WShakSpear's Comic Topic (DC, Marvel, Ati...whatever you like)

Actually of the five original New Mutants, three are teachers in the New X-Men series (Dani, Rahne & Xian) and other two are in X-Force (Bobby & Sam).
Since the first 2 are out and probably hard to find (sold out here), pick up the Space Ghost trade when it comes out. Incredible art and a very good, dark story for space ghost. 3rd issue will be the debut of Zorak!
I haven't picked up an X-Men comic in years. So can someone fill me in real quick on what happened to Jean Grey, and also about the relationship between Cyclops and Emma. I'm interested in picking up X-men Phoenix: End Song, but not really sure if I should. Anyone else check it out?
[quote name='darkcrawlspace']I haven't picked up an X-Men comic in years. So can someone fill me in real quick on what happened to Jean Grey, and also about the relationship between Cyclops and Emma. I'm interested in picking up X-men Phoenix: End Song, but not really sure if I should. Anyone else check it out?[/quote]

It was when Magneto (the fake or clone, no one really has figured it out yet) made his huge reappearance and the whole Planet X storyline took place. Pretty much what he did was send a massive electromagnetic shock at her or something like that and it basically killed her (seems like a very comicbookish death but oh well). This then allowed Scott to act on the psychic affairs that he was having with Emma (also very comicbookish) and they are now an item. He was kind of outed by Wolverine in the first issue of Astonishing X-Men though in a very amusing way.

I've got the first issue of Phoenix Endsong and it looks like it may be interesting but on the other hand she's only been dead a few months and it seems like they keep bringing it up. Between this and the X-Men: The End storyline, she just won't stay dead, and like I said, it hasn't even been that long.
Thanks for the info. Sounds like a comic soap opera to me. I read issue one, and thought it was pretty good. And then I read issue #2 online at Mile High Comics, and thought it was much better.
[quote name='darkcrawlspace']Thanks for the info. Sounds like a comic soap opera to me. I read issue one, and thought it was pretty good. And then I read issue #2 online at Mile High Comics, and thought it was much better.[/quote]

x-men right now is like the best kind of comic soap opera.

i just saw elektra... and lemme just say, that was one of the worst comic movies i have ever seen. even worse than that fantastic four movie you can buy at cons for 5 bucks. i don't think there was any moment that i wasn't cringing.
I've gotta say, I just got Astonishing X-Men: Gifted, and I'm definitely glad you guys got me into this one. I love it so far. I don't think I've ever actually laughed out loud at an X-Men comic book before this one. Plus, the art is beautiful. I seriously am loving this so far, and glad I got a subscription to it.
Glad you like it. It takes a special book for me to actually indorse it. Special meaning good. I wont sell crap through recomendation...i'll let people do it to themselves. "Here's your 3 youngbloods and x-force comics by Liefeld, Have a nice day!" ...poor bastard...
hey guys, i'm just getting back into reading comics again after a long hiatus, so if you could, please tell of the good shit going around now.

I will say that 100 Bullets is a great series worthy of your flow.
[quote name='ElfAngel7']hey guys, i'm just getting back into reading comics again after a long hiatus, so if you could, please tell of the good shit going around now.

I will say that 100 Bullets is a great series worthy of your flow.[/quote]

Seriously, go read Astonishing X-Men. It's amazingly awesome. I love the first time Wolverine showed up in it, or all the Kitty-Emma interactions, like when Kitty was late for the first scene with them all. I seriously cannot remember this level of wit and humor being in X-Men before. Looks like more proof that Joss Whedon is a fucking god. I can definitely see the style of Buffy-humor showing up every now and then. I mean, there's even a mention towards Harry Potter from Kitty.
[quote name='ElfAngel7']hey guys, i'm just getting back into reading comics again after a long hiatus, so if you could, please tell of the good shit going around now.

I will say that 100 Bullets is a great series worthy of your flow.[/quote]

If you like 100 bullets, check out Losers as well. Great, fast paced series...with story!
Don't know about everyone else here, but I for one am really sad to see Dreamwave go. I loved the art style in most of their stuff, and the Transfomers comics were almost uniformly AWESOME. I hear Devil's Due is picking up the rights to TF comics, so I hope the Dreamwave artists and writers can find jobs over there, and hope the current series and storyarks continue.
DW unfortunately did a Crossgen in slo-mo. If they had good buisness practices, i'd be "sad", otherwise im glad other companies will get the rights. Im more or less just curious on wether Devil May Cry will finish up.
Actually Rival Schools(which isnt out yet) is through Devils Due, same people doing Darkstalkers and Street Fighter
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']I just finished Frank Miller's 300 and Marvel 1602 GN. I enjoyed both immensely, I highly recommend them if you hadn't read them yet.[/quote]

Okay, I started reading 1602, but just couldn't get into it. Explain this series to me.
Marvel in 1602. neat things happen. Thor. Strange.

Thats about all my brain can process before i stop caring. I know this pisses off a few of my customers...but i really dont like Neil Gaimen. At all. I cant fins anything of his i like....of course that sentence delves into territory that involves my ass getting chewed out, but i digress
This is my list of comics that I currently collect:

Legion of Super-Heroes
Astonishing X-Men
Captain America
Teen Titans
Adam Strange ---seriously overlooked
Fables---Awesome Vertigo - Fairy Tales with a twist of lemon
New Avengers
[quote name='Wshakspear']Marvel in 1602. neat things happen. Thor. Strange.

Thats about all my brain can process before i stop caring. I know this pisses off a few of my customers...but i really dont like Neil Gaimen. At all. I cant fins anything of his i like....of course that sentence delves into territory that involves my ass getting chewed out, but i digress[/quote]

Hey, I'm glad I am not the only one who feels this way. He is talented, but his writing does not lend itself to the Superhero genre.
[quote name='serro821'][quote name='Wshakspear']Marvel in 1602. neat things happen. Thor. Strange.

Thats about all my brain can process before i stop caring. I know this pisses off a few of my customers...but i really dont like Neil Gaimen. At all. I cant fins anything of his i like....of course that sentence delves into territory that involves my ass getting chewed out, but i digress[/quote]

Hey, I'm glad I am not the only one who feels this way. He is talented, but his writing does not lend itself to the Superhero genre.[/quote]

I agree, though 1602 wasn't exactly the run of a mill superhero series, so IMHO a tleast it works out. If you read through all of it it makes a lot more sense than stopping part way through the series. I didn't care for it much at 1st after reading the first to volumes and I stopped, but on whim and Borders gift card I decided to buy the GN and after reading it as a whole it was actually quite good I thought.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']

I agree, though 1602 wasn't exactly the run of a mill superhero series, so IMHO a tleast it works out. If you read through all of it it makes a lot more sense than stopping part way through the series. I didn't care for it much at 1st after reading the first to volumes and I stopped, but on whim and Borders gift card I decided to buy the GN and after reading it as a whole it was actually quite good I thought.[/quote]

Maybe, I'll give it a shot. I have a gift certificate for a comic shop, maybe I'll pick up the GN.
As to the question re: Sleeper. I read it. It's a great book. Very dark. This last issue with Miss Misery going on her rampage was pretty powerful.

And i loved 1602. Very cool "what if" style comic, imho.
I read stuff from all over: Marvel, DC, Image, Oni.

Two of my current favorites are "Fables" and "Queen and Country". They aren't superhero comics and if you want some variety I recommend them. I actually got my girlfriend hooked on Fables.
Same here, I don't hold any particular allegience to any one company. If it peaks my interest and is entertaining then I'll try and read it. I already don't keep up with comics as much as I'd like to, so I can't afford to keep my options down I guess.
[quote name='serro821']What is everyone around here?

Are you Marvel Zombies? DC readers?[/quote]

You know, for the past couple months, most of my purchases have been of Devil's Due and Dreamwave books.

It's the G.I Joe and Transformers.
Of course, I think the new 3 packs of G.I Joe figures that have the pack in comics is one of the best tie-ins I've ever seen.
I mean, how else would someone get figures of the Oktober Guard... the USSR's Defenders of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet counterpart to the G.I Joe team?
[quote name='SatchmoKhan']I read stuff from all over: Marvel, DC, Image, Oni.

Two of my current favorites are "Fables" and "Queen and Country". They aren't superhero comics and if you want some variety I recommend them. I actually got my girlfriend hooked on Fables.[/quote]

I agree that Fables is a great title.
Well, I've read the latest issue of New Avengers. I have to say that its not too bad.

I hope to get a chance to read Batman: The clown who laughs. Let you know how good it is or bad.
I havent had a chance to read the Joker book. Too many other things came in.

Surprise of the week: Young Avengers. A quick paced action.humor comic that plays in the post Dissesmbled Avengers world. Iron Man and Captain America try and find out who these kids are and what they're doing here...because they sure as hell didnt sanction it.
Long time no post. I got the Joker book, it's pretty enjoyable, a nice complement to The Killing Joke.

I picked up the rest of the run of "The Walking Dead" which is definitely one of the best books on the market.

But the main thing is what happens this wednesday. It's Vaughan day, with

Ex Machina
Y: The Last Man

all in one day...damn.
WE3 was one of the weirdest and neatest books in a long time. Hyper detailed gore mixed with Homeward bound and robocop.

Just finished reading:
Teen Titans #21 - More good Titans, Speedy's first mission, Dr. Light, and an appearance by just about everyone

Spectacular Spider-man #25 - Speed read through...and realized i dont care anymore

She-Hulk #12 - Last issue for 8 months, then they'll start it again. Great issue, especially for comic fans (they, meaning we, get mocked)

Ocean #4 - Interesting...but confusing

Green Lantern Rebirth #4 - Wow. I apparently should have cared about GL before this, but this is so good im glad i didnt start out with any ol crap story

Wolverine #25 - Snikt! Best use of X-jet ever :)

I still have to read=
Birds of Prey
Cable & Deadpool

Going to read later after buying them=
Catwoman - When in Rome
Runaways (New #1. Read this fucking book or i'll come over and kick your asses ala Jay and Silent Bob strike Back!!!)
JLA Classified - I Can't Believe it's Not the Justice League (Go read Formerly Known as the Justice league, Laugh your ass off, then read this)
Street Fighter #13
LiveWires (for GF at least...Manga-ish...looks interesting though)
SPACE GHOST (hell yeah)
Also, the New versions of the Sin City trades will be out tommorow. Not quite Manga size, but smaller than normal. still look good though. I may have to buy the first one so i can finish reading it before it gets sold to someone else :)
I should check in on this thread more often.

I find myself buying mostly TPB's. I just have no more room for individual issues. I picked up the Astonishing X-Men trade and Cerebus Vol. 1. Both are great books. I have always wanted to pick up Cerebus, but I have now finally gooten around to it.

I will probably look for the Sin City trades soon. The article in EW and the poster of Jessica Alba have got me excited about this film. It looks Pulp Fiction level cool.
Go watch the trailer if you havent already. Its amazing.

I also agree with the trades only thing...but certain things like Y The Last Man, Runaways and Street Fighter i need NOW. Now, now. Not later now, NOW :) Actually i could just read them at work, but ive already got them all as regular issues so it would just kinda suck to switch over to trades (and i love the covers for SF)
Oh yeah! I did see the trailer. I meant to mention it. It was great.

I need a book that will get me to comic shop. Right now, I am only really digging a monthly fix of Green Lantern: Rebirth. I may have to try Young Avengers if there are any copies left in the local shop.
[quote name='MaskedPlague']Oh yeah! I did see the trailer. I meant to mention it. It was great.

I need a book that will get me to comic shop. Right now, I am only really digging a monthly fix of Green Lantern: Rebirth. I may have to try Young Avengers if there are any copies left in the local shop.[/quote]

Runaways. Comes out today. You can start with this issue, and if you like it, they have 3 Marvel Age TPB's so you can read "the first season" of it.
So what is Runaways about? I remember when the first issue came out - I picked it up, flipped through it, decided it looked like crap and put it back down. Why is it so great?
Question...Is Marvel's website smoking crack or something? I may be missing something, but Astonishing #7 was Dangerous part one. Now it's saying that Astonishing #8 is Dangerous Part 3. Was there a crossover I missed somewhere? Or is #8 really Part Two, and they just don't know what they're doing. Cause I'd hate to have missed a part of the story in Astonishing.
[quote name='Machine']So what is Runaways about? I remember when the first issue came out - I picked it up, flipped through it, decided it looked like crap and put it back down. Why is it so great?[/quote]

If you didnt like the art style, it hasnt changed. Otherwise, the first "season" was based on the idea of a group of teenagers find out thier parents are Supers....the bad kind. They "Runaway" and not only have to hone thier powers, they have to stay away from thier rents who's evil hands are even deep into the government, let alone local police.

Question...Is Marvel's website smoking crack or something? I may be missing something, but Astonishing #7 was Dangerous part one. Now it's saying that Astonishing #8 is Dangerous Part 3. Was there a crossover I missed somewhere? Or is #8 really Part Two, and they just don't know what they're doing. Cause I'd hate to have missed a part of the story in Astonishing.

Just checked, #8 is part 2. Marvels Website is on crack...
[quote name='Wshakspear']
Question...Is Marvel's website smoking crack or something? I may be missing something, but Astonishing #7 was Dangerous part one. Now it's saying that Astonishing #8 is Dangerous Part 3. Was there a crossover I missed somewhere? Or is #8 really Part Two, and they just don't know what they're doing. Cause I'd hate to have missed a part of the story in Astonishing.

Just checked, #8 is part 2. Marvels Website is on crack...[/quote]

Good. I can't wait to get home this weekend and get that. It's just sitting at my house now...
[quote name='Wshakspear'][quote name='MaskedPlague']Oh yeah! I did see the trailer. I meant to mention it. It was great.

I need a book that will get me to comic shop. Right now, I am only really digging a monthly fix of Green Lantern: Rebirth. I may have to try Young Avengers if there are any copies left in the local shop.[/quote]

Runaways. Comes out today. You can start with this issue, and if you like it, they have 3 Marvel Age TPB's so you can read "the first season" of it.[/quote]

I think I will give this a try. It does sound interesting.
bread's done