asked nearly as much as I did a couple years ago on flights etc. when the Kindle was newer.
bread's done