X-Men: Days of Future Past (Huge List of Confirmed Actors Returning)

You can't use the M word with marvel movies dawg
Am I being trolled? Fox owns the movie rights to X-Men and CAN use the word mutant. Marvel Studios/Disney are the ones who cannot.

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Looking good!

Btw, you don't need html tags to embed the video in your post if that's what you were trying to do. You can just paste the url and it'll do it automatically. Looks like CAG 3.0 went through some fixes and activated some new features.
Hmm, that's weird, I didn't use the tags and it didn't come up.

I'm pretty excited about it. It seems like a great way to tie the old movies to First Class.

I wonder if the music is part of the soundtrack or if they lifted it from somewhere. It's similar to some of the Inception music.

You can't use the M word with marvel movies dawg. I didn't know he had a healing factor. Are his claws part of his mutation?
You can when it's a 20th Century Fox X-Men film. Snap, son, you just got nerd steam rolled.

And the trailer looks good in the sense of setting nothing up or showing anything big, but they know I'll see it. So good job on them not blowing the money shot...or at least not yet.

Hmm, that's weird, I didn't use the tags and it didn't come up.
Weird. Must be gremlins cause I had an issue with it yesterday.

I'm pretty excited about it. It seems like a great way to tie the old movies to First Class.

I wonder if the music is part of the soundtrack or if they lifted it from somewhere. It's similar to some of the Inception music.
For sure. Seems like a great transition with some actual drama instead of a pure action flick.

The last half of the trailer is from the First Class score, track "Mutant and Proud."

edit: Apparently, the first half is from the Thin Red Line score.
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You can't use the M word with marvel movies dawg. I didn't know he had a healing factor. Are his claws part of his mutation?
...Have you not seen anything X-Men related in the past 20 years?

Yes, the claws are part of the mutation, but only the bones. The adamantium coating was surgically added.
I'm pretty sure the music from the first half of the trailer is from the Sunshine score (which was then re-purposed in Kick-Ass during the strobe fight scene sequence).

Also, I find all the Bishop love interesting given how his character has gone in the last few years. I guess I could chalk it up to 90s nostalgia. Although, his story from the comics recently would be really interesting in the movie.
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90's nostalgia for me. I never really followed him afterwards so thats why the Bishop love.

Also, there is this http://geektyrant.com/news/x-men-movies-reuse-trailer-music-split-screen-comparision
Yeah, the music shows up in a lot of trailers these days. Particularly Fox trailers because they likely own the music from when it was in Sunshine.

Bishop is interesting in that of all the Marvel characters/heroes they've turned to being darker lately (Professor X, Cyclops, Iron Man) he is the most notable in that
he actually tried to actively hunt down and kill Hope, even as she was a baby. He was the main antagonist from the Cable and Hope series from a couple years ago. Pretty much sent him into full on villain territory. What was also interesting is that this actually tied back to his 90s debut in that it was implied (or maybe outright stated) that he was actually the mysterious traitor to the X-Men who he was sent back to stop in the first place (not Gambit like Bishop originally had his sights on)
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The latest trailer added different music and more scenes + quick silver adding to the WTF confusion about this movie.

I do hope they explain how Magneto ended up in prison and how Young Xavier can walk again.
Talking to people telepathically in their heads is the easiest culprit. Otherwise it would be hilarious if they "recripple" him, especially if he yells "NOT AGAIN!"

So now there is word that an extra scene at the end of Spiderman 2 will connect it with Days of Future's past...ummm huh?

I wonder if there is some sort of legal mess that the studios have to go thru in order to pull off these end credit scenes because these characters belong to other studios?  I am sure it's all fine and dandy in the Avengers world..but didn't Spiderman eventually join the Avengers? 

So now there is word that an extra scene at the end of Spiderman 2 will connect it with Days of Future's past...ummm huh?

I wonder if there is some sort of legal mess that the studios have to go thru in order to pull off these end credit scenes because these characters belong to other studios? I am sure it's all fine and dandy in the Avengers world..but didn't Spiderman eventually join the Avengers?
dude everyone is in the avengers in the comic except deadpool but hes like b/f/f's with wolverine which 6 degrees of bacon makes him in the avengers. Also spiderman is in age of ultron but I don't see him being in it would be awesome if all these studios would team up

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Spider-Man is Sony, Fantastic Four and X-Men are Fox, and everything else is Marvel Studios/Disney.

The Amazing series WAS going to kinda sorta cameo in Avengers, but the latter was too close to completion.

Any connection between Amazing 2 and DoFP would have to be an agreement between Sony and Fox.
Spider-Man is Sony, Fantastic Four and X-Men are Fox, and everything else is Marvel Studios/Disney.

The Amazing series WAS going to kinda sorta cameo in Avengers, but the latter was too close to completion.

Any connection between Amazing 2 and DoFP would have to be an agreement between Sony and Fox.
This is what I hate about all these rights. I think I said something during the last spiderman/avengers to see a cameo of the Fantastic Four building/Oscorp/Fisk tower somewhere in the backdrop of NYC in the Avengers, but having these rights thrown all over the place prevents this from happening (it's just a damn building!!) If there is ANY hope of Spiderman joining the Avengers in the near future (phase 4?), these studios might want to start playing nice with these damn properties and allow for cameos to cross movies like that. Honestly do Fan's care if Spiderman is a Sony movie or Avengers is Paramount? NO. I don't recall talking to a single fan that said "oh paramount did a great job doing the avengers..." I've heard some people say Stan Lee should speak up and do something but to be honest, he doesn't have any rights to the movies either. Having him in cameos is a fan service and isn't really needed.

I think what'll happen is that Wolverine might jump between a couple of time lines including one in which Xavier wasn't crippled. That would go a far way in explaining how he could walk. The other solution would be to have maybe some kind of science experiment involving Wolverine's healing factor being applied to the Professor by Moira Mctaggert.

This is what I hate about all these rights. I think I said something during the last spiderman/avengers to see a cameo of the Fantastic Four building/Oscorp/Fisk tower somewhere in the backdrop of NYC in the Avengers, but having these rights thrown all over the place prevents this from happening (it's just a damn building!!)
The Oscorp building would have been in Avengers but Avengers was too far gone into completion to insert it.

If there is ANY hope of Spiderman joining the Avengers in the near future (phase 4?), these studios might want to start playing nice with these damn properties and allow for cameos to cross movies like that.
There's little incentive for the studios though. Sony originally wanted to use Avengers to help hype up Amazing, but it did fine enough on its own. And Marvel gets a giant sack of money either way.

The rights will only revert if Sony or Fox stop making movies in the franchise for a long enough time.
The Oscorp building would have been in Avengers but Avengers was too far gone into completion to insert it.

There's little incentive for the studios though. Sony originally wanted to use Avengers to help hype up Amazing, but it did fine enough on its own. And Marvel gets a giant sack of money either way.

The rights will only revert if Sony or Fox stop making movies in the franchise for a long enough time.
Well it could have shown up in the BR/DVD you know ;)

Sony DOES have a lot of work cut out for it though with the spiderman reboot. Yeah it made a lot of money...but lets be honest, was it as good as the original with TM? I know there is a lot of hate for TM, but I thought he did a good job (until SM3). ASM could have been Spiderman 4 with TM and just continue with the Lizard and the S6 in the next movie. We don't need studios rebooting shit like this every 10 years. That means when it's time for us to check out from this world, we would have been thru what 3 or 4 reboots of the same damn character?!?!?!?!

Spidey 4 was the original intention, but both Raimi and Tobey jumped ship so Sony decided to just reboot the whole franchise.
Didn't have the chance to snap a picture, but they have Days of Future Past Limited Edition Pretzel Flipz.  The white chocolate flavor is horrendously named "Wolverine's White Fudge".    Of course the first thing i thought of was how he would make the fudge...


just came back from the 10pm showing (why no 8 or 7pm showing is beyond me, well at least it wasn't midnight again!).   Excellent movie.  It actually had a bigger crowd than Spiderman 2 and Godzilla, which was weird.  I was kinda concerned about the involvement with the original cast members being limited to cameos, but the story was written so well to have Magneto and The Professor play important parts in the future. 

The end scenes showing all the xmen actually brought a tear to my eye when I saw Jean again.  The crowd went nuts when they saw Scott for some reason.

Overall I personally think it was the best of the series yet.  Only Singer could do it.  I am glad the studio let him come back after leaving X3 high and dry.

More on it when you guys see it.   Worth seeing it in 3d?  hmmmm tough one.  I though that the Quicksilver scenes made good use of the 3d, but that's about it.

I don't wanna turn this into an X3 discussion, but the studio only has themselves to blame for X3 being left high and dry. They didn't need to rush it to beat Superman Returns to screen in spite.
I know I'm going to cry when I see this movie confirmed.!

just came back from the 10pm showing (why no 8 or 7pm showing is beyond me, well at least it wasn't midnight again!). Excellent movie. It actually had a bigger crowd than Spiderman 2 and Godzilla, which was weird. I was kinda concerned about the involvement with the original cast members being limited to cameos, but the story was written so well to have Magneto and The Professor play important parts in the future.

The end scenes showing all the xmen actually brought a tear to my eye when I saw Jean again. The crowd went nuts when they saw Scott for some reason.

Overall I personally think it was the best of the series yet. Only Singer could do it. I am glad the studio let him come back after leaving X3 high and dry.

More on it when you guys see it. Worth seeing it in 3d? hmmmm tough one. I though that the Quicksilver scenes made good use of the 3d, but that's about it.
Despite what people say cyclops is a well loved character he just sucks shit in the movies

Just saw it with friends and yeah, liked it alot. The movie did a damn good job cramming a shit ton of story with the span of time it got and did little to no wasting of time. It feels with any other director it would've buckled under this much pressure and characters and story, but everything worked and you understand enough of the characters from both the past and future to root for them. Also Quicksilver looks goofy as hell and he still looks pretty goofy in the film as well, but within context and seeing him in motion it all kinda clicks.

And for a PG-13 there are some brutal deaths that occur.

Saw it this morning and really liked it.  I of course had some nitpicky stuff, and confusion on two characters that show up at the end, but I thought it was a good movie.

Make sure to stick past the long ass credits to see a scene introducing the next movie's villain:


I personally thought he was one of the worst things about the X-men show/comics, but I am quite interested to see how they'll do him in movie format.

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Saw it for the second time today!

Can you imagine if they kept Quicksilver with them during the entire movie and not leave him hanging to return the car?  I am sure Mystique and Magneto would have been stopped before the DC incident.   I am glad that the director decided to stop using him after the break out or else it would have made things messy. 

Seeing Magneto offering the professor his apology and hand in his final dying moments in the future brought a tear to my eye.  Part of me almost wanted to say, "It's your fault too you bastard!" 

I wonder how much of the time line has been changed as a result of these events?  We still don't know if Wolverine has his adamantium back.  Rouge was show with Iceman, however was anyone able to see if she still had her gloves on?  I could not get a clear view.  I would say if anything, Xmen 2 and 3 were deleted from the new time line.   Jean did not end up dying at the end of the second movie, nor Scott in the beginning of the 3rd movie. 

But what about Magneto?  I would have found it VERY interesting twist if Magneto had finally decided to join the professor at the school.

And for a PG-13 there are some brutal deaths that occur.
I concur. I wonder what the guidelines are that did not make this a R movie.

I really enjoyed the movie and can't wait to rewatch it once it releases on blu-ray

You can already preorder a Amazon exclusive bluray already


$129.99 MSRP, $74.99

- blu ray 3D

- blu ray

- digital HD

- Magneto helmet

Still too much imo

I concur. I wonder what the guidelines are that did not make this a R movie.

I really enjoyed the movie and can't wait to rewatch it once it releases on blu-ray

You can already preorder a Amazon exclusive bluray already

$129.99 MSRP, $74.99
- blu ray 3D
- blu ray
- digital HD
- Magneto helmet

Still too much imo
Seeing as there's no blood in the death scenes, it easily passes with a PG-13 rating.

Easily one of the best, if not the best XMen movies. Singer REALLY brought it back. Makes me excited for Apocalypse.

That collection is cool, but expensive, and the helmet is probably small as shit. Like the Leonidas helmet.

Id probably just wait til the Adamantium Edition hits a nice price and just buy the basic BluRay of DoFP.
I concur. I wonder what the guidelines are that did not make this a R movie.

I really enjoyed the movie and can't wait to rewatch it once it releases on blu-ray

You can already preorder a Amazon exclusive bluray already


$129.99 MSRP, $74.99

- blu ray 3D

- blu ray

- digital HD

- Magneto helmet

Still too much imo
First Class was pretty violent too and that got a PG-13 rating.

I liked it a lot more than I expected, but X2 is still the best by far.

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DOFP pretty much retconned x3. Great movie I went in expecting to hate quicksilver at the end of it left wishing he had more scenes.

Loved that little reference to his dad in the elevator with magneto.

Maybe we'll get a legit kid omega and not that shit spikey asian dude

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I concur. I wonder what the guidelines are that did not make this a R movie.
I Think it's a matter of
the lack of blood and the fact that by the end it's deemed null since that timeline is reset. Like I remember hearing there were decapitations and other things happening in the last Twilight film, but it got away with it because it was one giant dream sequence. The MPAA is weird like that basically.

A question about a character we see at the end of the movie

Jean was wearing all red since professor saw jean killed by wolverine he knows he somehow fucked up and tired to hide phoenix inside of make jean control it do you think she wearing all red signifies she controlled the phoenix powers?

I wouldn't read too much into that red dress.  Like I wouldn't read into Scott's new future shades either. 

What is kinda weird about that scene is that after talking to Jean and Scott, the professor doesn't notice Logan until after he calls out to him.  Was he too focused in his book to notice?  Was his powers taking a break? 

I would have really liked to have seen Magneto finally friends with Charles instead of enemies. 

As for the ending, I think it should have been better explained or connected to the xmen series.  With the Avengers line, each teaser did a good job setting us up for the next movie.  Apocalypse is this huge ass mother fucker, but in this teaser he looks all skinny.   I don't know but was Apocalypse being portrait by a woman this time?  That would be a nice change if that was the case. 

I wouldn't read too much into that red dress. Like I wouldn't read into Scott's new future shades either.

What is kinda weird about that scene is that after talking to Jean and Scott, the professor doesn't notice Logan until after he calls out to him. Was he too focused in his book to notice? Was his powers taking a break?

I would have really liked to have seen Magneto finally friends with Charles instead of enemies.

As for the ending, I think it should have been better explained or connected to the xmen series. With the Avengers line, each teaser did a good job setting us up for the next movie. Apocalypse is this huge ass mother fucker, but in this teaser he looks all skinny. I don't know but was Apocalypse being portrait by a woman this time? That would be a nice change if that was the case.
Nah I just think it was the wrong logan in the right time sort of thing thats why professor smiles and says logan you're back with us meaning the logan he knew from the 70's IMO

Also I don't think apocalypse or en sabah nur which is what I think they were chanting isn't wearing his armor

I would rather see this apocalypse

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So what kind of mutant is JFK? He had a horrible spine that's why he couldn't duck the ''second'' bullet because of his back brace he obviously didn't have telepathy either.

bread's done