What do u do that u think no one else does?

I dunno about being the only one to do this, but I love messing with peoples minds in general. Any chance I get, I do things that will affect their behavior without them knowing it. For example. While walking in a group of people, I'll hum a fast little tune and step a little harder on the ground to make a beat. One can effectively speed up or slow down walking traffic if you have enough time to do it. Another thing I love to do is whistle/hum well known songs for a few seconds and then watching it slowly spread to other people. Eventually, you got ton's of people humming crazy tunes like "We just figured out Blues Clues" and they won't know why. I dunno why I do it, just passive time passing I suppose.
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']

i brake for animals...i mean seriously, i dont think anyone else in my area does

i also use my blinker ALL of the time, which noone in my area seems to do

i always take the second one of everything, never the first....second game on the shelf, second shirt in the mall, second bag of chips in the grocery store...etc

I do all that... hehe :)

Whenever I go to McDonald's (and only McDonald's), I would take a large stack of napkins, use 2 for my meal, and keep the rest of the stack. I would then fold each napkin in half, and then do a 60&120 degree fold to make a 60 degree corner, and then play with the corner with my thumb or sometimes my chin. I doubt anybody do that...

[quote name='The Successful Dropout']i also use my blinker ALL of the time, which noone in my area seems to do

Its funny. I feel like the only person in Northern California that uses a turn signal.

Another thing I do:
Sometimes I give a person who I dislike the middle finger when he or she turns around and walks away from me.
[quote name='Xevious']Its funny. I feel like the only person in Northern California that uses a turn signal.

Another thing I do:
Sometimes I give a person who I dislike the middle finger when he or she turns around and walks away from me.[/QUOTE]

I almost got my ass kicked today by two people by doing that and calling them a fag at the same time. kinda funny story actually but I won't get into that...
[quote name='Renegade_Zero']I almost got my ass kicked today by two people by doing that and calling them a fag at the same time. kinda funny story actually but I won't get into that...[/QUOTE]

You see -- I dont say anything. I just flip them the bird. They never know that I flipped them off. Its sort of an empowerment thing for me.

BTW- Sorry to hear that you got in a (near) scuffle.
I don't kill wasps, bees, spiders, etc that I find in my apartment. I trap them in a plastic tub that I keep handy and let them go outside.

I refuse to copy any games, dvds, cds or computer software for myself, but I have no problem copying anything for someone else.
[quote name='bfg9k']I don't kill wasps, bees, spiders, etc that I find in my apartment. I trap them in a plastic tub that I keep handy and let them go outside.

I do that, hell I do that with fruit flies, ants and mosquitos to. I just think it's wrong to kill things, and try not to. Besides, I hate the idea of getting bug innards on me or my clothing. Though I use whatever is nearby to trap them, usually a cup or one of those clear 50 pack cd-r covers.

though, as for things I've never heard anyone do, sometimes I use a hair dryer as a sort of cheap massage. It feels good blowing over your body, and sometimes I'll just rest it on something and lie down while it blows on my back. When I had an apartment (up until a few weeks ago) I used to do that alot, and I didn't think anyone heard it. It was one of those house apartments, I had the top floor, a mid 30 year old woman had the 1st floor, and some mid 30 year old guy had a one room converted basement, the guy scared me frankly. Well one day the woman downstairs came up to use my phone (hers was having problems), and saw a hair dryer plugged in and asked why it was on so much, sometimes for hours (not in a nasty way or anything, just out of curiosity). I made up some dumb excuse cause it was kinda embarrassing (I think I said to warm up the bathroom so it wasn't cold when I got out of the shower, which I actually did do sometimes).
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']i never eat the last bite of a sandwich

i check cag almost every damn time i get up for anything (my comps by my bed)

i play my gbasp while watching dvds

i read magazines while driving

i take my shirt off if im taking a shit and if i know im going to be a while, the pants too

my stepfather takes a shit probably 5 times a day and lasts easily an hour each time, whether he's really taking a shit or not, i dunno...but if he's in there too long and i have to use the bathroom, ill grab some tp and put some trash bags in my trash can and take a shit in the bag in my trash can....then ill throw out the trash bag right away (of course)....dont worry, i use the laundry room sink

if i wake up in the middle of the night and im too tired to go upstairs, ill piss in a bottle

i brake for animals...i mean seriously, i dont think anyone else in my area does

i also use my blinker ALL of the time, which noone in my area seems to do

i always take the second one of everything, never the first....second game on the shelf, second shirt in the mall, second bag of chips in the grocery store...etc

speaking of chips, i cant eat chips out of a bag after ANYBODY

i feel sorry for harmless insects or reptiles and if noone is looking, ill help them across the sidewalk or street...but if its a spider or a moth, say "goodnight"[/QUOTE]

Dude you fucking shit in a Trash Bag and piss in bottles but your cant eat chips out of a bag after ANYBODY ?

Dude your fucked up bro real fucked up !
This thread has taught me that we at CAG are a bonafide treasure trove of human complexities and epiphanies. Indeed, we represent the zenith of our shared intellectual culture that spans thousands of years.

Yessir, mankind at its finest...

Only on an online gaming website devoted to finding electronic entertainment at its cheapest will you find: Asspickers, OCD crazies, neat freaks and among various other oddities, a trashbag shittin' buddhist!

[quote name='MR ZOOTEMO']Dude you fucking shit in a Trash Bag and piss in bottles but your cant eat chips out of a bag after ANYBODY ?

Dude your fucked up bro real fucked up ![/QUOTE]

:lol: thank you for the wonderful compliments....i dont really feel the need to explain myself, its not like those things are that incredibly nasty and its not like they happen frequently....this thread is about things that i dont think anyone else does, so i named some.....shitting in trash bags (not a trash bag) that is in a trash can and using toilet paper and washing my hands afterwards...then disposing of the trash can and rewashing my hands isn't really that nasty....and pissing in a bottle? im not sure that's so nasty either....its not an open bottle, it would be like a 2 liter bottle of soda or a jug of milk/tea.....and eating chips out of a bag after anybody? some people are just nasty....my step-father for instance never washes his hands after using the bathroom...how do i know? as soon as the toilet flushes, he opens the door without any noise from the sink or time to use the sink....than you have guys who scratch their balls, pick their nose and pop their zits without thinking twice about washing their hands....do i really want to eat after them?

thanks...you dumb bastard

[quote name='Xevious']Its funny. I feel like the only person in Northern California that uses a turn signal.

Another thing I do:
Sometimes I give a person who I dislike the middle finger when he or she turns around and walks away from me.[/QUOTE]

i do that same thing all of the time :lol: ive been caught a few times, but nothing ever came of it besides a dirty look and/or a flip back

theres just some kind of pleasure that comes from getting it out of my system
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']:lol: thank you for the wonderful compliments....i dont really feel the need to explain myself, its not like those things are that incredibly nasty and its not like they happen frequently....this thread is about things that i dont think anyone else does, so i named some.....shitting in trash bags (not a trash bag) that is in a trash can and using toilet paper and washing my hands afterwards...then disposing of the trash can and rewashing my hands isn't really that nasty....and pissing in a bottle? im not sure that's so nasty either....its not an open bottle, it would be like a 2 liter bottle of soda or a jug of milk/tea.....and eating chips out of a bag after anybody? some people are just nasty....my step-father for instance never washes his hands after using the bathroom...how do i know? as soon as the toilet flushes, he opens the door without any noise from the sink or time to use the sink....than you have guys who scratch their balls, pick their nose and pop their zits without thinking twice about washing their hands....do i really want to eat after them?

thanks...you dumb bastard


I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this but shitting in a trash bag or trash bags is fucking nasty plain and simple it doesn't matter if you wash your hand 10 times after you still crapped in a trash can . Also WTF is you obsession with your step-father bathroom habits ?
[quote name='MR ZOOTEMO']I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this but shitting in a trash bag or trash bags is fucking nasty plain and simple it doesn't matter if you wash your hand 10 times after you still crapped in a trash can . Also WTF is you obsession with your step-father bathroom habits ?[/QUOTE]

you're either one of my friends fucking with me, a dick that posts on here regularly and doesn't like me on their other username, or just some asshole noob

how do i have an obsession with his bathroom habits? you dumb fuck...i said two things, he's in there all the time and he doesn't wash his hands when he's done....how the fuck does someone not notice when someone else is in the bathroom for an hour at a time and 6 times a day? when their is only one bathroom in the house, that tends to create problems....and when he's in there that long, of course you're going to be waiting for him to get out from time to time and once in a while, you just can't hold it....im sure that's never happened to you before, macho bowels...also, when you're waiting for him to get out from time to time, I'm sure you'd notice the toilet flushing and him just jetting out of there....so stfu, kingofgames or whoever your other name is

ps: it's a little funny how you think this is the nastiest thing in the world, yet you haven't responded to guy who's supposed friend has a supposed roommate who he walked in on while he was masturbating and ramming a vanity mirror in and out of his ass....i guess you must think that's normal :whistle2:#
[quote name='Moxio']Haha I do that too. Usually I eat what I think is "worst" and save the best part for last. I.E. eating honeydew first and maybe grapes last.[/QUOTE]

Food bejeweled!
"ps: it's a little funny how you think this is the nastiest thing in the world, yet you haven't responded to guy who's supposed friend has a supposed roommate who he walked in on while he was masturbating and ramming a vanity mirror in and out of his ass....i guess you must think that's normal "

[quote name='bfg9k']I don't kill wasps, bees, spiders, etc that I find in my apartment. I trap them in a plastic tub that I keep handy and let them go outside.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for being a decent person.

Like I tell my co-workers: you invited the insects inside by leaving food for them. You have no right to kill them. If you don't want them here just stop feeding them.
i drive with my right hand and shift gears with my left
i dont take the first of anything either, usually in the middle
after i try on clothes i'm going to buy, i dont buy them but i get a new pair instead
when i eat a hamburger i eat all aroound the part with the pickle and then i eat the pickle part last, also if it has no pickles i like to eat the outside before the inside
i hate letting ppl borrow things, but i'm too nice to say no
i use tabasco to eat almost everything
i take sauce from fast foood places and save it to use later, like taco bell/del taco hot sauce, ketchup and bbq sauces from burger places
i wash my hands everytime i come home
i dont like playing games much without someone next to me or playing with me
i have a lot of dvd movies but never watched any unless i'm with my gf
[quote name='eldad9']Thank you for being a decent person.

Like I tell my co-workers: you invited the insects inside by leaving food for them. You have no right to kill them. If you don't want them here just stop feeding them.[/QUOTE]

They tacitly ceaded thier right to life by infringing upon my space.
As there is no moral code or law infringing upon my right to deal with them as I see fit, sentence is carried out swiftly and as painlessly as possible.
[quote name='MR ZOOTEMO']I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this but shitting in a trash bag or trash bags is fucking nasty plain and simple it doesn't matter if you wash your hand 10 times after you still crapped in a trash can . Also WTF is you obsession with your step-father bathroom habits ?[/QUOTE]

S. Dropout is the #1 provider of deals in all of CAG. Who cares what he does in his spare time. He's the man
[quote name='Xevious']S. Dropout is the #1 provider of deals in all of CAG. Who cares what he does in his spare time. He's the man[/QUOTE]

agreed, if shitting in bags is his deal then who am i to judge? SD is good peoples in my book.
Some more from me ...

I check the mailbox everytime I walk from my car to the house, even If I've already gotten it for the day. Even if it's Sunday.

I go upstairs and close the doors on the laundry room and make sure all the chairs are pushed in on the dining room table and then I go back to my room.

I won't just turn off a cd/radio, I wait until a break in the song (end of a verse/chorus).

I divide my clothing up by type and color on the shelves/rack.
This thread rules!

--I've pissed in bottles before in various places-- mostly in bedrooms and bad traffic jams. When you gotta go, you gotta go.

--sometimes when I play action or fighting games, I like to try to do things in rhythm with the music. like if I'm playing contra, I'll shoot the gun so it sounds like the downbeat. I go out of my way to do this and for some reason, it runs people crazy :lol:

--If there's whipped cream on a piece of pie, I eat the pie first and the cream last

--with soft baked cookies, I eat the edges, then the chewy middle!

--I eat grapefruit like an orange

Weird things i've seen other people do--

--develop a nasty tums addiction

--sleep during the day, wake up around 5pm, snort Ritalin, adderall or coke, do homework, turn it in around 3am, ditch class, sleep, repeat
I have to step on each step/stepping stone/sidewalk slab EXACTLY the same amount of times as the rest, usually one but two for large sidewalk slabs.
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']I read good books. Aside from EvilMrEgg, I don't know many other people who do ;-)[/QUOTE]

I'd like to think I do, but I don't read as much as I used to.

When I go to restaurants I don't like having my back to the crowd.
You're all fucking insane....

As well am I ;-)

I walk around naked 24-7 unless I need to go somewhere.

I always have a door or window open, even when its like 20 degrees out.

I can't be comfortable without a blanket, clothed or naked, winter or summer. If I'm sitting or laying down, I want a blanket.

In social situations when I get bored I hit on whoevers closest to me. Its especially funny when its a guy.

I have no qualms with taking my pants off infront of anyone.

I feel perfectly comfortable wearing a pink shirt in public.

I refuse to wipe sitting down... The first time I tried my hand hit the water and I couldn't do it again.

9/10 times, I flush before and after taking a dump. I don't like the thought of funky water touching my ass.

I hate taking a crap in public. If I'm at work I use the same stall everytime.

That should be a decent start...

Oh yea... Whenever I'm in a public area walking towards just one person, I always look at my watch (A hallway etc, not a mall or large gathering). I couldn't tell you what time it was, I just don't want people to think I'm staring at them, so I intentionally focus on my watch...
I used to piss in bottles when I worked in a garage doing stuff on cars in the middle of winter in Wisconsin. I sure as hell aint gonna track more snow in the house then I needed to.

I keep all my shopping bags and throw them into one huge plastic bag and throw it in my closet.

When I was little If I ever got a small GI Joe I would put all the weapons into a small zip lock bag so they wouldnt get lost. And If I did lose a piece to one figure I would throw away the figure and the other piece that came with it.

If I ever get a scratch on like....a PDA, GameBoy, Watch or something, I'll stop using and wait to get another one.

I clean out my controllers like crazy when people get done using them. I used to have a thing that drove me nuts when I would lend out my N64 controllers and to get them back with that white powder stuff where the joystick is.

And I clean out my PC case about once a week, living in AZ there is a lot of dust and shit, so everything has to be clean so nothing breaks or get ruined.

Other then that I think Im normal......
And I clean out my PC case about once a week, living in AZ there is a lot of dust and shit, so everything has to be clean so nothing breaks or get ruined.

I hear that, I lost 2 PS2s to that state. glad I had EB insurance
[quote name='Kayden']You're all fucking insane....

Oh yea... Whenever I'm in a public area walking towards just one person, I always look at my watch (A hallway etc, not a mall or large gathering). I couldn't tell you what time it was, I just don't want people to think I'm staring at them, so I intentionally focus on my watch...[/QUOTE]

I do the same thing....i'll look at my wallet, phone, whatever im holding, etc....i know it's stupid....but i just feel weird approaching people 50 ft away and staring at them the whole way....

and to whoever posted about turning a straw inside out (im too lazy to look through the thread to find out, plus my gf is waiting for me to watch chappelle's show s2)....i picked an extra straw up today from starbucks (mint chocolate chip frap...mmm) and i have no idea how the hell to turn this damn thing inside out, so im just chewing on it :lol:

by the way...thanks otm and xevious :lol: im blushing :oops:
I eat things like grapes in multiples of 6. I hate stepping on sidewalk cracks. If I turn around one way, I have to turn back the other way to return to my original position. It's kind of hard to explain. I eat crust first, then the middle.
If I look at my watch and its 11:11, or 3:33 or so on...I have to write it down with the time, date and what Mood I was in.

If I tell a girl "I love you" I bite my lip very hard.

Everytime I see Chewbacca I have to make a chewy growl... 'GRAAAH!"

When I'm fuckING a girl bare back and were doing it doggy style and she's screaming and squirming to get away I scream "Surprise!!!" so it doesnt feel like rape.

When ever I think of Jesus, I think of "Penis" - My mother says thats bad and I have to stroke my penis 13 times saying "You are not my Jesus" with every stroke. I still do it to this day...

Whenever I crap, I pretend I'm giving birth to a cheese log with nuts on top.

When I talk to kids at the local pre-school I give them dum dums lollipops....but NOT Root Beer!! Root beer is for adults!! Oya, I have to do it in a trenchcoat, naked.

Whenever I'm on Xbox live, I talk to teammates getting them to say key things...then I record them, remix them and jerk off to them with the remixed sayings...nothing like having a Halo 2 Clan-mate saying..."I wanna take off my Mark IV armor and ride you like a donkey" while you Jerk off looking out your window at the kids across the street playing dodgeball....

Sometimes, whenever I see stupid topics about people's personal lives on a Gaming Forum...I make up crazy ass shit to make me look like the most fucked up person here when in real life I'm completely normal... Or am I?
[quote name='Sleepkyng']this thread is awesome!

i dont think i've got any wierd habits... DAMN![/QUOTE]

thanks man
[quote name='smalien1']I studied for a math test once in freshman year[/QUOTE]

dude u crazy dont ever tell me that again
[quote name='Legolas813']I eat things like grapes in multiples of 6. I hate stepping on sidewalk cracks. If I turn around one way, I have to turn back the other way to return to my original position. It's kind of hard to explain. I eat crust first, then the middle.[/QUOTE]

dude i hate stepping on cracks on sidewalks too man
More for me-

I always keep a bottle of water by my monitor.

Whenever changing clothes, I will stand in front of the fan to get some breeze.

I enjoy doing weird styles with my hair (I.E. parting in weird ways, etc.) when I'm bored.

When walking on the sidewalk, I always try to position my stride so I will step on the dividers on the sidewalk.
[quote name='Moxio']When walking on the sidewalk, I always try to position my stride so I will step on the dividers on the sidewalk.[/QUOTE]

I do that. Also if I'm walking with a group I'll try to synchronize my steps with someone elses.

EDIT: And of course every night I have to leave with an acceptable post count. Usually this means /5 or /10, though there are exceptions.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I don't really know if this is common or not, but when I prepare food I get everying thing I need out at once and then put it away as I use it. Everything's clean and neat and in it's place before I start eating. I don't know anyone else who does that but most of the people I know are slobs. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I do this. I also clean my dishes as I go and when I'm done eating, I wash whatever is remaining and put them away. For this reason, I generally have no need for a dishwasher.

I also wash my hands before using my computer or videogames (besides the million times a day I already wash my hands). And no one is allowed to play my games without washing. I don't lend my games out anymore either.

I always use my blinker, and well ahead of time. I come to a full stop at stop signs. I don't speed (except maybe on my bicycle - it's funny when you pass cars on your bike:whistle2:# ).

I also take my game cases out of the wrapper carefully, remove the game and store the cases back in their wrappers.

Oh, and when I mop the floor, I do it on my hands and knees - especially in the bathroom. Nothing nastier than a dirty bathroom.

I could go on and on...
[quote name='MorPhiend']
I also wash my hands before using my computer or videogames (besides the million times a day I already wash my hands). And no one is allowed to play my games without washing. I don't lend my games out anymore either.[/QUOTE]

Same here... I don't fear germs as in phobia, but I just prefer things to be clean. I also clean my keyboard because they get so filthy.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I do that. Also if I'm walking with a group I'll try to synchronize my steps with someone elses.

EDIT: And of course every night I have to leave with an acceptable post count. Usually this means /5 or /10, though there are exceptions.[/QUOTE]

I do the sidewalk thing. I'm pretty good at it, but I have had a few observant girls notice it and jokingly ask if I was "like the guy on As Good As It Gets."

I don't ever do the post count thing though. That's just insanity!;)
[quote name='Moxio']Same here... I don't fear germs as in phobia, but I just prefer things to be clean. I also clean my keyboard because they get so filthy.[/QUOTE]

I clean my keyboard and trackball every other day or so. If someone else uses it, I usually clean it that day. I purposely have not taken microbiology in college. Otherwise, I'd probably walk around in a clean suit...
I carry around post-it notes and record any interesting thoughts or meditative / magickal experiences that I have during the day / riding the metro. I then post all these post-it notes in a notebook at home - I'm trying to drive toward a style that uses 95% pictures and sigils.
bread's done