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The City & The City by China Mieville

It was a little hard to get into at the beginning, but I'm enjoying it now that I have gotten far enough to have a better understanding of the world.
Neal Stephenson - The Diamond Age

Finally got around to finishing it and what do you know, another unsatisfying Stephenson ending. Oh well.

Now it's on to The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss. Been looking forward to this one since I finished The Name of The Wind last year.
[quote name='Cantatus']The City & The City by China Mieville

It was a little hard to get into at the beginning, but I'm enjoying it now that I have gotten far enough to have a better understanding of the world.[/QUOTE]

I read The Kraken last year by China Mieville and really enjoyed it. I should dig in to more of his stuff.
This. Probably about the 4th or 5th Ross MacDonald/Lew Archer novel I've read. They're all good if you like cynical detective tracking down missing girls. Although the investigation is all "What was his name? Okay I'll go talk to them." Which leads to a new person, and repeat.
Just finished reading Ender's Game, it was phenomenal. I'm kind of confused where to go now, should I read all of Enders Saga and then move onto Shadows Series or vice versa?
[quote name='gbpackers94']Just finished reading Ender's Game, it was phenomenal. I'm kind of confused where to go now, should I read all of Enders Saga and then move onto Shadows Series or vice versa?[/QUOTE]

I think Ender's Saga sucked horribly and would skip it if I were you. If you wanted a book that was any more different than Ender's Game, then read Speaker for the Dead. If you want more Ender's Game goodness then just move on to the Shadow's Series, which is great as well.
Finished A Feast for Crows. Not nearly as good as the first 3 books. Not a fan of the new point of views since the series already had a bit too many POVs to keep track of. Still a very good series though, and have the 4th book preordered on Kindle already--as much as I hate paying $14.99 for an e-book.

Started up:


A little skeptical as I thought the movie looked terrible. But the book came highly recommended by a couple of friends who assure it's not a sappy romance etc. Plus it was on $4.17. Read the prologue and first two chapters, and I'm enjoying it so far.
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[quote name='dmaul1114']A little skeptical as I thought the movie looked terrible. But the book came highly recommended by a couple of friends who assure it's not a sappy romance etc. Plus it was on $4.17. Read the prologue and first two chapters, and I'm enjoying it so far.[/QUOTE]

I read that, very very good. Not a romance at all really.
Yeah, I might have to spring for George's book on Kindle. Otherwise I'd have to wait a while to read it, I probably won't get a hardcover. Would rather read a library copy or something.

Kinda pissed they changed the paperback designs again. They put out a nice matching set, then change it again. ::rolls eyes::
finished another Lou Archer novel by Ross MacDonald.

Started and finished Sourcery by Terry Pratchet in one slow night at work.
Is the kindle worth it?

I have been playing with the idea for some time and the price feels right but I need functionally sound newpaper support. How does it handle newspaper subscription services?
[quote name='BannedEpisode']Is the kindle worth it?

I have been playing with the idea for some time and the price feels right but I need functionally sound newpaper support. How does it handle newspaper subscription services?[/QUOTE]

I love my Kindle for reading novels. I've not tried the newspaper stuff though--I read those on my iPad.

People say the Kindle is fine for Newspapers as long as you don't mind a simple format--i.e. list of headline links to scroll through and click on to go to the story, no color photos etc.
I forget if I posted but I finished Dead Space Martyr. I consider myself fairly well read on the series fiction but most of the book covers lots of interesting bits of the lead up to the disaster. It also characterizes the insanity of people really well as it switches between viewpoints. Highly recommended if you have any remote interest in the Dead Space saga.
Started reading this last night. First book of his that I've read. I'd pick up more in this universe. Seems like standard military sci-fi so far though. (Which I usually don't care for. Weber, Ringo, Stirling, et al)
Finally finished A Wise Man's Fear. Just as compelling and beautifully written as the Name of the Wind but it left me with more questions than answers. IMO there is too much story left to be told to fit in one last book.
Just started it last night. Never read anything by Haruki Murakami before but I've been told multiple times that I need to so here I go.

[quote name='gbpackers94']Just started Fight Club.[/QUOTE]

Apparently you haven't been reading since 1994 when you were encouraging the packers to go?!

Water For Elephants is better than I thought it would be. I've got about 80 pages left to go. After that I'm looking at some Christopher Moore stuff to make me giggle like an idiot while secretly reading at work.
Reading The Drawing of the Three right now. Awesome book so far, you really just get lost in the whole world. I would deffinatley recommended the dark tower series for anybody who likes western movies/epic quests that are epic.
I'll be interesting to hear your thoughts after reading the whole thing. I loved the first 3 books in the Dark Tower series, liked book 4 ok, but thought the series mostly stunk after that point.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I'll be interesting to hear your thoughts after reading the whole thing. I loved the first 3 books in the Dark Tower series, liked book 4 ok, but thought the series mostly stunk after that point.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that's what I've seen from Amazon reviews... Well I might just read the first four than. Any other similar books you can recommended?
Yeah, I did like the ending. Just multiple things I didn't like after book 3.

Book 4 was a good read, but spent way too much time on the flashback section as none of that back story stuff was essential enough to need that many pages.

The Wolves bit was similarly way too long. No need to spend so much time in that village when it was inconsequential to the main plot. What the wolves were protecting/using captives for was important I suppose, but way too many pages in that book before they get to that.

I hated how King wrote himself into the story, and in general didn't care much about all the fan service with characters from other books popping up etc.

At the end of the day the whole series is really a fan service for die hard King fans IMO, and I've never been big on him so it just wasn't my cup of tea. The core store is solid, but too long a read because of all the meandering and largely pointless stuff outlined above IMO.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, I did like the ending. Just multiple things I didn't like after book 3.

Book 4 was a good read, but spent way too much time on the flashback section as none of that back story stuff was essential enough to need that many pages.

The Wolves bit was similarly way too long. No need to spend so much time in that village when it was inconsequential to the main plot. What the wolves were protecting/using captives for was important I suppose, but way too many pages in that book before they get to that.

I hated how King wrote himself into the story, and in general didn't care much about all the fan service with characters from other books popping up etc.

At the end of the day the whole series is really a fan service for die hard King fans IMO, and I've never been big on him so it just wasn't my cup of tea. The core store is solid, but too long a read because of all the meandering and largely pointless stuff outlined above IMO.

Point #3 is my issue with the books. I've read all of his books so the second part of your third point was silly but I followed it. I'm sure folks who only read DT were confused as hell
Reading the second book in this series. It's good and doesnt follow the same progression as the first (as much). There's a little bit too much "Now how will I get out of this impossible situation!" narration from the MC though.

[quote name='JMEPO']Reading The Drawing of the Three right now. Awesome book so far, you really just get lost in the whole world. I would deffinatley recommended the dark tower series for anybody who likes western movies/epic quests that are epic.[/QUOTE]
Currently reading Tunnel in the Sky.
[quote name='bobo2k4']About to start reading The Hunger Games. Heard nothing but good reviews on it.[/QUOTE]

I think they get progressively worse, but still a great series and the first book is awesome.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I think they get progressively worse, but still a great series and the first book is awesome.[/QUOTE]

The second book was useless. The third had way to much melodrama. Still I agree there are worse things to read.
[quote name='cindersphere']Currently reading Tunnel in the Sky.[/QUOTE]

No sure if ther's another book by that title but is it by heinlein? LOVED that book.
[quote name='5of9']No sure if ther's another book by that title but is it by heinlein? LOVED that book.[/QUOTE]
Indeed it is. In my opinion superior to Lord of the Flies in every way.
[quote name='gbpackers94']I started A Game of Thrones last night. I hope it lives up to the hype.[/QUOTE]

It does. Your jaw will probably be on the floor by book 3. You'll either like or loathe book 4, and have the luxury of the 5th book being in stores by the time you get that far...unlike the rest of us who have waited like half a decade.
Started reading The Hobbit again, haven't read it in about 10 years.
I think I might try The Silmarillion again after I finish reading this, it's been a long time since I tried to read that. Maybe I'll be able to finish it this time since I know a lot more about Tolkien lore than I did before so it won't be so foreign.
bread's done