Wii Pre-Order Thread - Facts, Rumors and Everything In Between

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Some people have been asking about preordering the Wii. Right now there are two confirmed locations about where one can jump on the boat early.


1. Gamestop
For Previous Information on Pre-Order Deal for HAWAII ONLY - Refer to this post: this post
Status: Pre-Order Info Sign Up
Conditions: Unknown
Start of Preorder: Unknown
Link: http://www.gamestop.com/gs/wii/wii_signup.asp?

2. Amazon (Thanks to bmarquardt for the Heads Up)
Status: Sold Out as of September 15th
Conditions: Unknown
Start of Preorder: September 15th
Link: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0009VXBAQ/

3. FYE
Conditions: Put down $50
Start of Preorder: Sometime during late spring 2006
Store Locations: http://shop.fye.com/StoreLocator.aspx

4. Lik-Sang.com
Conditions: No Money Down
1. Your pre-order is not binding and you can cancel at any time.
2. Once release details are known, you will receive an email that you need to confirm.
3. Should you decide to confirm, you will keep your position in the pre-order list.
4. Unit price and features are not confirmed and can change at any time.
5. Release date is not confirmed and might change.
6. The product is listed with a dummy price - your credit card is NOT charged.
7. All special pre-orders are limited to a maximum of 1 unit.
8. Depending on release schedule, you will be offered choice between European, US or Japanese.
9. Choices and changes are also allowed if several editions/colors are made available.
10. Once games and accessories are confirmed, you will be able to add them to your order.
Start of Preorder: I forgot ^^;
Link: http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?category=351&products_id=6998&

I will update the post as more pre-orders (hopefully) start up. Good hunting!
Being that Christmas is not a newly celebrated thing in the USA, I wonder how people get pissed off that they can't find the "Hot" Item 2 days before Christmas. Every year you see people flipping out because they cant get Tickle me elmo or N64 and such forth. When I was a kid my grandfather would buy my Christmas gift ASAP.
What I don't get is that Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft can't get bulk supplies of their consoles delivered to stores in a timely, efficient manner, but the thousands upon thousands of individual consoles bought and sold on eBay will quite easily be handled and delivered by UPS, FedEx, and the USPS.

Video game companies and retailers need to tighten up their supply chains.
I highly doubt the shortages ever have much to do with shipping. Nintendo/Microsoft/Sony have to produce the consoles in factories before they can ship them out, and factories can only produce a certain amount per day. Obviously, people that go and buy them from stores and then sell them on eBay can get them shipped efficiently, they don't need to produce the console themselves.
[quote name='Tybee']What I don't get is that Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft can't get bulk supplies of their consoles delivered to stores in a timely, efficient manner, but the thousands upon thousands of individual consoles bought and sold on eBay will quite easily be handled and delivered by UPS, FedEx, and the USPS.

Video game companies and retailers need to tighten up their supply chains.[/quote]

Sure they can. All Sony/Big N have to do is say that they are pushing back the release to mid/late next year, start hoarding units, and then they would have plenty of systems to go around.

Problem is, that if they were to do that A) people would be upset B) 360 would gain ground C) they wouldn't make their launch until after the fiscal year and look bad once the numbers in their books were published.
People get pissed because americans are stupid, they are all last minute and everyone is trying to buy the same items which there isnt enough supply of, especially since a lot of people will be selling those items on ebay because there is a profit to be made off it.

Another problem is money, not everyone has money on black friday or before ready for shopping to buy all the hottest gifts, of course most buy on credit but sometimes thats another reason for why people wait till the last minute to get something. Also cause sometimes the kid doesnt let you know that they want it until like a week before christmas.

I agree though, basically if you dont get your gifts ahead of time you wont be able to get them for christmas, especially if you are looking for the hottest electronics that every other person is looking for. Think of it this way, there are a million kids out there who have a I HAVE TO HAVE IT gift on their list, a lot of children have the same thing on their list, parents will do ANYTHING to get their kid their must have gift on their list nowdays.
Some reports on other forums (i.e. 1up.com boards) are saying they called today and were told preorders for the Wii would being sometime in the first week of october (rather than just sometime in October as they had previously been telling people).

Guess that narrows it down a little bit more....
[quote name='SaraAB']
I honestly expect 90% of this years console supply to go to ebay for sales, especially with the ps3, you know that pretty much every ps3 will be going on ebay, its just inevitable... its an easy way to make some quick cash provided you dont care about playing the latest games right away.[/quote]

If I can convince the wife to let me sit in line for a system for 14 hours, I guarantee 1 system will reach little richass Johnny for Christmas.

Sure, I could preorder, but why tie up hundreds of dollars for months on end?
[quote name='dmaul1114']Some reports on other forums (i.e. 1up.com boards) are saying they called today and were told preorders for the Wii would being sometime in the first week of october (rather than just sometime in October as they had previously been telling people).

Guess that narrows it down a little bit more....[/quote]
I can give them till the 2nd week of October, since that's when the now-extended trade-in deal ends. Beyond that, if they're requiring trade-ins, I guess I'll be getting it elsewhere.
[quote name='SaraAB']there are a million kids out there who have a I HAVE TO HAVE IT gift on their list[/quote]

In the old days, parents were allowed to slap that attitude out of their kids' heads.

I usually tell my daughter, "It's nice to want things."
Seriously...what is there to work for if you get everything handed to you? Where's your motivation? I suppose it's hard and sometimes unnecessary to instill that sort of thinking in a little kid, but it could probably make them a more reasonable person in the long run.
"Why, when I was a kid, we had to camp out for a month to get our alottment of six video game consoles for profiteering on eBay! And we had to watch out for ninjas and giant enemy crabs and moralizing forum flamers, too!"
[quote name='Plinko']My FYE has forced bundles for the last three major system releases.[/QUOTE]

When my local FYE sold games, all systems were sold in a bundle. I tried to buy an XBox last year and they wouldn't sell me just the system. I was told it was because they get so few consoles on, they have to sell them like it. I did find another FYE that would sell me just the system though (I had to get it at FYE because I was paying for the system entirely with trade in credit).

Luckily it wasn't enforced with the DS since on the DS launch day, they had the systems for those that pre-ordered but no games for sale.
[quote name='Tybee']"Why, when I was a kid, we had to camp out for a month to get our alottment of six video game consoles for profiteering on eBay! And we had to watch out for ninjas and giant enemy crabs and moralizing forum flamers, too!"[/QUOTE]
Wow... Hack you (and I guess everyone else) might end up having to camp regardless of pre-ordering!

Wonder why this doesn't apply to the PS3 as well? Doesn't it come out before the wii? I would think there would be more infomation.
[quote name='NamPaehc']Wow... Hack you (and I guess everyone else) might end up having to camp regardless of pre-ordering!

No, they mean first come first serve on preorder date.

i.e. if you're the 5th person to put your money down, you get the 5th Wii they give out to preorders.

No getting bumped down the list behind people that preorder more games, or more expensive bundles or whatever.
it might apply to PS3 also, but there's no mention of it one way or the other in the kotaku article. just that preordering wii games puts you on the wii preoder call list. It's probably worth putting a non-binding preorder on a PS3 game too though just in case!
Okay that makes sense. If you buy a huge bundle package, and your second on the list, your not going to get yours before someone who say only bought the system by itself and is first.

Also is the 30% extra for trade-in for the system itself, system and games, or just games? The last one is what I have been told but that was a day or so ago.
[quote name='Tybee']"Why, when I was a kid, we had to camp out for a month to get our alottment of six video game consoles for profiteering on eBay! And we had to watch out for ninjas and giant enemy crabs and moralizing forum flamers, too!"[/quote]
Don't forget the flaming monkeys and having to walk uphill both ways avoiding snipers.
[quote name='NamPaehc']
Also is the 30% extra for trade-in for the system itself, system and games, or just games? The last one is what I have been told but that was a day or so ago.[/quote]

I was under the impression that it's for the hardware. At any rate, it's good to know (tentatively) about the early call if you have a game reserved. Guess i'll get my Zelda there. i'll probably shuffle down there at 8am the day they start pwiiorders to see if there's gonna be a battle. i'll wait if there are folks there, or i'll go have oatmeal and come back if there aren't ;)
[quote name='TahoeMax']I was under the impression that it's for the hardware. At any rate, it's good to know (tentatively) about the early call if you have a game reserved. Guess i'll get my Zelda there. i'll probably shuffle down there at 8am the day they start pwiiorders to see if there's gonna be a battle. i'll wait if there are folks there, or i'll go have oatmeal and come back if there aren't ;)[/quote]

Without back-tracking a few dozen pages... for those people that pre-ordered a game, is there some program in the works to call those folks and give them some sort of advance notice? An official program?
i'm not sure it's official, but apparently that's the buzz, as heard from several separate EB/GS stores. I'm taking this stuff as it comes, since my local EB guys don't have any useful info at all. Apparently, if you have a game preordered, you'll get a call the day before the console presale begins.

EDIT: It looks like it's the day OF the presale...which is rather silly, IMO.
[quote name='786110']Hrm. Now I feel kind of dumb for reserving it.[/QUOTE]
Why? At least you have one reserved which is what you want, right? You have options my friend:
a) You have to buy a bundle and you don't want to buy a bundle, in which case you pass up the reservation and get your cash back and wait till you find one on a shelf somewhere.
b) You have to buy a bundle and you don't want to buy a bundle in which case, you also pre-sell/reserve somewhere else, OR campout/wait for a place in line for first day sales in a store where you don't have to buy a bundle.
c) You have to buy a bundle and don't want to buy a bundle, but figure what the heck, it's a console without the hassle, so you fork over the extra cash and buy the bundle.

[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Sure, I could preorder, but why tie up hundreds of dollars for months on end?[/QUOTE]
Bingo. This is the same as people who have the max taken out of their taxes each year and look forward to their refund. Hello! You just gave the goverment a 12 month tax-free loan!!!! Are you smoking crack or what? You could invest/use that money a whole lot better than EB or Uncle Sam, couldn't you?

[quote name='SaraAB']Think of it this way, there are a million kids out there who have a I HAVE TO HAVE IT gift on their list, a lot of children have the same thing on their list, parents will do ANYTHING to get their kid their must have gift on their list nowdays.[/QUOTE]Way to have no backbone, parents. What's going to happen if your child doesn't get what they want? They're upset, disappointed. And...well, that's it. Wow, they just experienced part of life. They just grew a little.
Well, my EB has yet to receive any word of anything Wii related to this point. Looks like anything rumor till now I'll take with a grain of salt, as this guy's as excited about the Wii as I am - if they told him something, he'd know it. The last email mentioning it was just to make sure that when customers were told they could preorder Zelda for the Wii, they should make it clear that the system was not available for preorder yet.
The Eb that I have been calling since last thursday asking when preorders start said today "As early as next week to as late as mid october, as soon we find shipment numbers."

Up until today they have said "We don't know."

Same guy each time, new answer today. So hopefully this is a good sign
God I've been waiting for weeks to pre order my Wii. I live in an area where it shouldnt b a problem, but still I'm kinda nervous about it. I dont just want one...I NEED ONE!!!! ARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!! I'VE BEEN CALLING EVERY DAY FOR THE LAST TWO WEEKS AND I DONT WANT TO BE TOLD TO VISIT THE WEBSITE ANYMORE GRAAAAAAAAAH!!!!


*rant over*
TRU has had those tags where you can put a certain amount of money down on a game that's coming out. I've never done it there, so I don't know how much is required, nor (if they do this for the wii or ps3) if it gurantees a launch date item.
[quote name='mjohn87']wtf since when does TRU do pre-orders? the one by me never did for xbox 360[/QUOTE]

TRU by me put your name on a list and how many 360s you want and gave you a call when they came in. I told them I want three when they put my name on the list,too my surprise the actually called and where holding three for me. I didnt pick them up because Im not a fatwalleter ass.
All TRUs did bundle preorders for the 360(or were supposed to). There were 2 bundles. One was like $600 for the core and the other was $700 or $800 for the premium. The first bundle I remember them doing was for the original X-box, they had a $500 forced bundle, while PS2 and GC were sold without bundles. I know they are planning bundles this year, but no news yet.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']TRU by me put your name on a list and how many 360s you want and gave you a call when they came in. I told them I want three when they put my name on the list,too my surprise the actually called and where holding three for me. I didnt pick them up because Im not a fatwalleter ass.[/QUOTE]
If you didnt end up paying for 3 then why did you reserve 3..? Seems kind of retarded doesnt it?
[quote name='Bujdasz']If you didnt end up paying for 3 then why did you reserve 3..? Seems kind of retarded doesnt it?[/QUOTE]

Because they didn't require that you pay anything to reserve.
[quote name='dmaul1114']No, they mean first come first serve on preorder date.

i.e. if you're the 5th person to put your money down, you get the 5th Wii they give out to preorders.

No getting bumped down the list behind people that preorder more games, or more expensive bundles or whatever.[/quote]

God I really hope they are doing it this way. It's what the store employee told me as well, so hopefully its completely true.

I'll have to call my store a few hundred times before launch day to confirm it.

Maybe I'll call, then record him confirming it so that way if he tries to do anything, I can play it back and WIN!! XD
[quote name='hack']Maybe I'll call, then record him confirming it so that way if he tries to do anything, I can play it back and WIN!! XD[/QUOTE]If you do decide to do that, you have to inform him (or her) that you are recording the conversation.

Just an FYI to cover yourself legally.
[quote name='guinaevere']If you do decide to do that, you have to inform him (or her) that you are recording the conversation.

Just an FYI to cover yourself legally.[/quote]

Hahaha. Yeah, I know. Actually, I was just kidding. But it might be something that I need to resort to if anything weird starts going on at GameStop.

Now that I think about. Recording the employee sounds really evil. Haha. I would never do that... I think.
=) I figured you were kidding around, but just in case.

(I'm not sure why, but that wants me to try that on someone now. Not actually recording the conversation, but just telling the person on the other end that I am. ...One of the EB store managers is trying to get me to help out a few hours a week... he's wierd enough that now I want to call him up to ask about hours and job description but just before he starts talking, interupt him by telling him, "oh, I've decided to record this conversation" just to hear his reaction.

I really don't want to get roped into helping out at another EB. So my initial objection to working there was, "but then our sordid affair will have to end. Isn't there no fraternizing with your employees?" His response, "I don't mind breaking a couple rules." He said it with such a straight face that I burst out laughing.)
[quote name='guinaevere']
(I'm not sure why, but that wants me to try that on someone now. Not actually recording the conversation, but just telling the person on the other end that I am. ...One of the EB store managers is trying to get me to help out a few hours a week... he's wierd enough that now I want to call him up to ask about hours and job description but just before he starts talking, interupt him by telling him, "oh, I've decided to record this conversation" just to hear his reaction.[/quote]

You should so do that. Let me know how the person reacts. Hahaha.

I really don't want to get roped into helping out at another EB. So my initial objection to working there was, "but then our sordid affair will have to end. Isn't there no fraternizing with your employees?" His response, "I don't mind breaking a couple rules." He said it with such a straight face that I burst out laughing.)[/quote]

Affairs? Employees? Other stores? Ooooh. Sounds like all the makings of a soap opera.

Throw in the evil recorded phone conversation and you've got yourself a hit. XD
[quote name='guinaevere']
Bingo. This is the same as people who have the max taken out of their taxes each year and look forward to their refund. Hello! You just gave the goverment a 12 month tax-free loan!!!! Are you smoking crack or what? You could invest/use that money a whole lot better than EB or Uncle Sam, couldn't you?

Also wanted to point out that technically you have to report your tax refund from last year on this year's income tax forms. So in other words, any extra tax money you give to Uncle Sam actually gets taxed twice.

Why would it have to be "hundreds" of dollars tho? $50 to preorder the system AFAIK
[quote name='Michaellvortega']Because they didn't require that you pay anything to reserve.[/QUOTE]
Why would you reserve 3 anyways...to be a jerk?
[quote name='FantasiaWHT']Also wanted to point out that technically you have to report your tax refund from last year on this year's income tax forms.[/QUOTE]

This is not true.
[quote name='FantasiaWHT']Also wanted to point out that technically you have to report your tax refund from last year on this year's income tax forms. So in other words, any extra tax money you give to Uncle Sam actually gets taxed twice.

Why would it have to be "hundreds" of dollars tho? $50 to preorder the system AFAIK[/QUOTE]
That's as false as it comes. Tax refund checks are not taxable income.

Giving the governemnt some extra cash isn't so bad. It's not like I make hardly anthing on interest in savings account anyway, and this way I've got a little bonus in March to look forward to. I understand the argument against it, but some less disciplined people (me) enjoy having a little money set aside for a while that they can't touch. And a few hundred dollars at once is a lot easier for me handle properly than $20 every 2 weeks.

And this hardly applies to preorders. You're getting a sure-thing of a system at launch. But if you're not, "Can't promise anything." then it is silly.
[quote name='FantasiaWHT']Also wanted to point out that technically you have to report your tax refund from last year on this year's income tax forms. So in other words, any extra tax money you give to Uncle Sam actually gets taxed twice.

[quote name='FantasiaWHT']Why would it have to be "hundreds" of dollars tho? $50 to preorder the system AFAIK[/QUOTE]
Some folks pay the full amount up front.
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