When's the last time you turned it on?

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Yesterday. Why am I doing a second Fire Emblem run-through when I still have Resident Evil 4, Mercenaries, and Eternal Darkness sitting here unbeaten?
When I got my 360 around January 5th, I haven't touched my Wii since, mostly because I'm fully immersed in my 360 games. After my excitement for the 360 dies down I'll go back and finish up the games (Wii and Cube) that in my massive backlog.
[quote name='Gameboy415']
People need to quit with the "no good games" crap already. It's not "cool" to bash the Wii anymore, kids.[/QUOTE]

I don't think anyone has bashed the Wii, or said that it has no good games.

Some have said they just don't have any good games they haven't already played, thus they haven't turned on the Wii in a while.
I'd be playing Wii more if I had money, but SMG and Z&W have been huge. I don't have the coin for Fire Emblem, else I'd be on that too. Or BWii. Or RE:UC. Or MoH: Heroes 2...
I don't think I've turned it on yet in 2008, actually. I tested it after getting it back from being repaired, which was before Christmas and I'm pretty sure that was the last time it was on. Haven't had a whole lot of time for gaming.
I have not played a game on it since I beat MP3 about 2monts ago, the only thing I do on it is use the web browser. My kids have been mainly playing it(Mario Galaxy) I got a PS3 for Xmas and about 5 kick-ass games and have not looked back.
Yesterday I played through Metal Slug 2 and a few rounds of Wii bowling with a couple of friends. I've actually probably been playing my 360 the least out of the 3.
[quote name='joshofstl']I'd be playing Wii more if I had money, but SMG and Z&W have been huge. I don't have the coin for Fire Emblem, else I'd be on that too. Or BWii. Or RE:UC. Or MoH: Heroes 2... I'm considering selling my body on the street.[/quote]Ahem.
[quote name='Mad D']Oh man.. spoiler...

And a week-and-a-half? This man is a hardcore gamer.[/QUOTE]

Well, it may have taken me a little closer to 2 weeks. Didn't mean to spoil anything... I'll go back and modify the original post. Unfortunately, everybody who quoted me will have to fix theirs as well for it to matter.

Going through the second time as Luigi is a joke. Once you've done it all as Mario, it's not even remotely difficult as Luigi, despite him being slightly harder to control. Expect it to take about a third of the time.

Truthfully, SMG was the only game I was playing during that time. I also kind of rushed through, rather than taking a bunch of time to explore. When you're writing a fucking operating system for one of your classes, an all-nighter to play Mario is a welcome departure from the all-nighters spent knee-deep in broken C code.

[quote name='MarioColbert']I want your job... I'm hesitant to say "your degree plan," though. Because mine ownz most things out there.[/QUOTE]

I was working part time and getting ready for finals (Comp Sci. major--graduated last semester). Lately I've had virtually no time to play games at all, though. Ugh.
I am playing Wii Fit almost everyday.

My gf loves it and we have this competition going to see who can top the other in the various balance games.

Before that, I was playing SMG everyday, but then I got the 241st star and I stopped playing...
Earlier today. I played some Ghost Squad and Donkey Kong Country 2 on the Virtual Console. I've also been playing Godzilla Unleashed.
[quote name='CouRageouS']Christmas. To distract my nephew, parents, aunts, and uncles while all the cool kids played Rock Band in the other room.

Before that was probably around Thanksgiving? A friend called me up to trade FCs cause she just got a Wii. I just really haven't played much of anything except Rock Band due to lack of time and budget.[/quote]

Pretty much the same with me. I played it a few days after christmas to try Umbrella Chronicles out and haven't touched it since. Rock Band takes up what little time I have.
Last night, when we started SMG.

Before that, a few weeks ago, probably to check out the Everybody Votes Channel or the Shop Channel.
Christmas when I played Guitar Hero 3 with the family and a few rounds with my CAG Secret Santa gifts.

Got a Xbox 360 for Christmas so I'm wearing the new off of The Orange Box.
I didn't turn mine on once from May-November last year. I unplugged it because I got sick of seeing the blue flashing light. Since then I've had it on maybe five hours or less total.
I haven't turned it on in a while. Like others, the newness of the 360 hasn't worn off. I still need to finish Super Paper Mario and Mario Galaxy.
[quote name='Mad D']

And a week-and-a-half? This man is a hardcore gamer.[/QUOTE]

It's just time. It's not a hard game. It's what, 20-30 hours each playthrough? 20 hours would put you at roughly 1 star every 10 minutes. Assuming you finish them on your first try.
I'm going on 3 weeks - I got SMG for Christmas and played it twice. I haven't had the urge to play it again since I am buried in 360 games right now. I'm not even sure if there's a single game on the Wii that I'll be getting this year since Mario Kart and Smash Brothers don't interest me at all.... maybe if there's a Pikmin or Luigi's Mansion at the end of the year or something...
[quote name='javeryh']I'm going on 3 weeks - I got SMG for Christmas and played it twice. I haven't had the urge to play it again since I am buried in 360 games right now. I'm not even sure if there's a single game on the Wii that I'll be getting this year since Mario Kart and Smash Brothers don't interest me at all.... maybe if there's a Pikmin or Luigi's Mansion at the end of the year or something...[/QUOTE]

Not to totally threadjack, but the "127 Wii games in 2008" thread has some potentially noteworthy games, if you're really curious about what might worth playing later this year on the Wii.

And to further derail (not like the original topic was all that rigidly defined...), since there seem to be a lot of Wii60 people in here: what are the big 2008 titles for the 360 that should be on my radar? Last fall was great, but having finished off Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, BioShock, and Call of Duty 4 by Christmas (and having already beaten Half-Life 2, so no Orange Box for me), I find myself staring down a long, empty hallway of gaming over there, scrounging for BS achievements in Crackdown. So ... now what?
[quote name='trq']Not to totally threadjack, but the "127 Wii games in 2008" thread has some potentially noteworthy games, if you're really curious about what might worth playing later this year on the Wii.

And to further derail (not like the original topic was all that rigidly defined...), since there seem to be a lot of Wii60 people in here: what are the big 2008 titles for the 360 that should be on my radar? Last fall was great, but having finished off Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, BioShock, and Call of Duty 4 by Christmas (and having already beaten Half-Life 2, so no Orange Box for me), I find myself staring down a long, empty hallway of gaming over there, scrounging for BS achievements in Crackdown. So ... now what?[/quote]

I checked out the thread and Okami is seriously the only game that I see on there that I will definitely get. SSBM is a huge maybe - I didn't care for the other games in the series but maybe because I had no one to play against. If online work then that game might be a possibility for me. That's about it.

As for the 360, I still have Mass Effect, CoD4 and Halo 3 to play and I'm only 1/2 way through Assassin's Creed and HL2 so I'm good for a long while. I am very interested in Burnout, DMC4, Condemned 2, GTA4 and Saint's Row 2 this year though.
A couple hours ago.

Kirby's Adventure. Also still haven't finished SMB Galaxy yet, or RE4 which I bought a few months back.
It's been off since the last time I had company that wanted to briefly try Wii Sports before going back to more Rock Band. So, Christmas Day.
yesterday to put in fcs from a month or 2 ago when friends said they registered mine :lol:

otherwise i barely touch it...though i am 11 stars away from beating galaxy with the minimum 60 stars

damn 360 keeps distracting me.
[quote name='Nelo Ice']
otherwise i barely touch it...though i am 11 stars away from beating galaxy with the minimum 60 stars


I like that wording. Makes it seem like you accomplished more. Although I'm in the same boat with about 65 stars. I "beat" it though, but I still wonder why they would let you beat Bowser before you are done with all the stars....
About a week ago. I really hate to say it, but the Wii has been a colossal failure for me. Galaxy doesn't really grip me at all, and there are no noteworthy games that I want coming out anytime soon, with the exception of Brawl, of course.
[quote name='cheapwiigamer']I like that wording. Makes it seem like you accomplished more. Although I'm in the same boat with about 65 stars. I "beat" it though, but I still wonder why they would let you beat Bowser before you are done with all the stars....[/quote]

well after typing that i decied to get my last 11 stars and i beat galaxy...not sure if im gonna go for the full 120 though
14 hrs for me. I played it last to beat Chapter 6 on Startropics (2nd runthrough and it was before my 11 AM computer graphics class), and ended up playing Warcraft for the rest of the day. Weekend might be scarce but Monday I will get probably Street Fighter and the first Lolo and that will hold me until the weekend when I get my hands on No More Heroes :D
[quote name='cheapwiigamer']I "beat" it though, but I still wonder why they would let you beat Bowser before you are done with all the stars....[/QUOTE]
It lets the noobs and casuals feel good about beating the game after getting 60. :) Getting 120 is the mark of a real Mario player -- that second half has a lot of hard ones.

(And getting all
stars... now that's badass!)

Turned it on twice in the span of a year.

One was to play RE4 and P.N.03, and the other was for a firmware update.

0 Wii games and counting.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Earlier today. I played some Ghost Squad and Donkey Kong Country 2 on the Virtual Console. I've also been playing Godzilla Unleashed.[/QUOTE]

How are you liking Godzilla Unleashed??

I played through the story mode as Godzilla but I haven't really tried out any of the other characters yet.

For whatever reason the gameplay doesn't seem as polished as Godzilla: DAMM on GC did. Some attacks just feel useless, ya know?
We had a Tanks tournament through Wii Play last night for an hour or two. Then we did some team runs. While it might not be the most complex game, it's fun.
[quote name='cheapwiigamer']We had a Tanks tournament through Wii Play last night for an hour or two. Then we did some team runs. While it might not be the most complex game, it's fun.[/QUOTE]

Dude, Tanks is awesome. Best game on Wii Play, and totally ignored for the most part. Shit's not easy, either.
Umm...probably around 3 weeks or a month. The last thing I played was Ghost Squad. I can't get back into Super Paper Mario and don't want to save the princess in Galaxy yet.

I keep mine on standby, and our power went out a month or so ago and the light is still red (haven't turned it on since the power outage).

I haven't touched it since i got Mass Effect or COD4; ME has definitly hurt the amount of time my Wii gets.

Like dmaul, I'm content to just play the Wiixclusives on it like Galaxy, Metroid, Zelda, RE:4 Wii, but really enjoyed COD3 on it too. I'm streaky w/ the wii.

To quote the wise sage Dmaul, (and my sig)

Wii-Sixty FTWiin!!
When did Mario release? I bought Mario a few days after release during the TRU gift card deal. Took me about a week to beat Mario and the Wii has done nothing but collect dust since then.
Being that I just one Monday, I would say last night. I play it pretty often. I only have Wii Play and Wii Sports right now(until I get Galaxy). I am overall satisfied with it. I know, there are good games around the bend, so I will just wait.
Played some Mercury last week and this.

The thing I have with the Wii, I look at it as a 5-10 minute system. Meaning, it's a great choice when I have a limited amount of time to play.
When the blue light went on.
Did anyone else get a random update the other day? It was something about the Check Mii Out Channel, and you only needed it if you hadn't updated since 10/10/08. ... didn't the CMO channel come out after then anyway?

It was bizarre. Either way, I didn't need it, I was just wondering if everyone else got it and if it was relevant for ANYONE.
Same as last time I posted. Late December when X-box live was down and I powered it up to get some more stars in Mario Galaxy.

I'm going to let my girlfriend and her brothers family (she's been living with them since moving away for her new job last summer) borrow it for a while as they've been wanting one for a while and can't find it.

I'll either get it back in March for Smash, or possibly just say screw it and give it to them or sell it to them cheap since they have a kid and will probably get more out of it anyway since they're non gamers to very casual gamers.
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