What do u do that u think no one else does?

I have a several month old ham in my fridge that I don't know where it came from. If this topic needs verbs: I keep a several month old ham in my fridge . I also drink until 7 in the morning.
I don't see what the big deal is about pissing in a bottle. If you have ever been confined to a hospital bed guess what they give you? A plastic bottle. What worse is the stupid bed moves on it own and makes it really hard to use the bottle so I said shaq fu it and demanded they take the saq fuing IV out of my hand, as they weren't even using it for anything. So as soon as they finally did I got on those crutches and used the restroom like a person with a little dignity left. Pissing in a bottle is one thing, but trying to do it while in a freakin bed that makes it impossible to do so without it spilling is another.

Oh, and when I'm stuck in the hospital after surgery (which over the past several months or so is a lot, at least IMO) I always change into normal clothes whenever possbible. At least a pair of shorts under those stupid gowns.
[quote name='cgpwns']I don't see what the big deal is about pissing in a bottle. If you have ever been confined to a hospital bed guess what they give you? A plastic bottle. What worse is the stupid bed moves on it own and makes it really hard to use the bottle so I said shaq fu it and demanded they take the saq fuing IV out of my hand, as they weren't even using it for anything. So as soon as they finally did I got on those crutches and used the restroom like a person with a little dignity left. Pissing in a bottle is one thing, but trying to do it while in a freakin bed that makes it impossible to do so without it spilling is another.

Oh, and when I'm stuck in the hospital after surgery (which over the past several months or so is a lot, at least IMO) I always change into normal clothes whenever possbible. At least a pair of shorts under those stupid gowns.[/QUOTE]

Pissing in a bottle....ok.
Pissing in a Mountain Dew or Mello Yello bottle and putting it in fridge at work....priceless.
[quote name='gregthomas77']Pissing in a bottle....ok.
Pissing in a Mountain Dew or Mello Yello bottle and putting it in fridge at work....priceless.[/QUOTE]

If you can replicated the color exactly enough that someone would drink it, you REALLY need to go to a doctor.
[quote name='JSweeney']If you can replicated the color exactly enough that someone would drink it, you REALLY need to go to a doctor.[/QUOTE]

The bottles are green. Thats why you can do this.
[quote name='gregthomas77']The bottles are green. Thats why you can do this.[/QUOTE]

Even still... the bottles aren't THAT green.
[quote name='JSweeney']Even still... the bottles aren't THAT green.[/QUOTE]

not from experience or anything :lol: but i think the piss would look a tannish color in a green mountain dew bottle...im not positive though...anyone want to test it out?
[quote name='JSweeney']Even still... the bottles aren't THAT green.[/QUOTE]

Yes they are. And, do most people here hold their bottle to the light to check for Mountain Dew vintage? Some people just have to shoot anything down.

The world is flat.

Go ahead, have fun with that one all day you idea killing bastard.
[quote name='gregthomas77']Yes they are. And, do most people here hold their bottle to the light to check for Mountain Dew vintage? Some people just have to shoot anything down.

The world is flat.

Go ahead, have fun with that one all day you idea killing bastard.[/QUOTE]

The world is like an egg!
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']I do the same thing....i'll look at my wallet, phone, whatever im holding, etc....i know it's stupid....but i just feel weird approaching people 50 ft away and staring at them the whole way....[/QUOTE]

Heh I do the exact opposite. I stare at people the whole time and either force them to look away if they get embarrassed, or give them an acknowledging nod of approval when we eventually pass each other. Its all mind games, and I love em'.

Oh also, I'm an alter boy, don't even start with the Catholic shit..., and I do the same thing to all the people who go to church, stare at em' in the audience until they look away. Same with in the classroom. Stare at subs, teachers, speakers, until they look away. Damn I love it!
[quote name='the3rdkey']Sometimes when my balls are stinky I itch them and smell them. Other times I itch my ass and smell my fingers.[/QUOTE]

I had a friend that would come outside after being in the house for like 3 days and would come outside in his boxers. So we would start shooting the shit and he would do this in front of everyone all 5 of us or so.
Not washing my hands after bathroom using or masturbating, rubbing my teachers head, running into walls, pelvic thrusting, rubbing my tits, picking my nose, pissed and shitted in cans before, saying jesus ate the baby, never brushing my teeth, using shower 3 times a week only, yet making sure all my games are in perfect condition, cleaning my nails all the time, picking my teeth with my nails, eating wierd things like pudding on hot dogs, pertending to be Pilsbury, sitting in only my boxers often, scratching my balls, barely ever wearing deoderant yet often smelling my armpits, picking acne, burbing and farting without excusing myself and saying that it is cool to do that, when someone sneezes I say bless me, staring on blank TV screens, and that's all I can think of right now. Pretty normal right. Yet my class says they love me. I bet no one can admit to all of these things.
Alucard, I hope I never meet you. No offense...

But anyway, I just thought of another one. I like to watch people play videogames almost as much as I like to play them.
[quote name='gregthomas77']Go ahead, have fun with that one all day you idea killing bastard.[/QUOTE]
Woah, I actually felt sorry for Mr. Sweeney there. Wtf m8, it was a joke! No idea-killing here, gentlemen... It seems like Sweeney gets this kind of thing a lot... Bleh... I hate Internet intention-ambiguity. Let's all love each other.

Another one for me, aye! Before drinking out of a cup, I always lick one of my fingers and wipe it across the area of the cup that my lips will be touching so that I can be that much more sure that it is clean. I really doubt anyone else does that.
hah, i thought of something!

i simultaneously crack my left elbow, right shoulder, and left ankle all the time.

i do this probably every 10 minutes.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Heh I do the exact opposite. I stare at people the whole time and either force them to look away if they get embarrassed, or give them an acknowledging nod of approval when we eventually pass each other. Its all mind games, and I love em'.[/QUOTE]

Haha~! I love doing this too, I love seeing peoples' reactions to things wherever I am by making them feel uncomfortable.

One thing I do that I think is kind of weird is that I get really mad when anyone uses my controllers, keyboard or mouse without first washing their hands, or letting me personally inspect them, but I will never wash my hands after eating or doing anything.
[quote name='the_deej']I get really mad when anyone uses my controllers, keyboard or mouse without first washing their hands, or letting me personally inspect them, but I will never wash my hands after eating or doing anything.[/QUOTE]

lol, I used to be that way to, but eventually I stopped caring cause I really only use one controller and other people use the backups.

Anyways, whenever I use a glass at my house I can never reuse it. I don't know why, but I'll eventually build up a town of glasses on my table for others to put in the dishwasher and complain to me how I never use the same glass.
[quote name='crystalklear64']
Oh also, I'm an alter boy, don't even start with the Catholic shit..., and I do the same thing to all the people who go to church, stare at em' in the audience until they look away. Same with in the classroom. Stare at subs, teachers, speakers, until they look away. Damn I love it![/QUOTE]

Father O'leary is doing confession one Sunday when he realizes he has to pee. He peeks his head out of the confessional and sees a group of altar boys sitting in the pews. He calls out for one and asks one of the boys to take his place while he goes to the bathroom, "Whenever they enter, allow them to confess, and using this list, give them the appropriate repentance." There's a list posted on his side of the confessional. "For theft, 4 hail-marys. For being deceitful, 6 hail-marys and an hour of silent prayer, and so on, ya got it?"

The boy nods and proceeds to wait.

Along comes a lady who enters the confessional and begins "Father, it's been 2 weeks since my last confession." The boy, in a low,manly voice responds "Yes, go on my child." She continues to tell him that she gave a blowjob to a man who was not her husband. The boy scans the list saying to himself "Blowjob, blowjob, where's the friggin blowjob". Well there's no listing for blowjob, so he looks out and asks Tony, another altar boy, "Hey Tony, what does Father O'leary give for a blowjob?" Tony goes, "A handful of gummi Bears and a Snickers bar."
I enjoy plucking the gel out of my hair

I always carry tissues around with me since I only carry Dentyne gum and they don't come with a wrapper.

I have an order in which i keep things in my pocket.

I keep the bills in my wallet from highest to lowest.

I have a habit of stealing other ppl's phrases

When I need to take a dump at school, I go to the girl's bathrooms. It's so much cleaner in there plus your shoes don't get sticky when you walk out.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']I bite my fingernails and use them to floss my teeth.[/QUOTE]

I floss my teeth with a strand of my own hair, from my scalp :)
thats when nothing else is around
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Don't you have a daughter? What about her?[/QUOTE]

I have two, actually. But have you ever tried to drink after a kid? Kids backwash so bad, their drinks look more like a cup full of soup.

I have actually drank after them before, but once I saw their food in their drinks, it was all over.

Backwashing could be the most disgusting thing in the world. I also hate it when people chew with their mouthes open.
for the ppl who like to stare at ppl til they look away and think its a fun mind game, hopefully u guys will go to jail and play the game with ur inmates

and backwashing is sick, so is double dipping in sauce, nigga lipping a hand rolled ciggerette, wiping ur hands on ur clothes, getting crumbs everywhere

and i've seen some kids backwash in a water bottle, actually had spaghetti and some meat floating around in it and he was still drinking it, but then again he was only like 1 1/2 y/o
[quote name='mookiemeister']I've been told that I grind my teeth when I'm sleeping. I don't think many people do that when they are sleeping.[/QUOTE]

I do.
[quote name='Kayden']I don't find asian women attractive purely on the basis that they're asian.[/QUOTE]

hey im asian but im not a gurl thankfully
[quote name='YeahRight13']hey im asian but im not a gurl thankfully[/QUOTE]

On the other hand... I find asain men extremely arrousing. =P~ :twisted:
[quote name='Kayden']On the other hand... I find asain men extremely arrousing. =P~ :twisted:[/QUOTE]

why thank you and can i join cag guild on guild wars??
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I'd have to be, if he's claiming to be the only one who does it. ;)[/QUOTE]

I thought about saying that, but thats low even for me. :lol:
[quote name='Kayden']I thought about saying that, but thats low even for me. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I thought about saying "We've all got something to tell you" and bolding the wife part of his quote, but decided against it. But then you went and gave me another window to jump out of. :lol:
Especially this......
This thread is great.

I don't really have too much to add.

I have an order in which I keep things in my pocket. I keep my
cellphone in that little pocket on the right side of some pants. Its
like a pocket inside your right pocket (I think its for coins). If
pants don't have that, I won't buy or wear them.

My room is messy and organized at the same time. I don't have too
much room but I have too much stuff. There is usually stuff lying on
the floor. Everyone says its messy but everything is always in that
same messy order.

I usually try to take a #2 before I shower. I hate taking a dump and
not showering afterward. I never feel fully clean.

I will hardly ever use public restrooms. I will go to great lengths
and torture myself before going to public restrooms.

I also take the 2nd item of anything that I buy.

I like to keep things in order. It bugs me when my DVD/Game
collection is not straight. Sometimes when I am in stores, I find
myself straighting some of the stuff while I am browsing.

I also have a habit of eating the worst portion of a meal first and saving the best for last. That way the better taste stays in my mouth.

Yeaa.. nothing that great. I'm a boring guy. I'm sure there are other things I am missing.
Read in the shower. No, I don't mean while taking a bath.

Over a year to get to 100 posts, and this is what I waste it on.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Heh I do the exact opposite. I stare at people the whole time and either force them to look away if they get embarrassed, or give them an acknowledging nod of approval when we eventually pass each other. Its all mind games, and I love em'.

Oh also, I'm an alter boy, don't even start with the Catholic shit..., and I do the same thing to all the people who go to church, stare at em' in the audience until they look away. Same with in the classroom. Stare at subs, teachers, speakers, until they look away. Damn I love it![/QUOTE]
You should change your avatar so that it stares at you instead of moving its eyes.
bread's done