Wii U poor sales confirmed BY NINTENDO! Blasterman poor troll confirmed BY BLASTERMAN

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[quote name='foltzie']In response Capcom canceled another Mega Man game.[/QUOTE]
Waiting for the next Street Fighter version information in response to this news :lol:.
There is no evidence either way that it is harmful or unharmful for children under the game of 7. If you don't want to risk it, that's fair and understandable but trying to act all high and mighty because another parent thinks it might be fine is pretty low.
[quote name='Deader2818']There is no evidence either way that it is harmful or unharmful for children under the game of 7. If you don't want to risk it, that's fair and understandable but trying to act all high and mighty because another parent thinks it might be fine is pretty low.[/QUOTE]

I've seen no one here say they have kids under 7 and are giving those kids under that age a 3DS. Ive seen a shitload of people with no kids saying the 3DS is safe for everyone and they guarantee it.
[quote name='Deader2818']Please show me a quote of someone guaranteeing it.[/QUOTE]

I was being sarcastic. It's like you're arguing for the sake of argument. My kid is 4. She doesn't need a 3ds when she already has a DSi (no matter if it damages the eyes of small children or not). There's a decent chance it could end up broken anyway.

This discussion on the 3ds has gone on too long. The thread is for the Wii U though if someone wants to open a 3DS medical issues thread they are more than welcome to do so.

We should start hearing NPD numbers soon.
Ah ok, so instead of admitting you were wrong in this instance, you want to change the subject. Gotcha.

No one was forcing you to buy a 3ds for your child. Its your child after all and you can do as you wish, lol.
The 3ds has been on sale a lot recently though. In 2 weeks Target will have it on sale for 129.99 for the regular and 169.99 for the XL. I guess we should see a price drop on both of those pretty soon.
[quote name='Deader2818']The 3ds has been on sale a lot recently though. In 2 weeks Target will have it on sale for 129.99 for the regular and 169.99 for the XL. I guess we should see a price drop on both of those pretty soon.[/QUOTE]

Maybe so.
[quote name='foltzie']I'm encouraging nothing except critical thinking.

Merely pointing out, something [highlight]presented here as fact[/highlight], is currently ambiguous by experts in the relevant field, and possibly with some medical indicative value.[/QUOTE]

I told myself I'd stay out of this thread from now on, but this is, in effect, all I was trying to say. It is not rock solid fact that using these will doi anything to your eyes, at any age. Is it possible? Sure - but far from proven. So, yeah, I have no problem with Blasterman being overly safe with it, but I also have no problem with someone letting their 5 year-old use a 3DS with the 3D on.

[quote name='Blaster man']I've seen no one here say they have kids under 7 and are giving those kids under that age a 3DS. Ive seen a shitload of people with no kids saying the 3DS is safe for everyone and they guarantee it.[/QUOTE]

I have 2 kids under 7. I don't let them play any handhelds becauase I don't trust them with them - they might break them and certainly will get them too dirty for my liking ;). But I wouldn't have a problem with my 5 year-old, at least, using the 3D if he was intested in playing it. But the funny thing is that in general, none of my kids have ever been interested in Nintendo handhelds (or any others for that matter). I did get my then 8 year old a 3DS when the price first dropped. He hasn't played it in over a year. On the other hand, I got the kids an iPad for Christmas and they fight over that every day (with 4 of them wanting to use it). The liittle ones (3 and 5), in particular, love it- it is so much more intuitive for them to play with.
[quote name='io']I told myself I'd stay out of this thread from now on, but this is, in effect, all I was trying to say. It is not rock solid fact that using these will doi anything to your eyes, at any age. Is it possible? Sure - but far from proven. So, yeah, I have no problem with Blasterman being overly safe with it, but I also have no problem with someone letting their 5 year-old use a 3DS with the 3D on.

I have 2 kids under 7. I don't let them play any handhelds becauase I don't trust them with them - they might break them and certainly will get them too dirty for my liking ;). But I wouldn't have a problem with my 5 year-old, at least, using the 3D if he was intested in playing it. But the funny thing is that in general, none of my kids have ever been interested in Nintendo handhelds (or any others for that matter). I did get my then 8 year old a 3DS when the price first dropped. He hasn't played it in over a year. On the other hand, I got the kids an iPad for Christmas and they fight over that every day (with 4 of them wanting to use it). The liittle ones (3 and 5), in particular, love it- it is so much more intuitive for them to play with.[/QUOTE]

My 2 year old learned the alphabet from an iPad learning program when he was 18 months. I have a feeling that people with enough money to buy iPads are going to have kids that do better than those that don't. That's a shame but the government can't go and buy every kid an iPad.
[quote name='Deader2818']while a tablet can be a good learning tool, its in no way needed to educate your child.[/QUOTE]

Did I say it was needed? No. People have been educated for a long time. I said that it will make a huge difference (that they won't do as well (on average)). Those that cannot afford one will have children that will have a difficult time competing. You continue to insert things into what I post and reply to them as though I said them. This is the definition of a strawman argument.
I speak in general terms. In no way did I mean that YOU said that it was NEEDED to educate YOUR child.

Im just saying that it really isn't needed, and I don't really see it as a huge advantage in learning.
Lets put it like this, how many 18 month old children have you tried to teach the alphabet to? I've had 2. It's not easy and they have little attention span at that age. Those same kids will take the iPad and play a learning app thats masquerading as a game for far longer than they would be able to pay attention to you or you could possibly have time to do. The iPad apps will definitely make a difference going forward. Argue as you might, I have no doubt that my kid will have a leg up on kids from families that can't afford them. 18 months is pretty young to know the alphabet. They're not even making scentencea with complete thoughts...a lot of kids don't start to talk till at least 12-18 months.
[quote name='Deader2818']Im not sure exactly what it is, but you seem to come off very pretentious.[/QUOTE]

That's fine. I'm sitting here telling you my experiences in life and you're telling me your opinions on childrearing. There's a disconnect but you'll get it eventually.
[quote name='Blaster man']That's fine. I'm sitting here telling you my experiences in life and you're telling me your opinions on childrearing. There's a disconnect but you'll get it eventually.[/QUOTE]

And how do you know I don't have any children?
[quote name='Blaster man']Did I say it was needed? No. People have been educated for a long time. I said that it will make a huge difference (that they won't do as well (on average)). Those that cannot afford one will have children that will have a difficult time competing.[/QUOTE]

LMAO. fucking Schrodinger and Newton would have invented light speed travel and black hole control, if only they had iPads when they were 18 months old.
[quote name='Deader2818']Its nice to see that the president of GameStop agrees with me that strong software will help the Wii U sell.[/QUOTE]

When do the AAA exclusives come out again? There's only 1 announced but undated right?
[quote name='Blaster man']When do the AAA exclusives come out again? There's only 1 announced but undated right?[/QUOTE]

There are none. No Nintendo game is an AAA game. Being cheap will sell the system, not having games to play the system remember?
[quote name='Deader2818']And how do you know I don't have any children?[/QUOTE]

I don't know but you certainly don't seem to post with experience. How many and what ages?
[quote name='Deader2818']There are none. No Nintendo game is an AAA game. Being cheap will sell the system, not having games to play the system remember?[/QUOTE]

So according to you it won't sell. Got it.
Not until the system is $100 cheaper remember? Games don't matter at all.

No one wants to play Pikmin, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Xenoblade 2, Bayonetta, Yoshi's Island, Smash Bros. Zelda etc.
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Pachter was wrong. Wii U did worse than 80k.

thekevindent ‏@TheKevinDent Wow WiiU wasn't even close to 80k units, it was WAY under, WAY under!

thekevindent ‏@TheKevinDent
@francoislaberge under 70k for feb

3DS sold well.

thekevindent ‏@TheKevinDent .@FlameDragon_ I can't reveal any number but 3DS was WAY up

thekevindent ‏@TheKevinDent
3DS sales were relatively huge this month, but oddly software was way down.
[quote name='Deader2818']Not until the system is $100 cheaper remember? Games don't matter at all.

No one wants to play Pikmin, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Xenoblade 2, Bayonetta, Yoshi's Island, Smash Bros. Zelda etc.[/QUOTE]

I know I don't.

Needs some exclusive Sonic games.
[quote name='Deader2818']Yea, if you don't like Nintendo games, no real point to own one.[/QUOTE]

Even if you do there's still no point in owning one.

All those games you listed will be pretty spread out over the life of the Wii U. In 2-3 years it'll probably be worth owning.
I would think all those will be out sometime during 2014.

Pikmin, Bayonetta will be some time in 2013. 3D Mario and Mario Kart will be playable at E3 so chance of a holiday release.

Wind Waker HD will be out Aug 2013. Zelda HD has a target date of 2014. Same as Smash Bros.

Should have a more clear date at E3 when they show the games and see how far along they are.

What we know of that they are currently working on:

Pikmin 3
Bayonetta 2
Wonderful 101
Game and Wario
Wii Fit U
Yoshi Island
Xenoblade 2
3D Mario
Mario Kart
Wind Waker HD
Zelda HD
Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem
Smash Bros.

Its a pretty decent list. As far as first party goes. We know it will get some 3rd party games. Injustice, Walking Dead, Assassin's Creed IV, Watch_Dogs, Lego Marvel, Rayman, Resident Evil Revelations, likely to get the next Call of Duty.

By the end of this year it should have a pretty good library.
Ive read articles that Nintendo is trying to get the production up on the games some more, getting outside help to develop them since they now see the gaming market is more about cranking out games then it was before were people were willing to wait a few years between games.
[quote name='whoknows']I know I don't.

Needs some exclusive Sonic games.[/QUOTE]

Sure why not... Did SEGA so much good when the Dreamcast came out...
[quote name='Rebelphoenix']Sure why not... Did SEGA so much good when the Dreamcast came out...[/QUOTE]

People just don't know what's good. Sonic Adventure is a great game.

Blew my face away when I played the demo for the first time.
[quote name='Deader2818']The Sonic Adventure games were prob the last good sonic games. And even then 2 had a lot of parts that werent that great.[/QUOTE]

Are...are you high?

Sonic Generations is awesome!

Sonic Colors was good too, but it wasn't my cup of tea.

Now all Sega needs to do is announce a sequel...
[quote name='Blaster man']64k sold


Looks like even when the PS3 was at its most expensive it ever sold this few consoles per week.
I think part of the problem is there isn't a ton of games that you can't play on PS3 or 360. Exclusives are coming and they will help bring up sales nicely but yeah it's kinda a slump right now because there isn't that system seller out yet.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I think part of the problem is there isn't a ton of games that you can't play on PS3 or 360. Exclusives are coming and they will help bring up sales nicely but yeah it's kinda a slump right now because there isn't that system seller out yet.[/QUOTE]

Do you remember the great drought of 2007 for the PS3? They had this issue too. They had no games the first half of the year after it launched, the prices were super high, and the games that were going to make things better all got delayed. They still sold better. Look at the eurogamer article. The low sales poibt for the ps3 is spring 2007. Compare sales with Wii u sales.

There's more than just "no games" causing the Wii U to have problems.
[quote name='Blaster man']There's more than just "no games" causing the Wii U to have problems.[/QUOTE]

I believe its called the iPad, or something with an "I".

Although, the lack of something like XBL or PSN in the past has hurt as well.
[quote name='foltzie']I believe its called the iPad, or something with an "I".

Although, the lack of something like XBL or PSN in the past has hurt as well.[/QUOTE]

Actually it's an iPad with an "i"! ;)

Agreed though. For me, I'll buy it after the price comes down but I'm a gamer. For the average consumer, those that know what the Wii U is, why would they get that instead of an iPad? The gamepad is a bad idea for mass consumption. It a piss poor tablet so as a tablet it can't compete with iPad. Since the controller is so expensive they weren't able to leap ahead in hardware specs making the console about as powerful as the current gen stuff.
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[quote name='foltzie']http://kotaku.com/5990708/those-scannable-pokmon-wii-u-figures-finally-revealed?post=58294961

I am curious how these figures will sell, they look unusual (I understand Nintendo is going for the tin toy vibe). The Pokemon card game got its foot in the door by being Pokemon related, but its a good CCG in its own right.

Still Skylanders does seem like a license to print money.[/QUOTE]

$2 per figure and you don't know what you are getting.... I don't know about that...
I hope that either there is a $100 price drop by Xmas, or that they change their mind and decide to go the Sega/software only route. Truthfully I'd rather they went software-only.

This is not a prediction. I have no idea what's going to happen.
[quote name='Blaster man']Every single thing you mentioned are for people older than the ages that have issues with the 3DS. Comparing teen pregnancy with children under 7 possibly having developmental disorders due to negligent parents seems apples and oranges.[/QUOTE]
I'm not sure how troll bodies and brains work so maybe its different for you, but it there are plenty of kids under 6 that have already have had their diets shoot. Nor is it like the decision you make when raising you child before their 7 has no effect on what they do as teens and adults.
I'm not sure why you seem to think that being a bad parent depends on the age of the child. But a parent who children are off having unprotected sex, driving drunk or addicted to their phones is a worse parent than the guy that lets his kid play a game in 3D once in a while.
[quote name='itachiitachi']I'm not sure how troll bodies and brains work so maybe its different for you, but it there are plenty of kids under 6 that have already have had their diets shoot. Nor is it like the decision you make when raising you child before their 7 has no effect on what they do as teens and adults.
I'm not sure why you seem to think that being a bad parent depends on the age of the child. But a parent who children are off having unprotected sex, driving drunk or addicted to their phones is a worse parent than the guy that lets his kid play a game in 3D once in a while.[/QUOTE]

Your comments are some of the dumbest shit I've seen on here. I'm not worried about some random unknown kid. I'm worried about MY OWN KID. My kid isn't fat and doesn't overeat. My kid isn't ANY of that shit you described. I take care of my kids. What dumbass thinks "if that's the worst you have to worry about"? I'm sorry, I worry about ANYTHING that can hurt my kid that has absolutely no value if used. I can get hurt by driving a car but it provides a valuable service, it takes me to work. I worry about my kid getting fucked up from a 3DS, it provides no valuable service.

Again, your statement begins with: "With the numbers of kids the in the U.S." WTF do I care about "the number of kids in the us" that have various issues? Get a fucking brain. You just don't get it. I have kids. I don't worry about some stupid statics. Go read what you wrote and please tell me how those dumbass generalities at all relate to me personally. Personal issues trump societal "worried" any day of the week for everyone (with half a brain).

I guess anytime I worry about my kids, I should stop and think, "Well shit, this is the least of my concerns because SOCIETY IS OBESE!". You either have zero reading comprehension or (more likely) posted without reading the discussion and thought you were throwing in some kind of illuminated conversation about societies woes.

To be specific:
Me: "I don't want to get my kid a 3DS because she's under 7 and it's bad for her".
Random poster that hates me: "That's just a warning label. You can let her use it."
Me: "I'd rather not risk it."
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