WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009

[quote name='guyver2077']aside from the unlockables on wwe.com. there was an insert inside with 5 extra unlockable wrestlers[/quote]

Which are the same unlockables that was already posted on WWE.com
The manual mentions that the legends of wrestlemania trailer is on the disc but i cant find it..

also feature wise it mentions you can import superstars from svr...
Count me in for the 'CC said they'd have it on Tuesday' club. Bizarre.

It's an ok game, but after playing it for about an hour, I can't honestly recommend a day-one purchase, at least for $60. They did fix some things, but I don't agree with some of the changes. One, the lack of GM mode. I get that it wasn't popular, but I used to mess with it for MONTHS. It was a sickness. Two, the single player 'outside the ring' camera. WTF. Three, the game is obviously optimized for widescreen HD, which means that it looks like ass if I don't set my SD set to widescreen. Four, the holding of Legends for LoW means some disappointing fucking unlockables. Boogeyman? Snitsky? Hawkins and Ryder? Terrible. I have no problem with them being in the game, but to have them be the rewards for beating modes seems... wrong. Five, I don't have much to go on here, but I have to think that there are some weight class issues when in my first match I had HBK do a fireman's carry with Big Daddy V. Six, the camera on these games gets closer every year, which is not helpful.

The good? The game actually has a great roster, which'll only get better with the DLC. HBK has facial scruff. Jericho and Show are back, even if they did use the wrong music for Y2J. Santino. Tag teams matches are not only playable now, but actually *fun*. WCW roster section, which makes me sad that we didn't get something like this 3 games ago for SvR06, when we still had a lot of old WCW guys (Eddie, Benoit, etc). You can finally set the momentum meters to slow, so now every match doesn't involve like 8 finishers in 3 minutes. The harder difficulty settings seem to work better, instead of it just being 'AI reverses 95% of the time'. Referee voices.

Like I said, it's a good game, but not $60 'day-one' good.
i cant put my finger on it but im just not having as much fun as i normally am with these games.... guess it just feels the same as last years version.

Like mentioned.. tag matches are finally tolerable and even borderline fun..

the highlight reel has some promise.. i was browing some videos on live and interesting things seem to be possible.. check out the randy orton promo someone made...cool stuff
[quote name='mykevermin']Is there an option to lock Snitsky back up?[/QUOTE]
Does Lawler maker nothing but bad teeth jokes whenever you wrestle Snitsky?
I'll probably pick this up tomorrow or Tuesday. Chase, I expect you to have a fully functional league going by then. ;)
I think the reason I'm not having as much fun is that I don't really have a 'goal', so to speak. Career mode and RTWM are kinda neat, but fairly limited. Like I said before, most of my fun with these came from GM mode and running my own fed... and I'm not sure if I care enough to 'pen and paper' it in this one.

The other 'goal' issue is, like previously mentioned, that the rewards aren't anything I want. Oh, cool, I can unlock the DX entrance and outfits. Great. Admittedly, stuff like the Evolution entrance is cool, but nothing I feel like I *have* to get. The only bonus with this game is that most of the terrible unlocks (the wrestlers) are readily opened by just typing a code in.

It's not a terrible game, but over the past few weeks I'd convinced myself that this was going to be a bigger step-up than it actually is.

edit - oh, and removing the option to choose between the regular and spinner WWE belt? EPIC FAIL (I hate that fucking term, but it seems appropriate here). I'm hoping it's just unlocked at some point, because this is prolly my second biggest quibble after the lack of GM mode.
I got this game today, after buying every smackdown game from the first to svr06, i passed on the last two. But i got this game, and so far its pretty good. I dont like how slow some moves are though. But ive only done a few exhibition matches and imported a few songs for wrestlers i want to add into the game later. The graphics arent as sharp as i thought they would be either, but it still looks great. Sometimes i wish the camera was a little further back.
Alright, I'm starting to work on theme edits for SvR09. I know of Chris Jericho, but what else would you guys like to see/hear? Current themes are fine, it can be from guys from the past, whatever.
Can I get Ted Dibiase's theme? I know he's gonna be in the DLC but I'd like to use his theme as Cody Rhodes for now.

Picking this up tomorrow after school, cant wait.
Did I dream on line co-op? I could've sworn that was announced but all I see is the offline with Batista and Rey Rey.

A lot of the moves feel soft or lacking impact. That may be from recently playing TNA but even slams on the mat lack force.

Create a finisher is nice, but isn't as great as it was on PS1 version (or was it PS2?) I don't like the limit on what moves you can transition to.

Have they taken away the ability to trade/download CAWs?

I kinda miss 27/7 mode, it was a nice RPG element, and career mode is just matches for stats. I haven't tried RTW yet though. Also I could not connect to any games on line.

Can John Morrison ever get a coat? And his hair doesnt even move in his slow mo :)

I'm still going to play the hell out of it, but those are my nit picks
Here's a Jericho theme (Break the Walls Down). It matches up pretty good, I had to edit a little bit at the beginning so the sound ends a little early on the "0", but it matches "Break the walls down" on the song and the tron, everything else seemed to sync up pretty good.


//edit: There's not really a good version of DiBiase's theme out (The "priceless" one, right?), but here's what I have:


//edit2: And since this game's dedicated to tag teams, here's two WCW tag team themes: The Outsiders (Scott Hall & Kevin Nash), pre-nWo (one of my favorite themes), and a Four Horsemen theme.


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Im hoping this game lives up to being better in the overall controls area. The last game was fun but the controls seemd a little laggish and unresponsive, especially with the "hot spots". Are these still in the game even?
[quote name='Scorch']The Outsiders (Scott Hall & Kevin Nash), pre-nWo (one of my favorite themes[/quote]

one of my faves as well.. even though they really only used it once and for promos
Scorch, does the game still suffer from the same problems like last year where if you put some songs onto a burned cd and transfer it to your 360, the audio quality is really bad and you can barely hear it in the game?
[quote name='TheRock88']Scorch, does the game still suffer from the same problems like last year where if you put some songs onto a burned cd and transfer it to your 360, the audio quality is really bad and you can barely hear it in the game?[/quote]

Not at all, but it didn't do that for me last year, either.
If the highlight reel lets you use custom themes, here's a few WWE production themes I had laying around. I have a ton of them, but they used these fairly often. Herald of Adventure and Native Son are my two favorites.


When I hear "Herald of Adventure", the HBK/Diesel promo from IYH: Good Friends, Better Enemies (One of my favorite PPV's, definitely my favorite IYH, and one of the first PPV's I ever ordered) comes to mind. The theme starts at 28 seconds in and runs throughout.

[quote name='Scorch']Not at all, but it didn't do that for me last year, either.[/quote]

Weird, well hopefully they fixed it this year.

If I uploaded a song using songs from a real cd, it works fine. But if the song came from a burned cd, you could barely hear it in game.
[quote name='TheRock88']Weird, well hopefully they fixed it this year.

If I uploaded a song using songs from a real cd, it works fine. But if the song came from a burned cd, you could barely hear it in game.[/quote]

That's weird. I used a CD-RW and it sounded fine.

[quote name='JJSP']Scorch, since you're doing tag teams - how about the old Demolition, Bushwhackers, and Rockers theme?[/quote]

Ask and ye shall receive. Keep in mind that they're older themes, so they're definitely not in the best quality.

Bushwackers: http://www.zshare.net/audio/51130991912a98c2/

Demolition (Ax & Smash): http://www.zshare.net/audio/51131043829a7995/

Rockers: http://www.zshare.net/audio/51131054a6f9c23b/
I wonder if the burned track problem lies with the burn itself. Try burning it at as high bitrate as possible?
I never checked out the final roster of hidden characters, so after beating Road to Wrestlemania with CM Punk, I'm pretty hyped that I unlocked
. I didn't even know he was in the game as a playable character. Fantastic!
Thanks for the tracks, Scorch!

On that note, I have to agree about the burned CD thing... some worked great, others were barely audible. I had a hell of a time getting Funk's theme (Emerson, Lake, and Palmer) to work, and even reburning it with the x3 volume option only helped a little. I'm pretty happy that most people in 09 don't really 'updating', outside of Jericho and Dreamer (who I still have from 08).
might have to import the original ecw theme so that the "ecw orginals" (all two of them) come out to that instead of dreamers current theme
Highlight reel had a lot of potential and its a cool feature. But sharing these videos is very limited. I cant find any options to send or recommend my friends to download pics or videos ive made. I cant keep track of how many people rate my videos/photos or what rating they got. You can only upload your own video/photos or download the top 200 or most recent. Which is very very disappointing. Unless i am missing something?
I ended up caving and picking this up. I exchanged Dead Space at TRU for it from the B2G1 deal for it and got a neat bonus DX two pack, though HBK looks slightly afflicted with down syndrome...

Chase, you can add me to CAGCW anytime now.
I traded in my CoD4 from the B2G1 TRU sale as well (don't worry it was the PS3 version, and i'll prolly get WaW eventually) I never played 08 and had 07 on PS2, overall it feels very familiar.

And yes, there is noticeable slowdown on PS3, although the only multi man match i did was the Royal Rumble so far. The game slows down like 15-20 % i'd say even while its only the first two guys in the ring
[quote name='moonknight25']Add me also, I would love to trade CAW's and such!

Gamertag- Our Prez Obama[/quote]

I could be wrong, but i dont think you can trade caws online. You can only copy your own.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']I know this is at least the third time I asked this, but what was that site where you could download all the Wrestling themes?[/quote]

There was a site called xylot themes but it was recently shut down.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!

Okay, does anyone have Regal & Kane's current theme, and the Evolution theme? Or at least were I can find em?[/quote]

Evolution theme and tron video are in the game, but you have to beat HHH RTW to get it.
Didn't have a chance to pick up '09 yet.
Can you still fight in the audience? I think I read somewhere that it was taken out.
Not surprising they took out the audience fighting since your would have people online just sit in that section during ECW Extreme Rules matches hitting people over and over as they tried to get over the guard rail for the easy victory.
bread's done