What next generation system(s) are you purchasing?

Likely all three. Again.

Console wars are for silly children and geeks to yell about on the internet.
XBOX 360 is the one I will definitely pick up.

Revolution I'll try to get later on, and PS3 will wait for price drops.
I'll likely buy all three eventually. I only have a PS2 and GC now, but I plan to buy an Xbox once the 360 comes out. I am waiting for a $100 price on a new one. I have been buying up Xbox games cheap when I come across them in preparation. As I did this gen though, I will be waiting a couple years before starting with the next gen. This time around I started with a $200 PS2 (for my birthday!!), then got a $150 GC with free Zelda: WW.
I have little doubt that I will get all three, the question is, which one will be my top priority. I have not yet made that decision.
[quote name='chickenhawk']I'll likely buy all three eventually. I only have a PS2 and GC now, but I plan to buy an Xbox once the 360 comes out. I am waiting for a $100 price on a new one. I have been buying up Xbox games cheap when I come across them in preparation. As I did this gen though, I will be waiting a couple years before starting with the next gen. This time around I started with a $200 PS2 (for my birthday!!), then got a $150 GC with free Zelda: WW.[/QUOTE]

Probably what he said, although I may just pass on this generation's Xbox all together and pick up the new one when it comes out. I'll have to see how the launch titles look.
I'm sure I'll end up with all 3 eventually, but I only plan to get the Revolution at launch. Well maybe PS3 too if they have a decent launch lineup this time.
Xbox 360 will be my first purchase. Going to preorder it the moment eb is taking pre orders. PS3 will follo, only because I love RPGS and PS3 will be a plenty with them. Last will be Revolution. I hope Nintendo will bust out some new IPs for the Revolution. Iam getting tired of the old Nintendo franchises
I will be getting xbox 360 at launch, I am interested to see how the XNA development tools work out. I have also read that msft will be charging low royalty fee's and none at all to some software companies, if that is the case they could have a stable of exclusives. I will most likely get a ps3, depending on what exclusives they get. As for the Revolution, I will take a wait and see approach with them. It depends on what their idea for a major change in the way we game. I have owned every nintendo console, but I have not liked their controllers since the snes, and their 1st party games that interest me are to far between release dates.
Due to the cost most likely the xbox 360, I've lost all faith in nintendo systems and the xbox 360 looks like it will have several jems in its launch titles.
360, because I've quite enjoyed my Xbox, and Revolution, because Gamecube delivered the best experience I have ever had with a console. Of course, with online, it can only be better.
How can you guys afford to get more than 1 system let alone buy all the games you would want for those? Of the main 3 right now I only have a GCN and it uses a lot of my money just buying the games I like for that system. I can't imagine if I had to choose between all of the games out there, it would make my head spin.
[quote name='tyecko']How can you guys afford to get more than 1 system let alone buy all the games you would want for those? Of the main 3 right now I only have a GCN and it uses a lot of my money just buying the games I like for that system. I can't imagine if I had to choose between all of the games out there, it would make my head spin.[/QUOTE]

We're all in debt up to our eyeballs! Actually, disposable income is a wonderful thing. Also, being a true CAG helps the cause as well.
[quote name='tyecko']How can you guys afford to get more than 1 system let alone buy all the games you would want for those? Of the main 3 right now I only have a GCN and it uses a lot of my money just buying the games I like for that system. I can't imagine if I had to choose between all of the games out there, it would make my head spin.[/QUOTE]

Not sure which one I'd buy right away but the first one to have the killer app game that I enjoy will probably be my choice.

And for having all three consoles being a CAG helps and also having a good paying job helps as well.
Nintendo at launch. Possibly Xbox at launch. PS3 after first price drop and second hardware revision. I just don't trust Sony to release a quality product in the first try.
PS3 I will get when MGS4 is released. Hopefully I will be lucky again and get a good Playstation system despite the many problems others are having. I will probably buy a warrenty from EB since I have so much credit with them.

Revloution I am not sure about. It sounds great but I have no concrete info on it. That I will just wait and see.
Too soon to tell for me. If the PS3 is backwards compatible that will be a BIG selling point for me since I don't have a PS2. (Though I suppose PS2's will drop in price after the PS3 comes out anyway.)

If one of the major systems has some sort of HDD or storage to decrease load times and avoid memory cards that will also be a major selling point with me. Will be hard to go back to fucking memory cards after the Xbox.
personally taking a wait and see approach until the second series of price drops, seeing as how all these games need to be played first.... tons of rpgs to spend weeks, if not months on (i only game on the weekends, so as not to waste my money on menial social items), and various other games lined up. Currently this gen I have 2 GBA SPs, GC, 2 XBOXs, PS2 all purchased after the first price drop. Still got my trusty NES (1st ever console), looking to get a dreamcast and snes (boy i wish i never sold this for atari's POS jaguar). Its all about the classics!
Revolution at its first price drop, PS3 whenever it's affordable, Xbox 360 eventually...that's the one I'm least tempted to buy.
Probably PS3. In our house we had GC and GBA only. I finally went for a slimline PS2 because I had $65 in Best Buy rewards from buying our new computer. I popped for the extended warranty (19.99) because I was afraid we'd trash it. And they said if PS3 comes out within 2 years, I would get the retail amount I paid toward it that day if I traded in my PS2.
I'll pick up Revolution on Day 1. PS3 will be picked up after the first price drop (or a good bundle price) and Xbox 360 will eventually be picked up later.
Probably pick up all 3 like I did this generation. Not sure about buying one at launch until I see what the lineup looks like. Only system I have bought on launch day was the Dreamcast.
I'll be getting all 3.

Revolution - at Launch, Hell I'll be pre-ordering it as soon as GameStop lets me.

PS3 - First Price drop or when the first Square-Enix game comes out.

Xbox 360 - Maybe at launch or First Price Drop. Its funny I use to be die-hard anti-Xbox now I really enjoy it as my second system. (GameCube is my first system)
I voted that I don't shit dollar bills, but I will probably eventually get them all or at least 2 out of 3. It all depends what price they launch at. If they launch around $300 I may considere getting one if there are a couple nice games out at the time. If more than $300, I will definitely wait til the first price drop or at least a year so that some cheap used games will be available. If one of the three launches well below $300, I will certainly consider it then.
Xbox 360 at launch (have $300 in Gamestop credit) and then PS3 to follow. I play my Xbox 60% of the time and my PS2 40% of my console gaming time.
Damn so many people are going for the Xbox... I'm probably gonna get the PS3, but not right away. Simply because I have company loyalty. The PS1 and PS2 have been great to me...
I'm putting off buying a house until i get all three. Then I figure I have 3 years of no MAJOR purchases, so I can safely buy a house and not cry cuz I don't have an xbox 360.
As of right now none. CAG has made it possible for me to have a HUGE backlog of sealed games this generation and I doubt I'll get around to playing them anytime soon.
Whichever one has the most games I want. I'll probably be picking up PS3 for all the RPGs it's sure to have, and Revolution once it has some good Nintendo exclusive games. I don't have an Xbox right now since there isn't any exclusive games I want for it, but I'd pick one up next generation if it had enough of them.

I won't be buying any systems at launch though, I'll wait for a price drop on all of them. I have a ton of games to play from this generation, anyway. :D
I'll probably end up getting all three. Don't want to be accussed of discrimination. ;)

But, I probably won't buy each of them right away. I'll get them once each has at least 3-4 games that I must have to play, plus they get all the kinks out of the hardware.

Except for maybe the Revolution, I'll get that right away, since Nintendo usually brings the good stuff anyways. Plus, their systems are usually built solid and they have the best customer support with faulty hardware, unlike other companies *cough* Sony.
Nintendo first, then the rest whenever I see enough games to warrant a purchase. I still have a ton of games to play this gen so I will probably won't buy at launch next gen.
I really want to pick up the PSP, but I'm waiting for the price to drop to $149. I know its going to be a while until it reaches this price point, but I can wait. I'm not a huge hand-held fan, but this system intrigues me.

As for the BIG systems. I don't hesitate. I buy them at launch, period. I still own my FZ-1 3DO system I bought at launch for $799.99! Yeah, it was overpriced, but it sure was awesome at that time.
I'm at a "wait and see" phase.. i got the xbox 2 years after launch when it had plenty of cool games and live up and running.. I really want the new xbox.. but BW compat and how they will handle XBL subscriptions is where i'm at.. I'll probably get the nintendo system.. i hope the controller is better designed.. the stupid GC controller can go to hell. made RE4 almost unplayable..
I honestly do not know. I'll have to wait for E3 to make my decision. Right now I'm leaning toward Revolution and PS3, but I'm not sure yet on my choices. I need to see the games before I choose.
Xbox 360 will be bought first. Than it will be a toss up between the PS3 and Revolution. Probably at some point I'll own all 3.
bread's done