Wii U - General Discussion Thread

I am actually looking forward to a few Wii u games. Granted, I am a bit behind, but I should be able to get all of these for a total $60 or less very soon: ACIV, Need for Speed: MW, Lego City Undercover, and Wonderful 101.

Also interested in DKC: TF and NES Remix 2. I would be completely satisfied with all this, the games I already have, and a decent WWE game.
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I am actually looking forward to a few Wii u games. Granted, I am a bit behind, but I should be able to get all of these for a total $60 or less very soon: ACIV, Need for Speed: MW, Lego City Undercover, and Wonderful 101.

Also interested in DKC: TF and NES Remix 2. I would be completely satisfied with all this, the games I already have, and a decent WWE game.
I'm waiting on a few of the Wii U games to come down in price as well. I think prices will have to come down so they can shift units.

Well, I joined the club. I was checking Craigslist for a Wii U and saw a guy decreasing his price slowly every 2 weeks or so. Last weekend he gave up and priced it to sell, apparently is moving soon.

$150 for a 32GB system with Lego City. Traded Lego City in to Best Buy for $17 for a net cost of $133. Used that plus another gift card to get SM3DW.

I grew up on Nintendo and want to see them succeed, minus the Virtual Boy I've owned every system Nintendo has ever put out. But I can see why the Wii U isn't doing well.

The OS is sufficient but not very easy on the eyes. The eShop is indefensibly barren for the amount of time the system has been out. Sitting with my 3DS next to the Gamepad, it makes even less sense that they don't have any real ecosystem between platforms.

I've been spoiled by all the cross buy stuff on Vita/PS3, especially for old stuff like PS1 games. If a $5 purchase got me NES games on both systems, I'd snatch up Mario 3, all the Mega Man games, etc., but having to buy these old games twice if you want them on both is just absurd. Not when I still own a lot of my original cartridges, and not when I can emulate them better for free.

Again, I want Nintendo to succeed. First party titles are still a blast and I can't wait to play DKCR:TF, but the overall infrastructure is so lacking that I'm pretty doubtful they can turn this around in a serious way.

It's too bad the Gamepad is so expensive to make, I think price is a huge problem. MSRP shouldn't be more than $200 since most people would be getting a Wii U as a secondary console for Nintendo titles.
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I don't think its that bad, I may have mentioned it before but the Wii U is the only system without ads. The PS3 loads smoothly but its my Xbox 360 that is a slow, laggy  mess. Also the way it does updates is absurd, automatically kicking you off xbox live until you update with rude and fast prompts that do not let you go any further until you update. Those who play a 360 and don't use any online features are probably best off keeping it offline so that they don't have to experience these terrible updates. I will not be buying any more MS products after the XBox 360, which I am now stuck with due to having quite a bit of digital content on it, as far as computers, my next one will be a Mac. The Wii U actually runs pretty smooth compared to the other consoles, and I haven't experienced any lag, shutdown, crashes or other maladies within the menus as I have with pretty much all my other electronic devices including apple products. I just wish the menu's would make more sense.

Also another thing that bugs me about all companies is they use these stupid icons, none of which I even know what they mean, if they just used a word instead of an icon, I could easily figure out where I am going more quickly. But instead, absurd icons are used.  No it won't look as pretty, but it will be much more functional.

I agree that the 360 dash is an ugly mess. I've only had a PS3 and Wii for the past 6 years, but similar to my Wii U score, I got a cheap 360 recently to play exclusives.

PS3 easily has my favorite interface out of all of them, minus the inability to sort games alphabetically (seriously, what the fuck?) Ads on PS3 are fairly unobtrusive just navigating the dash, whereas on the 360 a lot of screen space goes to ads (even when you pay for Gold, which I don't). But yes, good point re: the lack of third party ads on Wii U. I'm still not fond of the interface though and Miiverse just seems annoying.
I honestly don't bother with Miiverse, I don't see the point of it since I can get whatever information I would need about a game online and can look it up in seconds on my iPod touch or iPad. Besides, the time I spend sitting on miiverse could be time that I am playing games.

MS's scam that you must pay for gold or have your console severely restricted is also getting very old right now, yes I knew about the scam when I bought the console I just didn't realize it would be restricted that much. Its especially a scam that you have to pay for gold just to access netflix on the console when you are paying a separate subscription to use netflix anyways. Anyone who pays for gold on a 360 is a chump, IMO, sorry but its a total waste of money when you can get the same thing on a PS3 or Wii U without having to pay anything. I don't even play multiplayer online games, so that makes gold even more of a waste for me, if they just let us use apps on the system I would not be here complaining now.  That $35-60 fee for gold adds up quick over the years, especially when you realize you are spending money on something you could get for nothing elsewhere.

For less than the price of a year of gold assuming I didn't have another device that played netflix, amazon video etc I could easily pick one up that would let me do those things for free for life after I paid the cost of the device.

I honestly don't bother with Miiverse, I don't see the point of it since I can get whatever information I would need about a game online and can look it up in seconds on my iPod touch or iPad. Besides, the time I spend sitting on miiverse could be time that I am playing games.

MS's scam that you must pay for gold or have your console severely restricted is also getting very old right now, yes I knew about the scam when I bought the console I just didn't realize it would be restricted that much. Its especially a scam that you have to pay for gold just to access netflix on the console when you are paying a separate subscription to use netflix anyways. Anyone who pays for gold on a 360 is a chump, IMO, sorry but its a total waste of money when you can get the same thing on a PS3 or Wii U without having to pay anything. I don't even play multiplayer online games, so that makes gold even more of a waste for me, if they just let us use apps on the system I would not be here complaining now. That $35-60 fee for gold adds up quick over the years, especially when you realize you are spending money on something you could get for nothing elsewhere.

For less than the price of a year of gold assuming I didn't have another device that played netflix, amazon video etc I could easily pick one up that would let me do those things for free for life after I paid the cost of the device.
Not to get off Wii U topic too much. No offense, but if you knew about gold going in, you really have no one to blame but yourself. I agree it is shitty for MS to put Netflix, Amazon, F2P, etc behind a paywall and I really think Phil Spencer is going to announce they are getting rid of that at E3. It's rubbing too many F2P developers the wrong way and creates bad will with consumers, even though many of them would buy gold for MP gaming. I gladly pay the $3-4 a month because I like to play online, I like my servers to be up and secure, and to be honest, while its not much, I like getting free games from Games with Gold. Before its said, I know PS+ is better and I have that as well. Just a nice little perk.

I'm not a fan of wii u ui I just want normal list. When it comes to ps3 and 360. I think over time 360 has got better were ps3 stayed the same with stuff sitting behind annoying menus. The paywall will be gone from live at e3. I could never understand the grip about live. It's 30-60 bucks a year it's not breaking the bank. As a online gamer live servers are great so don't mind paying for better servers.
Got AC4 from best buy for $14. That and NES remix 2 will make me a happy wii u gamer this weekend! I still have $40 in eshop credit from the $30 fire emblem/smt4 deal last year and the $35 card I got for Christmas. Shame that in 10 months, nothing has made me spend $75 yet. Nintendo needs to get more content on the eshop. At this rate, wii u will not have even a third of the content that wii had.
My biggest issue with the PS3 is that the games are listed in the order you downloaded them instead of alphabetical or something that makes sense. 

Secondly and less important since I don't have to make changes that often - a few of the system settings require you to drill down through menus that don't always organize things in a straightforward manner.  The settings menus feel more like a menu driven UI from the 80's than a modern intuitive UI and I often find myself backing out of menus several times before finding what I'm looking for.  If it was done well I would find what I need on the first try.

With the 360, I'll click on something and it will start to download an "app" which I don't want.  I wish they'd warn you first and allow you to tell them "no" because that's happened to me a few times.  The parental controls menu sucks.  Also you don't have the ability to require a password before allowing purchase like you can do on every other video game system, cable box, hell even iphones/Android phones, and android consoles.  This is a huge pain in the ass.  It's pretty sad when a cable box allows you to force a PIN to be input before purchase but a video game console by the world's biggest software developer can't do that.

The Wii U needs to allow you to hide some of the icons.  I've moved some of them to the last screen which is acceptable but not ideal.

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If I was using the features of Xbox live gold I would be very happy to pay for it, but to pay for it just to use netflix is ridiculous when every other company allows this for free. I know plenty of people who pay for gold just to use netflix when they would be better off just buying another device to access it, but they already have the 360 so they pay it because they don't know any better. Don't TV's come with built in netflix apps these days anyways? I doubt the paywall will be gone since it's clearly a money maker for MS.
Considering the live presentations end up being an hour and a half with only 15 to 20 minutes of it actually worth watching, I'll take the way Nintendo is doing it over Sony and M$.

I don't know if this is a good or bad thing, but Nintendo is skipping an E3 conference again this year:


In theory I don't think it's a terrible way of doing things, although last year's execution was pretty bland. Hopefully they get someone other than that boring bald guy to lead it, I don't think he's actually ever played a video game in his life.
It's bad. It's really bad. Most people said it was bad last year but some folks were guessing that Nintendo was skipping the big press conference because of Sony and MS's new consoles. That's clearly not the case this year.

E3 is the only event that non-games enthusiast press attend. CNN and other big TV news channels will have someone there. NPR will have someone there. Everyone will have someone there. These are the very people Nintendo needs to draw attention from so that their product gets into the eye of the non-core gamer. Most people on this message board said last year, Nintendo is penny wise and pound foolish. It's true and that's the case again. They could cut costs on any other event than this and it wouldn't be that big of a deal.

Yep, and then in a few years when E3 is no longer a thing and the other big game companies start doing their own digital press conferences people will go "wow this is so new and edgy!"

Its really not a big deal. The press blows it up to be something huge while people on messages boards just eats up what the gaming press tells them.

Nintendo is still going to be there. There will be demos and a tournament and everything. They are even doing the Best Buy demo thing again which was great last year they did it because people that cant go to E3 got a chance to demo Nintendos new games.

Yep, and then in a few years when E3 is no longer a thing and the other big game companies start doing their own digital press conferences people will go "wow this is so new and edgy!"

Its really not a big deal. The press blows it up to be something huge while people on messages boards just eats up what the gaming press tells them.

Nintendo is still going to be there. There will be demos and a tournament and everything. They are even doing the Best Buy demo thing again which was great last year they did it because people that cant go to E3 got a chance to demo Nintendos new games.
They can be there all they want but the regular media doesn't write lengthy articles on video games and they don't dedicate 30 minute blocks of airtime to it. They recap a few things and take a few sound bites from press conferences. It's foolish to think that the video game press that 5-10 million people follow is more important than the press that 330 million people follow. The core gamer is important but Nintendo doesn't have that audience.

And yet, everything that was in their direct was STILL all over all news outlets and their games were shown off. You can still take clips from their direct and show it so I don't know why you think that makes a difference at all.

The problem last year was the direct as laggy at times. But from what was said, they are going to show the direct live at an event at E3. Is there a really a difference if its a direct or they are on stage painfully trying to get through their conferences?

Honestly, a lot of the conferences were really bad last year because there is so much dead time that isnt need it and not comfortable on stage trying to talk.

Mircosofts conference was pretty bad least year. EA as well.

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And yet, everything that was in their direct was STILL all over all news outlets and their games were shown off. You can still take clips from their direct and show it so I don't know why you think that makes a difference at all.

The problem last year was the direct as laggy at times. But from what was said, they are going to show the direct live at an event at E3. Is there a really a difference if its a direct or they are on stage painfully trying to get through their conferences?

Honestly, a lot of the conferences were really bad last year because there is so much dead time that isnt need it and not comfortable on stage trying to talk.

Mircosofts conference was pretty bad least year. EA as well.
Really, their Nintendo Directs are all over CNN?
Who the hell watches CNN for video game news? lol

I think you are way overvaluing the impact CNN has on the video game industry.

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Who the hell watches CNN for video game news? lol
That's the point of E3, it's the only event non-enthusiast press (mainstream) attend. If only core gamers bought video games there would be no industry.

Nintendo Directs sure aren't doing much to move the needle.
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The generic casuals who think the only video games made after 1995 are Angry Birds, Candy Crush, Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, and Madden.
Because CNN apparently only uses footage that looks cool up on stage. Nintendo Directs apparently aren't photogenic. Plus, the reporters they send there can't edit video there.
Most of the people who get their video game coverage from CNN are those that buy only a handful of games a year. Or they're watching just for the novelty of seeing mainstream news actually talk about video games without needing a murder or a terrorist attack as backdrop.

Never mind that CNN attending the event is a ratings grab for them in an effort to get slightly less clobbered by Fox News for a couple days.

Anyone even remotely interested in gaming (not necessarily a "core" gamer but someone that plays more than CoD and Madden) will get their E3 coverage from either the Internet or SpikeTV.

It's like saying ComiCon will not be packed to the brim or that people will not go see Avengers 2 if Entertainment Tonight isn't there to interview cosplayers.
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Again, Nintendo's current strategy is not working. I see no reason to believe doubling down on it will help. They're going to do a smash tournament that will get no press. Given their presence there, I wonder if they'll stop attending altogether in a few years?
Again, Nintendo's current strategy is not working. I see no reason to believe doubling down on it will help. They're going to do a smash tournament that will get no press. Given their presence there, I wonder if they'll stop attending altogether in a few years?
You can't attend something when you don't exist anymore.

It doesn't matter where they announce stuff. The only thing that matters is what they announce. If they announce that their upcoming games include a new StarFox and Metroid games and that they managed to guilt trip Capcom into making MegaMan Legends 3, it will spread regardless if it is from a press conference or a Direct.
It doesn't matter where they announce stuff. The only thing that matters is what they announce. If they announce that their upcoming games include a new StarFox and Metroid games and that they managed to guilt trip Capcom into making MegaMan Legends 3, it will spread regardless if it is from a press conference or a Direct.
To core gamers that already own their system, sure, none of it matters.

However, when your console is knocking on death's door, doing digital only events that only appeal to customers you already have in your pocket makes little sense. E3 gets mainstream attention so when Nintendo is a no show, it's out of sight out of mind. Meanwhile, in the mainstream press it appears as if there are only two console companies these days.

Also, skipping E3 worked wonders for WiiU sales last year.

Those who don't have a system aren't going to get their news from CNN. Maybe a tech site like CNet, but they're going to get the majority of their news from advertisements, store representatives, and big gaming sites like IGN.

And would attending really push sales that much? Last year, even if Nintendo had been there they would have been ignored by Microsoft's and Sony's dick-measuring contest.

The last time Nintendo was given a large share of screen time at E3, it was to announce the Wii. Every E3 since it was basically "Xbox! PlayStation! Sony! Microsoft! Call of Duty! Madden! Assassin's Creed! Oh...Nintendo had some stuff too."
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I'm probably going to get MK8 with the free Best Buy gas card now that they're giving out a free game with it.  They're going all out with this, it seems to be something of a Hail Marry pass.  To see Nintendo say, "Buy our new game and get this game that's 9 months old FREE" is pretty staggering (especially from them). 

Looks like they must have taken a page from Microsoft's "What to do when your console is failing" book.  If this doesn't push a lot of console sales, nothing will.

Love the Donkey Kong cereal.

Wasn't officially said, but the course selection screen shown in the background shows that it is still 32 courses.

The Pirahna Plant item looks badass.

The free game offer is awesome. Already have Zelda: Wind Waker, don't want Wii Party, so I will probably get Pikmin 3 over Mario Bros U.
Wait a minute... so Wii catered to casuals and so the hardcore gamers left them. But now WiiU not being at E3 is bad because they're not going to get the casuals. Got it!

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Wait a minute... so Wii catered to casuals and so the hardcore gamers left them. But now WiiU not being at E3 is bad because they're not going to get the casuals. Got it!
You're confusing "casuals" that moved onto phones and tablets with the more regular gamers that buy 2 or 3 games a year, usually some sports game, a shooter like COD then maybe 1 or 2 other games. They aren't the casual market that left, they're the regular people that play games less than you do and won't upgrade their consoles early.

If negativity had a mortal form, its name would be Blaster man.

This MK8 deal is pretty shitty for folks that bought the 8GB console at launch. They got a horrible deal and now probably can't even download the game they get free.

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That's like saying people who bought the original DS and DS Lite get screwed out of the eShop because it was introduced on the DSi and later. Not to mention that most of the people who bought the 8GB console don't get digital games anyway. Never mind that many upgraded to the 32GB console anyway. Or that the system was discontinued less than a year in partially because nobody bought the damn thing.

You're really reaching if that is your main complaint.
That's like saying people who bought the original DS and DS Lite get screwed out of the eShop because it was introduced on the DSi and later. Not to mention that most of the people who bought the 8GB console don't get digital games anyway. Never mind that many upgraded to the 32GB console anyway. Or that the system was discontinued less than a year in partially because nobody bought the damn thing.

You're really reaching if that is your main complaint.
I was pretty much joking with that complaint because of the post I replied to. That said, there were actually people on CAG that bought that 8GB console. It seemed really dumb at the time.

I got an 8GB console because I didn't give a shit about all the 'virtual console' games that I still had on their respective original consoles, and I knew the 10% bonus wasn't going to be worth it for me.  Besides, I'd much rather get a 1.5TB External HDD for your 8GB WiiU than spending $100 more for an extra 24GB of embedded non-removable storage.  

I got an 8GB console because I didn't give a shit about all the 'virtual console' games that I still had on their respective original consoles, and I knew the 10% bonus wasn't going to be worth it for me. Besides, I'd much rather get a 1.5TB External HDD for your 8GB WiiU than spending $100 more for an extra 24GB of embedded non-removable storage.
But then compare that to the $330 Mario Kart bundle or the Zelda WW bundle I got for $225 on Black Friday...

I was debating MK8 because wallet is getting raped hard this month but that free Wind Waker HD pushed me over the edge. Now I have to buy it, lol.

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Why not just plug in a flash drive if you need more storage, its not rocket science here.

I got the 8GB system because it came with skylanders and I plugged in a flash drive, no problems.

I have already preordered Mario Kart 8 so the free game sounds great to me!

Why not just plug in a flash drive if you need more storage, its not rocket science here.

I got the 8GB system because it came with skylanders and I plugged in a flash drive, no problems.

I have already preordered Mario Kart 8 so the free game sounds great to me!
How effective are flash drives? I know Nintendo doesn't recommend them. How are load times? I assume you're using one of the rear USB ports?
bread's done