Wipeout HD - Fury DLC Incoming

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']So we're doing this in roughly 2:45 hours?[/quote]

Yup. Sounds like we may have 9. If we do 2 races and have 1 person drop from the 2nd race and allow the 9th to enter we should be good.

EDIT: at 11pm EST look for a game under my name.
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Not sure if everyone heard Stranded say it, but we moved to Rolento's game. Rolento just left, so now it's my game?? Are we still doing this?
I can try hosting again, but I'm not sure what the connection problem could be. I hope it's not on Rolento's end.

primetime, I sent you a FR.
.... and the weird thing is as everyone left the room then suddenly rolento popped in. :bomb:

Smog I hope it's an isolated incident!

Mana, do you have the campaign skins?
[quote name='metaly']Did you happen to notice who was host when Rolento got in?[/quote]

I think technically it was me again seeing as everyone left. I presume hosting passed on to me ...
>_< shit.

sorry guys I have no idea what was up. every time I loaded the rooms with and without filters no CAGs came up. the few times that I did join with other cags, some cags couldn't see the room like me... wtf?

sorry. I prepped everything to run smoothly, the game just didn't act normal...
Argh! Either I suck at this game, haven't found my stride, or the right ship for my driving style (erratic) with this game. Turns out I'm about half-way through the levels/events/whatever they're called so no campaign skins for me anytime soon.
Sounds like trophy issues.

Tried freeing up some gigs?

EDIT: Reading what metaly said, maybe you should try playing under a different profile and see if it still happens.
Some guys on the PS boards say it's a trophy-related error and you might have to delete your profile unless Sony releases a fix. Is the same thing happening with your other trophy games?
The thing is I cant even play the game. It freezes at the Autosave screen. I saw that thread on PS forums and I really do not want to delete and re-start my profile since it would take up one of the 5 uses. Not to mention require me to back up and reinstall all sorts of stuff.
Also Linger In Shadows I get an error "Insufficient hard disk space to install trophy data". I have tried freeing up some gigs, went all the way from 6gigs to 10gigs free. Also, I rented Bioshock and have been snagging trophies in that. It is just really really weird.

I did get an error message once that said "Stop acquiring trophies, master gamer status achieved" :lol::lol:
[quote name='smiggity']I did get an error message once that said "Stop acquiring trophies, master gamer status achieved" :lol::lol:[/quote]

Hahaha, wtf? :lol:

That sucks if you have to delete your whole PSN profile. I thought it might have just been the individual game data, but that sort of makes sense if it's a trophy issue. Definitely give Sony a call before taking any extreme measures.
If you have to do the extreme and delete the profile, make sure you deactive the account first. That will make sure you can still get all your gameshare stuff back afterwards.

Did you try playing Wipeout on a different account?
Just tried it on our account and no error. What gives? So it appears to be a problem with group purchases played an a different account.

No error for Linger on the account either. WTF!
From the research I have done it seems that since I changed my password twice in one day, it somehow corrupted my account or something. If I delete my account, would all the others be deleted as well? Also would I have to back up my HD?
Mana said he's only got a couple grids left to go before he gets the skins, so he could be an alternate if Rolento and smog keep having problems. I would like to see everyone in the original group get the trophy, though. It's no trouble to wait.

smog, I'd back up at least your game saves at this point. I don't think you can back up the games themselves, but you could always do the deauthorization Stranded mentioned and redownload everything.
[quote name='smiggity']From the research I have done it seems that since I changed my password twice in one day, it somehow corrupted my account or something. If I delete my account, would all the others be deleted as well? Also would I have to back up my HD?[/quote]

No just that account would be deleted I'm guessing. All you do is goto account management->deactivate account. Then delete it. Then remake it. Redownload all your shite. Seeing as you deactivated you account you should still be able to log into the gameshared stuff and get that back.

That's all theoretical.

EDIT: Yeah I forgot about the saves. Do that!
Alright man I will give it a shot tomorrow probably. I DO NOT want to deactivate our account though right? Just my personal one?

Thanks a ton Metaly and Stranded. You guys are awesome
Rolento can you change the OP title to reflect the new time of 10pm EST please?

Also can someone else do hosting tonight. Not sure what I'll be up to. I'm always up for bling bling.
Get wipeout HD, sign in at 10PM EST, and look for games hosted by some of the fine peeps in this thread. :) At least that's how I think it goes, it could be more organized than that. :p
Thanks for being flexible about the start time, guys.

I can host if nobody else wants to. Not sure if we should bother with bling bling tonight though. Smog, how's your PS3 doing?
I'd offer to host, but I don't think I have everyone on my friends list besides those who were trying to bling bling the other night.
Don't think it matters if people are on your friends list or not. As long as we post who is hosting, everyone can just jump on the sever when it goes live.
Yeah, there are reserved friends slots when setting up a game. Also I'm not 100% sure but I think if you filter opponents to friends only when searching for a game, you'll be able to join reserved slot games hosted by someone who's not on your list, as long as one of your friends is in it already.
[quote name='metaly']Thanks for being flexible about the start time, guys.

I can host if nobody else wants to. Not sure if we should bother with bling bling tonight though. Smog, how's your PS3 doing?[/quote]

It seems my account is corrupt. I think I am going to wait a FW update or two before doing anything drastic though. Just cant play Wipeout or earn trophies in any games. So my PS3 essentially went back in time like 3 months. Maybe sometime this weekend I will try to copy my game save over to another profile and then I will help yall get the bling trophy.
So who's up for a race? I guess I'll host since nobody else volunteered. Don't see too many people in-game, though... Don't make me 1v1 against freaky! :hot:
bread's done