After years of going to conventions, political meetings, appearances, and the like I'm sure I met a bunch. But only a few stand out off the top of my head.
Chris Farley: I was living in Madison, WI we got wind of a rumor Farley was in a local theater for a local premiere of Black Sheep.
We got over to the theatre, and sat outside to try and catch a glimpse of him. He ended up going outside for a smoke, and was very nice to us.
Teddy Long: I was watching WWF during the Attitude era, and my brother would always try to go to live events when they came to town. I told him if he ever got really good seats, I'd go with. He ended up getting 4th row seats on the floor center ring for a SD show in March, 2000. It was in earshot of the ring for heckling!
Teddy was serving as a ref in those days, and was reffing either a dark match, or a weekend 'scrub' show. The arena was dead quiet when I got up and yelled: 'Hey Teddy, where's Butch Reed?!?'
He looked around, saw I had said it, and gave me a 'Shooter' gesture
So I didn't actually meet him in person, but it stands out in my mind.