What's your favorite game of 2012. Giving away a 400 MSP Code end of January

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My favorite games of the year:

1. Xcom
2. Journey
3. Diablo 3
4. Walking Dead
5. Dust: An Elysium Tale
6. Mutant Blobs Attack

Honorable Mentions:
Binding of Isaac: Wrath of Lamb dlc
M&M: Clash of Heroes

I'm not sure if I'd say Xcom is actually the best game that came out this year, but I had to choose it as my favorite because I put so many hours into it, it's in a genre that I really like, and I've been wanting an update to the original for so long.
Far Cry 3.

Hunting/chasing down animals never gets old.

I really like the skill trees.

The combat is great, and the enemies react in humorous ways (especially when they are being chased by a bear).

The driving is much-improved over the previous game in the series, and the map is much easier to navigate.

There are a ton of activities to do, and many collectibles to search for.
While most wouldn't exactly consider it a full-on 2012 game as it's an updated port, my favorite of 2012 was Persona 4 Golden. I'd never played a game in the series, and this one grabbed me from the start... Great story, possibly the best ensemble of characters in a game ever(right up there with FF VI, anyway), and lots of great RPG goodness gave this game an immediate spot in my top 5 of all time.

Finished the game after 65 hours, and I just started my 2nd playthrough Sunday. I NEVER do that.
100 Posts!

Thanks for the interest everyone, wish I had more codes to give out.

I'll PM then name the first winner here on the late morning of the 16th, so Midnight PST on 1-15-13 is the deadline for code one.

After which, new posts will be accepted for code two, and previous entrees are still code for code two as well. :)

Please, longer than a sentence if you want to be considered! Thanks. =^.^=
100 Posts!

Thanks for the interest everyone, wish I had more codes to give out.

I'll PM then name the first winner here on the late morning of the 16th, so Midnight PST on 1-15-13 is the deadline for code one.

After which, new posts will be accepted for code two, and previous entrees are still code for code two as well. :)

Please, longer than a sentence if you want to be considered! Thanks. =^.^=
2012 was a busy year for me so I didn't get through many games, but my favorite was Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword because I love that series!
Without a doubt my favorite game of 2012 is Rocksmith because it's helping me achieve a life long goal of learning electric guitar, if anyone has even a remote interest in learning the guitar, i highly recommend getting this game.
No contest - The Walking Dead. They took a pretty good source and somehow made it even better through clever storytelling. Games where I "affect" the outcome always irk me, since I know that they're just pigeon-holing me into one of a small handful of pre-ordained endings *cough*MASSEFFECT*cough*, but TWD managed to do it in a way that felt natural - I didn't notice many (any?) times where something in the end-game flew in the face of choices I've made earlier.
Mass Effect 3

Not only was the single player great, but the multiplayer was surprisingly fun and addictive! I don't buy into the ending hate either. I loved it all.
I actually picked Dishonored for game of the year. I am surprised that this game is not mentioned that much in the game of the year picks. I picked it because of the story and how much it reminded me of half-life 2, the best game of all time ;)
Borderlands 1 was one of my favorite games, and i had so much fun with it.
I, obviously, pre-ordered borderlands 2 and it was easily the best game of 2012 for me.
The loot, the monster, the quests, the dialog, everything. You could not play for more than five minutes without laughing or having a good time. Great game to play with friends.

My other answer would be Guild wars 2, if i had friends who played PC like i do. It's a great MMO, and has so many great features that make it's 'quests' enjoyable. If i could find a nice friendly guild with voice chat, i would love it even more. but until then, Borderlands 2 has my vote.
Oh man! just one? grr alright. Dishonored was in my most humble opinion an amazingly well done game. I particularly loved the perfect ending which was my first ending. It made me cry. I'd leave my thoughts on many many great games but alas that might disclude me from the contest.
Well, I'd have to say Borderlands 2. Was the first midnight launch event I had ever went to (was at a GameStop in a big WalMart plaza strip mall). Also, the game was great, and I met some new online friends to play with because of joining a small group of BL2 players.
Despite technical and invalid code issues, I'd still vote for Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package. This open-world/sandbox game allow players to enjoy a world rich in humor and personal choice of freedom. The depth of options and fully developed features must be experienced at least once by every player to truly appreciate this impressively created world of Steelport. Be anyone, do anything; look no further than Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package (2012). Get your copy today!
I would say hands down Arkham City. The depth of the character inclusion in the game was amazing. to have deadshot and solomon grundy in it, i don't think anyone would have thought the villian roster would go that deep.
The Walking Dead for the 360. It has been a great help for me during the break of the show. The story is nothing short of excellent and no other game has had me paranoid to leave the house. Hell....I got my mother in law to play it.
I guess that my favorite game of 2012 was probably Mark of the Ninja. Klei did such an excellent job integrating the stealth elements into their side-scroller.
Favorite game of 2012? That's tough, I'm caught between The Walking Dead and Borderlands 2. I guess I would have to go with Borderlands 2 though mostly based on how much time I have put into the game already. I still play the first Borderlands so I will be playing Borderlands 2 well through 2013.
Favorite game of 2012 for me is Spelunky (XBLA). The in game levels are randomly generated each time you play so you get a different experience every time. Spelunky is also a challenging game if you're trying to make it all the way to the end (or the secret boss), going for a high score, or speedrunning. It was (and still is) well worth the 1200 MSP.
Let's see, why is "Borderlands 2" my favorite game of 2012, and perhaps ever? Well, it gave me everything I could have hoped for from the sequel. The skills are all highly satisfying. The sound design is surprisingly brilliant. I could go on and on (and on), but the biggest reason is Face McShooty. I wish I could shoot him in the face over and over again. I would buy a $5 DLC pack that was nothing but Face McShooty.
My fav 2012 game is Joy Ride Turbo (XBLA), a classic-controller-based arcade cartoon racer with avatars from the same Kinect Joy Ride creators. Very many hours to play and hundreds of trophies, hidden objects and cars to collect and unlock. Highly recommended and more enjoyable than Trials Evo IMHO...
Bumping since it's the last day to post before I pick the first winner!

Once again, I won't be picking anyone who writes a simple sentence or less.

Good luck. :)
Just found this! Here's my .02.

Torchlight 2.

How do you one-up Torchlight 1? You add multi-player and ramp up the storyline and customization options. I absolutely loved the new classes offered and being able to destroy some funky-looking undead and goblinoids with my fiance was awesome. It filled the void that Diablo III left for me quite easily. The system requirements on the game are quite lax, which allows me to play it on my gaming rig and for her to play it on her low-end laptop with Intel HD graphics quite easily.

Sure, I could have picked a number of other titles that likely are deserving: Borderlands 2, Guild Wars 2, Dishonored, Persona 4 Golden, or Assassin's Creed 3... But how many of those offer you the endless hours of fun for the price tag of a mere $20.00? Add in the sales that were done this holiday season and you have a true CAG game of the year.
I hate to say it because I was totally against this game when it came out but my parents gave Skylanders Giants to my kids for Christmas and we cant get enough of it. ;)
Personally i dont really have a 2012 favorite i simply there was a game that i found that hooked me and made me slobber over myself just to play it when i was outside the house sure there was a couple ones that made passing the time easier and allowed for some fun times with friends online, like Mass Effect 3 while i still havent finished the SP(no hook after a while into it ) the mp was suprisingly fun and friends which who knew nothing about the franchise got into it becuz of the MP, and wow did we get frustrated at times with it, hours of suriving too buy thosse damn boxes just to get a pistol that just tickles the enemy or a mod i dont use or the friggin redo a character thing... then there was Boderlands 2 whose charm and comedy made it a fun ride but it seems its time in the spotlight was cut short with the release of holiday pwerhouses like COd and Halo and for while a there a tried to play solo but like many once the amp shields were changed soloing was too much of a hassle maybe if the increased drops it would be worth it... powerhouse COD came in and everyone on the friends list just crammed into its lobbies and like many i have a love hate relationship with it overall its a good game but once again i think the map layout, spawns, and game balances and reintergration of full quickscoping makes me want to burn the game, not to mention the horrible lag compensation and map count which seriously feels lacking with the amount the gamers have put into the franchise you would hope a couple a free map packs with past game maps would come out as a thank you but no we get 4+1zmb packs again at 15 bucks a pop

but for the sake of this contest and to forget this little rant of mine
ill vote for Mass effect 3 simply as a first try into mp it wasnt bad and most of the available DLC was included at no charge

now lets hope for the next gen to come out as fast as possible see if we cant get some real improvements in gameplay i.e player count in games
My favorite game of 2012 is Heroes of Ruin. It is a fun dungeon crawler, with daily quests and shows what can be done on the 3DS. The multiplayer is pretty good and it's easy to drop in and out of action. The voice chat even works pretty well.

I hope someone makes more like it.
I swear I had posted here, but I guess not.

My favorite game is The Walking Dead. I haven't finished it, but the story is just too amazing. Even without much gameplay, I can't believe that they could create such a heartpounding game.
My favorite video game of 2012 is probably call of duty modern warfare 3. ya i know its just another call of duty game but they are so fun to me even though they really are the same thing with different guns. i am still able to play them nonstop while having alot of fun.
My favorite game I played in 2012 was Professor Layton and the Last Specter. The puzzles were great with a lot of variety in difficulty. I enjoyed learning about how the professor first met Luke (this game is a prequel, but I still suggest playing the others first). After completing the main game, there is still sooo much more to play with downloadable puzzles and even a full rpg game within the game! Definitely my favorite game to play in 2012. I'm looking forward to picking up the next Professor Layton once I buy a 3DS.
assassins creed 3, even though I disliked parts of the ending, I felt closer the characters than I had since the first game, I was sucked into the single player and lost days doing ever random mission, finding all of the feathers and book pages. I couldn't get enough.
Mass effect 3 has my vote. The single player was good, and I still play the multiplayer. Got to love those ME3opreations.

DLC was great.
My favorite game of 2012 was Assassins Creed 3. As a huge U.S. history buff, I really enjoyed the Revolutionary War setting. It was pretty cool how they incorporated major events during that period into the Assassins Creed storyline.

Thanks for the opportunity.
Mark of the Ninja XBLA game. Bought it while it was on sale.
it's a quick refreshment from all the high profile games I've played recently. I like the controls and the gameplay. It's smooth and easy to use which I really look for in 2D side scrolling games.
Also like the art style
The favorite game I played in 2012 would have to be The Witcher 2 for Xbox 360. I played the Witcher 1 on PC and loved it, but unfortunately I haven't upgraded my PC in a very long time so I was unable to get Witcher 2. So I was really happy when Witcher 2 was ported to 360, and it looks pretty good to boot. The game also has a bunch of improvements to the first one and you really get immersed in the world, with meaningful choices that completely change where you go in the second act.
My favorite for 2012 was Dragon's Dogma. It takes a bit to get into it, but once you beat the game, the new game plus feature make the game even more fun the second time around. I really liked the pawn system too.
Since I only got and played 3 games from 2012 this won't be very difficult. The three games that I got and played were Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Borderlands 2, and Forza Horizon. Out of these three games I would have to say that Borderlands 2 was probably my favorite. I absolutely loved the first one and this was was probably my most anticipated game, ever. Second I would have to pick Forza Horizon because I could just not stop playing that game once I popped it in. The gameplay was fantastic, the driving was so smooth and the soundtrack is amazing! Black Ops 2 is a good game, but it's more of the same, which is not a bad thing and which is why I bought it. I missed playing a call of duty and black ops 2 was perfect for that "craving."

Thank you for having this giveaway!
My favorite game has to have been Halo 4. I was very skeptical about this game going into it, and I think that is why I liked it so much. I didn't expect too much from it, and 343 definitely delivered. The graphics and game play are very good. Though many people didn't like it, I think the integration of some of the more popular Call of Duty features were very well done and add to the multiplayer experience. Overall a fantastic game.
Far Cry 3 has surprised me in every way. There is so much to do in the game and I can't stop playing. Vaas is one of the best characters to come around in a while as well. I was hesitant going into this after Far Cry 2 (not saying its a bad game, it wasn't) but glad I made the purchase.
My favorite game for 2012 was Dragon's Dogma/The Witcher 2. Since The Witcher 2 is technically a 2011 game which I didn't get to play till it came to the 360, I'm using that caveat to give both games a mention. Dragon's Dogma was a surprisingly delightful game with much deeper mechanics than are apparent at a first glance. There was a sense of adventure every time I stepped out of a city, a feeling that I realized I had sorely missed and I was also glad that despite the initial suggestion of a weak story, the latter part of the game revealed as solid a core premise as any which with slightly better delivery could have stood proudly among much more lauded story driven games.
No more entries for code one, I will notify the winner later today! Watch your PM box. :)

However, feel free to post if you'd like a chance at Code 2. If you'd like to change your game, feel free to do so.
Dragon's Dogma. I must have put over 100 hours into it before I 1k'd it. Capcom really nailed it on the head. It's a Dark-Souls styled game that's a little easier to get into.
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