When's the last time you turned it on?

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33 (100%)
This ISN'T a thread bashing the Wii, as much as people want to believe it is. I like my system, but there isn't a whole lot of games that either interest me right now, or are at a price point that I want to purchase.

The last time I turned it on was September 22nd, I believe. I got two games for Christmas (Mercury Meltdown and SMG) that I plan on getting into sometime very soon. It just seems that there were so many AAA games that I purchased over the last four months for other systems (well, one system) that I've created a huge backlog.

There are a few titles that I'm waiting for to drop in price, or to trade for (shameless plug) like Excite Truck. I guess the problem I seem to have right now is that I'm less inclined to take a risk with my precious money on an original IP, which I completely applaud Nintendo for having out on the market. The standbys like Zelda and Metroid I just could never get into for some reason.

Old thread is old!
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The longest I have gone without turning my Wii on would have been the summer drought up until Metroid Prime 3.

But I've had plenty of playtime between Galaxy/Fire Emblem/GameCube in the past couple of months. Right now however, I have a backlog of PS2 games that I'm trying to catch up on, but the Wii still gets turned on occasion for the occasional GameCube or Virtual Console playing.

Before that, when Manhunt 2 came out. Then when MySims came out. Then there was about a 3 month period where I didn't touch it at all.
Didn't touch it for a month and a half then I sold it. I'll buy another one later on this year but it just wasn't worth it to hold on to with all the PS3 games that came out.
Just turned it off actually. Prolly play something on the Wii 5 days a week. Trying to get through Fire Emblem right now.

I don't understand the whole "gathering dust" thing. Unless you are playing for 10 hours a day there is plenty on the Wii to keep you busy.
It's on and off... it seems like I'll play it for a few weeks and love it and then I won't touch it for a month... or longer.

Last I played it was early this month but it's been almost 2 weeks since I turned it on.
Probably about three weeks ago. That's mainly because I try not to play other stuff when I'm working through a longer game or else I'll get distracted and may never finish that game. (Like I did with Fire Emblem! Which will get its play time within the next month or so I think.)

Though I played one two weeks ago when I went to visit my mom. She had me help her with stars in Super Mario Galaxy and I jumped in to help her on some Lego Star Wars that I bought her for christmas.
Two or three weeks ago when I worked on getting some more stars in Mario Galaxy. Think I'm at 101 now, but not having much motivation to bother getting the last 19.

Just hasn't been much that captivated me on the Wii thus far, just Mario, Metroid and Zelda really.

But that's not a bash, as I've said repeatedly, I'm perfectly happy to own just for those big first party games. Aside from those, the other genres I really like (FPS, Sports, Action, Western RPGS etc.) are done better on other systems.

But I love having the Wii around since it offers such a different type of gaming than on the PS3/360, that it makes for a nice change of pace every once in a while.

Wii60 FTW!
January second, to make sure my replacement GHIII guitar functioned. Before that, I have no idea. Definitely sometime before Christmas.
Probably two weeks ago? Think I wrapped up Trauma Center: SO. Been playing Phantom Hourglass and Earthbound (see, I would be playing it on the Wii, but it's not out!) until NMH is here.

No offense, but is it really worth commenting on not turning on your console when you have games sitting around that you haven't gotten around to playing?
I sold mine in Augustl because I hadn't touched it in a month or two.....Now I have a PS3 that I don't really touch that much.......but I plan on using it for Blu-Ray and PS3 exclusives.
Christmas. To distract my nephew, parents, aunts, and uncles while all the cool kids played Rock Band in the other room.

Before that was probably around Thanksgiving? A friend called me up to trade FCs cause she just got a Wii. I just really haven't played much of anything except Rock Band due to lack of time and budget.
It has probably been maybe 6/7 days for me, been busy w/ other stuff, but I have been really getting into Fire Emblem....Before that though there was a couple months of little usage in Sept/Oct.
Two nights ago. I want to finish Zack and Wiki before I go back to Super Mario Galaxy. With any luck, I'll catch up on my gaming by March and then get Super Smash Bros. Brawl, unless I get derailed with more games before then...

I hate to fall into a stereotypical category, but I haven't turned my Wii on since I got my 360 on Dec 24.

Admittedly, though, part of that is because, with the lone exception of one or two levels in TR:Anniversary and the horrid, horrid Red Steel, I've really finished off most of my Wii games. So, I hate to say it, unless someone comes over and wants to mess with it, I don't foresee it being turned on again until Brawl, or if I actually decide to pick up No More Heroes this month.

That, and looking at that new release calendar that was just posted, I'm not seeing too much else for at least a few months. :cry:
Tuesday, when I had to get a quick peek at Link's Crossbow Training. I wanted to play today, but I'm falling behind on coursework already, so not til the weekend.

And then once my games and accessories arrive next week, I'll fail school.
I have mine mainly for my kids, but I actually played SuperSwing golf with them yesterday...

I had spent $15 on clearance at WallyWorld for it as one of my daughter's X-mas presents, MONEY WELL SPENT!

I loved Hot Shots Golf (still do) and this is that kind of game, but with the addition of the Wii controls.

I can see this one being a nice change of pace for me from COD4 on the PS3.
I turned mine on last night to play a wii sports with my mom and at night I played Zack and wiki I'm still working on that game, SMG, Fire emblem, and RE4 and with Endless ocean and No more heroes i'm set to play for a while.
Last night.

Played some Mario Galaxy and some Zack & Wiki. Then I'm picking up Endless Ocean next week. Plus I still haven't touched RE4 & Metroid.
[quote name='rjung']Two nights ago. I want to finish Zack and Wiki before I go back to Super Mario Galaxy. With any luck, I'll catch up on my gaming by March and then get Super Smash Bros. Brawl, unless I get derailed with more games before then...


Yeah, in a way I was glad it got delayed another month, as I can hopefully finish off Mass Effect and Orange Box and get a lot of CoD4 in before then and be ready to throw myself 100% into Brawl in March.
Wow... I turned mine on last weekend for about 10 minutes and decided I was too tired to even start SMG.

I got a PS3 on Dec 20th (?). Busted through Uncharted and COD4, as well as played some Motorstorm, R&C, and Oblivion. Fight night is on its way in.

I have a few Wii games sitting there, just really trying to focus on games that are holding their value and then beat/unload before the value falls. I am hopefully going to start SMG this weekend and am actually pretty pumped.

Before last weekend it had been a week previous when a buddy came over with his excite truck to see my saves with all the cars and monster trucks, we busted out on wii play (tanks) as well that weekend.
Last night for a little bit, 'cuz I have a portfolio to finish.

7 stars away from getting 100% on SMG. I'm pretty sure I've explored that game completely already, though, every secret of every area, and this is going to be the first time I've gone 100% on something without using any outside help whatsoever...

I can not wait to be done with school for a little while. I've gotten a bunk ass version of Path of Radiance, and looking for a used copy to buy right now... but not actively, because of my portfolio. I'll let someone know what's up when the time is right.

I'm about as happy with the system as I can be; even in light of Brawl getting moved away from my b-day.
Oh wow, I haven't hit the power switch on my Wii in like a week. Haha, might as well do it now to see what's new in the voting channel.

There is no way in HELL my Wii will be "gathering dust" anytime soon, as I got/bought 21 new games for it over Winter Vaction.

People need to quit with the "no good games" crap already. It's not "cool" to bash the Wii anymore, kids.
[quote name='Gameboy415']
People need to quit with the "no good games" crap already. It's not "cool" to bash the Wii anymore, kids.[/QUOTE]

Care to point out anyone in this thread who is doing so?
This thread really surprises me. I've been using the Wii pretty much every day for the past couple months as long as I've had time. I'm still only at around 80 stars on Mario Galaxy, nowhere near finished with Zack & Wiki, only about halfway through Umbrella Chronicles, etc.
Yesterday. Galaxy is a surprisingly long game (that freaking Toy Time purple coin star is nuts), so I'm working on that, and I need to go back to finish Zack & Wiki before No More Heroes, and then get through THAT before Brawl. When I'll find time for Fire Emblem is beyond me. It's actually a good thing I've hit a brick wall with Call of Duty 4 ("Oh, I unlocked all the perks? Not so interested any more...") and don't have anything else worth playing on the 360 -- I can barely get through all the AAA stuff on the Wii as is.

EDIT: Crap. Pygmy Carnotaur reminded me I still haven't unlocked all the stages in Umbrella Chronicles. So yeah, there's that too.
Every other day. Still haven't finished Mario Galaxy 70 stars, Just opened up the third area in Zack and Wiki, got stuck in a Wesker mission on RE:UC, only played through Ghost Squad once, and trying to maintain my 130 status online in Medal of Honor Heroes 2. Getting NMH when it comes out along with Smash. I'm usually pretty busy so I at least try to get 30 minutes of MOHH2 every other day. I'm set for any potential game drought.
When did Mario Galaxy come out? It took me between about a week and a half and two weeks to get all
stars. I haven't touched the thing since. And before SMG I hadn't touched the thing for about four months.

The Wii is a system worth owning... for Nintendo's first party games. My day-to-day gaming is all on the 360, while the Wii is turning into another GameCube for me.

Edit: There are a few other games I'm interested in playing on the Wii (pretty much all first party stuff, though, with the exception of Zack & Wiki) that are already out. I've just been too cheap to go out and buy them.

Edit 2: Didn't mean to spoil anything (was a minor spoiler, though). Whoops, sorry.
[quote name='Pylis']When did Mario Galaxy come out? It took me about a week and a half to get all the stars. I haven't touched the thing since. And before SMG I hadn't touched the thing for about four months.[/QUOTE]

Mid November maybe? That's pretty quick for all the stars. I've made it to 110 (where I am at the moment) in about the time you collected everything.

[quote name='Pylis']The Wii is a system worth owning... for Nintendo's first party games. My day-to-day gaming is all on the 360, while the Wii is turning into another GameCube for me.

Edit: There are a few other games I'm interested in playing on the Wii (pretty much all first party stuff, though, with the exception of Zack & Wiki) that are already out. I've just been too cheap to go out and buy them.[/QUOTE]

I'm kind of the same way. I play most of my "filler" games on the 360, but I always find myself kind of dissatisfied after I beat them, staring at Crackdown or Assassin's Creed, wondering why I wasted my time playing through a "meh" game when I should have been finally beating Zack & Wiki or starting Fire Emblem, which I know I'd enjoy more.

EDIT: Removed slight spoiler.
[quote name='Pylis']When did Mario Galaxy come out? It took me about a week and a half to get all 242 stars. [/quote]Oh man.. spoiler...

And a week-and-a-half? This man is a hardcore gamer.
[quote name='Pylis']When did Mario Galaxy come out? It took me about a week and a half to get all 242 stars. I haven't touched the thing since. And before SMG I hadn't touched the thing for about four months.[/quote]

I want your job... I'm hesitant to say "your degree plan," though. Because mine ownz most things out there.
Dec 27th I played Resident Evil UC and Ghost Squad with a buddy of mine. We also Played some Contra Alien Wars for the VC.

Dec 29th I played Wii Sports and Mario and Sonic with my cousins.

Jan 4th I played some Wii Sports Bowling, Tennis and Golf.

Wii Calendar FTW!
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