Who plays their DS while taking a poo?


not with my ds lite, or any system for that matter. I read my gaming mags while on the john.
Eww that is gross. I bet you are one of those savages that pees in the shower.

I beat a few games while dropping the kids off at the pool. I am not ashamed.
i don't bring anything along with me when i take a dump.i want to focus all my attention on that and get it over with
I've been gaming "on da can" since the original gameboy. As matter of fact, I think I've played every major console while taking a dump. Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy SP, Sony PSP, Game Gear, Neo Geo Pocket, Nokia N-Gage, TurboExpress, Lynx, Palm Pilot, Pocket PC, DS Phat, Gameboy Micro, DS Lite & VSmile Pocket. I even played the Virtual Boy on the toilet. In fact "on da can" is my MarioKart DS screen name and the logo is a toilet bowl. Good grief I think I must do 60% of my gaming on the potty. Up until my legs get numb. In fact I did it again this morning while playing Phoenix Wright. I took a shower right after and left the DS Lite in the magazine rack. I hope it didn't get any condensation in it. hehe.. makes you think twice now about buying any used handheld systems eh? hahaha!!!
[quote name='CoconutSport']Makes you think twice now about buying any used handheld systems eh? hahaha!!![/quote]


Might be time to invest in whatever company makes Preperation H. You guys are destined for hemorrhoid city.
[quote name='wubb']Might be time to invest in whatever company makes Preperation H. You guys are destined for hemorrhoid city.[/quote]

Could definately be a target audience for some in-game advertising.

BTW, why do they call it "taking" a poo. You're not really taking anything... actually you're really "leaving" something. I've never understood that.
Last time I was in Japan, I saw two different types of public toilets. One was some high-tech heated toilet seat with all kinds of buttons and what not.. and the other was just a hole in the floor. Wat da dilly yo? I can't imagine playing handheld games on the later.
Shouldn't the question be who doesn't play their DS while shitting? Of course I play handhelds in the crapper - what else is there to do in there? It's not like I can go in there with a magazine in my office. The systems fit perfectly in my pocket and no one is the wiser...
[quote name='javeryh']Shouldn't the question be who doesn't play their DS while shitting? Of course I play handhelds in the crapper - what else is there to do in there? It's not like I can go in there with a magazine in my office. The systems fit perfectly in my pocket and no one is the wiser...[/quote]

It was always the problem with the Gameboy Micro. Even though it so small to be undetectable in your pocket on the way in, it still has that annoying chirping sound when you turn the volume all the way down when you're in the stall.
tried playing games while in the can...but it just doesnt relax me. It cant work coz' while playing games, i feel my sphincter tigthening up on certain parts of the game which is not helpful for the taking a dump. Now, i just bring my laptop and read some cheapassgamer.com
This has to be the greatest thread EVER.

Oh and I play my DS Lite so much while crapping, it actually has a brown tint to it from all of the fecal matter in the air sticking to it. Once it gets brown enough I'll sell it on ebay and say it's a special edition Brown Version DS Lite! Yay! Money! Laffs!
Oh I know I do.
The other night I found it a bit ironic that i'm sitting on the can playing "PUSH" mode on Tetris. And anytime I wiFi random matches I sometimes think "these people don't know i'm crapping." lol
[quote name='hootie']This has to be the greatest thread EVER.

Oh and I play my DS Lite so much while crapping, it actually has a brown tint to it from all of the fecal matter in the air sticking to it. Once it gets brown enough I'll sell it on ebay and say it's a special edition Brown Version DS Lite! Yay! Money! Laffs![/quote]

its something to help with the boredom.
I sometimes play a game while on the can, depends if the constipation factor is going on. Funnest game to play on the can is probably Warioware Twisted, you can continue playing it while you wipe, just keep swinging the system.
Just sneak in that DS like a ninja! Stealthy!

There's no volume on the DS that isn't detectable from the outside. There's the mute but than you're smashing buttons like crazy.

There was this one week where I somehow caught acute diarrhea. Everytime the diarrhea pulled a suprise attack on me, I would try to hold it back and find DS before hitting the potty. Needless to say, there were leaks and it amounted to soiled stuff...XD

For those who haven't taken the DS or any handheld as a companion to the potty, I ask you to consider it.
You guys have a serious crap problem. When I take a dump it takes me just about as long as it does to take a piss.
Wow, you guys are some constipated people!! I spend about 3 minutes on the can at the most.
[quote name='Ace Harding: Private Eye']Sometimes I play with my poo instead of my DS.[/QUOTE]
Did you find the prize inside? :D
I hate it when people complain about how gross it is about playing ur ds on the pot. Since the dslite can out , it has been with me everywhere and i even stay longer in the pot playing my portable gaming device.
[quote name='sying']Shouldn't this be a poll?

Christ , whats next? Do you Wii when you are taking a Wii?[/QUOTE]
How many Wii's can you play with at once?
[quote name='Moxio']I don't. I wouldn't dare risk touching my DS with poopy fingers.[/QUOTE]

or dropping it down into that black abyss.
[quote name='iflabs']I do it all the time when I go take a dump. It sure can be lonely and boring without it.[/quote]
sometimes wheni poop i see a ds lite come out but i am affraid to grab it i think i got a hemorroid from one
[quote name='Moxio']I don't. I wouldn't dare risk touching my DS with poopy fingers.[/QUOTE]

Who said anything about touching it with poopy fingers? See, that is the trick. You play it as you are starting then when you wipe, you put it down somewhere clean. Then, wash you hands, pick it up, and leave. It's like it was never in the bathroom.
[quote name='mannam23']Who said anything about touching it with poopy fingers? See, that is the trick. You play it as you are starting then when you wipe, you put it down somewhere clean. Then, wash you hands, pick it up, and leave. It's like it was never in the bathroom.[/quote]
what if you like to wipe with you ds?
[quote name='Strell']Mmmmm this thread makes me HUNGRY![/quote]
you know the great thing about poop is its ediable,mmmmm poop...
bread's done