Worst Online Game Retailer 2011

Gamestop, I actually think best buy had decent deals this year, especially holiday time, i didn't know about the cancellations though.
Though they had some quality sales down the wire, Best Buy for all the cancellations and continued BS surrounding separation between their online store and brick and mortar.
Thankfully I did my Christmas shopping with Amazon, but Best Buy for canceling Black Friday orders that were supposed to be Christmas gifts for people. Left a lot of people scrambling last minute this year to replace gifts.
GoHastings gave me quite a few headaches with faulty used games and hardware, but their CS is top notch and shows they're trying hard.
I'll go with Overstock for their dreadful shipping times and poor CS.
[quote name='cheeky']Gamestop for banning me and all my friends.[/QUOTE]
You got banned too? Since when?:lol: But yeah, definitely Gamestop. Although since they stopped requiring everything for game trades I'd also have to add Best Buy as a secondary choice.

Now they're the same as GS, where you're not guaranteed a complete copy of anything when ordering online.
[quote name='Blade']GameStop again, for selling products that "may or may not" come complete, just because they intentionally strip products and send them in generic cases. Also, their customer service is horrible.[/QUOTE]
It's not so much that they intentionally strip down the games to just the disc/cart, but that they receive them in that condition from the customers who are trading them in. Before my ban I watched the one guy come in with a CD binder loaded up with PS2/360/PS3 games and start taking out just the discs and stacking them up on the counter.
gohastings. Their customer service gave me headache after headache, and I am still dealing with them today for an issue that occurred almost two months ago.
Gamestop. 90% of their used online inventory is disc-only, they oversell limited preorder bonuses (the DQVI slime fiasco still hurts), and their site design just gets more bloated every year. They're absolutely worthless.

Didn't have any problems with Best Buy, and I bought four games from their site, two to ship, and two to pick up in store. I actually think they gave Amazon a run for their money this year in terms of the deals offered.
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Just gonna throw a vote in for Mad Catz (gameshark) for having absolutely worthless customer service. After Markman told me twice he'd get them to answer me, they still never did. I'm not sure whether the black mark goes to him, the cs, or both.
best buy been waiting 3 weeks for final fantasy dissida 2 ducodiem or whatever its called i even have 2 charges for the game sitting on my credit card waiting to see how that works out may go after best buy this is the first and last time i order from them online
[quote name='classflirt']GameStop for selling products that "may or may not" come complete. It's a risk I don't like to take.[/QUOTE]

But isn't that whoever traded them in's fault?
I went with best buy...althoughntheyngave me an 8 dollar e gift card, imstill felt unsatisfied with them taking an order then not being able to fullfill it.... Know thy stock.
bread's done