What game have you invested the most time in?

A handful of games in the 70-100 or so hour range (so nothing to crazy).

Those would include Call of Duty 4, MW2, Black Ops, Halo: Reach, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Mass Effect 2 and maybe a few more. Problem some old fighting games and sports games back in the 16bit era, but those didn't have play time counters.
Recently, Borderlands and Mass Effect 2, somewhere in the 150-200 hour range in both of those.

I'd love to know how much time I put into Final Fantasy VI, Secret of Mana, and Pokemon Blue back in the day.
Either Final Fantasy VII or Animal Crossing: Wild World. For the former, I've been heavily involved in the fan community for the past 10+ years and have replayed the game multiple times. The latter sucked up 350-400 hours of my life, by my best estimate, mostly during train commutes.
Team Fortress 2 took about 430 hours from me.

However, an MMO I use to play took well over 2000 hours from my life. One character alone had over 88 days of playtime. So glad I quit.
I'd say 800+ hours in SF4 and 1000+ into WoW.

Some unbelievable amount into Diablo II, probably.

[quote name='crzyboy88']So glad I quit.[/QUOTE]

Not me, =p
[quote name='panzerfaust']
Not me, =p[/QUOTE]

I just had an issue where I wasn't doing much else aside from playing the game. I should've clarified a bit more though. Those 2000+ hours was in less than 2 years. It was bad...

In comparison, TF2 was over a span of 3 years.
Ohh idk.

Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2 - 2 years until jedi outcast

Counter Strike - 1 fully year.

Fallout 3 - 196 hours

Star wars galaxies (pre NGE) - 2 yrs straight.

Battlefield bad company 2 - last year till present.

Guild wars - lots of hours lol.

I was a PC gamer before.
I can't get into oblivion. The leveling system is weird and I can never level up properly which I hated. Plus the hardest difficulty is ridiculous. Top that with a strange leveling up system.. Hard ass game
I had well over 1 year /played in a very little known game called world of warcraft. Next closest would probably be FF8 at 140 hours played. I lost track of the story farming ultima weapons for every character and had to start over, lol.
Probably Halo 2, played it for 3+ years. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is up there too, used to play it all the time as a kid and each game would last hours. Recently, it's been Borderlands and Final Fantasy Tactics each with 100+ hours.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Ever? Phantasy Star Online (Dreamcast). This gen? Fallout 3 :360:[/QUOTE]

Aww, damn - EVER? Gemstone 3, a text-only RPG back when General Electric had an online service (named GEnie).

After that, the original Everquest. Beta tested that sucker into the ground, then never, EVER played again.
[quote name='giantqtipz']
I can't get into oblivion. The leveling system is weird and I can never level up properly which I hated. Plus the hardest difficulty is ridiculous. Top that with a strange leveling up system.. Hard ass game[/QUOTE]

With WRPGs I usually just turn the difficulty down and have fun exploring and questing since I usually don't care much for the combat anyway. It tends to not affect achievements either which is a plus.
Oh, I played a lot of City of Heroes, too. And now since it'll be free-to-play later this year...I'll probably get back into it.
Starcraft. I played it for years when it came out.

Everquest would probablly be the longest. I had a consistant subscription for like 4 or 5 years on it before it went completely to shit. Was mostly due to where I worked since boss and his wife got it with me and we played together a lot. They setup a pc at their house for me and Id spend some weekday nights and weekends playing with them at their house
Definitely has to be Fallout 3 considering I am STILL playing it to this day finding little tiny things that I missed!

I haven't even touched New Vegas yet! For some reason this series speaks to me more than Oblivion. I couldn't get into that game. Maybe Skyrim will change my mind.

2nd most played game was probably Dark Age of Camelot back when it came out...every night in college till 4 am. Yeah....:/
If multiplayer games count its by far Halo 2 and Call of Duty 4. Otherwise its Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Oblivion and soon .. Skyrim!

I also put a ridiculous amount of time into Puzzle Quest for the DS. I have a 50 minute bus ride to and from work each day and one winter I played it for the duration of the ride each and every day. I did everything you could possibly do in the game.
Recently? Fallout 3 (~120h) and Forza 3 (~120h and counting). FO3 was over the span of about 3-4 months, Forza spread out over about a year and a half.

Of all time? Hard to say. I know I logged about 1000 hours in Flight Simulator, which means probably another 500-1000 hours tinkering with my sim or doing some low-key development. Also back in the day I played a lot of Diablo 1 and 2 with my friends but this was way before there was any real way to track the time.

The true answer is "I have no idea". I dont really keep time like that. But if I had to guess, it would either be Madden '98 or more likely Super/Street Fighter 2. Up until about 2.5 years ago (when my son was born and we needed room for the nanny) I would still play those games just about everyday for a half hour or so. When you add up all that time, I'm sure that SF2 would win out. I played a lot of Madden '98, in marathon sessions, but that was really just one year in college and the first year out on my own.
Rock Band 1/2/3/Beatles, and at this point it's probably not even close.

Battlefield BC2 is probably the runner up. By the time this generation is done, Mortal Kombat will probably be up there as well.
80-100 hours of MP in CoD 4, WatW, and Black Ops.

100 plus hours for 3 playthroughs of ME 1 & ME 2.

60 hours each on Dragon Age Origins & DA 2 & Tales of Vesperia.

I'm sure 60 hours plus on FF IV, VI, VII, & X.
Tetris - I can't even put a number on this. I still play this on my original GameBoy from time to time.

StarCraft & Brood War - 300+ hours over the years

Fallout 3 - probably 250-300 hours on PS3 and 360 combined

Borderlands - 200+ hours, running through the story and expansions multiple times

Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - 100+ hours, this was the first RPG that I really got into, beat multiple times

Metal Gear Solid - 100+ hours, beat it many many times
By far World of Warcraft. Finally quit a month ago and probably had about 280 days played on my main. So over the span of 5 and a half years. But probably 170 of those days were during Vanilla WoW...stupid High Warlord grind....

Nothing else even comes close.
I know it is dumb but I keep playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2. Played it on the DC and various incarnations over the year. I keep a GBA micro in my desk and play that version a lot during down times at work
[quote name='gargus']Starcraft. I played it for years when it came out.

Everquest would probablly be the longest. I had a consistant subscription for like 4 or 5 years on it before it went completely to shit. Was mostly due to where I worked since boss and his wife got it with me and we played together a lot. They setup a pc at their house for me and Id spend some weekday nights and weekends playing with them at their house[/QUOTE]

Oh.. Did anything else happen?
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Probably the first Civilization for me. My dad brought home a computer and this game and we would play it together every night for months.[/QUOTE]

I was going to say Fallout 3 but now that you mentioned Civilization. Civilization II definitely. I think it was a pack in when my parents bought a computer. I played that game FOREVER!! Great game.
Counting Online: MW2 by far. Then Gears 1...

Not Counting Online: Probably Pokemon FireRed(the remake) or Persona 3. I usually don't play through a game more than once, so FireRed had like 120+ hours on 1 game and P3 had around 80.
[quote name='giantqtipz']Oh.. Did anything else happen?[/QUOTE]

Lets see. We closed the store and went to chicago for a weekend once just for fun. Every thursday we went to a chinese restaraunt and then to a movie. We went diving once.
Had over 200 played days in Everquest (pre bazaar), 100+ days of Daoc and City of Heroes then another 100 days of the free EQ emu shards of dalaya.
Then my pc died and i got a xbox :)
over 500 hours of borderlands and 200+ in sacred 2
Since joining Raptr, it's about 230 hours in NCAA Football 09, but overall I'd say it has to be about 400 hours in Madden 2004. It still surprises me that not every game has a playtime counter in there that keeps track of it for you, which should be a simple thing to do for any game.
Pretty much every Grand Theft Auto game(especially GTA IV and Episodes this gen). I just love the open world titles and spend hundreds of hours just doing stuff I can't in real life without serious consequences and just exploring and doing stunts galore, knowing that my guy will respawn time and time again.
Had a crazy amount of time that i wont even admit to in everquest. Honestly tho i miss it, just less responsibility in those days. :)

i have played wow on and off but honestly its much more casual, honestly i'll log in maybe an hour at a time. of course i dont really play that like i use to either. i really dont feel bad at all putting a few months of char time in.

think biggest sink as of late probably has been playing them fighting games online. whats funny is even after all that time i still suck bad. :)
Probably Dynasty Warriors 3. Has to be well over 100 hours. Combine that with every other musou game, and I've sunk a lot of time into Koei products.
My wife and I have put a combined 4000 something hours in world of Warcraft over 6 years, we are finally done for a while and it feels good lol. No more mmos for a while.

Otherwise final fantasy iii (us snes) fallout 3 fallout NV. Leap to my mind as games I've put in over 100 hours. Oh and diablo and diablo 2 and counterstike are probably in the 200+ range at least.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It still surprises me that not every game has a playtime counter in there that keeps track of it for you, which should be a simple thing to do for any game.[/QUOTE]

Sure if you have a game like COD or Fallout 3 that either have a lot of content or a lot of replayability, but for a lot of other games with short campaigns and uninspiring multiplayer modes, you don't want to advertise too explicitly to the player how little time they have gotten out of your game.

I don't think the developers of the latest Transformers game would like to make it blatantly clear that the game you paid $60 for only lasted you 5 hours. Sure a player may psychologically feel a game was too short after they played it, but when they can go into a menu and definitively check that yeah, they only put in 8 hours and 15 minutes, it confirms their suspicions.
Im sort of looking into going back to MMOs.. Lol actually my last MMO was star wars galaxies, and I honestly think that was the best MMO ever before the infamous patch.

I'm curious, what makes WoW addicting compared to other games? Can you own houses, decorate them etc? Become an architect, dancer, musician, set up camps like in star wars galaxies? I don't know much about it heh..
[quote name='Ruahrc']Sure if you have a game like COD or Fallout 3 that either have a lot of content or a lot of replayability, but for a lot of other games with short campaigns and uninspiring multiplayer modes, you don't want to advertise too explicitly to the player how little time they have gotten out of your game.

I don't think the developers of the latest Transformers game would like to make it blatantly clear that the game you paid $60 for only lasted you 5 hours. Sure a player may psychologically feel a game was too short after they played it, but when they can go into a menu and definitively check that yeah, they only put in 8 hours and 15 minutes, it confirms their suspicions.[/QUOTE]
Don't forget that far too many modern games put in collect-a-thons to try and pad the total hours of game experience for those who like going on an Easter egg hunt to feel like they're getting more value for their gaming dollar.

See: GTA series(which peaked with San Andreas last gen with horseshoes, tags and hidden packages I believe), LA Noire, Uncharted series and so on.

One thing that really irks the fuck outta me to no end though is paid DLC, especially paid DLC that's released the same day as a game comes out. Worse than that are the DLC packs that're actually on your game disc but need a 'code' to be unlocked, a code which costs real money over and above the price you paid for the game.:roll:

If I'm paying $60 for a game, I want the full game experience and not to be nickeled and dimed to get the full game unlocked.
WoW, FFXI, Diablo II, FFVII, Rock Band Series, Fallout 3, and Oblivion, in that order I think.
Right now according to Steam:

King's Bounty The Legend 102 hours
Sid Meiers Civ IV 97 hours
Borderlands 50 hours

All time:

I sunk a ton of hours into the original Stars Wars KOTOR. I've beat the game over 15 times.
Unreal Tournament for pc I used to play for several hours a day along with Quake III.
The Legend of Zelda for NES I beat it so many times as a kid.
GTA 3 for PS2 I probably played for easily 300+ hours.
Final Fantasy III for SNES was another game I played a ton.
Diablo I and II for PC I used to play a ton on Battle.net all the time.
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[quote name='evildeadjedi']GTA 3 for PS2 I probably played for easily 300+ hours.[/QUOTE]
Vice City on the PS2 was my guilty pleasure before San Andreas came out last gen. I spent untold hours doing the 'Brown Thunder' vigilante missions at the airport, where I racked up over $150 million in score from annihilating criminals with the attack chopper.:D;)
Wow easily has the most hours of my life. No other games comes close. Next would be Starcraft 2 followed by Gears of War 2.
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