[quote name='Wanderlai']So I can create toons for a PvE east coast server, since I'm in NC, and also create a toon on the server us CAG's pick??? I read something about it costing $25 to move toons to different servers but I guess thats already leveled toons.[/QUOTE]
Yes, that's correct. Like I said, I just rolled a toon on Gurubashi last night, and I have characters on another server with the friends that roped me into the game. The transfer charge is for pre-existing, higher level toons.
[quote name='Wanderlai']On the Gurubashi server the WoWWikki says, "Gurubashi as well as Warsong is over run with Bazilian's where Portuguese is spoken and often unwanted in public channels. Mass arguments and frequent out bursts over how Bazilian's should be on a Latin American server occur often."
I'd rather play on a server where English is spoken.
Oh and the Battlechest patches finished for me , so I went to load up WotLK and it says it wont load???
My vote: PvE[/QUOTE]
I didn't run into anybody speaking any language on that server, but I assume that if we all roll toons there, WE will all speak english, at least. lol.
BTW, I had the same issue trying to load Burning Crusade after updating. With those FREAKING GIGANTIC patches, it seems the game discs, esp. the expansions, are now kind of redundant. If you enter your WotLK CD key, and have DL'd the latest patch, you should be good to go.
Oh, and my vote, because I'm willing to try something new: PvP *gulp*