What's in your PS2?

DragonQuest 8, with occassional breaks to put in Taito Legends cos Zookeeper > you. =p Oh yeah, and when I used to smoke I kept my weed in the PS2 as well, in the big empty space where the hard drive goes...
The Getaway. I've had it for a while and didn't get into it, but I've actually stuck with it for the last few days, and it's really fun. Worth every penny of the 8 bucks I paid for it.
The Getaway is a pretty fun game once you get a hang of the controls and the lack of an on screen map for the driving scenes.

I've got Shrek 2 in my PS2 right now. Surprisingly this game is a ton of fun with multiplayer and it has quite a bit of variety. This is even better than X-Men legends - at least in this game the AI is smart enough to not fall off ledges.
[quote name='ninyu']Phantom Brave ... ;> awesome fantasy turn based rpg[/QUOTE]

Is it really that good? I've heard some things that have me interested.. looking for stuff to pad the X-Mas list with...
right now i have project snowblind. For $9, it was definately worth it

last night i had Hot Shots: Part Deux in there. Great movie, better than the first one, and only $5.50 at Target
Switches between Digital Devil Saga, Devil May Cry 3, and We Love Katamari.

DDS pisses me off a lot, so I can't play it for very long. DMC makes my wrists hurt after about an hour (I have mild carpal tunnel, bleh), but it sure is fun.
[quote name='sadunclesnugglez']Right now it's Ico. So far its pretty sweet...little different than SOTC.[/QUOTE]

I just beat SotC and GoW, and am playing Ico right now. It is sweet! But looks kind of crappy via component on my widescreen. =/
Xenosaga 2. Most of the changes they made to the game were detrimental, but I'm still loving it. I'm now in the post-game wrap-up (which is surprisingly lengthy)
[quote name='Aerik']Ello all, what's in your PS2? And is it any good?

Right now I have NBA '06 and so far so good. I borrowed it from my friend since he told me to get it, but I was too reluctant to. (I mean, it's a basketball game) But it's actually good (surprisingly enough), I mean, it actually has a story in it. I got to make my own character and had to work to get drafted (go Spurs). The online play's not that bad either, the tournaments are pretty damn fun.

Anyway, it'll be interesting to see what's in your PS2s.[/QUOTE]

it's good. i have it too. been playing it alot actually. never played a game quite like it before. i haerd they did the same thing wiht a baseball game last year. you play online? i like that too. hit me up with a pm if you wanna play on line

Right now, Radiata Stories. It's fun. I've been alternating that with Burnout Revenge, Shadow of the Colossus, and Jak3--all great games, IMO.
Nearing the end of We Love Katamari, at which point I'll swap it out with Suikoden 4 to replace my wiped save from a few months ago (and to one-shot it with 100%) with a bit of Skygunner since I didn't realize that the game saves your general progress, not your game itself. Ugh.
bread's done