What are you doing/what are you cutting back on to save money these days?


This certainly dovetails into my other (more depressing)thread.

Anyway, we've done this before, but times are rough right now. What extreme measures - new ideas/tried and true classics/ have you CAG's been employing to save your monies. Let's get creative here. Estimate what you're saving if you please.

  • I dropped Netflix and use hulu.com now. I don't have much time for TV anyway, so I just watch a few series here and there and I don't mind the super short ads. My housemate has Netflix, and I find she tends to rent the big blockbusters, so I just watch them with her :) ($15/mo)
The biggest single change I made as of late was:

I started bringing in lunch every day, usually leftovers from dinner the night before. I was spending about $25/week on lunch and I've cut it back to ~$10/week which is usually 1 lunch and some coffee or 2 lunches. If you save $15/week for 52 weeks = $780
I don't drive unless I absolutely have to. If I know I have to go to a bunch of places I plan a route where I get it done all in one shot or the days I know I have to drive or go some where far.
I'm not cutting back on a single thing personally.

I do eat out a lot less, but that's more for health reasons than money reasons right now.

Edit: One thing is, is that I only buy games that I absolutely want and are under $15. I've got too much of a backlog to play.
I don't spend any money on anything before selling something on eBay to cover the cost. Other than that, I stopped ordering out which saves about $100/week. I really want to buy a new house but in order to upgrade from my current one I'm going to have to spend a lot more (or move somewhere cheaper but still drivable to work).

As far as luxuries go, I haven't gotten rid of anything though I am contemplating canceling my premium cable package (I get pretty much every channel) and only getting HBO. I think that's like $15/month. I'd also love to get rid of my cell phone ($40/month) because I NEVER use it but the wife says I have to have one for emergencies. I could get rid of US Weekly and Entertainment Weekly but I look forward to them and they really aren't that much per year. I don't buy CDs and I rarely, if ever, buy DVDs. The only other expenses I typically incur are for video games and arcade parts but I'm doing the whole eBay thing for that stuff now...
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I don't have cable, so that saves a bunch. I pack a lunch everyday that I can. I also sell shit when I want something. I'm saving up to buy my wife a camera, for example.
I honestly have little excess spending as it is. The only luxury I have is the internet and cable. I currently don't have a girlfriend (or want one for that matter). My truck is almost paid off so that will free up $300 a month in a few months that I can put into savings. My credit card debt is coming down. I always use coupons when I can find them. I shop at the dollar store whenever possible. I only buy clothes on sale.

I enrolled in Keep the Change at BoA. At the end of the year they match up to $250 dollars. I switched savings accounts to one with a higher yield. I save all my loose change and take it to a change counter at the credit union every month and deposit it into my savings account there. The change counter there is free if you are a member.

That's all I can think of at the moment.
I haven't really cut back as my job situation is stable, and I have a better job that I start in August.

But if I had to cut back the first things that would go would be:

Eat out less
Drink less both at home/parties and bars (especially since I'm a beer snob and drink pricey beer)
Cable TV (need to keep broadband since I work from home a lot though)
Gym Membership (can cancel with new penalty and could use the gym at my university for free)
Blurays/DVDs/CDs (already cut way back from past years on the first two since I realized I seldom watch any of the 300+ movies I own and mainly watch stuff from Netflix
Games--already hardly buy any and just use Goozex.
I'm eating out a lot less, definitely. I've actually made it a rule that I will eat out, but only if I'm invited by friends since we're all similarly trying to cut corners.

Instead of renting movies locally, I've started using Netflix. I'm trying to cut down on buying console & PC games, too, but that isn't such a hard thing when I have a decent backlog.

I'm considering moving out of my 2 bedroom apt and getting a 1 bedroom when my lease is up in August, but I can't quite bring myself to do it. I enjoy the space, but the room costs an extra $60 a month to keep.

On top of that, I buy my own booze and I've slowed down my social drinking a lot. I've only been going to bars during ladies' nights with my girlfriend, which is a free pitcher once a week.
I ditched my cable and am on internet only.

I get a foot long subway sandwich every day for 5 bucks and eat half for lunch, half for dinner. In addition to buying fruit, milk, and whole grain cereal, I find its the best way to get a varied nutritional diet for a single person. I'm slowing down soda intake and taking in more water.

I haven't paid over 40 for a new game since I bought oblivion CE back in 07.
Well, these are some things that I have been doing for a while.

Buying generic / sale / bulk items at grocery store.

When buying gamer stuff, I pay no more that 15-20 in cash and no more than once a month. I use trade in / gift card credits for everything else.

Packing my lunch for work. There is not even a fast food place near my work, so it saves like almost $10 a day.

Limiting our eating dinner out / takeout to once a week.

I do not buy anything for myself unless I absolutly need it. (pants are ripped, shoes have holes, ect....)

Signed up for Blockbuster online so we have set entertainment budget.

Things I have started doing in last year - because things are just getting worse

I have not bought any replacement clothes / coats / clothing in well over a year.

Limiting our eating dinner out only 1 or 2 times a month.

ONLY buying generic (the wife and kids are not too thrilled about that) / sale / bulk at grocery (Sam's Club is my friend).

Always packing my lunch for work. (If I forget, then I don't eat lunch)

ONLY taking mass transit to work. Sure, it takes me over an hour and a half to get to work and another 1.5 hours to get home, but I am saving over $150 in gas and parking a month even after I buy my transit pass.

And now the worst.... I am moving again. Moving to a smaller place and saving over $200 a month in rent alone. (I hate moving)
I'm not cutting back on anything, since I already lived on a tight budget and there really isn't anything for me to cut out. I don't drink coffee or eat out much. I already take the bus to and from school which is free for all student.
Eat out a lot less. Kicked my $15 a week Starbucks habit with the help of my Keurig. Tried to cut cable, but the wife wouldn't have it. Going through my backlog ebaying/craigslisting/goozexing the games when I beat them. Only buying "new" games with cash or trade from those sales.
paying strippers in coupons and loose change. you get dirty looks but im sure they appreciate it when they go grocery shopping the next day for their kids.
Less Games, more trade ins/rentals. Also I try to finish all games completely before getting something new.
Buy a bit less food, DVD's (UGH! Friday the 13th DVD's mock me), less going out and games I don't splurge on as much now (except for Street Fighter IV CE).
I get a 20% discount on Verizon through my employer (Walgreens) and have the cheapest monthly plan they have. This saves about $10 a month so $120 a year.

Haven't bought any new games since Rock Band 2, and Metal Gear Solid 4 before that. Grand Theft Auto IV was the only other game I bought close to retail in 2008. Everything else I've bought used off people here or other places online. I have plenty of backlog to play and I'm getting into those games now.

I probably should cut out cable, this would save approx. $60 a month. I definitely don't get $60 worth of entertainment out of it per month, especially during school. I've only kept it for the HD channels but that is kinda wearing off on me. I wish I could just get cable for the summer months and cancel the rest of the year.

I work out at a small gym chain that is only $10 a month. It happens to be the closest to my house as well. I could work out at school for free but its about 20 miles away so the cost of gas and time wouldn't be worth it. The next cheapest gym around is $35/month.

I buy my essentials when they are on sale at Walgreen's and use my 15-20% employee discount combined with coupons in the Sunday paper to get stuff practically free. I don't think I have paid actual money for soap, toothpaste, deodorant, or shampoo in well over a year.

I have a year coming up where I will have to do rotations for school. So I will be paying full tuition and not being able to work for pay for about a year. I'm frugal now, but if you want to see a true cheapass then wait to see what happens that year. The bright side is I will be a pharmacist like a month after that and making great money, will never have homework again, and can finally get back to gaming on a regular basis.
[quote name='lionheart4life']
I wish I could just get cable for the summer months and cancel the rest of the year.

Why can't you? Cable usually doesn't have contracts. You could cancel now, start it back up when the semester is done and cancel again when school starts back.

But you'd have to ask yourself if it's worth it in the summer. Not many new shoes on. Not much sports since football and basketball are done (well NBA doesn't end until June).

So I've been more tempted to have it during fall and spring for college football/basketball and the network shows in HD (OTA doesn't come in well in my apartment) and ditch in the summer when I watch less since I spend more time traveling and doing out door stuff and there's not much on to watch anyway.
I'm buying less games and even trading in more games, than I normally would. It sucks, but it's what I have to do. This will be the first Q1 in a long time I will not be able to purchase all the games I want, one reason I'm REALLY trying to push getting a job.
[quote name='Kayden']I kill the prostitute after I'm finished, but the basement is starting to get full...[/quote]
If you warm the body back up in the oven you can keep re-using the same one.
I too pack my lunch everyday. I usually "treat" myself on like Fridays and eat out. That's usually around $8 or $9..so that's not too bad. I think I might skip it this week and just do it every other Friday.

I really haven't bought any games this year. :whistle2:k I don't think so, at least.
Def waiting for better price drops/deals.. OR.. selling stuff on CAG/Half.com/eBay to cover costs.

That's pretty much it. Luckily my BF and I are stable in our jobs and nothing has changed, luckily.
I'm just being pickier with what games I buy lately, sticking to the backlog as much as I can - don't need to have a new game to play every day. Haven't really bought any movies. I used to drive home for lunch every day, but our office moved farther away so I pack - probably a break even with longer commute, but only one of 'em.

Once hockey season is over, I'll be cancelling my $5 sports package for cable, never watch the damn thing.

Hopefully we start getting some revenue at work again so my salary can go back up and any financial concerns go away. Or I'll be getting a new job, yuck.
After the third time, I have supper-- pre-marinated.

[quote name='cochesecochese']If you warm the body back up in the oven you can keep re-using the same one.[/quote]
Canceling Netflix and letting Gamefly and WoW run out, not buying water anymore and using a filter and canteens, sticking to water and tea, getting more things free, going places less often (not that there's anything to do around here in the first place), bicycling, trading/selling games to cover the cost of new ones, cooking the healthier equivalents of a lot of restaurant foods instead of just buying them, and futzing with the HVACs to use less electricity.

You'll have to kill me before I give up my milk ($8/gal) and cereal, though. >_>
Another thing I forgot to mention is that we go grocery shopping 3 weeks to a month at a time. The only things we buy inbetween are milk, eggs, cheese, and produce. It really saves a lot when you plan out your food for weeks at a time and buy shit that's on sale (especially meat) in bulk.
[quote name='lordwow']Another thing I forgot to mention is that we go grocery shopping 3 weeks to a month at a time. The only things we buy in between are milk, eggs, cheese, and produce. It really saves a lot when you plan out your food for weeks at a time and buy shit that's on sale (especially meat) in bulk.[/quote]

Buying in bulk is a great tip , but only if you have a place to store it or have friends/family that you can split it and the cost with.
[quote name='Scorch']I started playing games on my backlog instead of buying new ones.

..except Onechanbara and Street Fighter 4 :D[/QUOTE]

This. Just replace the bikini clad zombie slayers with RE5.

I'm working on my insane backlog, and despite my desire to buy a PS3 I probably won't buy one anytime soon since it looks like Sony won't drop the price, plus I really don't need one right now if I'm only going to be buying 2-3 games for it.

For food I rarely eat out much as it is, but I eat out even less now. We also buy cheap food more often these days (ramen)

Gas might be $2 here but I still treat it like It's $4. So I try to drive as little as I can.

Also we went cheap on XMas gifts and other gifts last year. We will do the same this year.

There isn't much more I can cut back on outside of food. I think $100 a month is the least I can deal with a month as "free money" but I've considered going to $50 a month here and there just to save even a bit more.

My car insurance is the lowest possible without taking off too many benefits. It's probably wise to keep as much coverage as I can in case the unthinkable happens.
[quote name='VioletArrows']You'll have to kill me before I give up my milk ($8/gal) and cereal, though. >_>[/quote]

You pay $8 a gallon for milk!? Please explain.
[quote name='VioletArrows']You'll have to kill me before I give up my milk ($8/gal) and cereal, though. >_>[/quote]

Holy shit! I thought 2 for $7.00 was expensive.
I do nothing to save money. I spend it till it's gone, then wait till I got some more to spend again. May not work for some of you, but for those of you who still live at home and go to school, it's one hell of a lifestyle. :D
[quote name='VioletArrows']You'll have to kill me before I give up my milk ($8/gal) and cereal, though. >_>[/QUOTE]

I pay $2 a gallon. Where the fuck do you buy your milk? :hot: It'd probably be cheaper for me to ship you milk from here.
[quote name='javeryh'] I'd also love to get rid of my cell phone ($40/month) [/quote]

Thats one thing im going to do once T-mobile $25 prepaid card deal is back....grab their prepaid phones for me and the wifey. Should cut celll bill down from $960 a year to prob $400ish with T-mobile.

-I 'suspended' emusic.com subscription for now.
-I'm listing things on ebay from my 'collection'. Mainly things they are going for a lot more they are worth to me (aka Persona 3 guide for $65)
I use Pandora.com constantly.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Thats one thing im going to do once T-mobile $25 prepaid card deal is back....grab their prepaid phones for me and the wifey. Should cut celll bill down from $960 a year to prob $400ish with T-mobile.

-I 'suspended' emusic.com subscription for now.
-I'm listing things on ebay from my 'collection'. Mainly things they are going for a lot more they are worth to me (aka Persona 3 guide for $65)[/quote]
It's funny, but I was just about to post something similar to this yesterday, but got held up doing other things.

I'm going to have to read through this thread, but being as I don't have much time at the moment, I'm going to have to pass on that.

Anyway, the quick answer since I'm short on time would have to be everything: driving, eating out, eating in, games, movies, you name it and I'm cutting back.
[quote name='VioletArrows']Canceling Netflix and letting Gamefly and WoW run out, not buying water anymore and using a filter and canteens, sticking to water and tea, getting more things free, going places less often (not that there's anything to do around here in the first place), bicycling, trading/selling games to cover the cost of new ones, cooking the healthier equivalents of a lot of restaurant foods instead of just buying them, and futzing with the HVACs to use less electricity.

You'll have to kill me before I give up my milk ($8/gal) and cereal, though. >_>[/quote]

How the hell do you have $8 gallon milk? drink soy milk or rice milk or one of the other substitutes that taste just as good and are cheaper. I don't even think milk is that expensive in Hawai'i. Maybe in siberia or something. Oh yeah, signing up to Netflix and WoW are two lifesavers for me and have dramatically cut my expenses. Think about, WoW is juts $15 a month, it's a great game with tons of new content all the time, and it's just $15 versus much more for new games, etc. I could go to the library, but I've seen most of the films at the library where I'm currently residing, so Netflix is a must, though for awhile I was surviving off of Hulu and Joost. Netflix keeps me sane.
I only go to High School right now but I always bring a packed lunch and just buy cheaper games or ones worth the value.
[quote name='Kayden']I use Pandora.com constantly.[/quote]

This is pretty sweet - but i need my mp3s for work, they bitch about streaming stuff.
Buy way less movies and games, bring lunch to work as much as possible. But we have good motivation as were trying to save money to buy a house while th market is down.
Have an iphone? Pandora works on that. :lol:
[quote name='Pookymeister']This is pretty sweet - but i need my mp3s for work, they bitch about streaming stuff.[/quote]
[quote name='Kayden']I kill the prostitute after I'm finished, but the basement is starting to get full...[/QUOTE]

You see, there's your mistake. You're letting it go to waste and then have a waste management problem. Have you looked into the markets for organs and long pig?
That's why I'm glad you still post. :lol:
You're so smart.
[quote name='epobirs']You see, there's your mistake. You're letting it go to waste and then have a waste management problem. Have you looked into the markets for organs and long pig?[/quote]
bread's done