Wii Shop Thread: ***FINAL FANTASY 3 IS OUT ON THE VC***

[quote name='Strell']Buying the Wii for the VC is like buying a car because it has eight cupholders.[/quote]

If someone were to say NOW that they were buying a Wii for VC then I'd agree, but I'm talking about when the system first released, so this analogy is ridiculous. When the system first released, having access to all of the games I grew up playing (been gaming over 20 years) was an insanely awesome thought. Instead, I'm left wondering on a weekly basis why Nintendo doesn't want my money. The VC has the potential to give us instant access to a ton of the greatest games ever made. While the service certainly isn't the worst thing ever, it's a far cry from what it could and should be. So for me, someone that expected far greater access to a lot of the games I grew up playing, it's very disappointing.
If you actually thought you'd have access to all of the games you grew up playing, you were naive and had stars in your eyes. That was never the deal at all, and it was largely known even then that licensing and rights issues would bar a good portion of the available titles, to say nothing of being an obstacle for available titles to begin with.

The larger point is that if this is THAT much of a problem for you, then get rid of your system and go on your happy little way.

Hell, I'm still surprised Square games are showing up on the service. And even more so, Wiiware titles, something I was absolutely sure Nintendo wouldn't tackle this time around because they'd be able to rely on their backlogs and legacies to sustain the entire digital distribution sector.

Yes, I'm wondering where first party games like Pilotwings 64 and Pro Wrestling are. But at the same time, there's still a huge amount of games to play that I've already gotten, and still another dozen more I'd like to have but don't have the points.

For some reason, I don't believe for a second that everyone here has legitimately exhausted all the titles that are worthwhile on the shop. The recent weeks have been disappointing, but it's nowhere near the level of whining present here.
[quote name='Strell']Wow. Can we get a little more melodramatic in here? Criminy. Buying the Wii for the VC is like buying a car because it has eight cupholders.[/quote]i guess you're right maybe I did get carried away a bit.
[quote name='Strell']
For some reason, I don't believe for a second that everyone here has legitimately exhausted all the titles that are worthwhile on the shop. The recent weeks have been disappointing, but it's nowhere near the level of whining present here.[/quote]

The whole enterprise does beg the question why they are even bothering to update.

I mean, really? A shitty Genesis port of a game absolutely no one is asking for? A poorly implemented party game featuring pirates, which were the big thing like two years ago? I'm sure there are worse games somewhere. Maybe. Ones that companies are even asking money for.

Couldn't they just have the decency to say "Sorry, we were so busy counting our money that we didn't have time to prepare anything worth your money or time". It would have an honesty and integrity that Family Pirate Party seems to lack.

Rather than throw recycled vomit up in the air and hope it comes down money, couldn't they just spend the time working on, oh I dunno, games people actually want to play? Ideas that seem, y'know, good?

Just an idea. I know it's crazy.

I think the whining would go down if there was some actual response to demand, some reassurance that the people choosing the games aren't using dartboards and blindfolds, or that there is a plan, a vision, or even a clue.

Sure, you can order that cone of dependable Rocky Road or Cookie Dough that's been there for months. But you'd also be within your rights to bitch if the store hypes up its new weekly special flavors, only to find they're Chili con Carne and Earwax.

Well you can't blame him for being disappointed in the VC thus far, Nintendo touted it around as being a reason to get a Wii. I remember us CAGs being very excited about it, "It will be like the Sega Channel! AWESOME", Nintendo marketing didn't help any.

I don't recall any of us analyzing licensing deals back then, maybe you did, but I don't think the majority of us went that far. Hell we still thought Earthbound was coming out until recently. That being said, I'm not disappointed in the VC, they do release a decent game once in a while, which is plenty for me since I have more than just a Wii to play. I'm still playing Super Mario RPG for christ sake.
[quote name='Strell']The larger point is that if this is THAT much of a problem for you, then get rid of your system and go on your happy little way.[/quote]

It seems like it's a huge problem to you, not me. All I said was that the VC was the main reason I bought a Wii, and you make a ridiculous analogy that was basically a way of calling me stupid, which was totally uncalled for.
[quote name='blandstalker']The whole enterprise does beg the question why they are even bothering to update.

I mean, really? A shitty Genesis port of a game absolutely no one is asking for? A poorly implemented party game featuring pirates, which were the big thing like two years ago? I'm sure there are worse games somewhere. Maybe. Ones that companies are even asking money for. [/quote]

I'm sure the app store is a good place to check for worse games.

Couldn't they just have the decency to say "Sorry, we were so busy counting our money that we didn't have time to prepare anything worth your money or time". It would have an honesty and integrity that Family Pirate Party seems to lack.

Two things: The first is that you're sort of perpetuating this idea that Nintendo themselves is masterminding all the shop releases. I guess in a very indirect way they kind of are, but not beyond an approval process. They aren't contacting people and saying "Hey could you make a family friendly series of games using a pirate motif for us? Great. And also could you come in this Saturday? We lost a couple of people and we need to play catch up. Greeeaaaat."

Second, yeah, no one here likes those series. But that isn't to say others don't. So on some level you can't just dismiss everything. I have to assume at some point that these games are generating revenue for the companies. Maybe it's only a few thousand dollars. I have a friend who is trying to write app store stuff, and he's doing it almost purely out of the hope that it'll literally get him another twenty bucks a week. Further, that if he were to have three or four things out there, he'd have a more substantial return.

So in the end, really the only answer here would be to see sales figures, which we can only glean based on developer interviews. And even those tend to only be one of the extremes - either "our game sold poorly and we hate the service" or "our game made us lots of money." See: Steel Penny Games (Bruiser and Scratch) versus Capcom (Megaman 9).

Rather than throw recycled vomit up in the air and hope it comes down money, couldn't they just spend the time working on, oh I dunno, games people actually want to play? Ideas that seem, y'know, good?

Goes along with the above, but the point here is that it's not in Nintendo's best interest to start censoring companies and being draconian about what gets released and what doesn't. If rumors are to be believed, they already do this with their payout mechanism, which says "you have to sell X amount before we pay you," which sounds kind of extortion-y, but everyone seems to say it's an effective measure against stuff not getting released that doesn't retain some quality. I'm guessing after ESRB fees and general development, there's no company out there releasing stuff that says "this is a crap game and we're not going to meet the threshold."

I think the whining would go down if there was some actual response to demand, some reassurance that the people choosing the games aren't using dartboards and blindfolds, or that there is a plan, a vision, or even a clue.

And I agree. I will caution that digital distribution still won't come into its own this generation, which is why Nintendo won't start releasing, say, Super Mario World 3 or whatever.

Sure, you can order that cone of dependable Rocky Road or Cookie Dough that's been there for months. But you'd also be within your rights to bitch if the store hypes up its new weekly special flavors, only to find they're Chili con Carne and Earwax.


Oh come on - where are they hyping it up? We all know they aren't outside of a small press release. This is the heart of the matter I'm saying, which is that we pretend they tell us they have gold in their pockets, when instead it's just sawdust. But part of that is because we're that easily excitable.

I'm not complaining that this week's XBLA deal is some crap brain game, for example.

[quote name='yukine']Well you can't blame him for being disappointed in the VC thus far, Nintendo touted it around as being a reason to get a Wii. I remember us CAGs being very excited about it, "It will be like the Sega Channel! AWESOME", Nintendo marketing didn't help any.[/quote]

But again, part of that is our own collective faults when we start dreaming what it could be versus what it probably will be.

[quote name='Ryukahn']It seems like it's a huge problem to you, not me. All I said was that the VC was the main reason I bought a Wii, and you make a ridiculous analogy that was basically a way of calling me stupid, which was totally uncalled for.[/QUOTE]

No, I'm calling a lot of this whining sensationalistic, built around a lot of exceedingly high expectations that can't possibly be fulfilled, and further augmented with the realization that there's already a good amount of quality retro and new games available. Taking all of this into account, there's more than enough to satisfy even a 10+-hour-a-week gamer busy for months, if not a few years, on legacy titles alone.

It's annoying to update this thing and know it's a bad and boring week, and then having everyone start pretending their legs are broken by people in Family Fun Pirate costumes. If you're that angry about it, just watch the thread title - I'll mention pretty easily "It's a good week" in whatever stupid words I decide strike me at that time.

All this Dour Dora-ness can be checked at the door. Blandstalker was talking about everything in a "why even bother?" way, and that's the mentality I've got here - why bother showing up to the party just to complain about the music, especially when I've put a sign on the door that says WE'RE PLAYING BEEGEES ONLY ALL NIGHT LONG.
Some cries are warranted due to the disparity between the virtual console in US and Japan. Japan has around 150 more titles than every other country, so without a question their selection is better when compared to everyone else. I think it's only fair that we should ask why does their virtual console have more value on the number titles alone, barring the possibility that they have 150 more titles of crap.

No one could realistically expect to have all of the Marios and Zeldas released within 2 weeks of the Wii's launch, but we're over 2 years past and I think its fair to say that we have been treated rather unfairly in regards to realistic expectations. Aside from any costs involved with having a title newly rated by the ESRB, I imagine the cost to publish a title on the virtual console is rather small so money really isn't the issue here.

Now this is a rather big if here, but we are likely at least halfway through the Wii's lifespan based on Nintendo's history of console releases. If things continue going at this rate, does this mean that we're only likely to see 100-150 more virtual console titles? It's certainly a rough estimate based on 1 VC title per week, but that would only play catch up to what Japan currently has today. I think it is fair to say that complaints based on that are fair game.
I'll admit, the Virtual Console was one of my biggest reasons to get the Wii. I got my Wii on launch...ya know, before we all knew how this would turn out ;)

Of course there are a great amount of games out on the VC. No one can deny that. But the ratio of GREAT:CRAP is really upsetting. Even MEDIOCRE:CRAP :(

I was also excited last year when WiiWare debuted. How many great, EXCLUSIVE, games are on WiiWare? My favorite games are still My Life as a King and Toki Tori.

We're heading to 3 years of the Wii being out. I understand we still may have 3 more years, but the concept of "eventually, we'll get all the great games" is getting somewhat tiresome. This was a good thinking a year ago..but lately it's been just REALLY "WTF?". I don't understand why they are bothering with Master System and C64 and crappy arcade titles when games like Pilotwings 64, Super Mario Kart, Mario Party, Majora's Mask, Earthbound, etc are just... not available.

[quote name='decrot']The complaints would probably be the same. though I think they do have earthbound there, but im not sure.

I guess the only game I would want to play from Japan is fatal frame 4, too bad its not in english.

Tatsunko vs. capcom is a fun game and knowing japanese isn't necessary, but the controls seem to be way too simple.[/QUOTE]

im guessing you havent played any of the capcom vs series than havent ya? MvC 2 had just a simple controls as Tatsunoko and there are still a lot of advance maneuvers that normal players cant pull off with just 4 buttons. I like how tatsunoko did a 3 button scheme, it makes aerial raves more simple. It also seemed like they made it more for the combos than anything else. I am enjoying tatsunoko just as much as SSMB. It really shows the capabilities of the Wii. Now if other studios can see this and actually produce some more good titles that i would want to play. Tatsunoko has been my only Wii purchase in the past year.

I havent bought anything on VC since Super Mario RPG was released. who knows what ninty is doing. i too have 2000 points waiting to be spent and i guess they will gather more digital dust.
[quote name='Strell']why bother showing up to the party just to complain about the music, especially when I've put a sign on the door that says WE'RE PLAYING BEEGEES ONLY ALL NIGHT LONG.[/quote]dude you must throw some totally wicked awesome parties.
[quote name='Strell']Wow. Can we get a little more melodramatic in here? Criminy. Buying the Wii for the VC is like buying a car because it has eight cupholders.[/quote]
How do you figure? Most of those old games are hard to find and are much more fun and challenging then any gamecube 1.5 title. I have easily had more fun with my VC titles such as Alien Soldier.
[quote name='Strell']I'm sure the app store is a good place to check for worse games.

Two things: The first is that you're sort of perpetuating this idea that Nintendo themselves is masterminding all the shop releases. I guess in a very indirect way they kind of are, but not beyond an approval process. They aren't contacting people and saying "Hey could you make a family friendly series of games using a pirate motif for us? Great. And also could you come in this Saturday? We lost a couple of people and we need to play catch up. Greeeaaaat."

Second, yeah, no one here likes those series. But that isn't to say others don't. So on some level you can't just dismiss everything. I have to assume at some point that these games are generating revenue for the companies. Maybe it's only a few thousand dollars. I have a friend who is trying to write app store stuff, and he's doing it almost purely out of the hope that it'll literally get him another twenty bucks a week. Further, that if he were to have three or four things out there, he'd have a more substantial return.

So in the end, really the only answer here would be to see sales figures, which we can only glean based on developer interviews. And even those tend to only be one of the extremes - either "our game sold poorly and we hate the service" or "our game made us lots of money." See: Steel Penny Games (Bruiser and Scratch) versus Capcom (Megaman 9).

Goes along with the above, but the point here is that it's not in Nintendo's best interest to start censoring companies and being draconian about what gets released and what doesn't. If rumors are to be believed, they already do this with their payout mechanism, which says "you have to sell X amount before we pay you," which sounds kind of extortion-y, but everyone seems to say it's an effective measure against stuff not getting released that doesn't retain some quality. I'm guessing after ESRB fees and general development, there's no company out there releasing stuff that says "this is a crap game and we're not going to meet the threshold."

And I agree. I will caution that digital distribution still won't come into its own this generation, which is why Nintendo won't start releasing, say, Super Mario World 3 or whatever.

Oh come on - where are they hyping it up? We all know they aren't outside of a small press release. This is the heart of the matter I'm saying, which is that we pretend they tell us they have gold in their pockets, when instead it's just sawdust. But part of that is because we're that easily excitable.

I'm not complaining that this week's XBLA deal is some crap brain game, for example.

But again, part of that is our own collective faults when we start dreaming what it could be versus what it probably will be.

No, I'm calling a lot of this whining sensationalistic, built around a lot of exceedingly high expectations that can't possibly be fulfilled, and further augmented with the realization that there's already a good amount of quality retro and new games available. Taking all of this into account, there's more than enough to satisfy even a 10+-hour-a-week gamer busy for months, if not a few years, on legacy titles alone.

It's annoying to update this thing and know it's a bad and boring week, and then having everyone start pretending their legs are broken by people in Family Fun Pirate costumes. If you're that angry about it, just watch the thread title - I'll mention pretty easily "It's a good week" in whatever stupid words I decide strike me at that time.

All this Dour Dora-ness can be checked at the door. Blandstalker was talking about everything in a "why even bother?" way, and that's the mentality I've got here - why bother showing up to the party just to complain about the music, especially when I've put a sign on the door that says WE'RE PLAYING BEEGEES ONLY ALL NIGHT LONG.[/quote]
Nobody with a heart read that.
[quote name='Strell']
Oh come on - where are they hyping it up? We all know they aren't outside of a small press release. This is the heart of the matter I'm saying, which is that we pretend they tell us they have gold in their pockets, when instead it's just sawdust. But part of that is because we're that easily excitable.[/quote]
(I'm not defending the original argument they Nintendo hypes up their releases every week)
They aren't really now, but if you look at the E3's before the Wii launched, they were hyping the Virtual Console as a main selling point.

I do not care that WiiWare is a platform for shovelware. It's annoying, but shovelware follows whatever is cheap to develop for. See: PS2, iPhone/iPod Touch, Nintendo DS.

What irks me the most is that there are a lot of games that people do want, can be released on the VC, have no liscensing issues, and that Nintendo are holding out on releasing for some reason. I want to think they are waiting for a time when Wii sales slow down, but knowing Nintendo, they just don't care.

Even EarthBound is excusable. But the lack of things like Yoshi's Island when they have 9001 versions of the same damn Alex Kidd game is annoying at the very least. If they had a release schedule or said something like
[quote name='Nintendo']We will absolutely release The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.[/quote]
people would be less angry. But they haven't, and instead we get crappy C64 games that nobody cares about.
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Yoshi's Island utilized the FX chip. That's the call there. Apparently that's difficult to emulate properly, or else I'd imagine it and Starfox would be out by now.

That's why Majora's Mask is somewhat significant, since it shows that they've made the emulator to handle games that utilized the RAM pak.

Look I'm not acting like there's no reason to be disappointed. I don't like updating the thread with the crap that's come out recently. But let's maintain a semblance of sanity here.
From what I've heard
, Yoshi's Island does suffer graphically when emulated. I didn't know that they had trouble emulating games with the FX chip, though. Although I think you did mention that the Expansion Pak was one of the reasons why the N64 VC lineup was so small.
Contra Rebirth was released in Japan today, here's some videos of the first stage (There are more videos up of the second and third stages, but keeping spoilers to a minimum):
Stage 1 - Bill
Stage 1 - Yagyu
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Nintendo saying that they can't emulate the Super FX chip is bullshit. Amateur programmers were doing it ten years ago on Pentium 3s without a lick of help from Nintendo.

Anyhow, I'm not trying to needlessly bitch and moan but the one game a week thing is hard to defend. I don't need 3 AAA titles every week but come on, if you have to put out something like Galaxy Force 2, at least pair it off with something like Phantasy Star for SMS.

I bought my Wii primarily for the Virtual Console and the game that came out as Super Mario Galaxy. I'm not going to pull the "there's nothing coming out that I want" card but there isn't anything announced that I want as much as, I dunno, Rondo of Blood.
[quote name='Strell']
No, I'm calling a lot of this whining sensationalistic, built around a lot of exceedingly high expectations that can't possibly be fulfilled, and further augmented with the realization that there's already a good amount of quality retro and new games available. Taking all of this into account, there's more than enough to satisfy even a 10+-hour-a-week gamer busy for months, if not a few years, on legacy titles alone.

It's annoying to update this thing and know it's a bad and boring week, and then having everyone start pretending their legs are broken by people in Family Fun Pirate costumes. If you're that angry about it, just watch the thread title - I'll mention pretty easily "It's a good week" in whatever stupid words I decide strike me at that time.

All this Dour Dora-ness can be checked at the door. Blandstalker was talking about everything in a "why even bother?" way, and that's the mentality I've got here - why bother showing up to the party just to complain about the music, especially when I've put a sign on the door that says WE'RE PLAYING BEEGEES ONLY ALL NIGHT LONG.[/QUOTE]

These are good points, but I want to go to bed at a decent hour today.

I just want to say that it's more than Family Pirate Party, although would it have been so hard for Nintendo to say to the developer "You know, the last two Family games really sucked. Could you make this one suck a little less? Please?" It's hardly draconian for the publisher to ask developers not to stink up the place. Especially given their track record.

I happen to find the choice of Galaxy Force particularly galling. There are hundreds of Genesis titles and Sega has a sizable library. This is a crappy and broken port of a lame game whose sole enjoyment came from the arcade version's hydraulic movement. (I actually played it in an arcade)

It was a rip-off, a cash-in, and an affront to gamers when it was released for the Genesis.

There is absolutely no reason to ever release this game when there are so frickin' many games that are infinitely better. They can't all be held up by licensing. They can't all be unavailable. It is simply unbelievable that a distribution arm like Nintendo can't be able to convince/arrange/make happen the distribution of games that people want to play and are worth playing.

Someone had to decide that this was a good choice to unleash on unsuspecting consumers. Someone had to approve it.

Someone who knows nothing about the game is going to think that there must be something redeeming about it, some reason why it's included in the VC catalog. Some reason why it was unearthed when other games weren't.

They're going to think that it's some reason other than naked greed, laziness, and apathy. Of course, they're going to be wrong about that, but that's part and parcel of thinking that there is any rhyme or reason why the VC is what it is.

There are overly high expectations of VC being everything we ever wanted with a cherry on top, every good game that we ever wanted to play. I don't have those expectations.

But I do have expectations that include games better than Galaxy Force and Family Pirate Party. This isn't just a lame week. It's flipping the bird to customers and a giant WTF. Who in their right mind would even think to offer these for sale?

lilboo mentions the C64. Most people would be surprised to know that the C64 has a library of hundreds of games, many of them classics. The VC has, what, five? And again, people go WTF? They can't all be held up in licensing.

The TurboGrafx and TurboDuo had hundreds of games. It's a little better represented on VC, but really....is that it? C'mon. I can think of 10 games easy that ought to be released, and another several dozen that never made it out of Japan that people would buy. Again, they can't all be victims of licensing.

This is more than sensationalistic whining. It is a legitimate complaint that the service is being wasted on craptastic "games" that no one is demanding, when better offerings that customers actually would want to buy could be made with little effort.

It is also a legitimate complaint that the effort part of that seems to be completely missing.
[quote name='Ryukahn']Final Fantasy IV: The After Years coming soon? You can click the link below to see it listed on the page, and it even has some info on it. Seems odd for EB to have it featured if it won't be out for awhile considering what the page is for.


To be fair to Nintendo and I suppose Square, I'm beyond psyched for this game. I'll stop bitching about the VC/Wiiware for quite a while if this lives up to its pedigree.
[quote name='blandstalker']These are good points, but I want to go to bed at a decent hour today.

I just want to say that it's more than Family Pirate Party, although would it have been so hard for Nintendo to say to the developer "You know, the last two Family games really sucked. Could you make this one suck a little less? Please?" It's hardly draconian for the publisher to ask developers not to stink up the place. Especially given their track record.[/QUOTE]
well how about the payment plan. I haven't care too much to look into it but isn't there a system where you only get paid when you sell X copies of your game? Family Pirate Party probably didn't sell very well if it really sells that bad they just won't get paid.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']I mentioned it the page before ;)[/QUOTE]

I've known it was coming for quite some time. Was just pointing out that it might be here sooner rather than later due to it showing up on EBGames. ;)

Although that article is the first I've read of FFIV being released! :drool:
It would seem I haven't kept up with the FF4TAY info. It's going to be released in episodes? Great news about the release date though, definitely something I'll be buying. Wonder if they'll release FF4 on SNES around that time too since folk may want to play both.

Edit: Site you linked says there is 9 episodes. That's gonna be pretty expensive no matter how you slice it. Hmm...
Ugh. 9 episodes...

This may not be as great as I was hoping. I was always under the impression that the WiiWare version would be a one shot affair as opposed to the way it came out on cell phones.
[quote name='Ryukahn']It would seem I haven't kept up with the FF4TAY info. It's going to be released in episodes? Great news about the release date though, definitely something I'll be buying. Wonder if they'll release FF4 on SNES around that time too since folk may want to play both.

Edit: Site you linked says there is 9 episodes. That's gonna be pretty expensive no matter how you slice it. Hmm...[/QUOTE]

SBCG4AP was 1000 points per episode (5 Episodes, $50 total), so ideally, to keep to that standard, FFIVTAY would need to be priced at 500 points per episode. Of course, this is Square-Enix we're talking about, so who knows.
[quote name='Halo05']Ugh. 9 episodes...

This may not be as great as I was hoping. I was always under the impression that the WiiWare version would be a one shot affair as opposed to the way it came out on cell phones.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I thought it would be one big game, and was ready to use 2000 points or so on it. I'll have to see how it is priced now before I know if I'll buy it, and how much content is in each episode.
This week, Europe got 1 VC game and 1 WiiWare game, Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure - SEGA Genesis/800 Points, and Swords & Soldiers - WiiWare/1000 Points.
Swords & Soldiers got an 8.7 (EC) from IGN.

After de Blob and now Swords & Soldiers, Ronimo Games is definitely a developer to watch. There is nothing else like this on WiiWare, and the production values are much higher than most other games on the service. Strategy fans should find their fix here – just don't expect as deep an experience as some of the better-known real-time strategy games on PC. Removing a dimension and making the gameplay side-scrolling was a great way to get this genre working on a console. Swords & Soldiers was built for Wii, and as such it plays very well on the system. Don't let this one pass you by -- it's one of the best console RTS games ever.
I don't know what this is, but I LIKE it. It's like Cho Aniki all over again. You are an insanely muscled dood (and in a few cases, a woman) and you have to run down a thief who took your protein supplements.

So if you don't like the sound of that, you might just want to give up on life now.

In other news, a company is making a 3-in-1 retro adapter to allow NES/SNES/N64 controllers to be plugged directly into the system. Neat if you are into that sort of thing.
[quote name='Strell']I don't know what this is, but I LIKE it. It's like Cho Aniki all over again. You are an insanely muscled dood (and in a few cases, a woman) and you have to run down a thief who took your protein supplements.

So if you don't like the sound of that, you might just want to give up on life now.

In other news, a company is making a 3-in-1 retro adapter to allow NES/SNES/N64 controllers to be plugged directly into the system. Neat if you are into that sort of thing.[/QUOTE]

And that's to both. I don't have any NES controllers...but I do have my SNES and N64 around!
[quote name='Strell']Avast! There be a video of Muscle March in action available here.


Muscle March looks funny/fun, and it looks like the Wii version would be more fun then the arcade version just because you mimic the moves more directly, but there is no way in hell it will ever be brought here. Sigh.

Edit: but obviously this game needs to support 2 remote use, not just remote+nunchuck. No sign of that in the video, but maybe it's there? It doesn't matter anyway since it's not coming here.
[quote name='Strell']Avast! There be a video of Muscle March in action available here.


Holy crap, that is some weird shit. Clever gameplay though.

Me want.
[quote name='yukine']Holy crap, that is some weird shit. Clever gameplay though.

Me want.[/QUOTE]
Yea, I stared at your Avatar after I read that ;)
[quote name='yukine']Exactly. I like weird, which is why I want that game.[/QUOTE]

Is that why you were so attracted to me? :whistle2:k
well japan just got Cyber Sled...if that gets released here...i am 100% definitley getting that.


i dont know if that has been posted.........i just saw the trailer on gametrailers.com
Okay, I've been out of the loop for WiiWare since last year's World of Goo. A fellow Smasher just showed me Swords and Soldier which piques my interest. Any other games I should be looking out for within the 8.5 or above range?

I have yet to play World of Goo. Blame PSN and Smash. :lol:
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Although I love World of Goo, I experienced some control issues on Wii. (IMO, it's not accurate enough) I beat it on Wii, but I skipped a few levels. On PC, I beat all of them.
[quote name='Strell']In other news, a company is making a 3-in-1 retro adapter to allow NES/SNES/N64 controllers to be plugged directly into the system. Neat if you are into that sort of thing.[/QUOTE]
sounds interesting but i doubt it'll be cheap.
Wow, after watching that trailer, FF IV TAY could not be more of a no-brainer for me. Maybe I'm a hypocrite but I'm buying it more or less regardless of cost.
Went to Wal-mart and picked up some cheap SD cards. Pretty much for our new DSis..gotta love how SD cards are ass cheap these days.

ANYway. The SD card I was originally using (for Wii AND in my digital camera)..I want to use just as a digital camera card. I can't transfer my VC/WW games to another SD card, though, can I?
bread's done