What does an American look like?

[quote name='Clak']But clothing doesn't make the man, so to speak. I didn't think this would be such a hard topic to explain, but I guess I was wrong. It seems pretty simple to me. It's simply stupid to say that someone does or doesn't look American. Plenty of Americans dress like people do in the middle east, or south america, or plenty of other places.[/QUOTE]

Ah well I guess we'll have to respectfully disagree. It just has more to do with the way the clothes are chosen, how they're worn, etc. Kind of hard to explain but it's just something I have picked up on after so many years in retail and dealing with so many foreigners (of all continents, really) at various jobs. I can pick them out in a heartbeat without a word said.

IIRC in my earliest post I said something about how it's anecdotal so I can't really explain it very well. Like I said we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one :lol:
[quote name='msi magus']and women who started wearing pants back in the 60s or whenever the hell that change took place became men. Look it doesn't matter how someone dresses, it does not make them more or less of a man. A good example of how stupid that macho behavior is is the way i dress vs the way i live. I paint my finger nails all sorts of different colors and was thought gay for years because of it. Now i am married to a wife that lets me pick up other women and the same guys who snickered and called me gay outright hero worship me over something iv done a total of 1 time.

actually it does, do you think it's appropriate to have a father dress in an i masculine way in front of his developing child? This isn't about gay or straight this is about men growing their balls and manning the hell up. It sure as hell ain't painting your goddamn nails and wearing ed hardy bullshit.

also you need to get off the whole americans dont work hard the way they used to thing. This has been true since the boomers came in to adult hood. Unless you are of the world war 2 generation you have nothing to be proud of with your generation. You ran around as flower children till you got bored of it then spent the next several decades living off the prosperity your grandparents built by investing in education, technology and infastructure. Now that you have ate up all the food your grandparents stocked in their pantry while never building one of your own your looking to your kids and grandkids to leach off their future. Anyone over 40 but under somewhere around 80 should honestly be ashamed. My generation will most likely be a bunch of lazy failures too, but at least we have the excuse of being "raised"(if you really want to count leaching off us and putting us in front of the tv vs spending time with us)by 3 or 4 generations of assholes in a row.

you really should be ashamed of yourself, because that isn't true by any means what so ever. You more than likely aren't an american because that's not the case.

edit - and really i guess even people of or before the ww2 generation dont have much to be proud of. They accomplished a lot but they often did it by sacrificing the weak and the poor. This country was built on the backs of indians, of blacks and of poor immigrants. People look at things at the hoover dam and think "we cant accomplish anything like that in such a short time frame anymore because people dont have that gumption". Truth is we cant because a few lazy foreman sat back and killed dozens of people by placing them in unsafe work conditions where they basically let poor immigrants work to death.

more white guilt. Jesus christ, it was bad yes, now guess what?? It's a new day. Time to move on and stop complaining.


[quote name='Strell']So you're afraid of technology and don't understand how it works, but you're on the internet. Heartwarming.[/QUOTE]

A droid that knows how to kill is different oppose to the internet. Stop nitpicking.
[quote name='SgtMurder']:cool:[/QUOTE]

So in other words you are either a troll or another blind self entitled old man. It really is amazing how your generation can rail against anyone under the age of 40 yet you have spent your whole life being a bunch of lazy trust fund babies...and as I said before now that the trust fund has run out you are trying to blame your kids while simultaneously trying to milk us for all we are worth.

The idea that kids want to live off the fruit of the older generations labor is an impossibility...you guys already used it all up.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Ah well I guess we'll have to respectfully disagree. It just has more to do with the way the clothes are chosen, how they're worn, etc. Kind of hard to explain but it's just something I have picked up on after so many years in retail and dealing with so many foreigners (of all continents, really) at various jobs. I can pick them out in a heartbeat without a word said.

IIRC in my earliest post I said something about how it's anecdotal so I can't really explain it very well. Like I said we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one :lol:[/QUOTE]
If I took two people of Mexican decent, one born here, and one born in Mexico. Dressed them in the same clothes, you could tell the difference? And that's without hearing them speak or anything else, you only have appearance to go on. I don't know how that's possible.
[quote name='Clak']He's secretly Jerry Sandusky?[/QUOTE]

pointing out the obvious joke makes it that much less funny
Guys, I don't like to whine (gotta be a real man and all), but can we keep this at least close to on topic?
[quote name='nasum']pointing out the obvious joke makes it that much less funny[/QUOTE]
I should have said Michael Jackson. But then he's kinda dead...
[quote name='MSI Magus']So in other words you are either a troll or another blind self entitled old man. It really is amazing how your generation can rail against anyone under the age of 40 yet you have spent your whole life being a bunch of lazy trust fund babies...and as I said before now that the trust fund has run out you are trying to blame your kids while simultaneously trying to milk us for all we are worth.

The idea that kids want to live off the fruit of the older generations labor is an impossibility...you guys already used it all up.[/QUOTE]

:lol: This guy is a card.

I'm 27 years old dude, and I respect people 40 and older and look up to them because they are the generation that people should look to with respect instead of disrespect. It's guys like you who want to tarnish that true image with your slanderous lies and obvious bias on people with a different political belief than you do. Trust fund babies? My dad sure as hell wasn't. We grew up middle class dude where pinching pennies got us through some real rough patches ( unlike your smug suburban ass). So this trust fund you love to preach about, which if true, only effective only a small percentages of the grand American people. Because people in my neighborhood sure as hell weren't trust fund babies.
[quote name='Clak']Guys, I don't like to whine (gotta be a real man and all), but can we keep this at least close to on topic?[/QUOTE]

Internet rule number 5 - The only way to get a topic back on topic is to say something interesting enough to get people talking about it again ;)
[quote name='Clak']If I took two people of Mexican decent, one born here, and one born in Mexico. Dressed them in the same clothes, you could tell the difference? And that's without hearing them speak or anything else, you only have appearance to go on. I don't know how that's possible.[/QUOTE]

No, and I'm not claiming to. I thought I made that clear enough in the second sentence of the post...you just quoted :lol:
Really?! You're going to trot out the "Get over it." line? You know we've been fucking up those communities for years by giving them substandard education so even if the employer is not discriminatory it's hard to hire a Black candidate or Latino if they can't do the basics well, if at all.
I'll grant you part of it is the Black communities fault as when places got desegregated the majority of the community drove out to go to the White malls and so on. Well that left the community businesses to go out of business and that in turn slowly saw the money siphoned out of the community.
I'd argue it's likely the first case of a real widespread Wal-Mart effect although there was Carnegie before that, with his monopoly on steel.
As far as the Indians go. Let's consider this. The settlers got them drunk to sign a contract giving away land. This contract would not be valid in any contemporary court of law period. Why? Because someone being intoxicated when signing a contract makes it void. That counts as not being lucid, which is what is necessary to sign a contract.
As far as your attack on dress, do you know what men wore in dress in the past for crying out loud?! They dressed just as feminine if not moreso then girls.
Even beside that men wore Togas which are dresses and there are male Kimono's, again dresses. The Kilt is a skirt. The Scottish can deny it all they want but it's a skirt.
Jeez I really hope you're a joke account. If not do your fucking research before you open your mouth...please.
[quote name='SgtMurder']:lol: This guy is a card.

I'm 27 years old dude, and I respect people 40 and older and look up to them because they are the generation that people should look to with respect instead of disrespect. It's guys like you who want to tarnish that true image with your slanderous lies and obvious bias on people with a different political belief than you do. Trust fund babies? My dad sure as hell wasn't. We grew up middle class dude where pinching pennies got us through some real rough patches ( unlike your smug suburban ass). So this trust fund you love to preach about, which if true, only effective only a small percentages of the grand American people. Because people in my neighborhood sure as hell weren't trust fund babies.[/QUOTE]

Doesnt matter. Its just typical knob slob conservative rhetoric. You guys are brain washed from babies to think the same way...thus why you are so obsessed with silly things like people dressing and acting the same way as you.

Regardless I am just going to ignore you now. You are not raising any actual facts or trying to debate, all you seem to do is toss out insults and distractions.

Edit -btw you by talking about being middle class show a massive amount of ignorance. Trust frund baby in the sense I used it had nothing to do with actual trust funds. It meant again that the pre boomer generations invested in things that the later generations benefited from. The later generations did not "make a trust fund" for us by investing in science, education, technology etc etc. Instead they took everything that their parents did and did the opposite. They stopped investing in education, they stopped investing in infrastructure etc etc. They stopped investing in these things because they wanted to lower their own taxes, to create tax shelters, to create things like home mortgage deductions. They rebuilt the entire system to benefit their generation and only their generation. Basically they lived off their parents investments(trust fund)while leaving us with none. Its not surprising you do not get the metaphor though since again you obviously are listening to the same tired rhetoric vs looking at statistics and history to see the truth.
[quote name='Sarang01']Really?! You're going to trot out the "Get over it." line? You know we've been fucking up those communities for years by giving them substandard education so even if the employer is not discriminatory it's hard to hire a Black candidate or Latino if they can't do the basics well, if at all.
I'll grant you part of it is the Black communities fault as when places got desegregated the majority of the community drove out to go to the White malls and so on. Well that left the community businesses to go out of business and that in turn slowly saw the money siphoned out of the community.
I'd argue it's likely the first case of a real widespread Wal-Mart effect although there was Carnegie before that, with his monopoly on steel.
As far as the Indians go. Let's consider this. The settlers got them drunk to sign a contract giving away land. This contract would not be valid in any contemporary court of law period. Why? Because someone being intoxicated when signing a contract makes it void. That counts as not being lucid, which is what is necessary to sign a contract.
As far as your attack on dress, do you know what men wore in dress in the past for crying out loud?! They dressed just as feminine if not moreso then girls.
Even beside that men wore Togas which are dresses and there are male Kimono's, again dresses. The Kilt is a skirt. The Scottish can deny it all they want but it's a skirt.
Jeez I really hope you're a joke account. If not do your fucking research before you open your mouth...please.[/QUOTE]

You better watch out! You are going to have every member of the board on your ass for actually saying something centerist! The guys on the right will hate you for pointing out the truth and people like dohdoh will come out of the woodwork to beat you for daring to say minorities/poor have anything to do with their own poverty even if you placed the majority of the blame rightfully on entitled whites.
[quote name='SgtMurder']A droid that knows how to kill is different oppose to the internet. Stop nitpicking.[/QUOTE]

Droid, drone.

Yes I could see how someone could make the mistake of not knowing how to read.
[quote name='cochesecochese']No, and I'm not claiming to. I thought I made that clear enough in the second sentence of the post...you just quoted :lol:[/QUOTE]
Well, you said how they're worn, what if they wore them the same way? I mean I get what you're saying, but you're taking into account interacting with them it seems, and this is about the look and nothing else. You could have a foreigner staying with American friends, who are dressed up by those friends, and there goes anything you can infer from appearance.
[quote name='Msut77']I thought corporal punishment was banned.[/QUOTE]
Maybe corporal punishment, but not Cpl. Punishment, Sgt. Murder's plucky little sidekick.
[quote name='MSI Magus']You better watch out! You are going to have every member of the board on your ass for actually saying something centerist! The guys on the right will hate you for pointing out the truth and people like dohdoh will come out of the woodwork to beat you for daring to say minorities/poor have anything to do with their own poverty even if you placed the majority of the blame rightfully on entitled whites.[/QUOTE]

Ehhh, I still consider myself very much a Daoist Libertarian and am proud of that.

On the whole though, I've said there isn't a state in the U.S. that truly reflects my views. I'm pro-gun rights, Pro-Choice and Anti-Death Penalty. I'm very right wing on Abortion but I recognize it's the woman's body and her right to choose. I do hate it when women who are idiots use it as a form of Birth Control because they weren't responsible enough to take the pill or didn't insist the guy wear a condom. If you took suitable action to prevent it I see no problem though because you actually had shown intent to prevent it.
The sad thing is, if I wanted to dress in some things I would probably freak out some right-wingers with views like me. But then again I believe a lot of people who represent my very pro-US consumer views(buying stuff made here) look like me. Now I'll grant you I don't have a few tatts but I would look to be on the fringe of the mainstream but I love my country and I find it disgusting you somehow have to wear a flag draped around you to be considered credible. That seems to be posturing as well as it feels like for a lot of Republicans who say "Thank you for serving our country" to Military people. Maybe I've just heard it so many times from Republicans who say it almost as a talking point.
Don't even get me started on the left side with Organics and such which I support. Can we fucking STOP playing Folk music for this? When you're angry, do Rock or Hip-Hop with the message. It sure as shit grabs people's attention a lot more. I recognize the significance of the artists in the past and recognize the power they had in the movement in the 60's and 70's but I think Rock and Hip-Hop works better for the younger generation to express protest. Folk isn't the thing.
As far as the topic goes I want to respond to the fat thing. You're not kidding. I've looked for clothing that would fit me right but some of it just doesn't because I'm thin and have broad shoulders. The clothing manufacturers assume that because you have big shoulders you must be fat and you can do the math from there.

edit: Oh and myke doesn't want to even look at 9/11's circumstances and be suspicious of the official story given how many things are inconsistent. I'm disappointed that someone who is suppose to be such an intellectual would just accept the story he's given, that is unless he's in denial and terribly afraid of the Fed, suspecting it's true.
[quote name='Clak']Well, you said how they're worn, what if they wore them the same way? I mean I get what you're saying, but you're taking into account interacting with them it seems, and this is about the look and nothing else. You could have a foreigner staying with American friends, who are dressed up by those friends, and there goes anything you can infer from appearance.[/QUOTE]

We're going in circles here.

Let's put it this way. I can pick out foreigners who dress themselves without interacting with them. I can do this based on the experience of having interacted with so many. If you're going to use a trick situation there's no way I can account for that. Can you dig it?
[quote name='Sarang01']Ehhh, I still consider myself very much a Daoist Libertarian and am proud of that.

On the whole though, I've said there isn't a state in the U.S. that truly reflects my views. I'm pro-gun rights, Pro-Choice and Anti-Death Penalty. I'm very right wing on Abortion but I recognize it's the woman's body and her right to choose. I do hate it when women who are idiots use it as a form of Birth Control because they weren't responsible enough to take the pill or didn't insist the guy wear a condom. If you took suitable action to prevent it I see no problem though because you actually had shown intent to prevent it.
The sad thing is, if I wanted to dress in some things I would probably freak out some right-wingers with views like me. But then again I believe a lot of people who represent my very pro-US consumer views(buying stuff made here) look like me. Now I'll grant you I don't have a few tatts but I would look to be on the fringe of the mainstream but I love my country and I find it disgusting you somehow have to wear a flag draped around you to be considered credible. That seems to be posturing as well as it feels like for a lot of Republicans who say "Thank you for serving our country" to Military people. Maybe I've just heard it so many times from Republicans who say it almost as a talking point.
Don't even get me started on the left side with Organics and such which I support. Can we fucking STOP playing Folk music for this? When you're angry, do Rock or Hip-Hop with the message. It sure as shit grabs people's attention a lot more. I recognize the significance of the artists in the past and recognize the power they had in the movement in the 60's and 70's but I think Rock and Hip-Hop works better for the younger generation to express protest. Folk isn't the thing.
As far as the topic goes I want to respond to the fat thing. You're not kidding. I've looked for clothing that would fit me right but some of it just doesn't because I'm thin and have broad shoulders. The clothing manufacturers assume that because you have big shoulders you must be fat and you can do the math from there.[/QUOTE]

I have to agree with you here. I understand this is a bit derailed, but I'm commenting because of what you are saying sorta applies to me.

I am by no means a conservative, but I am far from a liberal. Because of the "gay" thing and the "atheist" thing, I'm expected to be a liberal/democrat..and I'm just .. not. I def lean more right with a lot of issues, and can be very liberal with some of the social issues..

But when I'm around others and I roll my eyes at things like welfare and "the victims on it", I get even more heat because I'm SUPPOSED to support those things. It's really silly.

Though, I can't really relate to either of the 2 major parties. Both are full of brain washing imbeciles.
[quote name='cochesecochese']We're going in circles here.

Let's put it this way. I can pick out foreigners who dress themselves without interacting with them. I can do this based on the experience of having interacted with so many. If you're going to use a trick situation there's no way I can account for that. Can you dig it?[/QUOTE]
Yeah I guess I can go with that. Like Eddie Murphy/Arsino Hall in Coming to America, they try buying some American clothes and look totally out of place.

But I wasn't even getting a clothes with this topic, because you can make someone blend in with the right look. I dunno, I guess this doomed form the start. None of the folks who I had hoped would discuss this are, and Sgt. Stupid has completely taken over, so I give up.
Hey, my post was on topic and this thread only shit itself when Sgt. Redrum started talking about the pussyfication of AMURKA.
I do believe multiple people including myself have pointed out the guy is most likely a troll. I always try and give someone the benefit of the doubt, make a few posts and if they still act that way then well even if they arnt a troll their mental.
[quote name='mykevermin']Jesus Christ, people. Don't you know a troll when you see one?[/QUOTE]

I did it all for Bill Hates, premier wrestling superstar.
The guy does have a point though. I mean shit, when I was a kid you could grow a mustache when you were 8!
[quote name='lilboo']
Though, I can't really relate to either of the 2 major parties. Both are full of brain washing imbeciles.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I think it got worse when Neo-Liberals and NeoCon's came into the mix as they're quite radical, usually hard Left or Right, with no give. I hate the pass Neo-Liberals give Illegal's when, while I respect someone trying to feed their family, that situation was created by 40 greedy Oligarchic families. If they really wanted to help feed their families they'd make sure NONE of that money came down to Mexico as it's 50% of their GDP. Let the Mexican economy crash, see Mexicans revolt and put those Oligarchs in their fucking places.
As for being Gay, yeah you're expected to be a flaming Liberal. I must say it makes me sick. If I had my choice between a company that was bigoted as fuck against Gay people but made things in the US as opposed to a foreign company or U.S. company that gave Domestic Partnership benefits and all that stuff I'd support the former. Why? Because it keeps the money into the U.S. and would end up going to the Gay community whether they like it or not and in doing so gives them the capital to be able to even fight back. All the latter does is usually help make our country poorer. I can see the bigger picture in that respect.
I can also see it in gun rights. If you teach someone when they're young to use a gun responsibly you won't see these problems. Most of Switzerland's citizens are armed and you don't see them killing each other left and right. They're taught to be responsible with guns is why.
Clak, who did you expect to discuss it? Thrust, myke?
[quote name='dohdough']Hey, my post was on topic and this thread only shit itself when Sgt. Redrum started talking about the pussyfication of AMURKA.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, thanks for that. I may regret this, but I would have rather bob came in and we at least argued about the topic.
[quote name='Clak']We got trolled, hard.[/QUOTE]
It's only trolling if he's trying to get a rise out of us or playing dumb. This asshole actually BELIEVES the shit he's posting.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Waddap Crotchie

You're from Canada right? Full of beautiful girls, that Montreal.[/QUOTE]
Never been. Los Angeles is closer to me than Montreal.
[quote name='dohdough']It's only trolling if he's trying to get a rise out of us or playing dumb. This asshole actually BELIEVES the shit he's posting.[/QUOTE]
Well I certainly think he does it to get a rise out of someone. He doesn't stick around and have a well thought out of conversation. He just shows up, shits in some threads, and runs away into the night.
[quote name='Clak']Well I certainly think he does it to get a rise out of someone. He doesn't stick around and have a well thought out of conversation. He just shows up, shits in some threads, and runs away into the night.[/QUOTE]

I don't need to do shit to any of you self-entitled douche bags. You read my words and get pissed, just because I'm not some knee jerk cunt like majority of you all are and have some balls.
[quote name='dohdough']It's only trolling if he's trying to get a rise out of us or playing dumb. This asshole actually BELIEVES the shit he's posting.[/QUOTE]

Like anyone on a message board kid. Your point being?
[quote name='SgtMurder']Like anyone on a message board kid. Your point being?[/QUOTE]
My point is that you're a dumb asshole that's so insecure with yourself that you need to wrap your ego in hyper-masculine tropes with a large side of misogeny to make yourself feel bigger, not better, than everyone else.

fake edit: LOLZ...you were banned?
[quote name='dohdough']My point is that you're a dumb asshole that's so insecure with yourself that you need to wrap your ego in hyper-masculine tropes with a large side of misogeny to make yourself feel bigger, not better, than everyone else.

fake edit: LOLZ...you were banned?[/QUOTE]

you know what? fine i'll explain myself clearer for you.

We have disagreements on how life works and what we think is best for America right? It's understandable, so just because I have a stance and belief you disagree with, you want to label me with stupid freaking labels because you can't handle someone as blunt as me. that's the reality for most of you here. Anyone who speaks out against the status quo and wants this country to be turned back to greatness that I know it can.

As for being masculine, why does that scare you so much huh? don't you know that it's in your DNA to do so? To be an animal to think with your gut and not your brain.

Be a man or shut the fuck up.
[quote name='SgtMurder']you know what? fine i'll explain myself clearer for you.

We have disagreements on how life works and what we think is best for America right? It's understandable, so just because I have a stance and belief you disagree with, you want to label me with stupid freaking labels because you can't handle someone as blunt as me. that's the reality for most of you here. Anyone who speaks out against the status quo and wants this country to be turned back to greatness that I know it can.

As for being masculine, why does that scare you so much huh? don't you know that it's in your DNA to do so? To be an animal to think with your gut and not your brain.

Be a man or shut the fuck up.[/QUOTE]

If the 50's to 70's US is your benchmark for defining masculinity, you either think that it was like Leave it to Beaver or you aspire to be a spouse and child beating alcoholic misogynist. Either one isn't something to be proud of as you seem to revel in your ignorance of history.

Just out of curiousity, how would you describe the Spartans? I bet you were probably whining about how prissy men are these days and how those well chiseled sweaty men with the sweetest pecs were the epitomy of masculinity in 300.:booty:

And guts over brains? LOLLERSKATES
[quote name='dohdough']:rofl::rofl::rofl:

If the 50's to 70's US is your benchmark for defining masculinity, you either think that it was like Leave it to Beaver or you aspire to be a spouse and child beating alcoholic misogynist. Either one isn't something to be proud of as you seem to revel in your ignorance of history.

Just out of curiousity, how would you describe the Spartans? I bet you were probably whining about how prissy men are these days and how those well chiseled sweaty men with the sweetest pecs were the epitomy of masculinity in 300.:booty:[/QUOTE]

you tell me what was wrong with having a structured family support system with values being installed is bad? I'd rather have that where children are respectful of adults and know their place oppose to them running the streets assaulting people and posting it on youtube.
[quote name='SgtMurder']you tell me what was wrong with having a structured family support system with values being installed is bad? I'd rather have that where children are respectful of adults and know their place oppose to them running the streets assaulting people and posting it on youtube.[/QUOTE]
You're arguing for a world that's never existed.
[quote name='SgtMurder']you tell me what was wrong with having a structured family support system with values being installed is bad? I'd rather have that where children are respectful of adults and know their place oppose to them running the streets assaulting people and posting it on youtube.[/QUOTE]
Spare the rod and spoil the child?? AAHAHAhA...yeah ok dude. Stockholm syndrome isn't exactly considered structurally stable.

Reinforcing socio-economic barriers doesn't exactly make for a stable society either, but I doubt that you'd understand that on any level.
[quote name='SgtMurder']I'm done with this topic, ignored.[/QUOTE]
Looks like someone couldn't handle my bluntness or manliness...:rofl:
bread's done