Worst B&M Game Retailer

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FYE for having crap selection. It is nice to have tons of credit, but pointless if there is nothing i want.
"They (EbGames) still harrass you for preorders, they have more subscriptions and insurance than before (I think)"

I mean, the customers might not like it, but if we don't get those preorders and subscriptions, we get fired. And that's not hyperbole. Where I work, for every twenty hours you need five preorders and three subscriptions. Everytime you fail to do that, you get writen up. Three write ups and you're fired without the possibility of getting rehired, then the company does everything in their power to prevent you from getting another job anywhere else. It's brutal, unfair, and quite frankly it should be illegal. Trust me, we don't like to push those things on you, but we're forced into it. Only two things will prevent that: either a nation wide boycott of preordering from anywhere or goverment intervention on behalf of the employees. Without either of those happening, the 'harassment for preorders and discount cards' will continue because our jobs and possible future ability to get better jobs is on the line. EB/GS doesn't just fire you, they go out of their way to destroy you forever once fired.

That said, I think Wal-Mart sucks because they don't have sales and they have a bad selection.
Wow. Tough choice. Normally it would be a neck and neck race with Best Buy and EB/GS, with EB/GS pulling away, but one big thing forces me to vote for Wally World this time:

The Black Friday (non) sale.

They hyped up their big 'secret' sale and it was a total shit brick. They still have me pissed off.

Best Buy, in that order.
My nominations:

Walmart - I should take a picture of their $19.xx bin sometime for you. That alone justifys them being nominated.

K-Mart - I can't even be in their electronics department for more than several minutes without feeling like I'm going to have a seizure just from how god aweful its run.
Most definitely CompUSA, the one by my house is a travesty:

Barely any games, the ones they do have are shitty and last-gen, awful prices, and by far the worst part is that almost all of them are opened and some even have discs stolen, and yet they sell as new. Absolutely disgusting
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Most definitely CompUSA, the one by my house is a travesty:

Barely any games, the ones they do have are shitty and last-gen, awful prices, and by far the worst part is that almost all of them are opened and some even have discs stolen, and yet they sell as new. Absolutely disgusting[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Survivor Charlie']"They (EbGames) still harrass you for preorders, they have more subscriptions and insurance than before (I think)"

I mean, the customers might not like it, but if we don't get those preorders and subscriptions, we get fired. And that's not hyperbole. Where I work, for every twenty hours you need five preorders and three subscriptions. Everytime you fail to do that, you get writen up. Three write ups and you're fired without the possibility of getting rehired, then the company does everything in their power to prevent you from getting another job anywhere else. It's brutal, unfair, and quite frankly it should be illegal. Trust me, we don't like to push those things on you, but we're forced into it. Only two things will prevent that: either a nation wide boycott of preordering from anywhere or goverment intervention on behalf of the employees. Without either of those happening, the 'harassment for preorders and discount cards' will continue because our jobs and possible future ability to get better jobs is on the line. EB/GS doesn't just fire you, they go out of their way to destroy you forever once fired.

That said, I think Wal-Mart sucks because they don't have sales and they have a bad selection.[/quote]

Well I wasn't sure what I'd vote for ... but this makes me say Gamestop / EB

They also piss me off because a USED game is only 5$ less than a new all the time (before the discount card). I also only buy a game there if I had pre ordered it and I won't let it sit for more than a day. Due to the fact that they rent them out to employees and when they're returned they re saranrap them :(
EB/Gamestop. What a shithole. Cooking Mama was the last goddamn straw as I got the copy home and it already had a game in progress on it yet I had paid full price for a 'new' copy. They push so much shit on their employees and brainwash them into thinking the job is worth a damn. What a joke.
Gamestop because they own EB. Always have trouble with them honoring deals. Donkey Kong Kongos and Legend zelda GBA for $10 tryed to sell used w/o box for $19 both time had ad in hand. And selling open games as new
Kmart guys, its such an easy choice...though they do have some nice clearence deals. Heres why.

- never put out coupons
- NEVER EVER do they have sales priced to compete, let alone sales at all.
- lock every damn video game items in the case
- employess never can opened the cases
- takes 10 mins just to find an employee to open the case
- employess working in electronics are mainly old and have no idea aobut anything video game related.
- video game section is a mess, never is it organized (though I think kmart is working on this)

Target is close behind.

Now how could you disagree with me?
[quote name='kevzik']Kmart guys, its such an easy choice...though they do have some nice clearence deals. Heres why.

- never put out coupons
- NEVER EVER do they have sales priced to compete, let alone sales at all.
- lock every damn video game items in the case
- employess never can opened the cases
- takes 10 mins just to find an employee to open the case
- employess working in electronics are mainly old and have no idea aobut anything video game related.
- video game section is a mess, never is it organized (though I think kmart is working on this)

Target is close behind.

Now how could you disagree with me?[/QUOTE]

I disagree with you entirely because of the "nice clearance deals" you mentioned above. Kmart had been one of my best sources for ultra-cheap trade material (and games I want) for the last year (taking over from Target and TRU).

I'm willing to put up with all the disorganization to find those $1 and $2 games. In fact, it is the disorganization that makes those finds possible.

While I would consider GS/EB, my vote goes towards Walmart since it has been an utter waste the very few times I've ever stepped foot in there to look at video games. It has most of the disorganization and lack of employees (rather they are busy than not there, but same difference) as Kmart, but absolutely no deals or clearance prices that are consistent from one store to another, anyway.

(EB is disqualified for this in my eyes because I was able to get my Wii preordered there and I know of one really cool store manager who had helped me out quite often last year).
Gamestop EB games - their sale stuff is never in stock.... or when you have a ton of credit from their low ball trade in credits, you can hardly ever find anything in stock.
This is a tough call. The more I think about it, the more I am realizing most all of the B&M stores have problems with their game sections.

Wal-Mart: No real deals around here and the selection isn't the greatest.

K-Mart: Horrific organization of the games, and I never came up with any of the mega clearances other people found.

Best Buy: I love the GGC, and they're organized, but the employees aren't very helpful. That, and I've had problems pricematching.

CC: Has decent deals sometimes. Their organization is getting better. I can't find a lot of new-ish games in there though. And I don't really like the staff at the local store. I've had problems with in-store deals in there.

EB/GS: Best selection, good staff at the local ones, and some good deals. I don't really have many problems with them.

Target: Decent organization, not the greatest selection. I never really find deals here.

TRU: I hate their setup. The staff has never been knowledgeable or friendly, the deals are usually not at the local store, and the worst design of them all. And they don't have as great a selection as other stores.

So, I definitely give my vote to TRU. I can't think of the last time I bought a game from there.
You're all overlooking a very important candidate...


The employees are ALWAYS uninformed about their deals. Think about how hard it was to do the Trade 4 get 1 Free, or the 20% more trade-in.

Extremely anal about the quality of the used games they accept.

And if for some ungodly reason you wanted to buy games there, you can pay $19.99 for a used Mad Maestro!

Gamestop! ! ! ! ! someone please stop them. Where do i begin?
- non updated used games prices. When they have a used game sale, how come some of the used games are more expensive than their new game counterparts?
- why do they keep asking me if i want to reserve a game when they know it will not sell out? its very annoying. Fry's, Target, etc doesn't do that. Just leave me alone when I want to pay for my items.
- Trying to sell me a opened box game as a new game. 'come on guys...
- The used game section looks like someone's bookshelf at home, all these tagger employees with their bad handwriting on the boxes. Why would anyone want that? so all that is left over ususally are those non-orginal marked up boxes.
EBGames/Gamestop...For the "Got Any Trades", Don't sell penny guides, losing/hoarding pre-order bonuses, not knowing thier own sales, and all around buffoonery.
No brainer... Gamestop/EB Games by FAR. My experience with them has been nothing but a headache this year. The employees are jerks and they fucked me over big time with their piss poor handling of the PS3/Wii preorders.

I'm done with them. I should've known because back when Gamestop was Funcoland they were just as bad.

Their only saving grace is that they usually have the small rare games that are not carried at the bigger stores like Best Buy (like the Atlas games, for instance). But this is cancelled out with the option of ordering them online.
Ebgames/ Gamestop

The employees at these stores are all a huge pain in the ass (at least in my area), and twice this year I bought a new game that was just an empty case. I got screwed on one because I didn't open it until months later.
Gamestop/EBGames by a landslide
The only store where I've ever been and they refuse to sell you games when they first come out if you don't pre-order while still having excess stock. Great business.

Oh and the store is a mess (all of them in NYC anyhow) Atleast they TRY to divide by console...
Gamestop/EB - each store is hit or miss when it comes to customer service.

EDIT: oh and no sales on new releases like major retailers.
I'd have to say gamestop. I hate walking in with nothing in my hands only to hear "got any trades today?" or "would like to buy our protection plan on that 360 faceplate?". That and most of the GS around me always seem to have a groupie hanging around. Some guy talking up the clerk about some lame rpg crap.
[quote name='gamereviewgod']K-Mart. No orginization whatsoever.[/quote]

agreed. definitely kmart. aside from the clearance deals this retailer is so worthless. Nothings ever marked correctly. 5 year old games usually ring up for $50. The "universal" clearance prices were always YMMV for me just because they are such a jokeshow.
i gotta throw it out to Circuit City, we have two here, and nothings organized or labeled. One of them has PS2 games in 4 different sections, and I don't mean bargin bins, thats in addition, you can never find anything there

edit: at least in gamestop its mostly in alphabetical order, its easy to find, and you can ignore the staff if you want to. Sure they piss me off, and a lot of them don't know what they're talking about, and I never can figure out how they have 5 copies at all six of their stores of the same game thats been out for 4 years but still charge $60 for it and call it rare while if I can ever find PSO I & II they only charge $7 for it .

but most of the time I can find what I need when I need t. people can be ignored but unorganized heaps are allways a pain.
Gamestop- hands down no if ands or buts about it. They suck in every category Pricing, Stock, Customer Service, Cust loyalty and on and on......
Worst retailer ... hmm...

Toys R us comes to mind. No price matching, the clearance deals in the stores near me seem to be GBA only titles, and selection/prices were mediocre at best for games or hardware.

I've not had bad experiences this past year though, but I've also not bought a lot of games because of a lack of titles & sales.
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