What is (are) your current favorite TV shows?

[quote name='evildeadjedi']Dear Fox and The CW, I hate you for making me have to chose between watching Supernatural or Fringe live on Friday nights at 9pm.[/QUOTE]

It's all Fox's fault. Supernatural was already in that time slot and Fox should have Fringe go up against Smallville. Smallville is a goner anyways.
Current ones...

The Office
Parks and Rec
Modern Family
True Blood
Big Bang Theory
The Middle
Mad Men

Survivor/Hells Kitchen/Kitchen Nightmares/Apprentice (The reality Shows I like)
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Let's see.. not in any order of importance:

How I Met Your Mother
30 Rock
Parks and Recreation
White Collar
Family Guy
American Dad
Human Target
Lie to Me

And I've noticed people have mentioned Tosh.0................... dear God, I can't make it through an episode. Hell, more than 5 minutes. I've tried multiple times. It's just so... terrible... I dunno, maybe I haven't seen enough or something, but... I just ain't feeling that show.. I kinda want to punch his face every time I see it..
still airing:
vampire diaries
top model
desperate housewives

the o.c
legend of the seeker
prison break
life as we know it
kyle xy
tru calling

and a bunch of other stuff I cant recall atm...
Started watching Hardcore Pawn a few weeks ago. Very entertaining but some of these people have to be putting on a show for the cameras. I refuse to believe these morons are part of my society. They behave worse than children.
I'm only following two active shows, Parks and Rec and Breaking Bad.

Breaking Bad is good stuff, it's amazes me that they've made that show as appealing as it is. I can't think of a show as thoughtful and entertaining as BB that does as much with as little as they have. Which is to say, on paper you'd think it's just awful, there's nothing "sexy" at all about the show. Other critical darlings at least had some curb appeal: Sopranos had mafia, goombahs, that kind of bullshit, the Wire had cops, drugs, a message, but BB is just a selfish high school teacher turned murderer/meth stooge. There's nothing else to it, the show is that sparse, and the producers take pride in setting everything in these barren New Mexican vistas to reflect that. It's a beautiful show to watch, they uncoil each character for every ugly turn.

As for PNR, NBC's doing their damnedest to get me to ditch Parks and Rec. The scheduling still eludes me, so I flip the TV on every now and then to see if PNR is on yet -- yep, living in pre-DVR times when it comes to TV over here. Anyhow, last Thursday, EVERY SINGLE BLOCK was The Office. An entire night of The Office, 3 flipping hours. WTF is NBC's problem?

I'm always surprised that there isn't a Parks and Rec thread in the OT subforum. I was guilty of threadbombing the Office thread a few times with PNR posts in the mid-season of PNR S2, just because it was clear the show was becoming honest, good-natured, goofy fun. I've since reformed my Office threadbombing ways, but it would be cool to chat up PNR around here.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']An Idiot Abroad[/QUOTE]

+1. It was awesome.

"Machu Picchu is accessible via an 11 hour trek through the mountains."

"Well then, it's not accessible, innit?" :rofl:
[quote name='Rodimus']Started watching Hardcore Pawn a few weeks ago. [/QUOTE]

The daughter is ok, and it was nice seeing the guy get taken. But no... I can't stand this shit.

[quote name='davo1224']I feel like Worked Up is largely scripted [/QUOTE]

I watched 6 min. of this garbage. I couldn't even believe that since it felt like 30min. and my brain is now shit. Thanks

I really love me P&R but damn if that show doesn't start off slow every single season. I'm so glad it moved away from being Office-Lite too. Seeing a show filmed and directed in the exact same style was ridiculous.

Amy Poelher is win, Aziz Ansari has never been my bag, and everyone else plays their part. I feel like the storyline with Chris Pratt and whoever plays the secretary is like watching paint dry. It's like a real life Daria and Trent except she's nowhere near as outcasty and it lacks the same chemistry.
I record a ton of shows that I play as basic background noise while working during the day. There are only a few shows that I would actually miss if they stopped.

Big Bang Theory
How I Met Your Mother
are the ones that spring to mind.

The Shield is probably my favorite show of all time.
I actually have never heard of 90% of the shows you folks are talking about. I don't have cable and don't watch much TV. I'm not sure when I'd watch it. I barely have time for gaming and watching movies, of which my netflix queue, instant and otherwise, is nearly infinite due to lack of time. Having kids and working takes up a lot of the day. I guess the show I watch most often, but it's very, very relative, is Wheel of Fortune. :)
[quote name='Jodou']Only two people here listed Californication? Sad.[/QUOTE]

I watched Season 1 and loved it but I haven't gotten around to the other episodes...
Mad Men
True Blood
Breaking Bad
The Walking Dead
The Vampire Diaries (shhh, I watch it with my girlfriend and it's actually really good)
How I Met Your Mother
Modern Family
I got a few to add to the list:

Nurse Jackie - Finally tried this last week and I like it so far.
Mad Love - Can Tyler Labine finally have a TV show that will survive? Can Biggs do anything after American Pie? Will Sarah Chalke catch fire like she did on Scrubs?

Next to check out:

Breakout Kings -This one has one of the cops from The Wire and looks interesting.
Supernatural Anime - Currently, only in Japan, not sure if I want to watch or wait for the eventual US release.
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Hmmm had forgotten about Tyler Labine. A little less hair and I have myself some entertainment. I'm so glad that dumb show called Reaper got cancelled though.
How I Met Your Mother
The Cape
No Ordinary Family
The Middle
Modern Family
The Big Bang Theory
Stargate Universe
Breaking Bad is easily my favorite show I've ever seen. Bryan Cranston does a heck of a job as Walter White and Aaron Paul is great/hilarious as well. Every season has great villains.

Freaks and Geeks is really very good as well, though it only lasted one season. It's got James Franco, Jason Segel, and Seth Rogen as high schoolers are three of the main characters.

Also, I just got into a couple of British shows via Netflix. The IT Crowd centers around an Information Tech team of three and is one of the funniest shows you'll see. Skins (British version) is really good as well. Some great characters in that ones.
My current favorite show is Arrested Development. I just recently finished the series and I can't believe it only lasted three seasons. It has some pure comedy gold in (like almost everything with Gob).

However, my favorite show ever is easily Battlestar Galactica (new one). I've loved so many Sci-Fi shows in the past (X-Files, Stargate SG-1, Firefly, Dollhouse, Stargate: Atlantis) and none of them seem to even compare to BSG. The ending was just perfect and the build-up was nearly flawless. So say we all!

I must also add that I am really digging the American version of "Being Human". The BBC version was fairly decent, but I can't pull myself away from it. I watch it every time it's on Syfy, repeart or not.
[quote name='GhostShark']My current favorite show is Arrested Development. I just recently finished the series and I can't believe it only lasted three seasons. It has some pure comedy gold in (like almost everything with Gob).[/QUOTE]

The Office (US)
30 Rock
Parks and Rec
Arrested Development
Walking Dead
How I Met Your Mother
Big Bang Theory

I'm getting started on House and Mad Men soon.
how I met your mother
burn notice
spongebob(I'm almost 20 but I still love this show for some reason)

edit: forgot about futurama
[quote name='GhostShark']My current favorite show is Arrested Development. I just recently finished the series and I can't believe it only lasted three seasons. It has some pure comedy gold in (like almost everything with Gob).

However, my favorite show ever is easily Battlestar Galactica (new one). I've loved so many Sci-Fi shows in the past (X-Files, Stargate SG-1, Firefly, Dollhouse, Stargate: Atlantis) and none of them seem to even compare to BSG. The ending was just perfect and the build-up was nearly flawless. So say we all!
They're both good, but neither is currently in production.

Because if we're throwing out favorite all-time shows, I should mention that The Larry Sanders Show is now available to stream on Netflix. It will change your life...
Sons of Guns. Google, YouTube it, do something. Basically it's this dude in Louisiana that makes badass guns, rocket launchers, flamethrowers. It's awesome. Just discovered it a couple of weeks ago while on a business trip.
bread's done