When's the last time you turned it on?

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I turned mine on for an hour or so yesterday morning while I was up with the baby, just enough time to mess with a new GH controller and get pissed off at Fire Emblem (stupid hard sometimes). Before that maybe a month. I don't know why I don't play it more, I have a lot of good games that I haven't beaten yet. MP3, SMG, Elebits, etc... I guess it is because my PS3 is so new and shiny. I used to bring it with me when I traveled to play MLB Power Pros but I haven't done that lately either. I really, really recommend Power Pros to anyone who likes baseball games at all, pretty amazing title. The wife and I used to like taking turns playing Elebits, (looking forward to the DS one) and we had been playing a lot of MK and Bomberman Blast. I think the only game I have completed 100% is Excite Truck, pretty close on a few others though. I guess I will have to fire it back up when I get home again.
My wii has been on pretty much every day since my wow account went on hiatus, I've been playing the hell out of Secret of mana and Super Metroid
Played again today for the first time since AC was released (or, like, a week after release). Picked up Sam & Max, which I had completely forgotten about, so started that. Enjoyable, but not over $20 enjoyable.

It's a moot point, though, since I'd be turning the Wii on in a few weeks for HOTD: Overkill anyway. It's odd to be looking forward to a Wii release.

... I didn't mean to type it that way, but I'm not going to change it. Heh.
I bought Boom Blox the other day along with a Nyko wireless nunchuck, I hope to test it out this week.

I would have done it earlier, but I bought Fifa 09 a day later and it's crack.
I was wondering where this thread went, as I was thinking last night, "when the hell was the last time I played anything on the Wii?"

I know my wife uses WiiFit, so maybe that counts. Me? Nada.
Started playing Resident Evil 4 last night, so I'm sure it'll be used even more now (had been playing Trauma Center: New Blood pretty regularly). I played though most of Res Evil on the 'Cube, but really wanted to re-start it after getting the Wii version - it's such a fantastic game!

After I get done w/ this, I've got both Okami and Godfather waiting for me ;)
Yeah Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition was a great game. Had my Wii on last night playing Rock Band 2, then Wii Sports with my bro.
I think I play the Wii an hour every other month. Seriously. This was the biggest waste of money. I was so pumped when I got it at launch.
Last game I played was World of Goo, and that was probably in early December. I know my batteries are dead on the controller and I just dont care enough to recharge them to play.
I play the Wii every single minute of every single day. I do not stop playing it. In fact I play it two minutes for every minute of the day. What I did was to buy 2 Wiis and 2 TVs. I play them both at the same time. While doing so I stand on a 360 and use a PS3 as hat. Thanks for your time.

EDIT: P.S. can we please kill this thread dead? Thanks.

EDIT2: Never mind. I'm just going to take it over. I promise incredibly stupid posts here every day from here on out. Thanks for your time!
Bonus edition for the first day:

I play the Wii for 5 seconds each day. I press the power button on the remote and after it fails to turn on, I press it again and walk off in frustration. Then I realize it's because I have forgotten to turn on the TV, but by then it is too late. I am demoralized. Damn!
[quote name='crunchewy']I play the Wii every single minute of every single day. I do not stop playing it. In fact I play it two minutes for every minute of the day. What I did was to buy 2 Wiis and 2 TVs. I play them both at the same time. While doing so I stand on a 360 and use a PS3 as hat. Thanks for your time.

EDIT: P.S. can we please kill this thread dead? Thanks.

EDIT2: Never mind. I'm just going to take it over. I promise incredibly stupid posts here every day from here on out. Thanks for your time![/quote]
I agreed with EDIT, then I wanted to ride the coattails of EDIT2.
I play my Wii 48 hours every day.

I bought two Wiis, built a time Machine and I go back in time to play the one Wii while my past self is playing the other Wii.

I always win at Smash since I know what my past self is going to do.
I got Tomb Raider: Underworld last week, and have been playing it in the late evenings this week. I've gotten to the fourth (last?) area just last night.

(Quickie review -- Not a bad game, but Tomb Raider: Anniversary is better. Get Underworld for $25 or less and it'd be a decent buy)

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