what's ur label are u a gamer or a fanboy

[quote name='Brak']No one is going to admit that they're a fanboy.[/quote]

Precisely - fanboys think they are just the smartest gamers :)
I like games. I have no loyalty to consoles. Consoles are just a delivery system for games.

The only current gen console I dont own is a ps3, and I will get one eventually.
[quote name='Brak']No one is going to admit that they're a fanboy.[/QUOTE]

I am a nintendo fanboy till death, I hate Micro$oft and I do love sony... I admit my faults, why can't you? (not necessarily speaking to the one I quoted)
[quote name='daroga']I'm a fanboy for the PS3, 360, Wii, PSP, and DS.[/quote]Why do you hate the PS2, GameCube, and Xbox so much?
I am a gamer...I used to be an Xbox Fanboy but after playing other consoles I've just become a regular gamer
I own the majority of consoles released, the only one I dont have now is the PS3. I've had swings of fanboy for Sony and Microsoft, but I'm just a gamer really.
I'm basically a Sony and PC fanboy... but I like the Wii better than the PS3. And I have a 360. So...

wait, this was a stupid fucking question.
[quote name='Puffa469']I like games. I have no loyalty to consoles. Consoles are just a delivery system for games.

The only current gen console I dont own is a ps3, and I will get one eventually.[/quote]

Same here, I stopped the loyalty crap this generation. I used to swear I'd never get a 360, but now I'm a proud & happy owner. I don't own a PS3 yet but that'll change later this year once MGS4 comes out. And I dust off my Wii once every few months when something good comes along.
I'm a gamer, but I guess I'm also a slight Nintendo fanboy.

I mean common, Nintendo practically saved the gaming biz back in the 80's with Super Mario Bros.. Who knows what gaming would be like today without their influence.

Not only that, but they're a very consistent company after all these years, pumping out the same quality titles we've come to expect. Not just quality, but the cream of the crop!

Super Mario Bros. 3, best game of the 8 bit generation

Super Mario World, best game of the 16 bit generation

Super Mario 64, best game of the 64 bit generation.

Super Mario Sunshine.....ok not the best, but it was definitely rocking.

Super Mario Galaxy, best game of this generation.

Ok, I'm kinda a Nintendo fanboy....Don't get me wrong though, I own all 3 current gen consoles and realize there are good non Nintendo games out there.
I would say I'm a big FFIV-X, Xenosaga/Xenogears, and Kingdom Hearts fanboy.

Overall, it's the highest for the game FFVII, while character wise, it's Sora.
Gamer. I have no loyalty at all to any of the 3 companies. If any thing I dislike all 3 for different reasons.

MS for being MS, denying the RROD etc. etc.

Sony for the PS3 price from forcing in Blu Ray which I don't give a crap about, all the arrogant statements they made about it such as suggesting people would be willing to work another job to pay for it etc.

Nintendo for rehasing franchises, not supporting high def, ignoring online gaming etc. etc. I used to be a big fan of their games, but not a fanboy. But there's only so many times I can play Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Mario Kart etc. and I've pretty much reached my limit with all their franchises.

So in short, I just like to play games I enjoy and couldn't give a shit less about who sells more or any of that other fanboy nonsense.
Nintendo fanyboy, I suppose.

Of course, I own practically every (major) system made since the 80's, so it's not like I go out of my way to avoid other systems/companies.
Ex hardcore Sega fanboy...I was BAAAAAAAAAD..i only realized how much of a fanboy I was after the Dreamcast died .... now im just a gamer with a 360 preference hoping a mega kickass game (not MGS4) gives me a reason to buy a PS3
TMK is a fanboy for sure. He has paper to prove it. ;)

I play games. I favor Nintendo, but not to fanboy levels. I just enjoy Nintendo games a lot. Not that I don't have fun with the other guys games. I just really enjoy a lot of Nintendo games.
[quote name='Kendal']TMK is a fanboy for sure. He has paper to prove it. ;)

I play games. I favor Nintendo, but not to fanboy levels. I just enjoy Nintendo games a lot. Not that I don't have fun with the other guys games. I just really enjoy a lot of Nintendo games.[/QUOTE]I still have that paper. ;)

I'm the same way with Sony Computer Entertainment, since I enjoy many SCE games a lot. :)
[quote name='UnderwaterMadman']You want some bread to go with that whine?[/quote]

Nah, with the yeast from ya momma's pussy, I can make all the bread I want.

You're saying I don't have the right to my opinion on something after I pay over $300 for it and spend over an hour just to TRY to play a game online with 4 of my friends? On any other system it would take less than 5 minutes, even on games that aren't near as big as Smash.
I'm half gamer, half Sony fanboy... *puts up almighty flame-shield*
I have Nintendo consoles too, and maybe I'll get a 360 one of these days when the RRoD problems disappear, if ever. :)
Ex-militant Sega fanboy. My favorite system ever is still the Sega Saturn with the Dreamcast following close behind. Nowadays, not so much. Sega has turned themselves into a joke (barring the Virtua Fighter series and the brilliant Outrun 2006). I suppose of the current three systems the 360 gets the most play but all of them have their uses.
I'm a gamah until the day I day. I'll play any system. I do prefer the Sony stuff since that was my first main system (PS1) but I love them all.
Anyone who openly admits to being a fanboy (I prefer "zealot", as it appears to piss them off even more) gets a bonus 10 points for honest self-evaluation, but loses 100 points for being a waste of real-world resources and bandwidth.

I am I. I am what I am. Why the self-imposed labels? And while we're at it, what ever happened to the honest-to-goodness classic nerd? Why has the wide-eyed wonder and lovable social haplessness given way to so much vitriol, knee-jerk defensiveness, and bitterness?

Thanks a lot, Internet!
I really wonder if being a "fanboy" to a console is fading, but to game types etc is picking up steam. There are those that really dispise Madden and wouldn't play any game with that name on it. There are those that love GTA, and would buy a disc with GTA 2 on it as long as it was titled GTA 4.

I'm a gamer. I've owned most systems going back to the NES. I don't always own them while they are new, but at some point I'll usually pick them up. What I've found is that every system usually has a reason or 2 to own them, if nothing else. Even the Atari Jaguar, which was a disaster by most measures, still had the wonderful Tempest 2000.

I own a Wii and a 360 right now, and I love them. Right now, I don't see the games that I want to play to fork the money over for a PS3. MGS4 will be the first game on it that I truely miss (and I can't wait until I eventually get one in a few years to get to play it).
Xbox fanboy. I love my 360, its the best console i have ever owned, i love checkin on my friends, i will lose so much time tryin to see what acheivements my friends have. I spend more time on my 360 then anything i have ever owned.
bread's done