What was the worst movie you ever saw at the movie theater?

[quote name='whoknows']Remember that part at the end of the first one where Neo was all "My name...is NEO" cuz he forgot what his name was?[/quote]


I wonder if I should go back and see the three of those to remind myself of how the story went. It's been like four years.
[quote name='botticus']Based on these responses, I must have a high tolerance for shit movies.

I have walked out of two movies in my life: Mafia! (Jay Mohr), and The Order (Heath Ledger). Both had me sitting there staring at the screen unable to comprehend what the fuck I was watching. Ultimately Mafia! wins since it was agreed upon by the other two people I was with to leave. I watched The Order when I was in Orlando by myself, and needed shit to do one afternoon. I chose poorly.[/QUOTE]
Mafia! was pure shit. I saw it at a dollar theater with some friends. I wanted to leave so bad. The best part is it's only 82 minutes long. I want my dollar back. Ultraviolet sucked huge balls too, that was $3. Recently, Resident Evil : Extinction. It could have been decent, but it was horrid. $3.50 flushed there. At least I didn't pay $8 for these shitty movies.
[quote name='Hex']TRINITEH


I wonder if I should go back and see the three of those to remind myself of how the story went. It's been like four years.[/QUOTE]
This is how it went:

The Matrix-Neo learns he's The ONE
Matrix Reloaded-Neo can fly and he does
Matrix Revolutions-Neo dies and so does Trinity and a bunch of other no name people.
Ultraviolet made my brain melt. I just.. didn't know what was happening so I popped an E and enjoyed the pretty colours.
[quote name='Hex']Ultraviolet made my brain melt. I just.. didn't know what was happening so I popped an E and enjoyed the pretty colours.[/QUOTE]

Aeon Flux is another movie I just went what the hell is this about? but I bought it on DVD during Tower's close out in my area.
[quote name='Hex']Ultraviolet made my brain melt. I just.. didn't know what was happening so I popped an E and enjoyed the pretty colours.[/QUOTE]
I wish I had some E during that travesty. Or some shrooms.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Aeon Flux is another movie I just went what the hell is this about? but I bought it on DVD during Tower's close out in my area.[/quote]

Aeon Flux made my brain a puddle too. Whichever one had the gun that reloaded virtual bullets out of her sleeves and lots of purples.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Aeon Flux is another movie I just went what the hell is this about? but I bought it on DVD during Tower's close out in my area.[/QUOTE]
After I watched this movie I spent the whole weekend uttering "Why?" every few minutes.


Darn, here I go again...
thanks, ITDEFX
1. Highlander 2 - The first was one of my favorite movies while the second is one of the, if not the worst, movies I have ever seen.

2. Ultraviolet - Good commercials; bad movie

3. The Jacket - IGN's glowing review had me rushing to see it. They owe me $20 and 2 hours of my life back.

I have seen plenty of bad moves, but these are the only three that I seriously considered walking out on. The only thing that stoped me was my internal optimist. I kept thinking "It can only get better from here." I was wrong.
[quote name='Hex']Ultraviolet made my brain melt. I just.. didn't know what was happening so I popped an E and enjoyed the pretty colours.[/QUOTE]

Agreed , I saw ultraviolet on dvd and that had to be one of the worst action , vampire whatever movies ever.

I also agree with botticus that i too must have a high tolerence for shit movies as a LOT of the movies mentioned here i didn't think were THAT bad , or bad at all , granted i watched them at home and not at a theater but still.

I don't really get to go to the movie theater very often , that said probobly the two worst movies that i can remember seeing at the theater would have to be :
Reign of Fire
Matrix : Reloaded

At least reign of fire was at one of those discount movie theaters.
Gods and Generals

And the worst part was how i watched them both in the same weekend.
[quote name='yukine']Van Helsing...

...holy fuck what a waste of time and money that was.[/QUOTE]

Van Helsing wasn't that bad. Now Batman and Robin, now that was bad.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Van Helsing wasn't that bad. Now Batman and Robin, now that was bad.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, it was okay for a one-time viewing. I can't stand the watching the film again though. The Creature looked like Frankenberry, tee hee.
The only one I really wanted to walk out on was The Fast and the Furious. Unfortunately, I didn't drive, and everyone I was with loved it. Needless to say, they're no longer my friends.

I stuck out The Matrix Reloaded because I honestly expected it to pick up until the credits rolled. Then it sunk in that I had waited in line all day for a ticket to one of the biggest steamers I've ever been unfortunate enough to view. That was easily the worst movie disappointment.

I finally watched Transformers tonight--had I been in a theater for that one, blood would have spilled. Just fucking awful...way worse than I was even expecting, and I really, really hate Michael Bay.
With Honors. I never went to a movie just to please someone else ever again after that piece of absolute world stinking garbage.
The Tuxedo. I went because Jackie Chan was in it, and Drunken Master is a piece of art. The Tuxedo, however, was shit. (In case you're wondering why it blew so hard, Jennifer Love Hewitt was in it. That is reason enough.)

Beyond that, though, I have no searingly negative film-going experiences. I know enough to at least glance at reviews before I go to the theaters, to ensure I don't wander into flicks like Ultraviolet.
[quote name='Javil']Master Of Disguise.[/quote]

Thank you!

Right when I saw this thread title I kept trying to think of the stupid "Tutle Turtle" line, but couldn't think of the movie title. Man, that movie sucked.
Madea's Family Reunion

I'm still not sure how I got talked into seeing this. It was at the $1.50 theater, my girlfriend wanted to see a movie, there was little to choose from that week...

She hated it and suggested we leave, but I was feeling a little sadistic and decided that we should stay until the end. You should get some kind of life experience points for sitting through shit like that.

Dishonorable mentions:

Matrix Reloaded - I enjoyed the first movie, but thought the sequel was horrible. I was so surprised at how bad it was that I actually went back and saw it again for confirmation.
8 Crazy Nights - My gf and I actually walked out of this one.
Doom - Might be THE worst VG movie ever.
Master of Disguise - Made worse by the fact that I saw this at a regular theater (non-$1.50).
And just about every "chick flick" that I've been drug to over the years. :wall:
Balls of Fury

Hey, you go see a Dan fucking Fogler* 'star vehicle', you deserve what you get. That goes for Fanboys, too. I don't care if it's got Kristen Bell in an alternachick raven-haired wig or not. I have literally never been as embarrassed to be a Star Wars fan as I was after watching that trailer. And yes, that includes Episode II Anakin and the Triumph bit on Conan back in '02.

Also, I will never understand the incredible amount of disdain for the Matrix sequels. They have some major flaws, but they were ambitious and fun 'blockbuster' films, which is saying something in a day and age where anything that big is a remake, reboot, or "reimagining". Or written by J.K. Rowling. (Seriously, name the last non-Matrix franchise that you didn't/shouldn't know the basic storyline and outcome before you went in. Name the last blockbusters to have R ratings, even. Gotta give credit where it's due, chilluns.)

*--Is this guy supposed to somehow be vaguely likable or relatable to the 'fanboy' set? Is he supposed to be the '00s Kevin Smith (the personality, not the writer) or something? Is he poised to take Jack Black's manic mantle, now that he's jum--uh, tumbled over a shark? I think I loathe him more than Rush Limbaugh and Anne Coulter making the "Two-Backed Monster". So please don't tell me he just needs the right role.
[quote name='Hex']Oh, and anything by those dipshit Wayans brothers. You know, that visual emesis White Chicks or that celluloid diarrhea Little Man.[/QUOTE]

Oh GOD.....I forgot about those pieces of shit. If you want to make a total turd of a movie, cast a Wayans in it....and to make it EXTRA sucky, have Tyler Perry write or direct.
[quote name='Hex']Oh, and anything by those dipshit Wayans brothers. You know, that visual emesis White Chicks or that celluloid diarrhea Little Man.[/quote]

... Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood was pretty enjoyable.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters . . . I should have known by the title that it would be "lolz, look at me being clever" instead of the actual greatness of the first 3 seasons.
Godzilla (1998) only movie I've ever walked out early on. This was in a $2 second run theater though. There were multiple people hacking up lungs in the theater all through the film so that coupled with the putridity on the screen pushed me out the door.
Down Periscope, back when I was in grammar school. My friends and I didn't know any better back then....stupid kids....

And I did see Aliens vs. Predator at the theater with some free movie cash. I remember hating that one quite a bit, especially after being such a huge fan of the Alien franchise (specifically the first two).
[quote name='yukine']... Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood was pretty enjoyable.[/quote]

I agree. That actually wasnt too bad. All the other Wayans movies I was smart enough not to see at the show.

What I find funny about this list is that so many people seem suprised that the movies sucked. I mean "White Chicks"? It looked like utter wack trash to begin with. For me, the worst movie I ever saw was actually critically acclaimed : The English Patient. That movie was *horrible* and remains the only movie I ever fell asleep on in the theater. It's about the only thing I've ever agreed with Elaine in Seinfeld!
Ah yes, this is why I prefer waiting for DVD.

The only movie I saw in theatres that I was ready to walk out on was Batman Returns. Tim Burton is usually good, but he really took too many liberties with Penguin and Catwoman for my tastes. The movie was more groteque than it should have been. At the time I really thought it was a piece of crap. However, Batman and Robin made me re-assess what my definition of crap is and now I can tolerate Batman Returns somewhat.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I've only seen 10 minutes of Batman & Robin, but those 10 minutes were absolute trash. WTF is a neon light hockey game doing in a Batman movie?[/QUOTE]

if you ever saw the interviews for that movie, the guy who played robin said the director wanted to make a living comic book..........oookkkkkkkk...
Toss up between Dreamcatcher, Urban Legends 2 (left after about 40 minutes), and Stuart Saves His Family.
[quote name='hohez']Toss up between Dreamcatcher, Urban Legends 2 (left after about 40 minutes), and Stuart Saves His Family.[/quote]

Dreamcatcher is the most unintentionally hilarious movie I've ever seen. A character named Duddits? What the hell? And everytime he said "Mr. Gray", it always sounded like "Mr. Gay".
We all can't forget about Street Fighter. Raul Julia gave his life for that piece of crap and not long after that Van Damme became a strictly "direct-to-video" actor... or so it seems.

On the other side, one of the worst movies, which happens to be so bad that it's one of my favorites that I watch every couple months is the City Hunter live action film w/ Jackie Chan. It's so bad it's good. But it wasn't in the theater, so it doesn't count for this thread.
man most jackie chan films suck except for his early kung fu stuff where he does diff animal styles. all his movies after that all seem the same to me even the american stuff where he teams up with someone.
A tie between Wing Commander & Wild Wild West

Ha-ha...(not really) funny quick anecdotes about both, relating to The Phantom Menace. The former, as many recall, was one of the two or three films first showing the final trailer in front of it. Matt Lillard falling out of his seat in shoddy "bullet time". You can't beat it. Thankfully, I would never have seen such a piece of trash just to see a two-minute trailer!* The latter, of course, premiered well after Episode I, but I distinctly recall Will Smiff running some seriously laughable 'bring it on' smack about how his turd was going to blow away Lucasfilm's. I distinctly remember a vision of him being hurled over a shark tank at that very moment, Jazzy Jeff-getting-tossed-out-the-door Fresh Prince style.

*--This is a total lie. And a shameful, scarring secret. And a movie I'd forgotten I'd seen...until now. Thanks.
weekend at bernie's 2. i was very young. after leaving the theatre, it was the first time i knew movies could be bad.
Alone in the Dark with my good friend Mafia. We were literally alone in the dark, as we were the only two people in the entire theater. Security came in three times just to check on us and even watched part of the movie. Was pretty bad.
bread's done