who moderates the mods

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Before anyone asks, I do believe this is due to the Subway threads that have been deleted instead of just deleting the posts about cheating.

And the latest deletion... I don't even think that post had any talk about cheating in it yet...
i went through the entire 'Community Rules' and 'Terms of Use & User Agreement'. my thread didn't violate any of it. in fact, there's nothing even explicitly stated about 'cheating'.

do i contact CheapyD through the 'contact the administrator' link or email him directly.
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[quote name='time2play']do i contact CheapyD through the 'contact the administrator' link or email him directly.[/QUOTE]
Last I heard, you should email directly... but I don't remember exactly how to do it... the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page I think... maybe... I know PM on here isn't the way... :/
Lol, I remember another forum I was on where each sub section had a post whore who was named that sections moderator. Needless to say, each section followed it's own agenda. I know nothing of this situation, but some mods go apeshit with a little net power. I doubt that's the case here, but explanations are good when posts are deleted.
What might be better is to actually PM a mod and they can speak with whomever remove the post and get back with you on a reason. I see shrike4242, io, guinaevere on quite frequently so they might be the best bet to contact.
[quote name='Stoic Person Eater']Watchmen picture[/QUOTE]
[quote name='crzyjoeguy']DAMN!!!!! you beat me to it :lol:[/QUOTE]

That was the joke.
Why press the issue the first thread was removed due to the dishonesty associated with it. Even if the other threads hadn't yet veered down that path it wouldn't be the first time a contest or something is removed due to the rampant abuse occurring whether or not people are discussing it as the mods choose too not have Cag associated with it. You can go to a few other sites and get all the codes for the promo and tactics to use them if you wanted very easily; so I don't see the big deal in it being removed.
when did CAG become Pre-Crime? If nobody was talking about cheating, removing the thread because someone might is a little over zealous. Why isn't the Club Bing thread removed? The title states no talk of bots, cheating , return fraud. IIRC, there was a lot of that in the beginning, yet it's still trucking on...
yeah, shrike4242 PMed me back. gist of it is 'it was deleted as a preventive measure from going that direction again'...

still waiting for a response from CheapyD...
[quote name='shosh']obviously cheapy d. didnt someone like linkin prime get demodded?[/QUOTE]

Whose alt account are you? You weren't even a member when that happened.
[quote name='Hostile']I always loved how Cheapy always talks about smoking pot but we're not allowed to speak of little workarounds.[/QUOTE]

What, exactly, do the two have anything to do with eachother?
[quote name='Brownjohn']What, exactly, do the two have anything to do with eachother?[/QUOTE]

One's illegal and the other is frowned upon at most. Guess which is which.
[quote name='Mr Dude65']Hopefully it will soon change to "anywhere".[/QUOTE]

I say either legalize pot or outlaw booze. And only one of those is a terrible idea.

But this discussion is really neither here nor there.
Power is the demise of humanity, once you give a random member power to ban people and delete posts, it ends the fun

(Example, give a Sony fanboy moderation privileges, every negative Sony thread will be deleted)

Edit: I bet this thread will be deleted by CheapyD himself because of you guys pointing out his weed talk lol
[quote name='Hostile']I always loved how Cheapy always talks about smoking pot but we're not allowed to speak of little workarounds.[/QUOTE]
I'm sure Cheapy won't mind if you talk about little workarounds on your podcast.

Oops! Looks like this thread will commit murder in the future! Best delete it now!

But in all honesty if they want to delete it that's their prerogative. I've noticed CAG headed a bit south of honest and ethical more and more lately. Right now there are many many CAGs out there registered for babies they have no chance of conceiving just to get a gift card.
It's just something I find funny so don't get too hostile or defensive. I like the guy. It's his goddamn website and he can do whatever he pleases.
[quote name='guinaevere']Lovely.[/QUOTE]

It's usually only discussed during the E3 episodes of the CAGCast as that's when Cheapy does it. Drugs are a MUCH bigger deal in Asia and any arrest for it would almost certainly be an instant deportation.

Just go back through the archives and listen to the episodes about E3 2007-E3 2010.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Just go back through the archives and listen to the episodes about E3 2007-E3 2010.[/QUOTE]
HA! With all the times Cheapy's told me I should listen to the CAGcast and I've told him I'm not interested, I'm not about to begin now to hear this. :lol:
I find such threads amusing. :D

[quote name='time2play']why was the playboy free subscription thread deleted?
from CAG's ToU & UA: 'The Site is not directed to children under the age of 18'.[/QUOTE]

What sub-forum was this thread located in?
[quote name='daphatty']I find such threads amusing. :D

What sub-forum was this thread located in?[/QUOTE]

Contests/free stuff I believe.

This thread is amusing. :D Also, I moderate the mods in secrecy. In their sleep I grafted puppet-like cables to each of them... and shock collars.
EDIT: Looks like the thread wasn't deleted after all. It was merged with the Free Magazines Sticky.

You might want to do a bit more research before you start tossing around the ToU and UA.
[quote name='time2play']why was the playboy free subscription thread deleted?
from CAG's ToU & UA: 'The Site is not directed to children under the age of 18'.[/QUOTE]

For someone who's been given free access to an awesome website with amazing information and useful people to socialize with you sure do complain a lot.
[quote name='time2play']please do tell.[/QUOTE]
I don't think anyone is watching them as closely as you right now.

You're our only hope! ;)
[quote name='Diebythesword']btw, what happened to the Playboy thread?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Mr Dude65']I don't think you can post anything about pornography, as there are members under the age of 18.[/QUOTE]

i assumed it was deleted because of the above posts.

[quote name='Dr. Venkman']For someone who's been given free access to an awesome website with amazing information and useful people to socialize with you sure do complain a lot.[/QUOTE]

yeah, well maybe my opinion is complaining to you, but that's your opinion. and i don't think all its people are useful.

pitfallharry219, your link doesn't work.
and daphatty, that thread was deleted. this is the only related post i found by searching, so yeah, i did do my research.
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