Worst B&M Game Retailer

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Gamestop. At least my local one is 90% console games now, and the majority of those are used games lined up face first on the shelf and maybe 2 games deep, while the PC games are sort of randomly crammed on to one little shelf. Makes me sad since I remember when they actually had bargain bins of old PC games and a decent selection.
Gamestop (EB Games). Gamestop screwed up what used to be a good gaming company. Now the deals suck & the empoyees do to. The empoyees have always sucked (at least the ones that I have dealt with). Nothing against any Gamestop/EB employee on CAG.
I haven't delt with many of these stores, but I'd have to go with one I did deal with a couple times, Gamestop. Absolutely horrid customer service.
[quote name='lawdood']Hands down, Walmart. Unless you are lucky enough to live near one of these few Wally Worlds that actually have extraordinary video game clearances, you're stuck with a store with an above average inventory of games for shitty prices...games which never go on sale and sit in the case for literally years with no price reduction.[/quote]

Wal-mart gets my vote for these reasons. I have yet to find any sort of deal at Wal-Mart.

Best Buy has the GGC and RZ, so as much as I hate them, I can't give them the vote.

CC still has clearances, even if they're not as good as they were.

K-Mart has insanely cheap games. Not many, true, but some. More than Wal-Mart, anyway.

EB/GS is probably the most evil of the bunch, but I can still use them to my benefit.

And TRU has B2G1, which is awesome if you have coupons/credit.

So Wal-Mart.
eb/gamestop for me , ive had too many bad experinces in there!!! The employees there really dont know jack-$hit about games , sometimes I imagine myself kicking them in the nutz and then choking them out!!! Plus why is it that all eb/gamestop employees look like and talk like HOMOSEXUAL'S!!!!! LOL , yea ill prob get flamed for that one but . . . . . oooo well!!!:applause:
Wal-mart, bad selections, and for some reason my local one has all DS games 5 to 10 dollars over retail.
Walmart's game section does suck major nut hairs but at least the store isn't a Games Specialty store. So my vote goes to Gamestop since I had a manager and his employee try and square off with me over a game that I had pre-ordered and had a receipt for. Even before that all the GS near me have gone to the shitter over the last 2 years.
Circuit City! There selection is always mixed up with no rhyme or reason behind the organization so you have to look through a whole wall of crap to find what you want!
[quote name='botticus']Where's the love (hate?) for Circuit City? Worst game selection any day of the year.[/quote]

And worst game pricing any day of the year, for that matter. Circuit City got my vote on this one.
I vote EG/GS, they have great selection, but as for trade in, they are a complete rip off, if they gave a better trade in value they would probably get more serious gamers to use purchase from their stores.
Wal-mart has ruined the game industry. They are the number one game retailer in the country, and all they sell is Madden 200X, Current Popular Movie: The Game, and the most mainstream of games (those destined to become Greatest Hits). Wal-mart is the number one reason game development has become formulaic and non-innovative.
As much as I hate EB/Gamestop, Wal-Mart gets my vote. They have never given me a reason to buy games from them. So much for the "always low prices..."
I would have gone with Wal-Mart over EB since they're neck and neck in customer service and such. Only difference is EB opens their "new" stuff, there's nothing to really make a CAG rightfully run over there for, and Wal-Mart actually does some crazy stuff sometimes even if it's only at a store or two. I point to when there were a couple selling 360 games for like $20.
Everyone who complains about GS/EB Games giving opened games as new should realize you DO have the power to tell them to give you an unopened copy. It's not that difficult. It's not right for them to do, but as a customer, you have a right to tell them you want an unopened copy.

Though with that said, my vote still goes to GameStop. They phased out all the classic games and devours ANY competition that comes their way. They've practically scared away others from getting a shot in game retail, especially those who try to focus on selling all video games; retro and new.

Their trade-in values are absolutely ridiculous as well. Good example is $15 for Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition, which they will turn around and sell for $45. One could easily make much more off of that through eBay. Speaking of trade-ins, games aren't tested. Buying a used game from them is highly likely to result in you returning the game due to it not working.

Some stores are also filled with asses of employees. I understand it's not an easy business, but when a good customer that knows what they're dealing with should not have to put up with either a brand-biased or stressed out employee. Nothing puts a customer off more than an employee heckling a customer over buying a certain game or a game for a certain brand.

The deals are also quite bad at times. Some other stores have Buy 1 Get 1 Free. GameStop has Buy 2, Get 1 Free. The discount card would be nice if one didn't have to receive that awful GameInformer magazine and if it actually applied to newer items or used consoles. It's embarassing when non-gaming specific retailers can have sales on new games at a much cheaper price than what GameStop would sell it for until they decide to drop the price.

All in all, GameStop gets my vote. And it's quite sad that it's the only damn retailer around my area that specifically sells games.
EB/GS. lol i just went in there yesterday to ask for a date for a game to be sure. then like the whole staff bothers me about preordering it. lol
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