When's the last time you turned it on?

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[quote name='Mad D']I never like threads like this because all they do is pull out post like sold it, collects dust, red ringed or only use it for bluray movies.[/quote]Yeah. That's why, with posts like these, I always make it a point to post how often mine gets used. Just recently turned it off after a couple hours of RB2, in fact. Brawl, Boom Blox, and Mario Kart also saw some play on the Wii today.

[quote name='Mad D']I guess thats why I haven't finished Zak and Wiki...[/quote]Agh, I need to finish that one some day.
I turned it on yesterday so my competitive smash brothers playing friend could play it. Other than when I see him, the Wii is almost never on unless I feel like playing Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube version though).
Been going intense on Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom for the last two days since it arrived, doubt I'll stop playing it on a daily basis until I pick up SFIV.
[quote name='eugaet']It's on every day for play. Someone's always playing a game on the Wii at my house. And we've had it for nearly 2 years now.[/quote]
Same situation in our house. And that was before Rock Band 2 - it's even worse now.
I pretty much only play Animal Crossing for like 30 minutes (or less). I also check out the Nintendo Channel on Mondays to see the new videos.

But lately that's pretty much it. Oh, I've been weighing myself on Wii Fit lately.. so add another 10 minutes a day :lol:
for the first time in 2 months!

Got Cooking Mama World Kitchen and put 8 hours into it since i got a fractured elbow and it only requires one hand :p
Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom has taken a lot of my time away and so has Call of Duty: World at War. I'd imagine my playtime with it may sink a little bit throughout January but it'll pick up again in February and March with HOTD and Madworld coming out.
Probably a little over 5 months. I don't wish I never bought the Wii though. As far as console exclusives (not handhelds) are concerned for this generation, Super Mario Galaxy and Twilight Princess are in my top five. I do wish I waited for the price drop.
Turning it on this weekend... My parents over xmas bought themselves a wii for wii fit, I gave my dad my copy of mario kart and he loves it. The first time I've seen him play a game on his own in my 28 years of exsistence. So we are going to play this weekend!.
Last week, currently working through Shaun White Snowboarding. I'd play it more this week, but my wife has been hogging the teevee for late-nite television-watching, and by the time I get a chance it's already well past midnight.

It has been over a year for me. I need to pick up some games but nothing has grabbed my attention. I got the Wii as a gift originally which I didn't ask for so it doesn't bother me that it gets limited use.

I may pick up Wii Fit if I can snag one at Target tomorrow with my gift cards.
[quote name='ninja dog']Just beat NMH a few days ago. Beat Prince of Persia:SoT after that. Currently playing: RE4, Galaxy, Mario Kart Wii, and RE:UC.[/QUOTE]

Add in Metroid Prime 3 and Zack & Wiki and you can turn it off for at least a year! :bouncy:
I had to sell my HDTV due to financial problems, but luckily, someone on Craigslist donated an old 32" tv to me. The day I got it, I hooked up my Wii again and smiled at the happy, familiar glow. A month without my Wii was too long. Played Animal Crossing today, and getting ready to fire up my new copy of Boom Blox.
It had been a good few months without using my Wii until I had to send my 360 in for repairs about a month ago. I started playing Okami and got hooked.
[quote name='Rocko']It had been a good few months without using my Wii until I had to send my 360 in for repairs about a month ago. I started playing Okami and got hooked.[/QUOTE]

LMAO.. same thing happen to me.. turned on my wii, last month when my 360 was sent in..

Wii couldn't get me interested longer than 2 hr. w/ mario kart online & nights..

IONO... now my 360 is back... it's just sits here, goin to turn it back on to make sure it works.. lol
fucking broken Wii. I want to play Brawl, dammit![quote name='ninja dog']wrpg-style conversations.[/quote]Huh?
[quote name='ninja dog']broken up into levels. really retro? really?[/quote]
No more so than any of the previous Prime games...
[quote name='The Crotch']fucking broken Wii. I want to play Brawl, dammit

The profile shots. the shitty face models. the explanations of every last detail you don't care about. they toyed with dialogue a bit in MP2 and it was fine because it was kept to a minimum, though it was still odd. MP3 may as well have been the opening to Halo 3.

No more so than any of the previous Prime games...

I don't recall flying from planet to planet in any metroid prime game. Except in the awful MP:Hunters.
2 1/2 weeks or so, I am working on Wonder World Amusement Park (horrible game BTW), and as soon as I unlock everything I am selling it.
[quote name='maigoyume']Today, 4 player dokapon kingdom is hilarious :lol:[/quote]

Definitely. I wish I had a tape recorder running so I could podcast the last time my buddies and I played...hilarious indeed!
[quote name='Knoxximus']Definitely. I wish I had a tape recorder running so I could podcast the last time my buddies and I played...hilarious indeed![/quote]Just imagine if the game was online ;) though i bet there'd be tons of dropouts
A few weeks ago when the fam played wii sports (bowling) or when Jaeli and i popped in Pikmin 2 because we thought we could co-op play. Wii gets the least amount of play of all the systems currently hooked up in the house. If i had a smallish screen so i could play AC in my bedroom either at night or in the morning, I would now play it every day.
I haven't had my Wii on in quite some time but over Christmas I played Boom Blox at a friend's house and man that game is fun with 4 people and alcohol.
[quote name='guinaevere']A few weeks ago when the fam played wii sports (bowling) or when Jaeli and i popped in Pikmin 2 because we thought we could co-op play. Wii gets the least amount of play of all the systems currently hooked up in the house. If i had a smallish screen so i could play AC in my bedroom either at night or in the morning, I would now play it every day.[/QUOTE]

So, does your Wii get more Gamecube action then Wii action? :lol:
i havent played it in.....probably 3 months....ive got a bunch of games its just dead space came along on black friday and ate up my free time since then..now fallout 3's turn.....
i will get back to it eventually
I think I played a few minutes of Trauma Center: New Blood a couple weeks ago, but I decided to start Disgaea DS instead. I predict the Wii will be turned on next weekend as a result of either beating Disgaea or giving up on it.
[quote name='javeryh']I haven't had my Wii on in quite some time but over Christmas I played Boom Blox at a friend's house and man that game is fun with 4 people and alcohol.[/quote]

Alcohol makes any wii game better XD especially wii bowling. I personally don't drink but its funny watching drunk friends/family play. Anyways last time I turned it on was 2 days ago to play Bomberman Blast on that countdown mode which is hilarious with 5 people in the same room, screaming at each other.
About thirty minutes ago, I played through about forty-five minutes of SSX Blur. Before that, about an hour on Super Mario Galaxy. Yesterday it was about an hour of Cubello. So it's technically been off for about a half-hour.

I love the Wii. I'm SO last-gen.
Yesterday, played SSBB with the family, though I will admit I've been playing the ps3 so much more given the size of my collection of ps2 games. I actually play my 360 the least.

To tell you the truth I'm really not that disappointed with my Wii, I rather like it. It has a lot of games that are really easy to pick up after awhile.

This season was pretty abysmal, yes, but the future looks bright.

I'm having some friends over for some more Wii-exclusive gaming this weekend actually.
Well, I think it is time to go out and search for a cheap copy of No More Heroes. It is one of the few Wii games I have yet to play (the others being Battalion Wars 2 and FE: Radiant Dawn).
I don't remember exactly. Two weeks or so. I only turn it on to play House of the Dead 2&3 when my brother is in town. I rarely use the system.
Hi everyone, new to CAG and to Wii also, and interesting topic that one, since I haven't owned a videogame in the last 4 years, and decided to start again with Nintendo. So far I don't see why everybody complain about the Wii so much, but I guess it's probably because I don't own any of the other systems :p.

Speaking of which, last time I turned it on was a few hours ago, played some Super Mario Galaxy, got a few stars, then about 20 minutes of Samba de Amigo to exercise a little bit --> excellent game in short burts in my opinion. My Wii usually gets around 1 to 3 hours of use for the past 4 months.
Continues to be every day for me, but I'm starting to feel guilty because during the school year we restrict our kids to only Tuesday during the week, then Fri, Sat, Sun. Here I am playing Animal Crossing every night and collecting lots of good stuff and my poor guys are getting short changed on the deal. Sigh. So I'm thinking about putting the same restriction on myself... except to check turnip prices. :)
October 2008... I'm still playing Mario Galaxy from launch but that's the only Wii game I'll even consider playing.
Technically, my Wii is on right now. I just realized that I forgot to turn it off (again), It's so quiet that I keep leaving it on. As for when I turned it on, I think that was Sunday. I'm early on playing Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None". But having an infant cuts down on my console gaming time. (but strangely, my DS still gets plenty of action)
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