Which one of the big 3 had the best E3 presentation

[quote name='whoknows']Microsoft![/QUOTE]

[quote name='wwe101']wow who voted for sony? i thought it would be a unanimous decision that nintendo was the best[/QUOTE]
While they had a good presentation, it really matters on what appeals to you. Especially if youre one of those hardcore(nerd) gamers who think the wii is for kiddies.
i say sony. still interested to see if the 3dds is as great as theyre hyping it to be but man they really need to focus on one type of portable. why would anyone want a dsi or a dsxl when you can have a ds with an analog stick?
[quote name='lokizz']i say sony. still interested to see if the 3dds is as great as theyre hyping it to be but man they really need to focus on one type of portable. why would anyone want a dsi or a dsxl when you can have a ds with an analog stick?[/QUOTE]

I think it's safe to say the 3DS will do the DS/Lite/XL/i what the DS did to the GBA.
I think Nintendo did a great job this year. The new Zelda, Metroid, Goldeneye and Kirby all looked great and I'm really excited about the 3DS. Kid Icarus kinda sealed it for me.

I think Sony did a pretty good job too. They started out pretty bad, but they showed a lot of stuff I'm looking forward to near the end. It should be a pretty good year for the PSP with YS Seven, The Third Birthday, Valkyria Chronicles II, Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep and Persona 3 Portable.

...The Xbox conference kinda drove me nuts. Skittles will haunt me for years to come.
After years of god awful presentations since the release of the Wii, Nintendo FINALLY made a conference where it was about games I could enjoy. Plus unlike the others it wasn't about some god awful new peripheral (no vitality sensor in sight).

Other then that Sony's was good really for the last hour, but it'd have been better if it had actual games being played versus abunch of videos and montage after montage. Plus I really thought that Kevin Butler overstayed his welcome in trying to make people forget about all the boring 3D TV talk and anything with Move.

Microsoft, Jesus. Usually year after year they have GREAT conferences and last year's unveiling of Natal gave them alot of potential to work with. This time...Man, they're just flying blind and just trying to steal any Wii owners without knowing what they're doing.
What RPGs were presented at the Sony E3 conference? (not trying to be rude, I didn't watch any of the conferences and I'm having a hard time sorting through the flood of information coming out) I don't think I want to search through the mess of E3 threads and all the blogs I visited are flooded with Nintendo stuff.
[quote name='Mad D']What RPGs were presented at the Sony E3 conference? (not trying to be rude, I didn't watch any of the conferences and I'm having a hard time sorting through the flood of information coming out) I don't think I want to search through the mess of E3 threads and all the blogs I visited are flooded with Nintendo stuff.[/QUOTE]
3rd Birthday, which is the new Parasite Eve game. Other then that only things I remember seeing are Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy XIV.
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, 3rd Birthday, Valkyria Chronicles 2, Persona 3 Portable, Final Fantasy XIV.

For the inevitable "but the 3DS had all these great games announced," true. But that wasn't during the presentation. The list and pictures you're all reading and drooling over (myself included) came after the presentation so they aren't relevant to this topic.
Nintendo had awful conferences for the last few years, but they passed that torch to Microsoft this E3. I was really looking forward to seeing Natal, but it doesn't even work. Microsoft showed games we already knew about.. none of which are "wow, this is an original take/idea." Sony just showed video montage after video montage, 3D/Move games, Twisted Metal, and that little kid from the movie Role Models. It was pretty funny they acknowledged a new marketing campaign for PSP. Really? What a sweet surprise that was guys.

As a side note, I'm into RPG's, so yeah.
Aside from the Zelda problems early on, I can't really say anything negative about Nintendo's Conference. Sure I'm not getting Wii Party, and while Just Dance 2 is great for people who like that stuff, but they kept that stuff INCREDIBLY brief. There weren't any sales charts either, just numbers. But again, it was really brief. After that, it was just game after game after game that I want in my hands right now. They got absolutely ridiculous with the 3DS section and it sounds like awesome. The 3rd party games revealed sounds like a FLOOD of content, too. Oh, and Kid Icarus? fuck yes!
It wasn't the game it was the sensor on the wii getting fucked up by people phones and other devices in the room. Everyone who's tried it and reported said the game works great.
Microsoft wins the most entertaining conference this year. I laughed hysterically watching that huge fail of a show.

Sony bored me to death and almost put me to sleep, almost. But they did have better content than Microsoft.

Nintendo won this year imo and the sad part is I couldn't care any less for the games that was shown other than the new Zelda. 3DS? sorry, don't care.

So in conclusion, this whole E3 was a joke to me.
[quote name='KingBroly']I know, and I've heard it plays awesome. But problems are problems. I still can't wait to play it.[/QUOTE]
True. Still has a year left if not more.
[quote name='Sparta Omni']True. Still has a year left if not more.[/QUOTE]

No way. Zelda is a late Q1, early Q2.
Microsoft didn't manage to sell me on Kinect, and Sony's presentation was way too long without showing anything particularly good. I'll give this to Nintendo by default, though I wasn't particularly impressed by them either.
Nintendo won this year. I was pissed that Zelda isn't coming this year but at least both Kirby and DKC looked great and are coming out this year. Plus Metroid in a month or so. Sony was solid but to me the 3DS stole the show the list of games alone should make a gamers jaw drop. As for Microsoft yeah they sucked big time.

Microsoft was a joke. The only thing I enjoyed about it was the Gears 3 game play, especially when he frag tagged a locust and threw him back at his friends.

Sony was disappointing. Nothing interesting as far as trailers, besides Killzone and Infamous, I don't recall them showing KH:Birth by Sleep or 3rd Birthday, unless it was in those oh so boring montages. You have 2 hours, you could show trailers, not montages. I kinda felt bad for them after they're like "We are going to push 3D into the main-stream". LOL NO. Not with $2000 TV's and pairs of 3D glasses. Nintendo will if the 3DS lives up to the hype.

Nintendo won for me because they focused on core gamers, not shit like Move Golf.
I think Nintendo had the best showing from delivering on the new handheld to offering a plethora of new titles.

My biggest suprise was Sony allowing Valve to have Steamworks integration on the PS3. That is awesome!
[quote name='wwe101']wow who voted for sony? i thought it would be a unanimous decision that nintendo was the best[/QUOTE]
Nintendo had an excellent show, but nothing that I want. Sony won in my book with Twisted Metal.
Nintendo had the best presentation by far. Regardless of what system you prefer. My Wii collects dust and I can still see that Nintendo had the strongest presentation.

Microsoft and Sony focused on their Wiimote ripoffs. Watching people work out, do yoga, and flail around like retards is exactly why Nintendo's press events have sucked the last two years.

Nintendo also benefitted from addition by subtraction. By that I mean no Cammy Dunway.

And having a hundred or so 3DS's to play and Wii kiosks with playable Zelda at the end of the presentation? WIN. I would have been late to the Sony event if I were there at Nintendo's presentation.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, 3rd Birthday, Valkyria Chronicles 2, Persona 3 Portable, Final Fantasy XIV.

For the inevitable "but the 3DS had all these great games announced," true. But that wasn't during the presentation. The list and pictures you're all reading and drooling over (myself included) came after the presentation so they aren't relevant to this topic.[/QUOTE]

No, I'm pretty sure I got hyped because they revealed companies and listed titles during the presentation.

Good try though, fanboy
Hmmm, I guess they did do a few. I must have forgotten about it because they only showed 20 seconds worth of title/company listing.

Bitter much?
Definitely Nintendo then far behind Sony then farther behind Microsoft.

Microssoft was disappointing and pretty much confirms that Kinect is a piece of garbage. All their promises from last year has pretty much been negated by the tech demo. Shit it isn't even all that accurate (watch the micrososft then ubisoft presentation for the girls height in your shape....5"8 vs 5"6...fail)

Sony was pretty good, Kevin Butler was awesome compared to the horrid corporate presenters from Sony. By far the funniest presenter I have seen in the E3 conferences since I started watching years ago. The games, I wasn't TOO impressed with however. Was maybe expecting a bit more. Sorcery looked good though, great use of the motion controller, which is more practical then kinect. (a souped up wiimote essentially)

Nintendo, wow...I was pretty damn surprised they started with Zelda. That pretty much set the tone of the presentation. Donkey Kong Country returns? Kid Icarus 3DS? ...the 3DS......yeah hands down the best presentation in terms of games and technology. I was impressed
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Hmmm, I guess they did do a few. I must have forgotten about it because they only showed 20 seconds worth of title/company listing.

Bitter much?[/QUOTE]

i just felt like throwing in the fan boy part for fun.

and I kinda agree actually, because they didn't really show screens and I thought it was all "we might make these games for your system" talk instead of games that are actually in development and looking amazing.
Nintendo showed it was a company that was creating impressive hardcore games while the other two play catch-up
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Nintendo.

Anyone saying Micrsoft is pretty much a confirmed fanboy. Theirs was horrible.[/QUOTE]

Yeah E3 was pretty much the test of fanboydem. If you stand by Microsoft's E3 conference your pretty much a fanboy for life. With that said I understand what MS is going after and I'm sure there will still be plenty of core games on the 360, especially if Kinnect fails, and even if it doesn't we'll still have Gears, MVC3 and many other great games in 2011 and beyond.
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']Nintendo.

Microsoft was a joke. The only thing I enjoyed about it was the Gears 3 game play, especially when he frag tagged a locust and threw him back at his friends.

Sony was disappointing. Nothing interesting as far as trailers, besides Killzone and Infamous, I don't recall them showing KH:Birth by Sleep or 3rd Birthday, unless it was in those oh so boring montages. You have 2 hours, you could show trailers, not montages. I kinda felt bad for them after they're like "We are going to push 3D into the main-stream". LOL NO. Not with $2000 TV's and pairs of 3D glasses. Nintendo will if the 3DS lives up to the hype.

Nintendo won for me because they focused on core gamers, not shit like Move Golf.[/QUOTE]

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep and The 3rd Birthday were shown in one of the PSP montages. Square-Enix has new trailers of both up on their website, but I agree. Trailers of both should have been shown at the Sony conference.
Sony took it home in my book. I think they did a much better job with their motion crap than the other two did, and perhaps more importantly it wasn't the entire focus of their presentation. The emphasis on 3D is something of a risky move (especially after I just got back from pricing 3D tvs!), but I remember four years ago people were smack talking blu-ray during the hi-def wars so maybe they're onto something more than I recognize here. The presentation itself wasn't so bad, Kevin Butler was funny and the ice cream truck was kind of cool. I think their big point during the second half was that they are trying to reach out more to third party devs, which is appreciated, the collectors editions that EA are offering with their games are pretty cool. It took me a few minutes to really get jazzed for twisted metal, but by the end I was sold on it. The only time I cried foul on Sony was with the move pricing, I think I'll wait and see what black Friday is offering on it.

Nintendo's presentation was great as well, but they just sort of broke even in my opinion, no exciting new IPs or amazing new revamps for their established games (except maybe Kid Icarus, which might be alright but the dialogue sure was corny). I think we've been so used to Nintendo letting us down in the past few years that now that they've come back with some established franchise they seem to be exceeding our expectations when they've actually only managed to catch up to where they should have been in the first place. I'm not wowed at the 1:1 movement in the new Zelda, it actually kind of makes me sad because I was expecting this to be in Twilight Princess four years ago when Wii was announced. The other games like Kirby, Donkey Kong, etc. look fun too but there's nothing about them that implies that they've been slaving over these games during their many years of absence when compared to something like Metroid Prime. It's hard to get an impression on the 3DS without being able to see its main draw in action but it seems cool.

Microsoft... I think people have more or less described what I think of it. I'm not quite as vengeful towards kinect as others are but I have a hard time seeing how it will succeed, and it seems like MS is putting almost all their chips in on it this holiday (which explains their rather lame showing). Even with all the bells and whistles I don't know how many people are going to be swayed by that $150 price tag.
[quote name='eastshore4']Sony took it home in my book. I think they did a much better job with their motion crap than the other two did, and perhaps more importantly it wasn't the entire focus of their presentation. The emphasis on 3D is something of a risky move (especially after I just got back from pricing 3D tvs!), but I remember four years ago people were smack talking blu-ray during the hi-def wars so maybe they're onto something more than I recognize here. The presentation itself wasn't so bad, Kevin Butler was funny and the ice cream truck was kind of cool. I think their big point during the second half was that they are trying to reach out more to third party devs, which is appreciated, the collectors editions that EA are offering with their games are pretty cool. It took me a few minutes to really get jazzed for twisted metal, but by the end I was sold on it. The only time I cried foul on Sony was with the move pricing, I think I'll wait and see what black Friday is offering on it.

Nintendo's presentation was great as well, but they just sort of broke even in my opinion, no exciting new IPs or amazing new revamps for their established games (except maybe Kid Icarus, which might be alright but the dialogue sure was corny). I think we've been so used to Nintendo letting us down in the past few years that now that they've come back with some established franchise they seem to be exceeding our expectations when they've actually only managed to catch up to where they should have been in the first place. I'm not wowed at the 1:1 movement in the new Zelda, it actually kind of makes me sad because I was expecting this to be in Twilight Princess four years ago when Wii was announced. The other games like Kirby, Donkey Kong, etc. look fun too but there's nothing about them that implies that they've been slaving over these games during their many years of absence when compared to something like Metroid Prime. It's hard to get an impression on the 3DS without being able to see its main draw in action but it seems cool.

Microsoft... I think people have more or less described what I think of it. I'm not quite as vengeful towards kinect as others are but I have a hard time seeing how it will succeed, and it seems like MS is putting almost all their chips in on it this holiday (which explains their rather lame showing). Even with all the bells and whistles I don't know how many people are going to be swayed by that $150 price tag.[/QUOTE]

Don't quite understand how you can say Nintendo broke even because of no new IPs when Sony really offered nothing of substance in that category, unless you are counting Twisted Metal or Move games. Not to mention Nintendo has so many that some of them are put off for a decade are more.

I want to get excited about the EA CE exclusives, but am concerned on what they will cost. Too many companies are charging $80+ for CEs these days (I'm looking at you Alan Wake, Fallout NV, SWTFUII, etc). Hopefully it will be like Battlefield BCII and Dante's Inferno Divine Edition (2 EA products). I will definitely buy the PS3 versions in that case. Although I still wish Sony allowed trophy data to be shared with websites like giantbomb.

Hopefully all the negative reactions puts Microsoft on notice for the next E3. This is the first time I can remember people being critical of Microsoft's E3 with serious justification. Microsoft has an HD console sans-Bluray and has focused on the core gamer. Outside of arrogance, I'm not sure how they can expect them to be happy with an E3 focused on motion gameplay and mini-games.
[quote name='KingBroly']No way. Zelda is a late Q1, early Q2.[/QUOTE]
Er, yeah, june is Q2. A year. And you think they won't have a delay like every other zelda? I'd like to have it tomorrow, but I don't mind them taking their time, even if that means nov, 2011.
Nintendo all the way.
I'm really excited for Kirby Epic Yarn, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Zelda Skyward Sword and Epic Mickey.

Bullet storm, Dead Space 2, Portal 2 and Rayman Orgins look great too.
Nintendo. Microsoft showed some neat stuff but there were no surprises. Sony was similar, some cool reveals but nothing earth-shattering.

On the other hand, Nintendo hit it out of the park with the 3DS. All of the games looked outstanding and I am dying to get my hands on one. Their Wii game reveals were also very strong, but the 3DS stole the show.
Nintendo. Without a doubt. They showed a bunch of games I'm very interested in playing, and it's safe to say the 3DS is my most-anticipated console since the PS2. And the news about it has just been getting better and better since the media briefing.

Sony came in second. They actually succeeded in making me interested in the Move, if only by showing publishers and honest-to-goodness games that I'd be interested in playing with it. The PlayStation Plus details were fairly unimpressive, but that may have been because my expectations for it were high. Losing the content you buy under subscription upon expiration is a huge, huge detriment.

Bonus points for the Twisted Metal reveal. With all the hype surrounding the motion control and the 3DS, I had completely forgotten about the possibility of a new Twisted Metal title. I'm really, really excited.

I can safely say the Microsoft conference did nothing for me. It has succeeded in making me feel worse about Natal/Kinect, and I wasn't all that hot for it going in. They didn't show a single game or even game footage that would make it worth the pick-up. Plus, you have to be standing up to use it. Forget it.

I'm also a little miffed that the "surprise" this year was that everyone in the audience would be getting a new Xbox. Wow. They could have come up with something that would have appealed to the millions of people that watched the briefing, but they instead trying to buy out the easy journalists in the audience. Nice work.
I've got to hand this one to Nintendo. Their showing for the past three years has been pretty weak, largely due to their success and focus on casual players. But this year they came strong for their core demographic. A lot of their best franchises are getting fresh entries, and most of these new titles look hot as hell.

Microsoft and Sony both put on decent shows, but the focus of their shows was somewhat lacking. Microsoft got some of their best franchises out of the way very quickly, and immediately switched over to promoting the hell out of the Kinect. And despite the heavy Kinect focus, they never bothered to tell us the price. Only about one new title was announced, and zero content was displayed for it. Very sad. As interesting as the Kinect is, it just couldn't bolster the presentation.

Sony had a stronger showing than Microsoft. Although their over-emphasis of 3D was annoying, I felt that the Move actually demoed very well. The Sourcery game they introduced was initially underwhelming. But it did a great job of showcasing the Move's features, and its performance was not plagued by the same issues that hampered the Zelda reveal. The Twisted Metal reveal was huge for fans of that series, and they demonstrated that the title was well into development. I was also impressed by the exclusive content that Sony has been getting for some of the games coming out on the PS3. I will almost certainly get Dead Space 2 for the PS3. And finally, Sony managed to get Gabe Newell on stage to eat some humble pie and introduce Portal 2.

But Nintendo still takes the cake. They introduced numerous games that had not been revealed previously. Most of those games were in a playable state. And their 3DS demonstration easily won out over the other companies' hardware reveals. After such a long lull, it was nice to see Nintendo bringing some excitement for core gamers.
bread's done